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  On 5/24/2016 at 6:11 PM, rogerio.sgarcia said:


Hello Ryan.
I am a beginner in arma3 game (less than 1 month), but I love creating new missions in the editor, in addition to being a big fan of survival games and zombies.
I'm trying to create a SP combining the Zombies and Demos and mod Ravage.
Everything works very well, especially the interaction between the various groups of zombies. But one thing does not integrate: the infection module Z&D and the survival module Ravage. From the moment the survival module is added in the editor, it is impossible to consume the anti-infection pills. Is there any solution for this?



That is weird. I'm gonna download Ravage and try it out. If I can find out why I'll try and fix it. ;)

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My guess is that both our mods apply a ctrlSetEventHandler on the same displays for the inventory. As far as I know you can't have multiple EH on the same display, so one probably overrides the other...

Ryan, feel free to PM me if you have a solution to work around this.

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Dear Mr. ryandom.

I have an idea.

If player is attacked by a zombie, the player won't die soon.

But, the player will die and become a zombie.

If the player use medicine, the player won't die.

Thank you for reading it.

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  On 5/26/2016 at 10:29 AM, haleks said:

My guess is that both our mods apply a ctrlSetEventHandler on the same displays for the inventory. As far as I know you can't have multiple EH on the same display, so one probably overrides the other...

Ryan, feel free to PM me if you have a solution to work around this.


use CtrlADDeventhandler not SET.

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Hi Ryan, I realize that you've said that there probably won't be more changes to the spawners, but I was wondering whether you would consider an addition to allow the recreation of completed triggers.


As far as my limited experience goes, apart from the GUI change, it would be having an alternative for this block of code in fn_ModuleSpawn.sqf if the spawner were to be retriggered after deactivation:

		if (_Activation == 0.7) then {_trg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation2 == 0.7) then {_trg2 setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation3 == 0.7) then {_trg3 setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]};

		if (_Activation == 0.5) then {_trg setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation2 == 0.5) then {_trg2 setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation3 == 0.5) then {_trg3 setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]};

		if (_Activation == 0.3) then {_trg setTriggerActivation ["GUER", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation2 == 0.3) then {_trg2 setTriggerActivation ["GUER", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation3 == 0.3) then {_trg3 setTriggerActivation ["GUER", "PRESENT", false]};

		if (_Activation == 0.1) then {_trg setTriggerActivation ["CIV", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation2 == 0.1) then {_trg2 setTriggerActivation ["CIV", "PRESENT", false]};
		if (_Activation3 == 0.1) then {_trg3 setTriggerActivation ["CIV", "PRESENT", false]};

		sleep 2;

		if ((triggeractivated _trg) OR (triggeractivated _trg2) OR (triggeractivated _trg3)) exitwith {deletevehicle _trg; deletevehicle _trg2; deletevehicle _trg3};

		deletevehicle _trg;
		deletevehicle _trg2;
		deletevehicle _trg3;
		sleep 2; 

This would allow me (and others I think) move from a variety of sometimes performance-degrading spawning scripts and just use the native Zombie spawners.

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Hi Ryan, MrSanchez. Sure that you know this but Zombies don't move after 1.60 update - neither those spawned by native spawners or Civilian Occupation System.

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This is correct. It is due to BI's new limping feature.

We've already fixed this a week back when we were testing the dev branch.


The update came a bit unexpected (I personally thought it was to be by the end of the week).

There may be an update of the Z&D rushed out tomorrow ;)


Kind regards,


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The mod has been updated on the workshop. I'll upload a dropbox link later today when I finish work.


What's new:
- Exploding heads! You can now shoot and burst a zombies head! Needs a powerful gun by default but this can be customised in the "Settings" module.
- Glowing eyes! Demons eyes glow by default and this feature can be adjusted in the settings module.
- About 20 new extra civilian zombies for each type of zombie.
- Extra sounds added for zombies and spider zombies.
- A "Randomize Values" option has been added to the spawners.
- Infected players now have a camera shake effect while coughing.
- Zombies are less likely to attack empty vehicles after its target has left it.
- Player-controlled zombies now have their own module with seperate values.
- Many script improvements, some animation changes, and some minor multiplayer issues fixed.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 9:56 PM, ryandombrowsky said:

The mod has been updated on the workshop. I'll upload a dropbox link later today when I finish work.


Thanks guys all's good so far on my Epoch server now

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Thanks sonsalt6!




use CtrlADDeventhandler not SET.

Thanks, that works. :) rogerio.sgarcia, let me know if there's still compatibility problems.




Hi Ryan, I realize that you've said that there probably won't be more changes to the spawners, but I was wondering whether you would consider an addition to allow the recreation of completed triggers.

They already re-create. If activation is set then those triggers are created again after each horde.



