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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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  On 1/30/2016 at 11:35 PM, foffy said:

Sorry to bother you guys with my presence a little longer, friends, but I have a question about what CUP plans on bringing over.


I know you're all busy with A1/A2/OA and that lot, but have there been any plans for OFP and ToH? Not that I'm demanding these, but these are ArmAverse titles too. :P





Does this answer your question (heavy WIP)? ;)

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  On 1/31/2016 at 6:53 AM, Gruntin said:

Have you guys talked to guys developing MELB? I know they're lending their project to RHS, and I think I read somewhere they're lending it to you too. Any word on that?


That Kiowa is sick btw!



We get the data once v1.0 is released by the authors

PS.: Kiowa?!? It is some kind of fake Bell 412 by BI ;)

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  On 1/31/2016 at 6:53 AM, Gruntin said:

Have you guys talked to guys developing MELB? I know they're lending their project to RHS, and I think I read somewhere they're lending it to you too. Any word on that?


That Kiowa is sick btw!

I'm not entirely familiar with the above helicopter. It doesn't really look like a Kiowa or a Griffon......can we get a name drop form the modders please??

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Yes it's a Griffon/UH-1N.


We'll have the MELB when it's done, it doesn't depend on us, we could have a placeholder in for now but considering the time required it's not worth the hassle.

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Here is a Q:  Will we see the latest iteration Mi-24 called Mi-35 ,the one with the updated gun turret,from ToH? Missing that....

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  On 1/31/2016 at 6:05 PM, john1 said:

Here is a Q:  Will we see the latest iteration Mi-24 called Mi-35 ,the one with the updated gun turret,from ToH? Missing that....

is from ACR czech army is the export version of mi 24 V

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  On 1/31/2016 at 4:00 AM, audiocustoms said:



Does this answer your question (heavy WIP)? ;)

...Gonnnnna have to guess that's from ToH. :P


Next to ArmA Tactics, I am very unfamiliar with ToH. Was that chopper available in the campaign?

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Hello! Liking the variety and scope of CUP so far. It's wonderful to see the near and dear ArmA II vehicles and units in ArmA III!


Is there a way to disable the collision lights on the MQ-9 Reaper? I've tried controlling it with Zeus, spawning in as pilot, going through the UAV Terminal and disable "autonomous" and "lights", but it doesn't affect it at all. Not a great concern, but it would be very convenient for those super sneaky beaky stealth missions with strict light discipline.


EDIT: Disregard above. Figured it out by myself. Put this in the init and name the vehicle "reaper": 

null=[] spawn { while {canmove reaper} do {  player action ["collisionlightOff", reaper];sleep 0.01};};

Thanks for all your hard work  :)

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  On 1/31/2016 at 5:58 PM, Chairborne said:

Yes it's a Griffon/UH-1N.


We'll have the MELB when it's done, it doesn't depend on us, we could have a placeholder in for now but considering the time required it's not worth the hassle.


The 7CMBG also has 3 or 4 different version of the Griffon. They also have the CSOR-JTF2 Special Ops Griffon. They fly really nice. I guess they are based on that same model from OFP http://www.7cmbg.com/gallery/m/35342150/detail/260356#pid=2443441

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  On 2/1/2016 at 2:32 AM, gilatar said:

Hello! Liking the variety and scope of CUP so far. It's wonderful to see the near and dear ArmA II vehicles and units in ArmA III!


Is there a way to disable the collision lights on the MQ-9 Reaper? I've tried controlling it with Zeus, spawning in as pilot, going through the UAV Terminal and disable "autonomous" and "lights", but it doesn't affect it at all. Not a great concern, but it would be very convenient for those super sneaky beaky stealth missions with strict light discipline.


EDIT: Disregard above. Figured it out by myself. Put this in the init and name the vehicle "reaper": 

null=[] spawn { while {canmove reaper} do {  player action ["collisionlightOff", reaper];sleep 0.01};};

Thanks for all your hard work  :)

Collision lights don't work with remote controlled units, it doesn't depend on us unfortunately.



