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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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Nice, i'm excited for it :) 

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It combines my two favorite things


The chevy Tahoe & a minigun 

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  On 12/23/2015 at 7:54 PM, officeramr said:

It combines my two favorite things


The chevy Tahoe & a minigun 

isn't the Suburban?

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Will that SUV have hidden selections that can be enabled/disabled by the mission maker, such as the front bumper, similar to the vanilla offroad in ArmA 3?  Looks great by the way.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 8:36 PM, zukov said:

isn't the Suburban?

Hmm, so it is, oh well still a badass vehicle 

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Were the A2 SUVs always that shiny and reflective? They look like they just rolled off the assembly line with that sheen.

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  On 12/24/2015 at 6:07 AM, drebin052 said:

Were the A2 SUVs always that shiny and reflective? They look like they just rolled off the assembly line with that sheen.


Looks worst in the Chinook ;) . Something with the way the port is handled.

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  On 12/24/2015 at 6:27 AM, seba1976 said:

Looks worst in the Chinook ;) . Something with the way the port is handled.

It's the material files, smdi textures and the likes.

A2 models sometimes look super shiny in A3.

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CUP Santa is bringing a load of presents this year!

As shown this last couple months we're bringing in some new stuff along with a round of bugfixes.

Before we get down to business all of CUP team wants to thank those of you who contributed with valuable feedback and actively partecipate in our effort.


We'd also like to remember you we have a public feedback tracker in case you have issues to report: http://bugs.cup-arma3.org/my_view_page.php


So, what is CUP Santa bringing this year?

Well we have a new Wasp Class Landing Helicopter Dock, courtesy of ATLAS, to which we added a fair bit of functionalities that we're sure will come extremely handy to mission makers, such as an automated placement system to populate it with vehicles.

Those of you who ever messed around with the LHD surely know how painful it is to place every single vehicle on each deck and so on, well now it is fully automated and totally customizable.

If you're interested in this make sure to check the documentation Tupolov has prepared for you in this very comfy PDF: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXjN0pLlbJ51n5e4SoKR00491WkbHpbhFxbVyTEkwxk/edit


But wait there's more!

We have a new heavy lifter helicopter, the Mi-6A/T, that we're sure will come in extremely handy for those of you who enjoy playing as Opfor and always felt the lack of an adequate transport/lifter. Well fear no more! This beast can lift a total of 15.3 tons, even more than the Super Stallion.

Along with this we are adding the BMP-1/2 family of vehicles, including our very own custom made version with a Zu-23 turret, a new variant of the UAZ featuring a Metis ATGM launcher, and a Medevac Mi-24 variant (for now respectively exclusive of Russia and CDF), the Bradley family of vehicles including our very own M7 Bradley FIST, featuring a laser designator instead of the usual TOW/Stinger missile rack.

Finally, after popular request, we managed to add the SUV and the Armored SUV from the PMC DLC with an absolutely sexy gatling gun on top:




Here are some more screenshots of all the goodies:




Also worth mentioning that other packs got a good round of updates too.

We added Toadie's HLC M249 pack and M60E4 to weapons, we have replaced the vanilla A3 night vision goggles with the good old PVS-7 and finally units are now compatible with the new hitpoint V1.54 arma update.


Here are the links for the downloads, inside you'll find a changelog with more accurate details on the changes.


CUP_Weapons V1.4





Requirements: CBA_A3


CUP_Units V1.1.2




Requirements: CBA_A3, CUP_Weapons
CUP_Vehicles V1.2

Requirements: CBA_A3, CUP_Weapons, CUP_Units
CUP_ACE_Compatibility V1.1

This is intended to fix only WEAPONS compatibility with ACE.

Please keep in mind that this packs are still very much WIP and many more content will be added as we finish it.
For more information about this packs, the Community Upgrade Project, or for contacting us, refer to our
web page at http://cup-arma3.org/
Reporting Bugs:
If you encounter any issues, please report your findings at our bug tracking system at
Get in contact:
To get in contact with the Community Upgrade Project use our forum on
or IMs like Discord or Skype
Can be found inside mod folder.
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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas for all CUP team  thanks for this beautiful gift-update :wub: 

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Note: Due to heat damage to the LHD flight deck, STOL is not supported for AV8B or F35 (refit Jan 2016)

Oh boy, and here I thought the jokes about the F-35B's STOVL capability were bad enough...

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Is there any way to dl the updated files in the pbo's as opposed to the full dl,, Im in an area where we have no access to fast dl's..   An updater like RHS has would be fantastic , tyvm in advance for your reply and Happy Holidays to all :)

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Congrats on release, imo that would be great if you could include other hlc packs in your next weapon pack release :)

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  On 12/25/2015 at 11:40 AM, redman7g7@gmail.com said:

Is there any way to dl the updated files in the pbo's as opposed to the full dl,, Im in an area where we have no access to fast dl's..   An updater like RHS has would be fantastic , tyvm in advance for your reply and Happy Holidays to all  :)


We're thinking through some possibilies to achieve this, maybe (and only maybe, this is not a promise) for the next release.

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