Anyway here is a dropbox link for Z&D 4.5 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vb8rny723r5xsia/Zombies%20%26%20Demons%20V4.5.zip?dl=0

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As always, thank you guys for your innovations on this. I'm sooo looking forward to catching a terrifying first glimpse of those glowing eyes in the darkness... And popping it with something suitably large caliber (if I can hit it!). :D I ditched my first practice mission, and now have something that's still a kludgy hack, but far more atmospheric and competent for n00b work. The zombies are used sparingly, but I think relatively effectively. Oh, to be released one day soon!


  On 5/24/2016 at 2:22 AM, sgt_hawkins said:



Arma 3 feels like a cheap game when you only see male citizens...I refuse to make any missions for it until a decent female mod comes out.

Max Joiner has demonstrated a video with female models, WIP on Armaholic. Stay tuned there. Not sure why it's such a dealbreaker since I'm new to Arma 3 and think the mod support has really hit critical mass now, 3 years after release. But it's cool -- I certainly look forward to female models too!


  On 5/29/2016 at 1:47 PM, OOarmer said:

Dear Mr. ryandom.

I have an idea.

If player is attacked by a zombie, the player won't die soon.

But, the player will die and become a zombie.

If the player use medicine, the player won't die.

Thank you for reading it.

Um, have you played this mod? These features were done and included a long while ago. >.>


  On 5/30/2016 at 9:56 PM, ryandombrowsky said:

The mod has been updated on the workshop. I'll upload a dropbox link later today when I finish work.


What's new:
- Exploding heads! You can now shoot and burst a zombies head! Needs a powerful gun by default but this can be customised in the "Settings" module.
- Glowing eyes! Demons eyes glow by default and this feature can be adjusted in the settings module.
- About 20 new extra civilian zombies for each type of zombie.
- Extra sounds added for zombies and spider zombies.
- A "Randomize Values" option has been added to the spawners.
- Infected players now have a camera shake effect while coughing.
- Zombies are less likely to attack empty vehicles after its target has left it.
- Player-controlled zombies now have their own module with seperate values.
- Many script improvements, some animation changes, and some minor multiplayer issues fixed.

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Hey gents, first off I've never realized how satisfying exploding heads make ARMA, especially when you go all pistolero on them.

I had a question regarding the set up of zombies themselves. I want to make a multiplayer mission which involves having to get across Altis to an extraction using the mod. How would I go about making zombies spawn all over the island and only when players are around? Would I have to place individual spawners or does the mod support/have some sort of large scale spawning system?

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We don't have any large scale spawning system right now, however that is something we should and probably will add in future. At the moment you'd have to place the spawner modules everywhere and set them to activate when Blufor (or whichever side you're playing as) is present. Kind of annoying, sorry. :P 

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  On 6/2/2016 at 12:43 PM, khaosmatical said:

Hey gents, first off I've never realized how satisfying exploding heads make ARMA, especially when you go all pistolero on them.

I had a question regarding the set up of zombies themselves. I want to make a multiplayer mission which involves having to get across Altis to an extraction using the mod. How would I go about making zombies spawn all over the island and only when players are around? Would I have to place individual spawners or does the mod support/have some sort of large scale spawning system?


Assuming you want them to spawn in towns and villages, the easiest way to do this is with the Civilian Occupation System. Works well and can be expanded to spawn on any named location on the map with one line changed.The infected even patrol the towns which is very atmospheric when viewing from a distance or at night (though I'd personally recommend only using slow ones or walkers for this since it looks silly if they're running around the town when no one's there). The system can be enhanced with individual native Ryan's Z&D spawns placed in certain strategic locations.

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Hey, khaosmatical!


I used to do this with the zombie game logic spawners, and I'm happy to report after fixing my dumb trigger conditions last night that it still works with the spawner modules:

Name your spawner module, set activation radius to roughly your trigger's radius depending on whether you want zombie coverage overlap or not, e.g. 200 to 300 works with my example here


Create a trigger, name it


provide some conditions of your choice, e.g. 200 radius, BLUFOR not present (or set trigger owner: owner only, all members, any members of group), repeatable


On Act:

NamedZombieSpawner setposworld getposworld player; // or a MP/JIP compatible object instead of player
NamedZombieSpawnerTrigger setposworldgetposworld NamedZombieSpawner;

optionally set countdown or timeout (prefer timeout with 20, 30, 60 min/mid/max)


This shuffles the spawner onto the player's position under the right conditions. If the players are constantly on the move, it also means your zombies will always begin to spawn on the player's position as of <spawner delay> seconds ago, minimum 0 (which means they'll begin spawning on the player's heels, behind them).