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Awesome stuff CUP team. I think this upcoming release will be the one which will make us switch from RHS to CUP for good. Yay!

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  On 2/1/2016 at 2:22 PM, officeramr said:



Its a real helo used by the Canadians primarily 


I think you may be thinking of the CH-146 Griffon which is the Canadian-built militarized version of the Bell 412. As far as I know Canada is the only operator for the Griffon.



The COH-58 / CH-135 Kiowa on the other hand was used by the Canadian armed forces in the 70s until the mid 90s at which time they were replaced by the Griffons which was seen as a one-size-fits-all replacement for both the Kiowas, older Hueys and Twin Hueys still in service after the end of the cold war. While Canada did operate 74 Kiowas, Canada was far from the primary operator and didn't pursue the same upgrade path as the US Army and other users.


As far as that screenshot above, I think that is in fact one of the "kit-bash" models from Take On Helicopters which takes the general size and layout of a 412 / Griffon and combines it with the fuselage and canopy shape of the OH-58 / Bell 206 Jet Ranger.

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Is it me or is the A2 F35 actually the X35? The nose on the "F35" a few pages back seem to resemble the X35's smaller nose and intakes that are more forward. It would make sense considering the age of A2 



Maybe i'm looking at it wrong? Can anyone confirm my suspicion? Not like it really matters at the end of the day, it will still be able to crush anything below it and maybe a biplane (if we're lucky)  :lol:

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Yeah, it is.  The only ACTUAL F-35s in the game right now are the one in the USAF mod and the FC-37 Thunder, from what I remember right.

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  On 2/1/2016 at 9:14 PM, officeramr said:

Is it me or is the A2 F35 actually the X35? The nose on the "F35" a few pages back seem to resemble the X35's smaller nose and intakes that are more forward. It would make sense considering the age of A2 



Maybe i'm looking at it wrong? Can anyone confirm my suspicion? Not like it really matters at the end of the day, it will still be able to crush anything below it and maybe a biplane (if we're lucky)  :lol:

Remember the aim of CUP is bring over content from Arma2 and other Arma games. The F35 i assume is the model from Arma2 brought up-to Arma3 standards. (CUP guys please correct me if i am wrong). So if it is indeed that model of course its going to look different than an actual F35. But at the end of the day this is Arma and fictional variants can exist ;)

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  On 2/2/2016 at 12:02 AM, R0adki11 said:

Remember the aim of CUP is bring over content from Arma2 and other Arma games. The F35 i assume is the model from Arma2 brought up-to Arma3 standards. (CUP guys please correct me if i am wrong). So if it is indeed that model of course its going to look different than an actual F35. But at the end of the day this is Arma and fictional variants can exist ;)


Yeah I looked into that and the BIS model was made so long ago before the "production" A2 that the USMC (VTOL version) doors are incorrect.  Worth changing?  meh...



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Looking at the infograph i think you're right. Keep in mind the game came out in 2008 so the model is certainly older than that.

Anyway it's just a handful of minor details, with the new textures they look nothing like the original ones already.


  On 2/2/2016 at 12:55 AM, shomu1 said:

How does one enable the armed AW101 in game?  


Which one are you referring to? I'm not aware of any armed AW101 available so far.

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I was looking around in the PBO and saw references to a "Merlin_HC3_Armed" under "Extra Vehicles."

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  On 1/30/2016 at 6:44 PM, tupolov said:

Obsolete 2D editor? lol, still working fine for me.


Will look into it for Eden, but no promises.


"Old , not obsolete" :-)

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  On 2/2/2016 at 3:53 PM, shomu1 said:

I was looking around in the PBO and saw references to a "Merlin_HC3_Armed" under "Extra Vehicles."

It's not functional/not in game yet.

I think in the next patch has been removed altogether.

We'll get around to make one properly someday.

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