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UnitPlay issue on dedicated server

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I recently created a multiplayer mission where you insert in helicopters. When I test the mission in a local multiplayer session the helicopters follow the UnitCapture path fine but when I put the mission on a dedicated server here is what happens.


Heli1Path = [[...PathData...]];
Heli2Path = [[...PathData...]];

_Heli1Script = [Heli1, Heli1Path, [], true, nil, nil, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;
_Heli2Script = [Heli2, Heli2Path, [], true, nil, nil, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay;

_Heli1Script spawn {
waitUntil {scriptDone _this};
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units group driver Heli1;
deleteVehicle Heli1;

_Heli2Script spawn {
waitUntil {scriptDone _this};
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units group driver Heli2;
deleteVehicle Heli2;

How can I fix this issue?

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I don't believe there is anything to fix as such, it does what it does in the best possible way by using an UI draw event (unfortunately this makes it unusable on anything without an interface) added functionality maybe but then your left with.. onEachFrame as the likely best possible method.

Heres a quick rewrite of BIS_fnc_unitPlay..


class CfgFunctions
class LARs
	class Scenes
		class unitPlayMP {file = "unitPlayMP.sqf";};


Author: Larrow (based on a script by Karel Moricky (based on a script by Martin Melicharek) ) :D

Plays back input movement data on input unit in MP. Is executed on the server.

	0: OBJECT - unit to play movement data on
	1: ARRAY - movement data recorder by BIS_fnc_unitCapture
	2: ARRAY (Optional) - variable to set once playback has finished. The array is in the following format:
		1: STRING - variable name
	3: BOOL - true to allow playaback on destroyed objects (normally the playback will stop once the object is destroyed)
	4: NOTHING - obsolete param, preserved because of backward compatibility
	5: NOTHING - obsolete param, preserved because of backward compatibility
	6: NUMBER - seconds to skip at the start of playback

BOOL - always true. The script is completed once the playback is finished.

//If called from non server, pass to server for execution
if !( isServer ) exitWith { [ _this, "LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP", false ] call BIS_fnc_MP };

if (typename _this != typename "") then {

//--- Initialize
waituntil {time > 0};
private ["_object","_recording","_endParams","_ignoreDisabled","_startRecordingTime","_endSpace","_endVar","_dataVar","_handlerDraw3D","_data"];

_object = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;

//exit if the vehicle is already playing a recording
if !( isNil { missionNamespace getVariable [ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], nil ] } ) exitWith {};
//exit if vehicle ownership is locked to a client
if ( isPlayer driver _object ) exitWith {};
//else take ownership of the vehicle
if !( owner _object isEqualTo 2 ) then {
	_object setOwner 2;

_recording = [_this,1,[],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
_endParams = [_this,2,[],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
_ignoreDisabled = [_this,3,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
_startRecordingTime = [_this,6,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

_object setvariable ["BIS_fnc_unitPlay_terminate",nil];

_endSpace = [_endParams,0,missionnamespace,[missionnamespace,objnull,grpnull]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
_endVar = [_endParams,1,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_paramin;

_dataVar = "bis_fnc_unitPlay" + str (["bis_fnc_unitPlay_counter",1] call bis_fnc_counter);
missionnamespace setvariable [
		_object,		//--- 0: Object
		_recording,		//--- 1: Recording
		count _recording,	//--- 2: Recording count
		_ignoreDisabled,	//--- 3: Ignore disabled
		_startRecordingTime,	//--- 4: Start time
		time,			//--- 5: Start playback time
		-1,			//--- 6: Step
		0,			//--- 7: Current time
		0,			//--- 8: Next time
		[],			//--- 9: Velocity transformation
		[_endSpace,_endVar]	//--- 10: End params

//--- Initial execution (repeated one is added from within)
_dataVar call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP;
_handler = addmissioneventhandler ["loaded",format ["'%1' call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP';",_dataVar]];
_data = missionnamespace getvariable _dataVar;
_data set [11,_handler];

waituntil {isnil _dataVar};
} else {

//--- Loop
_dataVar = _this;
if (isnil _dataVar) exitwith {};
_data = missionnamespace getvariable _dataVar;
_object = _data select 0;
_recording = _data select 1;
_recordingCount = _data select 2;
_ignoreDisabled = _data select 3;
_startRecordingTime = _data select 4;
_startPlaybackTime = _data select 5;
_step = _data select 6;
_currentTime = _data select 7;
_nextTime = _data select 8;
_velocityTransformation = _data select 9;

_playbackTime = time - _startPlaybackTime + _startRecordingTime;

//--- Terminate when the recording is finished or when the object is disabled
if (_step >= _recordingCount - 2 || (!_ignoreDisabled && (!alive _object || !canmove _object)) || _object getvariable ["BIS_fnc_unitPlay_terminate",false]) exitwith {

