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DSS (a.k.a. "Dynamic Survival Sandbox") is a DayZ inspired mod that focuses upon survival and skill. Many confused by DSS being a 'Sandbox', DSS is meant to be a massively open world of survival and exploration, which the title seemed fit. That being said, DSS also has easy-to-use modules and units that can be placed in the editor, giving your mission and/or your Unit/Clan some spice. The mod itself is also a constant development, so new features will arrive from time-to-time. The mod itself is in Alpha stage as well, so please show your support and provide feedback on your experience. But best of all, get out there and start surviving! ;)


- Different types of zombies with animations and sounds! (SP & MP compatible, can be placed on map)
- Smart zombie pathfinding. (Inspired by DayZ SA)
- Easy-to-use dialogs for crafting, cooking and more!
- The ability to drink, eat and heal using high-quality items from the game and myself.
- Stunning custom HUD for displaying hunger, thirst and health.
- Over 32 items and counting for DSS!
- New weapons to find and possibly craft.
- Repair vehicles with tyres, engines and other parts.
- Tutorial and sample mission for adding your own items such as for crafting!
- Easy to place modules for your own missions.
- Beautifully created custom animations when interacting with DSS items.

AND MUCH MORE!... (You can find all the latest news Here)


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Upcoming Features for 2016:

RII System:



- Purification Tablets.
- Blood bags.
- Blood testing kit.
- Epi-pen.
- Morphine auto-injector.
- New model for Soda Can.
- New model for Canteen.
- More meat models.
- New model for bandage.
- Rags
- Variants of bags of seeds.
- Grocery Sack.
- Can of Sardines.
- Can of Spaghetti.
- New models for Cans.
- New model for flashlight.
- Canned Tuna.
- New model for Water Bottle.
- Vegetables.
- Fruit.
- Improvised Splint.
- Paracetamol.
- Working Defibrillator.
- Possibly an Android mobile phone.
- Handcuffs.
- More crafting resources.
- Sandbags.
- Metal wire.
- Scrap metal.

- Some that will be ported from ArmA 2 (via the sample downloads) to ArmA 3, such as AKs and NATO weapons.

- iniDBI2 (By code34, a new database system to replace the older version. This one will work making endless multiplayer happen)
- Temperature.
- Bleeding.
- Blood types.
- More interaction options.
- Revive system.
- Loot Module.
- Real Item Interaction (RII) Engine.
- Blowout module.
- New zombies, preferably called 'mutants'.

New AWESOME animations and high-quality sounds will also arrive during the year, including the campaign which is waiting out for Tanoa's release!


- Many of the items will be updated and improved, due to getting new software.

- Same for the items, they will be improved on.

- Complete overhaul on the survival and craft menu (which they will combine together as one dialog), which will look a lot similar to DayZ Standalone's layout. Perhaps throughout due course, the DSS menu might actually become the new inventory, as it will have a drag and drop system.
- Different variants of zombies, including the improvement of its code.
- Fix up zombie behaviour and loot spawns.






Weapon Eventhandler Framework
HLC Core
Trixie's Weapons
DSS Mission Files


Lead Developer - Rawner135 / Ranwer135
Member - Corporal_Lib
Member - Evil Organ
Member - xBowBii


TeaCup – Thanks for sharing these excellent Animations!
Tonic – For helping with how to use Dialogs, you’re the man!
soundbible.com – Providing free-to-use sounds such as eating or drinking sounds.
Trixe - Lee Enfield and Sporter weapons.
Dan Oberbauer - Ambient Music (You can find his sounds Here)
Na_Palm - LS Spawner (Only included in mission, due to respecting AMAR rights)


Dean Hall – For inspiring me to create this, cheers!
Sumrak – For inspiring me to create this as well, congrats!
Bohemia Interactive – For providing items and coding for ArmA 3, You’re the best guys!


- MP Mission is known to be buggy (as DSS is an Early Access Alpha), do not use unless you want to help by providing feedback. Thank you - Dev Lead


Under the following conditions, you agree to the following:

You may:
- Use this mod with your mission, mod (specific mods below are not allowed) and/or Clan/Unit.
- Use any media for DSS. (I.e. "Recording gameplay")
- Share DSS' media (news, videos, etc) to increase popularity for yourself and DSS.

