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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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Really Love what's come from the CUP's Team's hard work and dedication! We run all Cups/RHS mods on our APX insurgency servers. Having the Dev Branch would be a welcome tool. Really Glad to have folks around here, who love Arma 2 as much as I do and want to see some of the Great things it has to offer come to Arma 3. Have brought some Arma 2 maps over to Arma 3 with me. Working on an [APX] insurgency on Taviana at the moment.


Is there a plan in the works for the Arma 2 tracks to be used with (ATS) Advanced Simulator? Would be Epic if I could get the Tracks working on Taviana. Thx [APX]_Kilo_

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  On 4/12/2017 at 12:24 AM, pazuzu said:

I'm still unable to spawn the LHD on my server. I had this problem with 1.8.1 and after this update it remains the same.


The carrier spawns on the sea floor.


Here is the code for sqf file run serverside:


_pos = [507.486,14504.5,0];
_object = createVehicle ["CUP_B_LHD_WASP_USMC_Empty", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setDir 300.002;
_object setPosASL _pos;

Does anyone here use the carrier on their server?


I miss having the carrier.


Thank you.

You already asked this question 3 times already, if you use a custom way to spawn it we really can't help you, besides im pretty sure someone replied to you already weeks ago.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 6:50 PM, irving_mainway said:

Anyway, rant over. By the way I'm liking the new PMC guys, especially their vests, nice job there too!


Please make a ticket on our tracker, we'll look into it. Thank you.

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Is CUP intended to be run only with all addons present?  So running vehicles only, for example, isn't supported?

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  On 4/11/2017 at 6:50 PM, irving_mainway said:

I'm sorry to make "one of those" nitpicking requests / tell you how you should make your mod posts but here goes.


I like your new M72 that's just been added, its gotten me thinking about the respective carry weights of the launchers as featured in CUP. Without getting  into splitting hairs, or another great discussion about ARMA 3's arbitrary mass system which somehow incorporates both weight and volume the weight of some of the disposable launchers (especially the RPG-18 and LAW) seems a little too much when compared to the likes of the AT4 and RPG-7. 


Off the top of my head, according to the inventory with ACE 3 running, both the LAW and RPG-18 weight in at a little over 10 lbs / 4.5 kg loaded (with the RPG-18 a slight bit heavier) as compared to their 5.5 lb / 2.5 kg weight in reality. I realize that a good portion of the weight comes from the projectile. I would assume that some of the projectiles are weighted artificially high to account for carry volume (so you don't get somebody running around with 27 LAW reloads in his backpack so he can spam them everywhere) but even with this taken into account, both weapons (M72 and RPG-18) tip the scales pretty close to the M136 / AT4 (14-18 lbs in reality, around 20 in game) and RPG-7 which in reality are quite a bit heavier. 


The main point I'm trying to make is that it may be worth some thought to reduce the weight of both the M72 and the RPG-18 to better reflect their "light" role and the "general purpose" manner that they were usually carried and issued. As far I know both were considered "all-up / wooden" rounds with the launchers considered disposable (all though this is rarely done as the spent tubes can be used in IEDs) and were treated essentially the same as hand-grenades in that anybody who has the room can be expected to carry and use them vs. a specialized AT weapon like say a Carl G or even an RPG-7.


Anyway, rant over. By the way I'm liking the new PMC guys, especially their vests, nice job there too!



I feel the weights are in a good spot right now, without devolving into the autistic madness of trying to balance everything perfectly in a game that clearly is not capable of handling it because of how inventory space works.

I see the weight of the actual rocket "magazine" is a bit inconsistent between the AT4 and M72/RPG18 but aside from that i dont think there's anything grossly mistaken, or unbalanced.

With ACE you can fit 4-5 launchers in your backpack already, and still have room for spare ammo and an extra launcher on your back, also now that the HEAT splash damage has been revamped they do work as rocket propeled grenades of sort (so does the AT4). Seems like a good deal to me.

