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  On 8/12/2016 at 7:59 AM, 21bcharlie said:

BAF has pretty good stuff, now if only it used RHS sounds.


Our next weapon pack update (coming soon) will have new sounds similar to the RHS pack. You are correct though, RHS set a standard that we try to emulate with our kit.

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  On 8/11/2016 at 9:27 AM, Will_The_Gamer_PT said:

Well, guys, sorry if you misunderstood my thoughts. When i say "simple" its when compared to other work required and by itself is a very hard task, that's why i used the inverted commas.

Second I was never Intending to Euroforces as a top priority scenario, just as possible project if the RHS team wants to make a new pack, not even needing to be during Arma 3 lifespan

if and only if ever we manage to get all custom assets we want into RHS for both RU and US sides we might actually consider expanding. Very unlikely, especially with GREF making an apearance to cover other conventional or not generic independent forces...do not expect it in the next 5 years or so....


  On 8/11/2016 at 2:21 PM, andersson said:

Your point about european nations did bring up a question for me to RHS:


How difficult is it to make compability configs between other mods and RHS? I have worked alot with configs in earlier games (made my own full conversion for OFP in 2003 and has always tinkered around, only released material was MarkXIIs HiFi soundmod for armed assault where I did all configs), so my question is more about how much is done differently and what is not possible with config changes (any changes in p3d regarding damage as an example)? I know you did go your own way and most other mods follow BI compability.

I would guestimate that, say for example, a compability patch for OFRP and RHS is quite a task. But how much must be changed (ammo, weapons, units) or is it maybe even impossible for a 3rd person without full access?


Reason for my question is that RHS is the backbone of A3 for me. No RHS no game. But in the future it could be nice to add a new faction from all the nice mods that are created.

it shouldn't be too hard, most of it follows vanilla, minus vehicle armor penetration and real RHA values we use..Stuff in RHS is config based not scripted (minus some of reyhard's black magic).

besides, we are always open to answering questions and trying to help out other people, even providing access and/or snippets, but we have yet to receive such requests besides SAF tbh..


  On 8/11/2016 at 5:25 PM, megazogg said:

Hello, RHS guys!

First of all, I'd like to thank you for continuous work on the mod, the latest addition - GREF is really interesting. But I have some questions:

1. Will you add in the future the ability for AFRF troops to ride on the armor of BMP(BMD) 3(4), like you did with older versions of these IFVs?

2. Can anyone explain to me were can I find any tutorial of how I can replace default gear and weapons for soldiers (for example - vest or helmet, and I am not talking about replacing gear for player or any particular squad, but for the entire faction) with the script (if such thing is possible at all)?  

1. there is a possibility, depends on reyhard availability to do it (it requires custom anims as well) so it is very low prio.

2. check the editing section of these forums.


  On 8/12/2016 at 7:59 AM, 21bcharlie said:

Loving the mod after the apex update. Especially the sounds. Very immersive! While rhs always had decent sounds these new ones set the bar IMO for the rest of the modding community. Nothing stops me from playing a mod quicker than terrible sounds. Really love the attention to detail the team has. Rhs is what arma 3 should have been from the start. Looking forward to the next update. Fingers crossed for a scar-h, marine amphibious vehicles, maybe a sv-98 for the ruskies? :P

One thing I would like to point out is the AK74u skin seems a little too clean compared to the rest of the AK family skins. Especially considering its age and no longer being manufactured. Small gripe and I'm sure the team has more important stuff to work on.

Those are all decent mods but RHS is the pinnacle of the modding community for arma 3 IMO. Unfortunately, at least for me, RHS is so good that it's ruined every other unit mod out there. Since the latest release I've DL'd project Opfor, BAF, French, Swedish, Chinese, and Thai mod packs, hoping to have some different factions to play with in conjunction with rhs. Loaded them up played them for 10 minutes and then deleted them all except POpfor (no surprise being its mainly rhs content).. Mainly as I stated earlier is because of the sound quality in those mods. RHS has spoiled me for what I expect from mods now. BAF has pretty good stuff, now if only it used RHS sounds. Might try the BW mod again, maybe it will stack up. Lol

a. laxeman needs all the praise for the sounds. he did a birlliant job on them!

