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New Map : GOS Al Rayak

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I thought the issue might be related to arma being on dev branch.

FAILIX, your mission idea sounds great!!! :)

I just want to point out though that ALiVE (and CBA for that matter) is not compatible with Dev branch. Any issues you're seeing there should not necessarily be attributed to the map itself.

I've actually recently had reports that my missions are not working on Dev Branch so I know for sure there's an issue. Stay in stable if you want to play ALiVE or build a mission with ALiVE.

Yeah feel free to check Prophet out. Basically that's what I plan on making on Al Rayak too because man I just can't get enough of these glorious and enormous Middle East themed palaces. :) If we can determine Al Rayak needs a reindexing I'll definitely keep trying indexing it myself. I'm having a problem with the tools but I hope to get it sorted out soon.

I just see no sense in wasting my time if none of the buildings have changed recently and if everyone else isn't having problems. But you'd need to be on stable to know for sure.

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I just returned back to stable branch.

Was a nice long weekend in Tanoa ;)


I've also downloaded the AlRayak version 0041 from Makhno's mediafire link.

Sadly even with only cba 2.4.1, ALiVE,  CUP Core 1.1.0 and Cup Terrains 1.1.0 (all workshop versions) I have these roads on Al Rayak:





Is there some error in my setup or can others confirm this? In this state, these roads make me hesitate to use this otherwise awesome map to create a mission.



yes, I also read about the incompatibilities in some (of your) threads here and on alive forums.

So right now I'm not sure if I should start creating my mission or rather enjoy your mission first and start when all the dust over the upcoming updates has settled.

Since the guys I've played with are inactive anyway, I will probably rather test out your mission. 


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yes, I also read about the incompatibilities in some (of your) threads here and on alive forums.

So right now I'm not sure if I should start creating my mission or rather enjoy your mission first and start when all the dust over the upcoming updates has settled.

Since the guys I've played with are inactive anyway, I will probably rather test out your mission.

There's nothing that should really be preventing you from making any missions now as long as (1.) you're in stable and (2.) are using a map that's already indexed or going to be indexed soon (I.E. Diyala).

The problem lies with how few people (I'm aware of) that have actually expressed an interest in indexing at all. Even out of those of us that do want to help, a lot of us can't get the tools working (but we are admittedly new to the tools).

There's a HUGE backlog of maps that either need fresh indexing or re-indexing. Makhno's maps are all included. Every one of them I'm pretty sure.

If I had any degree of confidence I could get these tools working, I'd say just go ahead and start making the non-ALiVE portion of your mission on Al Rayak now but as the days go on, I'm much less confident I'll ever get the tools in a functional state. And as far as I'm aware, out of that huge backlog, I'm really the only one that's expressed interest in Al Rayak (that I'm aware of) so I'm not even sure it would be anywhere close to the tops of the list for the small minority of people actively indexing maps.

It anyone reading this wants to lend a hand and see if we can get Makhno's maps cleaned up for the ALiVE mod, come on over to the ALiVE forums.

Regarding the roads thing. Man I've never seen that. I'll have to take a closer look. You'd think I'd have seen it if all the roads are that way though. Very odd.

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THe problem with the roads is that since patch 1.60, all objects that were ratrer light coloured are now very bright.

The roads are objects provided by CUP just like trees and buildings.


You may adjust down the general brightness, but the definitive solution would be for the CUP team to rework all textures to dimm them down.


The other solution would be for me to cheate a n Arma 3 road network, but I don't havethe time for this right now.



For Alive indexing, If someone wants to do it, please do so, I'm too busy IRL at the moment.

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first off all  i got to say  this map is realy great   :D    got a little question though  ,  could you please make the rivers and ocean / sea  area's a bit deeper ? that way it would be perfect for some diving missions as well  :ph34r:

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One question If I install Community Upgrade Project - Terrains Complete: instead of Core and Maps, will it still work?

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Hi Makhno.


Have been playing on your Al Rayak map for a while now. Nice map if I may say, thanks very much for your hard work on this.

Was hoping to fix a few things. Road issues. Buildings etc.. Are you working on this any more. Or have you moved on to new pastures?


Is there any way I can do some of the fixes.

Any advice is appreciated.



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  On 4/24/2017 at 6:18 PM, gszeus said:

Hi Makhno.


Have been playing on your Al Rayak map for a while now. Nice map if I may say, thanks very much for your hard work on this.

Was hoping to fix a few things. Road issues. Buildings etc.. Are you working on this any more. Or have you moved on to new pastures?


Is there any way I can do some of the fixes.

Any advice is appreciated.



Without the source, you won't be able to fix anything.

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  On 4/25/2017 at 2:02 PM, Savage_Donkey said:

Without the source, you won't be able to fix anything.


Yeah buddy.. Guess so..


I have got it working quite well.. just a bit of a perfectionist. Wanted to move some items.

Looks good though.

Working well too.





Edited by gszeus

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Hello, Makhno. I was touring your other maps (Leskovets and Song Bin Tanh APEX), and I found this other Steam user had uploaded your Al Rayak map:



Considering that you've generously shared all your work on Steam Workshop already, this user's re-upload is pointless.

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@gszeus :

I'll happily provide you with the sources if you want to fix some things on this map.

Especialy if you intend to recreate the road network to Arma 3 format (currently uses Arma 2 road segments).

Send me a private message. If you're interested.

And finaly, no I don't intend to make any more work myself ( except maybe a full conversion to APEX when BIS release the tanoa objects).



@dakaodo : indeed, especialy since this is a pre Arma 1.60 version which is pretty much useless now.

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