	//--- Terminate
	_handler = _data select 11;
	removemissioneventhandler ["loaded",_handler];
	missionnamespace setvariable [_dataVar,nil];
	[ missionNamespace getVariable format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], "onEachFrame" ] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
	missionNamespace setVariable [ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], nil ];

	_endParams = _data select 10;
	if !( _endParams select 1 isEqualTo "" ) then {
		(_endParams select 0) setvariable [_endParams select 1,true];

//--- Select step (skip multiple if necessary)
while {(_nextTime <= _playbackTime || _currentTime < _startRecordingTime) && _step < _recordingCount - 2} do {
	_step = _step + 1;

	_currentData = _recording select _step;
	_currentTime = _currentData select 0;

	_nextData = _recording select (_step + 1);
	_nextTime = _nextData select 0;

	_velocityTransformation = [
		_currentData select 1,_nextData select 1,
		_currentData select 4,_nextData select 4,
		_currentData select 2,_nextData select 2,
		_currentData select 3,_nextData select 3

	_data set [6,_step];
	_data set [7,_currentTime];
	_data set [8,_nextTime];
	_data set [9,_velocityTransformation];

_stepProgress = linearConversion [_currentTime,_nextTime,_playbackTime,0,1];
_velocityTransformation set [8,_stepProgress];
_object setvelocitytransformation _velocityTransformation;

//--- Add event handler for repeated call
//Is the event already running
if (isNil { missionNamespace getvariable [format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ],nil] } ) then {
	//Add OEF EH
	missionNamespace setvariable [format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ],[ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], "onEachFrame",
		compile format ["'%1' call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP;",_dataVar]
	] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler];


Put it through a few test over a dedicated on the LAN. Uses onEachFrame via stackedEH so is vulnerable to onEachFrame being reassigned by something else.

Otherwise operates the same as the BIS function, only caveat is the driver can not be a player as it causes locality problems (I have accounted for this in the script by exiting if so) and the script should be run server side (also accounted for this in the script and if run client side will pass the script off to the server). Also if the vehicle at some point has been under the players control (locality would of changed to the client) but is currently not the vehicle is passed back to the server (have not even bothered considering HC).

Not sure hows it going to play out on a non test server, seem a little juddery now and then on the local dedi. Have a play see if its worth using.

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I don't believe there is anything to fix as such, it does what it does in the best possible way by using an UI draw event (unfortunately this makes it unusable on anything without an interface) added functionality maybe but then your left with.. onEachFrame as the likely best possible method.

Heres a quick rewrite of BIS_fnc_unitPlay..


class CfgFunctions
	class LARs
		class Scenes
			class unitPlayMP {file = "unitPlayMP.sqf";};

	Author: Larrow (based on a script by Karel Moricky (based on a script by Martin Melicharek) ) :D

	Plays back input movement data on input unit in MP. Is executed on the server.

		0: OBJECT - unit to play movement data on
		1: ARRAY - movement data recorder by BIS_fnc_unitCapture
		2: ARRAY (Optional) - variable to set once playback has finished. The array is in the following format:
			1: STRING - variable name
		3: BOOL - true to allow playaback on destroyed objects (normally the playback will stop once the object is destroyed)
		4: NOTHING - obsolete param, preserved because of backward compatibility
		5: NOTHING - obsolete param, preserved because of backward compatibility
		6: NUMBER - seconds to skip at the start of playback

	BOOL - always true. The script is completed once the playback is finished.

//If called from non server, pass to server for execution
if !( isServer ) exitWith { [ _this, "LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP", false ] call BIS_fnc_MP };

if (typename _this != typename "") then {

	//--- Initialize
	waituntil {time > 0};
	private ["_object","_recording","_endParams","_ignoreDisabled","_startRecordingTime","_endSpace","_endVar","_dataVar","_handlerDraw3D","_data"];

	_object = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;

	//exit if the vehicle is already playing a recording
	if !( isNil { missionNamespace getVariable [ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], nil ] } ) exitWith {};
	//exit if vehicle ownership is locked to a client
	if ( isPlayer driver _object ) exitWith {};
	//else take ownership of the vehicle
	if !( owner _object isEqualTo 2 ) then {
		_object setOwner 2;

	_recording = [_this,1,[],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
	_endParams = [_this,2,[],[[]]] call bis_fnc_param;
	_ignoreDisabled = [_this,3,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
	_startRecordingTime = [_this,6,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;

	_object setvariable ["BIS_fnc_unitPlay_terminate",nil];

	_endSpace = [_endParams,0,missionnamespace,[missionnamespace,objnull,grpnull]] call bis_fnc_paramin;
	_endVar = [_endParams,1,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_paramin;

