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Firewill Standalone Series Release Thread

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Yeah, it just doesn't work for the snake eye (High drag) mk82's.

Also, if you're moving around a lot before weapons release, the CCIP won't reflect the most recent changes.

What works best is to get to about 450-550kmh @2000-3000 m altitude, come in from about 6km out, and once you start to approach go into a roughly -30 deg dive, get on target, drop and slowly pull out. The increased angle helps to negate any short/long misses.

I've hit individual people directly like that :D

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  On 9/12/2016 at 3:02 AM, jaaxxxxon said:

Yeah, it just doesn't work for the snake eye (High drag) mk82's.

Also, if you're moving around a lot before weapons release, the CCIP won't reflect the most recent changes.

What works best is to get to about 450-550kmh @2000-3000 m altitude, come in from about 6km out, and once you start to approach go into a roughly -30 deg dive, get on target, drop and slowly pull out. The increased angle helps to negate any short/long misses.

I've hit individual people directly like that :D

because snakeye is decrease the speed when dropping for low altitude bombing.-you can see snakeye is suddenly decrease the speed when drop in the game, so CCIP indicator is doesn't work well for that.

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- helmet visors is now separate model, helmet to glasses. mean helmet model no longer have visor.

- also i tried visor with nv goggles config, its work but unavailable the "switch" because remove NV function. - if set visionmodes[] ={"normal"}; only, can't switch visor also put "normal","normal" too. so, i decided to make glass config. 

- maybe new visor system is will be uncomfortable for some users, however i'll working some "switch script" for more easier to use.



















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Hey firewill great work again so far on the new targeting systems. Love the ability to slew to target adding the E-TGT system with GPS Grids !



 Had two questions possibly to look into.  A great feature on a/c especially the viper is the ability to input on the ICP an ALOW (altitude low callout) function to allow betty to bark "altitude" to warn the pilot of the altitude, also gives cues on MFD and HUD. Would make a great addition to your aircraft if on the MFD we had the ability to type in an Altitude then we could either get a cue on on the HUD or when in the TGT pod staring at a target or simply just saying PULL UP once if the pilot deviates below that selt altitude.  If left blank or 0 then it would not activate.   Not sure how script intensive but I thought an idea as many a time we find ourselfs flying into terrain fixating at a target or loosing orientation in the TGT camera.  


I have tried scripting with Blakes autopilot, too outdated, we have a Bank indicator on the TGT camera. Another thought would be adding a Pitch indicator also instead of just referencing altitude.



Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication 



 Looking forward to the upcoming weapons and A-10 !

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  On 9/15/2016 at 3:51 PM, shrike88 said:

Hey firewill great work again so far on the new targeting systems. Love the ability to slew to target adding the E-TGT system with Grids !


 Looking forward to the upcoming weapons and A-10 !

thank you!  :)


visor toggle test video


how does it work?


- i've input toggle action into B_Pilot_F, mean if you install pilot pack, toggle action is will create into pilot and can use it. my pilots using B_Pilot_F for parent class.

- and in config of my visor glasses, input some codes for check the "visor toggle system and reverse code - if black down visor, reverse code is black up." and collect.

- when you press the toggle action, remove the previous visor(in goggle) what you equipped. and using addgoggles command for add the visor with reverse code. (black down->black up / black up->black down)

- in vehicle, toggle action is remove when you get in aircraft so i did to make toggle visor action in aircraft - like toggle visor(in vehicle). function is same.

- important : only work for player.

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  On 9/15/2016 at 3:51 PM, shrike88 said:



I have tried scripting with Blakes autopilot, too outdated, we have a Bank indicator on the TGT camera. Another thought would be adding a Pitch indicator also instead of just referencing altitude.


i remember someone made new autopilot system


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Awesome thanks again ! And for the changeable altitude alerter or betty warning ? bad idea ?

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  On 9/15/2016 at 5:11 PM, shrike88 said:

Awesome thanks again ! And for the changeable altitude alerter or betty warning ? bad idea ?

currently no have plan for that.



new uniform : ABU set and ROKAF ground crew uniform

JASDF ground crew is working on.







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AWS , PilotPack, A143R, A164R has been updated / release ADES Roundel&Decal Pack on first page

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PilotCrewPack updated on first page


Alpha 0.21
- visor override script added
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turning on "pilot's camera", without having a targeting pod attached to the plane, crashes the game.

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  On 9/25/2016 at 9:02 AM, madpat3 said:

turning on "pilot's camera", without having a targeting pod attached to the plane, crashes the game.

if you mean eurofighter, thats not relate problem with AWS - because F-14 is currently only don't have pilotcamera, that also crashe when using pilotcam. thats mean  "if aircraft doesn't have pilotcamera capability or mem point, will be crash", not system problem

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you mean it is BIS' fault the game crashes, when turning on pilot cam inside a plane that hasn't got a pilot cam?

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  On 9/25/2016 at 11:44 AM, madpat3 said:

you mean it is BIS' fault the game crashes, when turning on pilot cam inside a plane that hasn't got a pilot cam?

if AWS is problem, thats can't explain my F-16,F-15,F-2A is working fine for pilot cam - because they "have". F-14 is doesn't and crash.

of course, already add the pilot camera into F-14 series, but other work is remaining so didn't update yet.


p.s: i knew your mean from read the eurofighter thread, but next time you must write "which aircraft is problem" in here. just "its doesn't work! crash! oh no!" is not help for fix the problem.

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the problem is for every of your aircraft, that hasn't got a targeting pod equipped. no matter if it is able to equip one or not.

if you don't have a targeting pod equipped on whatever type of aircraft, and you open the camera as a pilot for whatever reason, the game crashes.


the typhoon is a different matter, for it has a targeting pod equipped by default (exept for the CAP version), but crashes the game dispite of that.

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  On 9/25/2016 at 12:07 PM, madpat3 said:

the problem is for every of your aircraft, that hasn't got a targeting pod equipped. no matter if it is able to equip one or not.

if you don't have a targeting pod equipped on whatever type of aircraft, and you open the camera as a pilot for whatever reason, the game crashes.


the typhoon is a different matter, for it has a targeting pod equipped by default (exept for the CAP version), but crashes the game dispite of that.


my test result

F-16C/D : fine

F-15C/D/E : fine(gun cam)

F-2A/B : fine

F-14 : crash - no pilotcamera config in there for current version.(my dev version is working fine because already have gun cam like F-15)

su-27b by pook : crash - maybe doesn't have pilotcamera config.

CUP aircrafts(AV-8B/Su-34 for test) : fine. some aircraft have pilot camera / some aircraft doesn't but have zoom function instead


you think can fix your problem even i haven't same problem? i don't think so sadly.

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there must have been an error with the download. for i've downloaded it from your dropbox, before it was uploaded on armaholic. an i saw a shadow issue with the f 16, so i think it was the former version.

i now downloaded everything from armaholic and it works like you said.

all the trouble, just because of wrong data transfer.


p.s.: if you equipp f-14 with a lantirn-pod it doesn't crash, but the camera position is inside the jet-engine



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