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[Terrain] Angel Island 1.0

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Angel Island


Team Les Vétérans : [V]Xnam


Angel Island, is my first terrain for Arma 3, it's based Angel Island, in San Fransico Bay. It's a small Island, with a high level of difficulty, due to the hilly lanscape, and the high density of vegetation.
although small, Angel offers a large panel of environment : cliffs, towns, farms, forest, talweg, rocky ground,...



Elevations come from USGS Map Database.
Real elevation model & roads & structure implantation
Terrain is 4 km²
Island is 2 km²
2 small towns
1 hotel Zone
Small farms and structures dispatched around the island.
Allows you to display shadows to 1000meters (in arma graphics settings )

Multiplayer Mission Included !! : [Coop]Conquer And Destroy by [V]Tyrghen
Random targets to destroy & Random Zone to Capture.
VAS and =BTC= Revive included.


Angel Island doesn't need any other mod to be used.

Mod :

Extract @VTR_Angel to your Arma 3 game root folder,
Enable the mod.

Open the Mod folder @VTR_Angel
Open the MPmission's Folder
Copy the co16_conquer_and_destroy.Angel.pbo to your mpmission
(frequently : C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Arma 3\MPMissions)

Included Files:

AngelIsland.pbo (signed)
MP mission [coop]Conquer and Destroy



Enjoy Angel Island !

More infos in french or english:


Edited by xnam
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The mediafire downloadlink is very much corrupted, at least for me :)

Thank you for providing me with an alternative download location :)

Your release has been frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. Soon we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest

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hello Fox. what kind of issue ? it works for me an other people, playing right now with me, with this mediafire link !

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The archive is corrupted upon clicking the downloadlink. I tried downloading 15 times and all 15 attempts result in a 0kb file.

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i think that something is blocking on your side ! anti virus ? wrong version of Unzip sofware ? i send you an other link for you by MP.

Edited by Xnam

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Thanks for the new link, that one worked just fine and I have added the Armaholic.com mirror above :)

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Wow, looking really nice. I really like these small island maps. Gonna check iit out fur sure, thanks and congratulations on the release :)


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Wow, looking really nice. I really like these small island maps. Gonna check iit out fur sure, thanks and congratulations on the release :)


Thx LordJarhead ! Terrain match well with the JSRS3 !

Looks beautiful, quality over quantity!

Thx a lot ! good walk in the forest and grassy hill !

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Very pleasing on the eyes, awesome job and congrats on the release :)

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First Terrain? Looks great so far. Way to go!

Is that a pond object or just below sea level?

Looks like a good fishing' hole. Any lunkers?


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This island looks real !

will test it a soon as i start A3 again :-)

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Thanks everyone !

First Terrain? Looks great so far. Way to go!

Is that a pond object or just below sea level?

Looks like a good fishing' hole. Any lunkers?


It's a pond ! no fish, just rabbits doing snorkeling !

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Thx LordJarhead ! Terrain match well with the JSRS3 !

Yes it does :P

Little problems tho, the RPT Spam's a lot of these

10:48:20 Double id 1614 detected (1x)

And there is no footstep sounds for your roads (tarmac as dirt roads), soldier footsteps just went silent on them. Same goes for vehicles obviously. Besides this I detected some frame loss around the little tunnel you've build, but all in all its a fine release and for your first release its not even fair to mention these, in comparison, tiny bugs :)

Great job so far and its looking beautiful! Nice starting time you choose for the editor hehe.


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Hey Xnam,

Great first terrain, looks really nice and already have some mission ideas. I did a drive along the concreted roads on the island and took some Screenshots of minor bugs/misplaced objects i encountered on the way.

http://imgur.com/a/bMkcg - Compiled a album with the screenshot, location (six grid) and a short description. Hope it helps.


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Hey Xnam,

Great first terrain, looks really nice and already have some mission ideas. I did a drive along the concreted roads on the island and took some Screenshots of minor bugs/misplaced objects i encountered on the way.

http://imgur.com/a/bMkcg - Compiled a album with the screenshot, location (six grid) and a short description. Hope it helps.


Wow !!! how could i missed this one !!!( the elevation issue on the dock, and the bridge... )

Thx for your feedbacks IISwede and LordJarhead ! i will fixed all this dirty work !

Edited by Xnam

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It should be mentioned that the grass and the rocks on the roads are meant to be there, to give a sense of lack of maintenance.

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Hi mate ! :)

1 - I have DL the map from "armaholic" and i have got an error when i try to enter in the server :

"Include file tmf\support\modules\helilift\stringtable.csv not found"

After check in pbo, the folder "helilift" is missing in the mission !

2 - I tried to DL the file from mediafire but without success.

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