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  On 4/12/2017 at 1:03 PM, Savage_Donkey said:

Is CUP intended to be run only with all addons present?  So running vehicles only, for example, isn't supported?

Weapons is standalone.

Units needs Weapons.

Vehicles needs Units and Weapons.

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  On 4/11/2017 at 6:51 PM, Rich_R said:

Edit - There appear to be holes on the LHD deck and those below. Will look for the bug tracker/report thingy


Thanks. I am not sure how much can be done about it. The issue with the LHD is that it's not a single vehicle, it's composed of parts since no single vehicle/structure can get that big in Arma. Rather, it is a composition that is made up of a number of parts. The entity you place in the editor is a dummy.


  On 4/12/2017 at 12:24 AM, pazuzu said:

I miss having the carrier.


I haven't looked at the scripting behind the LHD, but as I said above, the carrier is made up of parts. IIRC there is a function initShip in CUP's function library that we use to spawn things like the LHD and Frigate., and it depends on a specific init function for the LHD dummy vehicle, so spawning it like this might or might not work.

But as I said, I haven't looked at it yet so I cannot say how to do this by script.

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running vehicles only would mean they spawn empty

running units only would mean they spawn unarmed

the only on that can be run alone without risk of bugs should be weapons

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  On 4/12/2017 at 3:28 PM, BWMake said:

Can't find info how to use SMAW's spotting rounds. Can i?


It's an extra magazine you need, and you need to use the action menu to switch, since launchers do not (yet) support multiple muzzles; although I think that this is a feature coming in the Jets DLC

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Yeah i had those spotting rounds in my inventory. Not showing in action menu. Ill try withou ACE. Maybe that is the problem?

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is the harrier ii pilot is intended to be vanilla pilot?

the a10 is using cup pilot, but why the harrier and f35 is using vanila pilot?

Edited by Jason Leonard

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  On 4/12/2017 at 12:39 PM, Chairborne said:

You already asked this question 3 times already, if you use a custom way to spawn it we really can't help you, besides im pretty sure someone replied to you already weeks ago.


Yes I'm sorry for being a pest. It's just that it worked fine for version 1.8.0 but when the 1.8.1 version came it stopped working. I was just hoping this update would allow it to work again.


I did try using the editor to place the carrier and run it through my mission.sqm but it still spawns the same way. (Carrier is on sea floor and the blue ghost ship is on the surface.


The reply I got weeks ago advised me to change the ATL to ASL in the code I was using but it does not work.


I promise not to bring it up again. All the other great stuff in the mod will keep me occupied.


Thank you for your patients.

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  On 4/12/2017 at 1:12 PM, Alwarren said:

I haven't looked at the scripting behind the LHD, but as I said above, the carrier is made up of parts. IIRC there is a function initShip in CUP's function library that we use to spawn things like the LHD and Frigate., and it depends on a specific init function for the LHD dummy vehicle, so spawning it like this might or might not work.

But as I said, I haven't looked at it yet so I cannot say how to do this by script.


Thank you for the explanation. I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for a method for using on server.


I remember in the A2 version there were a few methods to assemble the LHD on a server. I'm pretty sure it needs t be spawned serverside so it spawns early and vehicles don't fall into the water.


Thanks again for the reply.

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Great work on the update lads, love the inclusion of the Arctic Avengers :P

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  On 4/13/2017 at 3:17 AM, pazuzu said:


Thank you for the explanation. I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for a method for using on server.


I remember in the A2 version there were a few methods to assemble the LHD on a server. I'm pretty sure it needs t be spawned serverside so it spawns early and vehicles don't fall into the water.


Thanks again for the reply.



Have you tried placing the LHD in the mission as a composition? Add a few things to it in eden, save as a composition and place accordingly when making the mission.


Wouldn't this force the game to put it down in a timely fashion? I currently don't have access to a server so am unable to test the theory.