You may not:
- Include DSS' content into another mod.
- Use the code in any way to help hackers.
- Modify my content without my permission.
- Use DSS as an extension to the following mods: Epoch, A3L, Breaking Point, EXILE and BattleRoyal.
- Use DSS' content for profit/commercial.

Questions & Answers

Q. I cannot find the new modules, where are they?

A. If you press F7, then double-click anywhere on the map, you should see in the categories a section called 'DSS'.

Q. How do I open the Survival Menu?

A. If you press the key 'H', it should open. (If it doesn't, make sure the DSS module 'Init' is placed on the map)

Q. Zombies are not attacking me, why is that?

A. Zombies are fitted with the knowsAbout command, as well as distance. They will not attack you if they do not sense you, or at a specific range. However, they can be a little tweaked so they have a better awareness.

Q. Cars spawn in the air and sometimes explode?

A. This is a small bug, and I am aware of it. I first attempted by spawning it on the road, but w/o fuel, it does not move whatsoever. However, this will be taken as a priority to fix and hopefully be in the next patch.

Q. Loot spawns in the air?

A. This is a known bug in ArmA 3, as the object weaponPlaceHolder does not support PhysX. I will try and look for a fix, such as having a temporal PhysX object to replace it with, but currently it is an Arma bug. Edited by Ranwer135
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Hey Rawner, great to see you going forward with DSS, great fan of your work before DayZ streamlined zombies for A2 and beyound... (call me zombie hipster, but I dig ArmA zombies since opf and A1 had such mods ;) Charon´s work at it´s best)

I´d suggest you join forces with Gulo, he did an outstanding job with his Dawn of the Dead and I use this skin a lot on coop just to freak my dudes out - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=307487841&searchtext=dawn+of+the+dead (at least with face and body textures, would speed up your job, or ignore me if you´re a one man army per choice lol)

[Edit] Oh yeah, K. did an outstanding job with this campaign - White Silk of Thanatos - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=330829278&searchtext=white+silk+of+thanatos I´d suggest you contact him or just play it for inspiration... but you gotta play it through or the plot twist wouldn´t make sense at all ;D

I´ll keep an eye on this thread daily =)


Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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Thanks man!

Yeah I will look into those links you sent me, who knows what more ideas can come right into this upcoming installment :D

The only issue I have in my head is the dialog I have shown above, I don't know if I should attempt to create DayZ's right but left-click function for the items in the inventory. :confused:

I looked at the code DayZ Mod has done, they have only defined slots which never change (Which was easy for them). However, when you look at the new inventory for arma 3, its in LB format which means its a lot harder unless you wrap some kind of "lbSelCur" to it. (but I do know it is possible ;))

Here is what I have:

handle = [] spawn {
fnc_test = {
	_idc = ctrlIDC (_this select 0);
	_selectedIndex = _this select 1;
	_selectedData = lbData [_idc, _selectedIndex];
	If (_selectedData == lbData [_idc, "DSS_BakedBeans_F"])
	 hint "It Works!"
while {true} do {
		waituntil {!(isNull (finddisplay 602))};
		hint "Inventory has been opened\nAdding event to uniform listbox";
		((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 633) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", "_this call fnc_test"];
		waituntil {isNull (finddisplay 602)};

The above "If, then, else" Statement is there to check if the Selected index equals the classname of "DSS_BakedBeans_F", but it doesn't seem to work. :confused: (wish KK was here lol)

Once my head is unwrapped from that issue, all that's left is finding out if you can set a RscButton in the position where the selected item is.

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Well, you can use some workarounds as adding actions to mousewheel/action menu - like I´ve seen on SP missions as 12 Monkeys - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28701&highlight=12%2BMONKEYS and Fear of the Future - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=472575614&searchtext= (this guy managed to have a custom inventory for "special itens", sickness, insanity, hunger, cook meat, gather resources etc.. just look at the video... I´m having fun with his alpha mission...)