b. regarding AKSU, besides the fact that each artist has creative freedom to do his own models and textures, there are certain things that will be looked over once more at a later date (visual upgrade is a reason to it).

c. thank you for the kind words, everyone with RHS tries his best to provide the most accurate representation possible


  On 8/12/2016 at 9:11 AM, dragon01 said:

Well, complain to the other mod authors, then. :) Unfortunately, this outstanding quality is exactly why RHS isn't very suited for expanding its scope even more. Making assets this amazing takes a lot of time and manpower. They're already working hard on things currently in scope. I agree that some improvements to sounds would be called for in those other mods, as well as (optional) configs balancing them for RHS armor and such, but this has to be done by these other teams.


I'm going to get around the problem by simply having the player always use RHS stuff in my missions, with Project Opfor as enemies. If you cast lower quality mods as enemies or non-playable allies, its less jarring than when the player has to use their gear.

unless you pay for a product, there is nothing to complain about. constructive feedback and criticism != bitching and complaining. 


  On 8/12/2016 at 12:27 PM, Bitesrad said:

As I was browsing imfdb I came across the arma 3 section and was surprised to find that RHS has a page dedicated to it as well. Still has a lot of empty entries though, anyone bored enough to help fill in the blanks?  :D

nice find. feel free to go ahead and fill it up


  On 8/14/2016 at 10:20 AM, AJE2 said:

Ironically Firewill's AWS module has ruined virtually every aircraft that doesn't support it, and the aircraft in RHS Escalation are the biggest examples of that (as much as I want to love them, they still have just 1 loadout option).  I guess no mod in Arma 3 has everything (that's why you need as many mods as your computer can handle  :D )

we have said it before, we simply don't have enough manpower to make it compatible with any 3rd party addons/scripts etc. If you want a certain thing to be compatible, feel free to contact us and provide the full config with the changes that would need to be made in order for RHS to be compatible with it. We also allow any 3rd party compatibility configs to be made without even the need for a confirmation of permission..


In short, when you want A and B working seamlessly together, your best bet to have it so is to get your own hands dirty...


  On 8/14/2016 at 10:53 AM, evrik said:

Our next weapon pack update (coming soon) will have new sounds similar to the RHS pack. You are correct though, RHS set a standard that we try to emulate with our kit.

looking forwards to it

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  On 8/14/2016 at 2:04 PM, PuFu said:

...minus some of reyhard's black magic...

I knew he was a damn wizard, I just knew it!

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  On 8/14/2016 at 2:23 PM, Jackal326 said:

I knew he was a damn wizard, I just knew it!

oh yeah, forgot about bakerman, he's the other scripting wizard about :P

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Hey awesome mod good work, I was wondering if you guys could consider adding older tanks like the T-64,T-55 and T-62 for GREF factions?

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Just a question guys, is there a way that i can help the RHS mod that is not scripting and modeling, since i don´t (yet) know how to do those things myself, i would not mind helping with researching or with the mod wiki, as I which to finally give some real use to my military knowledge? Not expect some hardcore work since I still have to study and that stuff.

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  On 8/14/2016 at 10:24 PM, Will_The_Gamer_PT said:

Just a question guys, is there a way that i can help the RHS mod that is not scripting and modeling, since i don´t (yet) know how to do those things myself, i would not mind helping with researching or with the mod wiki, as I which to finally give some real use to my military knowledge? Not expect some hardcore work since I still have to study and that stuff.

thank you for the offer, much appreciated, but there is no need for it, we have quite a few members that were in the military, and a few that are currently still in service...

(besides, no offense, but we always prefer to hand picked the people ourselves).


but since you brought the subject, what we still need are a couple of people who can do some missions for us (coop and pvp alike)

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I feel like the 3D Specter DR is bit difficult to use. If you have a PEQ on the top rail it blocks out a third of the scope, and its very close to the eye. With the ACOGs, they're in the perfect spot to not see too much of the gun and it attachments, but with the Specter you lose a ton of visibilty. I love the new 3D ACOG, M145, and 1P78 in their 3D versions and they have become much more fluid and overall fun to use, but the Specter suffers. I hope you guys plant on some more 3D Russian optics too, the 3D 1P78 is so nice. As always, love the content and greatly appreciate all the effort and time you guys put in over there are Red Hammer Studios!