	_dataVar = "bis_fnc_unitPlay" + str (["bis_fnc_unitPlay_counter",1] call bis_fnc_counter);
	missionnamespace setvariable [
			_object,		//--- 0: Object
			_recording,		//--- 1: Recording
			count _recording,	//--- 2: Recording count
			_ignoreDisabled,	//--- 3: Ignore disabled
			_startRecordingTime,	//--- 4: Start time
			time,			//--- 5: Start playback time
			-1,			//--- 6: Step
			0,			//--- 7: Current time
			0,			//--- 8: Next time
			[],			//--- 9: Velocity transformation
			[_endSpace,_endVar]	//--- 10: End params

	//--- Initial execution (repeated one is added from within)
	_dataVar call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP;
	_handler = addmissioneventhandler ["loaded",format ["'%1' call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP';",_dataVar]];
	_data = missionnamespace getvariable _dataVar;
	_data set [11,_handler];

	waituntil {isnil _dataVar};
} else {

	//--- Loop
	_dataVar = _this;
	if (isnil _dataVar) exitwith {};
	_data = missionnamespace getvariable _dataVar;
	_object = _data select 0;
	_recording = _data select 1;
	_recordingCount = _data select 2;
	_ignoreDisabled = _data select 3;
	_startRecordingTime = _data select 4;
	_startPlaybackTime = _data select 5;
	_step = _data select 6;
	_currentTime = _data select 7;
	_nextTime = _data select 8;
	_velocityTransformation = _data select 9;

	_playbackTime = time - _startPlaybackTime + _startRecordingTime;

	//--- Terminate when the recording is finished or when the object is disabled
	if (_step >= _recordingCount - 2 || (!_ignoreDisabled && (!alive _object || !canmove _object)) || _object getvariable ["BIS_fnc_unitPlay_terminate",false]) exitwith {

		//--- Terminate
		_handler = _data select 11;
		removemissioneventhandler ["loaded",_handler];
		missionnamespace setvariable [_dataVar,nil];
		[ missionNamespace getVariable format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], "onEachFrame" ] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
		missionNamespace setVariable [ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], nil ];

		_endParams = _data select 10;
		(_endParams select 0) setvariable [_endParams select 1,true];

	//--- Select step (skip multiple if necessary)
	while {(_nextTime <= _playbackTime || _currentTime < _startRecordingTime) && _step < _recordingCount - 2} do {
		_step = _step + 1;

		_currentData = _recording select _step;
		_currentTime = _currentData select 0;

		_nextData = _recording select (_step + 1);
		_nextTime = _nextData select 0;

		_velocityTransformation = [
			_currentData select 1,_nextData select 1,
			_currentData select 4,_nextData select 4,
			_currentData select 2,_nextData select 2,
			_currentData select 3,_nextData select 3

		_data set [6,_step];
		_data set [7,_currentTime];
		_data set [8,_nextTime];
		_data set [9,_velocityTransformation];

	_stepProgress = linearConversion [_currentTime,_nextTime,_playbackTime,0,1];
	_velocityTransformation set [8,_stepProgress];
	_object setvelocitytransformation _velocityTransformation;

	//--- Add event handler for repeated call
	//Is the event already running
	if (isNil { missionNamespace getvariable [format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ],nil] } ) then {
		//Add OEF EH
		missionNamespace setvariable [format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ],[ format [ "unitPlayOEF_%1", netId _object ], "onEachFrame",
			compile format ["'%1' call LARs_fnc_unitPlayMP;",_dataVar]
		] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler];

Put it through a few test over a dedicated on the LAN. Uses onEachFrame via stackedEH so is vulnerable to onEachFrame being reassigned by something else.

Otherwise operates the same as the BIS function, only caveat is the driver can not be a player as it causes locality problems (I have accounted for this in the script by exiting if so) and the script should be run server side (also accounted for this in the script and if run client side will pass the script off to the server). Also if the vehicle at some point has been under the players control (locality would of changed to the client) but is currently not the vehicle is passed back to the server (have not even bothered considering HC).

Not sure hows it going to play out on a non test server, seem a little juddery now and then on the local dedi. Have a play see if its worth using.



Hello larrow. I've just finished a mission using BIS_fnc_UnitPlay and I've just figured out that it's not working on our dedicated server... so here I am, I fell on your post that gave me some hope (not to ruins hours of mission edition)... However I'm getting pretty lost in your lines. May you give me hand ? For information, I'm using 2*UH60M which are named "Helo1" for the insertion using BIS_fnc_UnitPlay and "Helo6" for the extraction. Helo1 BIS_fnc_UnitPlay is played straight on mission start but freezes 3 seconds after the initialization, I'm guessing "Helo6" will suffer" the same fate. Everything works perfectly in SP.


Concerning your .sqf, a readme or some step-by-step hints would be really appreciate. Regards.

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