I hope those guys can help you out... or just reverse engineer their scripts ;) (I know it is not fancy, but at least this works and you can have most of the survival/looting functions at hand)

Keep up the great zombie fun work, Ranwer!!!!


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;2960357']Well' date=' you can use some workarounds as adding actions to mousewheel/action menu - like I´ve seen on SP missions as 12 Monkeys - [url']http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28701&highlight=12%2BMONKEYS[/url] and Fear of the Future - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=472575614&searchtext= (this guy managed to have a custom inventory for "special itens", sickness, insanity, hunger, cook meat, gather resources etc.. just look at the video... I´m having fun with his alpha mission...)

I hope those guys can help you out... or just reverse engineer their scripts ;) (I know it is not fancy, but at least this works and you can have most of the survival/looting functions at hand)

Keep up the great zombie fun work, Ranwer!!!!


That sounds similar to the above Dialog photo in the first post, I'll go and try out that mission/mod. :D

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Bring it on.......sounds and looks great, looking forward to release.

Don't forget Dude...for every Zombie hater:thumbsdown:...there is a Zombie lover:yay:....right behind them!!

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Damn I've been waiting for this.... Good luck with it mate.



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Thanks guys, I really appreciate the encouragement. ;)


New look for HUD, should it be this?


Or original?


Your choice, guys. :D (If you like, you may also suggest your own type of colors for this :p)

Code optimizations were done in the process of updating the dialog.

This includes:

- Updated function for eating, drinking and using.

- Added sounds for open and closing the dialog.

- Added new Items: Can soda (3 of them with different flavors!)

Current issues:

- RscCombo does not work for some reason due to a No entry for the RscScrollBar :confused:

Edited by Ranwer

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I´d keep the original... on the new menu, most itens are greyed out - does it means absence or just marking the 3 new kinds of sodas??? (they´re the only ones lit up)

Anyways, I prefer the original cus the colored buttons are more appealling ;)


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;2960709']I´d keep the original... on the new menu' date=' most itens are greyed out - does it means absence or just marking the 3 new kinds of sodas??? (they´re the only ones lit up)

Anyways, I prefer the original cus the colored buttons are more appealling ;)


Thanks for the suggestion Lib! :D

Yeah in the photo there, I have created a function where on each time the player loads the dialog, it checks for survival items in his inventory. If a survival item is missing in the player's inventory, it greys out the item in the menu (which means it is not available to use) ;)

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Tested the DBO ponds, seemed unsuitable for arma 3 now.


My current task now is to port the ArmA 2 Water Pump so that way there is a water source for each town. ;)


Edited by Ranwer

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Bohemia Interactive – For providing items and coding in ArmA 3 from DayZ Standalone, You’re the best guys!

Just to clarify i wasn't aware you could port or use assess from Dayz Standalone i thought this was against their licenses. Could you please clarify?

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  R0adki11 said:
Just to clarify i wasn't aware you could port or use assess from Dayz Standalone i thought this was against their licenses. Could you please clarify?

Items are found within:

"Arma 3\Addons\structures_f_epa\a3\structures_f_epa\Items\Food"


"Arma 3\Addons\structures_f\a3\structures_f\Items"

In the structures_f, however, how come there is some items like "Tactical Bacon" and "Defibrillator" in there if the EULA restricts this? :confused:

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  Ranwer said:
Items are found within:"Arma 3\Addons\structures_f_epa\a3\structures_f_epa\Items\Food" and "Arma 3\Addons\structures_f\a3\structures_f\Items"

In the structures_f, however, how come there is some items like "Tactical Bacon" and "Defibrillator" in there if the EULA restricts this? :confused:

It´s not a port of assets, those objects are ALREADY inside ArmA3, you guys never noticed tactical bacons, defibrilators, and stuff scattered around as decos on "Eastern Wind" campaign or many other user made missions/campaigns? Even the kart helmets seems to be "crossgame" objects, the forbiden usage is picking exclusive assets from DayZ and tossing it to A3, like the improved Chernarus terrain and buildings, or the weapons (which are top notch compared to the plastic toys... I mean, MX rifles) so Ranwer just ill-expressed his usage of those deco objects =)


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Private messaged:

Yeah, he understands where the assets are located, he just wanted to clarify why I mentioned DayZ in the credits. So my bad. :p :803:

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  Ranwer said:
Private messaged:

Yeah, he understands where the assets are located, he just wanted to clarify why I mentioned DayZ in the credits. So my bad. :p :803:

I can confirm what Ranwer says, i just wasn't aware that there were such assets already in Arma3. No harm done :ok:

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After progress of attempting to port the ArmA 2, I had no luck.