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Using SpectreDR in real life is the same way, mount your laser in a different position or suffer (some minor) obfuscation.  My only problem with the model is the fact that the docop on top isn't a reflex sight, which is the primary method it would be employed.  The fact that the SpectreDR sits so low assists in its accurate use at farther distances.  An ACOG, while not quite far enough away to move yourself out of an M4's effective point target range, is still less accurate than the SpectreDR.


A sight fixed to a carrying handle, as is done on older rifles, is only accurate to ~300m.

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  On 8/14/2016 at 10:41 PM, PuFu said:

thank you for the offer, much appreciated, but there is no need for it, we have quite a few members that were in the military, and a few that are currently still in service...

(besides, no offense, but we always prefer to hand picked the people ourselves).


but since you brought the subject, what we still need are a couple of people who can do some missions for us (coop and pvp alike)

I fully understand your point, I will try to see what i can do mission wise, I am still working on a conquest style pvp mission, but it still needs some more work, its not very in depth right now but i can link you guys the current prototype when i get back home Wednesday, if you are interested of course

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  On 8/15/2016 at 5:29 AM, Thrash (DayZ) said:

My only problem with the model is the fact that the docop on top isn't a reflex sight, which is the primary method it would be employed.

Actually, I've seen far more reference pictures with the Elcan being used as issued (iron sights as back up) in USSOCOM then I have of it being used with a backup RDS. If anything the "the primary method" the Elcan is employed is sitting in its cardboard box back in the armory, Most of the "tier 1" units have moved to running their Eotech with a G33 magnifier. 

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Thank alot for you time and your work here, amazing MOD, can you considered add the F-15, F-16, F-14 FIREWILL Mod to RHSUSAF???? please  :)

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  On 8/16/2016 at 12:08 AM, KENNETH03 said:

Thank alot for you time and your work here, amazing MOD, can you considered add the F-15, F-16, F-14 FIREWILL Mod to RHSUSAF???? please  :)

The F-14's been out of service since 2006, a little bit out of the scope of the mod. I can't speak for the F-15 or F-16, but RHS seems dedicated to the "present day" assets of the US and Russian military forces, so I doubt the F-14 is on the scope.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 12:08 AM, KENNETH03 said:

Thank alot for you time and your work here, amazing MOD, can you considered add the F-15, F-16, F-14 FIREWILL Mod to RHSUSAF???? please  :)

we have considered creating our own fixed wing assets, but we will not add 3rd party addons unless the authors contacts us and express their desire to work together to implement it in rhs

as far as i know, these addons and RHS work together without hick-ups anyways. remember that rhs is not a simple mod pack...

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Yup - using the said aircraft, RHS, VTN and some other assets without any issues for some time now. All works well and sound!  B)

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So, is it just me getting really muted sounds from the turret weapons in vehicles when in first person, or is it like this for everyone? The weapons sound like sewing machines when in first person, and really loud and great when in 3rd person or outside the vehicle...

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  On 8/15/2016 at 4:15 PM, war_lord said:

Actually, I've seen far more reference pictures with the Elcan being used as issued (iron sights as back up) in USSOCOM then I have of it being used with a backup RDS. If anything the "the primary method" the Elcan is employed is sitting in its cardboard box back in the armory, Most of the "tier 1" units have moved to running their Eotech with a G33 magnifier. 


Only referencing IF you had a backup sight mounted ON the Elcan, it wouldn't be the small pip sight featured in RHS but rather a docop on top.  Doing so isn't common in general, and everyone uses backup irons because it's stupid not to.


As far as not using the Elcan, I guess.  I could care less what some 'tier 1' units do because I don't find them particularly relevant.  The 552+G33 combo is great if you're in a small team and you're doing primarily CQB and don't want to get caught off guard if shit goes the other way.  This combo is used around the community for this reason - assault squad but not wanting to get caught with your pants down at range.  Mk46/Mk48 gunners, and people on blackside/rooftops/OP, most are using the SpectreDR because it's a better option for the mission.  


Personally, I used a 552+G33 but I was in between roles a lot, so it made more sense.  In the time I used the SpectreDR, I thought it was great and would have used it if it made sense to in a heartbeat.

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Looking really good!!