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not sure if that is the right thread for my question. Apologies if not.
I try to change the weapon loadout of the Mi-24D. By adding and removing the relevant class names I can mount the different weapon systems on the pylons which is great. However when I try to add GSh-23 gunpods to the Hind it shoots only the left pod, not the right one. How can I make the gunpods shoot both like in the Superhind versions?

The gunpods are also not 100% aligned with the pylons when I add them. Is there a fix for that?

What are the "blank pylon" classes for? (e.g. CUP_2Rnd_pylonblank_M)

Since the "Jets DLC" will come with customizable loadouts for vehicles will CUP incorporate that as well? This could reduce the amount of duplicated vehicles significantly in the mod.

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The gunpods require some model changes too, they can't be added dynamically like vanilla ones yet.

Jet DLC tech will be added in due time.


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  On 4/17/2017 at 11:50 AM, kibyde said:

I try to change the weapon loadout of the Mi-24D. By adding and removing the relevant class names I can mount the different weapon systems on the pylons which is great. However when I try to add GSh-23 gunpods to the Hind it shoots only the left pod, not the right one. How can I make the gunpods shoot both like in the Superhind versions?


At the moment you can't. For the old system to work the model needs to be specifically prepared, since proxies cannot be (normally) animated. That means e.g. that there needs to be the muzzle flashes of all possible attachments in the main model, and the appropriate memory points. Both are not the case for the Hind


  3 hours ago, kibyde said:

The gunpods are also not 100% aligned with the pylons when I add them. Is there a fix for that?


Same reason


  3 hours ago, kibyde said:

What are the "blank pylon" classes for? (e.g. CUP_2Rnd_pylonblank_M)


The blank pylon magazines are there to skip an empty pylon/mounting. There is a certain hierarchy in the way that the pylons are used. There is a first level for the physical pylons, i.e. on the Little Bird, there are four main pylons (outer right, outer left, inner right, inner left) at the first level. The second level is for e.g. dual-mount racks like hellfires - there are two on the outside right and two on the outside left. The pylonblank magazines are loaded when a pylon is unused, for example, if the right pylon is used with a rocket pod and the left is used with a dual hellfire  - this caps off the non-existent hellfire positions on the right.



  3 hours ago, kibyde said:

Since the "Jets DLC" will come with customizable loadouts for vehicles will CUP incorporate that as well? This could reduce the amount of duplicated vehicles significantly in the mod.


What Chairborne said


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Thanks for the quick and comprehensive replies. I managed to get a Superhind version working with gun pods, rocket pods and AT missiles.

Keep up the good work. Really appreciate the work you do on your mods!

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  On 4/10/2017 at 9:00 PM, deltagamer said:


Perfect chance for me to shill my YouTube channel 

Is this any chance you could post a guide on how to set this up? Ive been trying for ages but I just don't seem to be able to recreate whats going on here :(

Also congratulations on the latest release, its brilliant.


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Is it just me or when you place any of the preset LHD's the vehicles seem to just fly or shoot up in eden and as soon as you spawn in? 

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For me, depends on the map. Same as holes in the deck which are only there dependent on which map the LHD is placed.


I personally use the empty version and while the defenses may bounce around in the editor, when in game everything appears fine.

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It's been known for a while, just never really thought about fixing it.

Make a ticket on the feedback tracker so we don't forget at least.

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I fresh installed all CUP components on my server last night along with the compatibility mods for ACE, yet I'm getting this error, which is preventing the server from starting: 

18:05:23 Warning Message: Addon 'CUP_Vehicles_ACE_compat' requires addon 'CUP_TrackedVehicles_Bradley'

I've confirmed that all of the files are present and accounted for, yet this error is being thrown. Why might this happen?


EDIT: Turns out by installing it from the online control panel, it added underscores to the mods and my previous command line set up didn't have underscores in the mod folder names. Simple fix.

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