Countdown will recenter the spawner after the countdown, no matter what. Timeout will only recenter it once the player(s) leave the trigger zone, so a larger trigger area and matching spawner radius means the zombies will continue to radiate from that one point for longer before the next triggered relocation, obviously. Setting the spawned density to less than the activation/trigger radii will make a very obvious directional zombie horde attack; density radius > activation/trigger radii will create a less clear, all-around horde attack.


I like to immediately create directional horde attacks, so I use Zenophon's position finder function (in his framework scripts). You can also use Shuko's position script, I would imagine. Set the center reference object or location to be the player's location (Zenophon provides a Find Average Position function, if you'd like to reference a location equidistant from all players in a group). Then set parameters for minimum and maximum distance from that reference location to generate the actual location. Use that location instead to setposworld the spawner. I like to use a min/max of 25/100 up to 50/150 or so, but up to 50/300 could work without losing too many zombies into the darkness of night. This has a few more steps, obviously, but has the added benefit of varying up the horde spawns so that they're not ALWAYS underfoot.

I like to use slow, inexorable zombie hordes a la 70s George Romero, so your mileage and params may vary if you prefer medium, fast, or demon hordes with jumping.


On which topic, you can copy/paste multiple such spawner+trigger combos, with each spawner or trigger representing a unique zombie horde type or condition. e.g. I usually run minimum 2 such sets. My basic, ambient zombie spawn is all slow civ zombies, smaller hordes of 5 or 10, fairly distant setposworld of about 50-100 minimum distance, long timeouts of 180 to 600 seconds. Just enough to keep the players on their toes, but not enough to constantly expect attack.

Then I'll run a more specific trigger or set of triggers all using setposworld on a single zombie spawner with medium, soldier, or otherwise tougher/bigger horde spawn. This one is triggered around or en route to intermediate mission objectives.


And then I set a last spawner with a big threat (1 boss demon, 5 or 8 middling demons, or a honking big horde of regular zombies) that usu only gets triggered for setposworld at the mission's climax.


  On 6/2/2016 at 12:43 PM, khaosmatical said:

Hey gents, first off I've never realized how satisfying exploding heads make ARMA, especially when you go all pistolero on them.

I had a question regarding the set up of zombies themselves. I want to make a multiplayer mission which involves having to get across Altis to an extraction using the mod. How would I go about making zombies spawn all over the island and only when players are around? Would I have to place individual spawners or does the mod support/have some sort of large scale spawning system?


Grahame (I failed to multiquote, but this is your quote below), I love the town name pop-up and basic spawn functionality of COS, but on some maps (e.g. Stratis that I'm working on right now), it'll occasionally, frequently, or ALWAYS generate script errors that can prevent civ spawning despite it popping up with e.g. "Agia Marina, Population: 37" or some number > 0 that says the script is partially generating at least the theoretical population count.

I'm not knowledgeable enough to follow all the variables that Bangabob uses in his COS script, and got frustrated with trying to fix stuff I didn't understand in that script. So I settled for putting an icon location marker on each town manually (b/c I know it's possible but don't know how to call an array of all town names on a map -- which is subject to errors if the mapmaker doesn't accurately or fully populate this list). And then I trigger a setposworld that checks for player distance to each item in the array of all my location markers. I use a diffused civ zombie spawner (large density, alive zombie cap 20-50, 2-5 second delay between zombies) with roaming enabled. (and setmarkeralpha for all markers, usu with a forEach loop on an array of all my reference markers to be hidden at the beginning of my init.sqf)


This is by no means a good solution -- just one that is within my means to make. :D It does have a similar 1-line edit/add benefit b/c I just need to add an icon marker for any desired location to my location array for checking player distance.


EDIT: Was thinking out loud in a post to Zenophon's framework, and I compared his functions to T-800a's spawn script. T-800a's caching function doesn't work, last I checked, but his spawn does. And it has parameters for repeat spawns (un/limited, timed waves, on previous spawn group's death, etc.). The best part (and relevant to our interests) is that either Zenophon's functions or T-800a could be used to create a road-only urban patrol spawn. What's also cool is that T-800a's spawn functions allow for an urban garrison patrol, which will randomly enter buildings along the roadway patrol routes. All waypoints randomized. Does COS path civilians into buildings? I know Enigma's civilian spawn does.


We need to summon Bad Benson, stat! :D B/c his Enhanced Movement mod lets the player unit vault and climb over low/mid walls and through certain windows that are large enough. My scripting knowledge is not sufficient to do this... but is there a way to hook that code into AI pathfinding behavior so that they will similarly use these actions? Currently AI don't even use the vanilla step-over action on many low walls and road guard rails, I've noticed sometimes.

MrSanchez and Ryan seem to be uncommonly sharp with custom animations. Would this work better as an additional settings module function (toggle-able for obstacle climbing, like roaming, eating corpses, or jumping)? Or as a behavior AI script? Is it even possible re: pathfinding due to the way LOD paths work, or whatever? My first guess is that no, this idea can't be done in the Arma engine.