I decided to work on my own in "Blender", but having trouble getting it into O2 as it looks like a stretched object once imported. :confused:

Here is my model for the Water pump for filling water bottles: :cool:


Here is what it looks like in O2:


Any ideas on what this issue is caused by? I am currently using the ArmA Toolbox compatible with ArmA 2/3 for Blender.

Also, is it better to map the textures within O2? I find the texture functions a bit touchy in blender. :p


Since I am very used to Blender apart from 3DS Max, I have made this model from scratch with nothing but creating and editing Cubes, Cylinders, Torus', and sweat. This model was easy for me, but was time consuming in terms of 7 hours.

---------- Post added at 15:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------


Tested out skins Gulo designed, you were right about them. ;)

I'll go and ask Gulo for authorization of these, including his help. This mod may turn out to be a good one.


All we need now is some kind of special texture for the VR Soldier (The tron lights) for the eyes and the textures are all done. (code is almost finished, just need to wrap "if" statements to check how far players are from it)

Edited by Ranwer

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Great job, finally Gulo will have some appreciation of his work (I´ve tried advocate for him, but many mission makers and other mods just looked away =P)... by the way, Slatts and Alwarren have plenty experience on fixing 02 bugs and craps whenever importing blender models to mod on A3... you should ask them for some guidance =)

Keep it up, I´m so hyped for this mod (since the early alpha days)


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Gulo has allowed the use of the skins for the zombies. :yay:


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  Ranwer said:
Gulo has allowed the use of the skins for the zombies. :yay:


AWESOME! Hype meter over 9000!!!! Waiting now for some good news regarding the water pumps (besides Slatts, Alwarren, you can reach out Burnes - from the tanks with interiors - and Kiory =)


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Done some optimizations towards the survival menu. :cool:

Features for Dialog:

- Added notification to let players know they don't have the selected Item.

- When dialog opened/closed, it plays a sound. (something like when you open a backpack ;))

These below have been added, but warns people that these features are not Implemented yet, since it is in ALPHA.

- ComboBox added, you can now selected various sections such as "Food", "Medical" and "Tools". (The selection "Food" works, but not the others)

- Craft button added (Directs you to a new dialog)


How to distinct between grey and white items?

Answer: Simple, grey means you do not have the item, and white means you do. :cool:

New Planned features:

- When night time, zombies will become more aggressive. (A new "monster" will be lurking..)

- Food, Drink, Use animations to take place. (possibly need an animator :cool:)

- Plans to implement my tent script into an Item. (A sleep function is underway now)

Edited by Ranwer

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have you seen that zombies and demons mod that ryan has made?

his new spawn animation is brilliant and maybe he could also give you a few pointers if not work together :)

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  tyl3r99 said:
have you seen that zombies and demons mod that ryan has made?

his new spawn animation is brilliant and maybe he could also give you a few pointers if not work together :)


Yeah, I saw his mod. However, there doesn't seem to be any animations hes used other than ArmA 3's default run animation. However, I'll look into their spawns and see if they would be good :D

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Hi Ranwer,

glad to hear your implementing your awesome tent/camp script...i have been using it religiously for my Orienteering missions :thumbsup:

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wait is this SP compatible :O

and would it be easy to create our own scenarios?

i.e. place modules down etc

---------- Post added at 11:19 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

  Ranwer said:

Yeah, I saw his mod. However, there doesn't seem to be any animations hes used other than ArmA 3's default run animation. However, I'll look into their spawns and see if they would be good :D

ah he has a youtube video of his updated zombies hes working on. has a cool walking animation not sure if you missed it or not

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