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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:44 PM, Redphoenix said:













Very good!  :)

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Tu-95 - for when you need to REALLY get rid of those pesky camel-spiders!  ;)

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Nice. Where is that Bear from? 

  On 8/14/2016 at 10:41 PM, PuFu said:

thank you for the offer, much appreciated, but there is no need for it, we have quite a few members that were in the military, and a few that are currently still in service...

(besides, no offense, but we always prefer to hand picked the people ourselves).


but since you brought the subject, what we still need are a couple of people who can do some missions for us (coop and pvp alike)

How about singleplayer? :) I don't play multiplayer so I don't think I'd be able to design good missions for it (well, if an SP mission involves an AI squad then it can probably be adapted for coop), but I'm making good progress learning Eden. I would need help doing voice acting (I've got a weird accent myself, maybe I could pass for a Russian trying to speak English, but that's it), but other than that, I think I've got everything covered.



Regarding Firewill's AWS, it'd be really nice, but I see a few problems. On one hand, seeing as the only US military planes currently in are the F-22 and A-10, integration shouldn't be hard (it seems liek Firewill endorses making other mods compatible with the AWS). On the other hand, it wouldn't have any support for Russian aircraft or any helos. I think that unless Firewill decided to expand his scope to include Russian weapons, RHS would be better served by its own bespoke loadout dialog system, maybe inspired by the one used by Saul's F-18. Of course, making such a system would probably be a lot of work, but it could be worthwhile to talk to TeTeT about it.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 10:51 AM, Thrash (DayZ) said:

Only referencing IF you had a backup sight mounted ON the Elcan, it wouldn't be the small pip sight featured in RHS but rather a docop on top.  Doing so isn't common in general, and everyone uses backup irons because it's stupid not to.

Again, the "small pip sight" is what the thing is issued with, so IF you where issued a SOPMOD II kit, and IF you were running the Elcan and IF your team hadn't gone out and purchased a bunch of RMRs out of the budget on an individual basis. (There's  photographic evidence of that being done). Oh, and Delta and DEVGRU rifles are commonly used without BUIS, they're all stupid are they? And I'm not saying that to get on your nerves. The point is that between SOPMOD II and SOF units often augmenting issued equipment with off the self equipment, and all of them having their own unique culture and ideas about how best to achieve the mission, it's impossible to make sweeping statements like "My only problem with the model is the fact that the docop on top isn't a reflex sight, which is the primary method it would be employed." because that might have been true in your environment, but there's photographic evidence that that wasn't/isn't true for everyone.       

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I mean, unequivocally if you're planning on doing a mission in an environment like Afghanistan or Iraq (which for our units is a night raid) and you leave the compound without backup irons because "you're only going to be out at night and a laser is just as good anyway" or "you're only going to be doing CQB during this raid" then yes, you are stupid.  DELTA, DEVGRU, 75thRR, you are stupid regardless of your parent organization.  I didn't take sunglass lenses because we'll be back before dawn, I didn't take food or water because it's a 10m TOF and we'll be back in no time, and I didn't wear rear plates because I'm not going to get shot in the back are other great examples of equivalent arguments to not taking backup irons.


Our Elcans didn't have the pip sight, so unless our armorers filed them off (wouldn't doubt it, I'd rather take the thing off and use irons if it went inop) then the only way to avoid using irons is to docop it - hence why people would do it.

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You can have whatever opinion of them you want, personally I trust that these guys know what they're doing when they make certain decisions about what goes on their rifle and what doesn't, those decisions might have been anathema to the decisions Rangers made, but I'm not trying to argue for one or the other here. We're getting off the topic at hand, which is that I've seen plenty of images of the Elcan being used with the top mounted irons, just as often as I've seen them with red dots. Actually, you don't file anything off, there's screws for the irons, and screws for mounting the base for a red dot, you could mount both, or neither, and it would take no special modification. I mean, I could argue that the HK416 shouldn't be in the mod as-is, because the units that are using them have replaced most of the furniture with aftermarket parts, and they're all sporting camo paint jobs, but I appreciate the fact that the stock rifle is in the mod, even if I personally doubt anyone is still using it in the factory state. I guess my point is, appreciate that it's in there, instead of knocking it for not being in the configuration you feel is more correct.   

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