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Operation Trebuchet - Total conversion mod for Arma 3

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Great job. Some of the textures look a touch too flat and clean but still a massive improvement over the old ones :)

I'm wondering though, the BR55 wasn't in that list...

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The new MA5 textures look good, but I just hope you'll also make them a bit less shiny/reflective (like the very first version iirc).

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Holy sheet its good 0.0


I reiterate my position that the textures could look a bit more "used" but nonetheless its still a huge improvement over the previous update :)

The eyewear is starting to look a bit out of place though...

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The new uniforms, gear and weapons (textures) look amazing. 


Anyway I just really hope you'll tune down the shinynees/reflectiveness of all the infantry armor and ARs to a less glossy and more matte and realistic finish like that of the OPCAN H3 marines for example, especially the MA5Cs in direct sunlight are ridiculously shiny, the Ma37 now has the same problem, but it was fine in the earlier version, where it wasn't too matte nor too shiny, just like the very first MA5 models back in the day.

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A new update is available to download. You can check it out HERE.


Head over to the subreddit to see a full changelog.

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"Adjusted Magnum engagement ranges to prevent AI using them over primaries"


If you ever do add the M6D (Halo CE) magnum... I hope we are thinking the same thing XD

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We've just released a complete overhaul of the First Contact expansion for Operation: TREBUCHET. For those unfamiliar, this mod aims to bring the Covenant into ArmA 3 as well as possible. Currently, it is slim on content, with only Elites filling the roster at the moment, but the goal is to build it up over time alongside the main mod. You can check it out here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1572627279

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Man, what a nice surprise! It's always good to have more alternatives for aliens models. ;)

I reckon we almost have enough variety across mods for Arma3 to remake XCOM! ^^

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Super quick feedback after playing around : 3d models are top quality, those Elites are fucking gorgeous! <3

I reckon it's going to be a lot of fun to fight these guys. Morton's marines look awesome too, that's an impressive package.


I did notice a couple issues, nothing serious :

- When FC is loaded, some of the backpacks from OPTRE seem to disappear from the Virtual Arsenal.

- The railgun sounds like a rocket launcher - not sure if the sound is a placeholder, but it seemed a bit "heavy" for a weapon that size.

- Elites speak with english voices : I know creating new speeches is a pain, but I would suggest using the VR Farsi voice with a low pitch for now - it does work pretty well I think.


Thanks to the team for making the most comprehensive scifi mod out there!

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So I haven't followed the development of this mod in a while so I apologize if this has been discussed before, but Is there plans regarding adding armor variants for the spartans? Preferably the Achilles armor from Halo 5?

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Unfortunately, Zero is no longer a member of the development team for Operation: TREBUCHET, or Article 2 Studios as a whole for that matter. He has informed us that he wishes to leave the project and seeks to remove his assets wholly from the mod. It is our understanding that this occurred due to a conflict of interest between his working with our team and the developers of the Sins of the Prophets mod for Sins of a Solar Empire, whom collaborated with him on and contributed a number of assets to his own mod, Operation: HOMEFRONT. These developers are working on their own ArmA 3 mod, also set in the Halo universe, and presumably wish to use these assets in their own mod. They threatened Zero with revocation of his right to use some of their assets in Operation: HOMEFRONT if he did not comply. 


So, what does this all mean for you, the player? Well, best case scenario, almost nothing major. We are currently working to recreate almost every asset we will lose with this departure and have made good progress on most of them, but still have some to go. We will try to provide updates on these asset replacements along with standard new content. Our goal is to minimize the impact this will have on development of new content, but we will unfortunately have to make some short-term sacrifices to fill the gaps left behind.


Most of the assets have already been assigned to developers or are already being worked on, with some even being complete as of now. Some of them, unfortunately will not be as high of a priority for us and we will have to evaluate their overall worth relative to the general gameplay of the mod. Two examples thus far are the Longsword and the Frigates. It is unlikely we will recreate these assets at this point in time simply due to the fact that they don't provide a significant addition to the overall gameplay we feel and the amount of effort required for their proper implementation is not justified by the benefit. However, for the many undoubtedly disappointed in this news, know that we are actively working on alternatives to both of these assets that should fit the gameplay and scope of ArmA better, while still providing the same level of quality you've come to expect from us.


While this is a disappointing setback for us, we are determined to provide even better content and quality, all we ask is a little patience and understanding as we work to overcome this. 
For specifics, the following is a list of all assets that were created by Zero and will need to be replaced:

MA5A, MA5B, and MA5C Assault Rifles
M6G and M6C Handguns
M41 SSR Rocket Launcher
M9 Frag and M2 Smoke Grenades
Emergency Flare
GA-TL1 Longsword
Charon and Paris-Class Frigates and Interior Objects
Traffic Cone
Portable Generator
Resupply Pod

(Precise classnames and object titles will provided in the near future to help everyone try to adjust accordingly)

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Damn... I never heard about the Operation : Homefront project, but those devs are off to a bad start. Forcing a years-long project like OPTRE to remove assets is damaging to everyone : the modders, mission makers, players and the Homefront team itself. Breaking dozens of missions is really not a good publicity.


Besides, the way they changed their mind about assets they donated and how they did it (threatening to exclude Zero from their team) is shaky at best : their motivation seem to be purely selfish. Such a move could be understandable if there was a breach of EULA/license, but it doesn't seem to be the case here...

Not to mention that, usually, taking back a gift or a donation is illegal.


Bah, enough ranting... To the OPTRE team : bon courage! I'll stick with you guys.

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Well while this is a real shame I hope you will be able to replace at least the infantry weapons without bigger problems. As far as it goes for the frigate...I personally use it more as a cosmetic asset for the sake of immersion than for gameplay reasons 🙂 


Keep it up..this is still one of the best mods out there for Arma 3


PS: Since this Project Homefront is all about spaceships and battles in space....it is beyond me why they told you to remove the infantry gear ....does not make sense in any way ...



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  On 3/6/2019 at 11:16 AM, Private Evans said:

PS: Since this Project Homefront is all about spaceships and battles in space....it is beyond me why they told you to remove the infantry gear ....does not make sense in any way ...




I'm going to hazard a guess : jealousy.

OPTRE gained a lot of visibility recently, with coverage on popular websites like PCGamer. One could almost think they realized that and decided to try and grab a piece of that cake.


But I've always been the pessimistic, don't listen to me. ninja.png

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Hi, I notice that when the vanilla bipods put on the OPTRE compatible weapons(DMRs, MGs, automatic rifles), in most case, the bipod models are no shown on the firearms(with only 3 exceptions like br45b). Is that intentional?

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