  On 6/2/2016 at 2:10 PM, Grahame said:

Assuming you want them to spawn in towns and villages, the easiest way to do this is with the Civilian Occupation System. Works well and can be expanded to spawn on any named location on the map with one line changed.The infected even patrol the towns which is very atmospheric when viewing from a distance or at night (though I'd personally recommend only using slow ones or walkers for this since it looks silly if they're running around the town when no one's there). The system can be enhanced with individual native Ryan's Z&D spawns placed in certain strategic locations.

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  On 6/3/2016 at 6:01 PM, dakaodo said:

I used to do this with the zombie game logic spawners, and I'm happy to report after fixing my dumb trigger conditions last night that it still works with the spawner modules:


Hi Dakaodo, thanks very much for that info. I'll be looking into all that you've mentioned and seeing whether some of the mechanisms can be adopted into my ARMA3 Epoch server,


As far as COS goes, it's been hit and miss I agree, depending on the map. All good on Altis, never tried Stratis (but I will have a quick look myself). Tried a new map recently but the roads have to be correctly defined to work with COS since it takes road position data. Will be looking at Hindu Kush and Australia when I have a chance.The only reason I suggested COS was that it's generally a lot less work than placing spawners in each urban area - but on some maps (surprised at the problems with Stratis to be honest, being an official ARMA map) there will be issues and you have no choice.


Also given I'm running an MP A3/Epoch server, I don't use the town pop-ups but if you'd PM the script errors you're getting I'd appreciate it. I can also shoot you my COS code which is now error/warning free (and removes the broken Fired Near EH for dedicated MP servers).


Last quick note: no, unfortunately COS only populates roads. They do follow you into buildings though - in fact, if you're on foot they'll follow you to the ends of the earth. Saw a guy the other day who thought they'd raid Kavala Hospital (where I have two native Ryan's Zombies spawns of 100 medium each)... they really should have brought a vehicle ;) I have thought about using EOS to populate buildings in the same way but will check the scripts you mention. 

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  On 6/22/2015 at 7:43 PM, tyl3r99 said:

infinite spawners???? where?

when i edit a spawners settings it should only affect the spawner i edited. however when i change the activation settings and place two spawners over 5km away from each other, when the player activates the first spawner, it activates both spawners spawning zombies at both spawners.

Basically the activation zone of each spawner is 400m but both spawners are over 5km away yet both activate when blufor enter one of them. am i being stupid or is this a bug and this this the problem your having

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Is it possible to do a module where zombies spawn kinda like in the ravage mod or like the scripts made by Celery for arma 2 that spawns the zombies randomly around the map where the player(s) are. They kinda just walk around until the players nears.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 11:46 PM, interectic said:

Is it possible to do a module where zombies spawn kinda like in the ravage mod or like the scripts made by Celery for arma 2 that spawns the zombies randomly around the map where the player(s) are. They kinda just walk around until the players nears.


dude, don't you read before posting.....


  On 6/2/2016 at 12:55 PM, ryandombrowsky said:

We don't have any large scale spawning system right now, however that is something we should and probably will add in future. At the moment you'd have to place the spawner modules everywhere and set them to activate when Blufor (or whichever side you're playing as) is present. Kind of annoying, sorry. :P


.....this is on the same page ffs.

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  On 6/7/2016 at 12:02 AM, Evil Organ said:

dude, don't you read before posting.....



.....this is on the same page ffs.

Actually I did but I was also busy with other things so if you couldn't be so rude about it that would be great.

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I think we'll definetely add a module for this in the next update. It could be a month or longer though, I'm busy with other features at the moment. ;)

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  On 6/6/2016 at 7:45 AM, xrushxclan said:

when i edit a spawners settings it should only affect the spawner i edited. however when i change the activation settings and place two spawners over 5km away from each other, when the player activates the first spawner, it activates both spawners spawning zombies at both spawners.

Basically the activation zone of each spawner is 400m but both spawners are over 5km away yet both activate when blufor enter one of them. am i being stupid or is this a bug and this this the problem your having

That is weird, it shouldn't do that and I've never seen that happen. Feel free to send me the mission.sqm if you like and I can check it out.

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  On 6/7/2016 at 5:46 AM, ryandombrowsky said:

That is weird, it shouldn't do that and I've never seen that happen. Feel free to send me the mission.sqm if you like and I can check it out.

ok i found the problem, even though my spawner settings are for activation - blufor, civ, independent. if i have an opfor ai within the activation zone it activates the spawner even though i didnt set the spawner activation to opfor.


the bug is actually when the all three fields of the activation is changed to a faction instead of same as above. if any faction is selected then if an opfor unit is in activation zone it will trigger the spawn even though opfor wasnt selected as a activation faction. ill do further tests to see if it happens to any other faction combination

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