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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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  On 11/15/2016 at 2:05 AM, autigergrad said:

Is there an option to now "pack" aircraft manually when placing the units on an empty LHD?  If so..where is that located?

Place a vehicle, right click, select "customize vehicle"


If the vehicle has a packing option, it should appear as one of the customizable animations


Edit: I'm late as usual :|

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You can always join the team and take on couple of vehicles?


It's not an answer to his question, and is close to mocking and/or flame-baiting answer. He just ask a question, it's not really a good image for the community to answering like that and this kind of attitude is what we just can dislike in a real community.





Just a curious question after every thing is ported will you guy work on improving the quality of the textures or leave it as is ?


As far as I know, the CUP Team already focused on the most important aspect, so the porting work.


After that, and after a personnal conversation with a member of the great CUP Team, they surely planned to upgrade the general quality to all the content to ArmA III engine standards, yes. But like it's a common mod, they surely need to speak about that when the time as come, and the better thing to do, from my opinion, is to wait until they reach this step and asking them or following their news to have the answer.


You have the right to ask, but I think that it's not already the time to know that for the CUP Team, and there is surely at least two requests, in the first part there is those who, like you and me, liked to see the content upgraded, and in the second part, those who considered that it's a porting mod so that don't include any upgrading in other way than just the functionnalities.


In any decision the CUP Team take about this question, I like the work and the time they take for giving use this content and I will support them in any choice they make  :)

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Holy crap, I started playing another game and now this... Damn. :D :D Well, I guess I won't be able to play it too long. ;)

Thanks a lot, CUP team!!

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  On 11/15/2016 at 11:19 AM, Ghost_Warden said:

It's not an answer to his question, and is close to mocking and/or flame-baiting answer. He just ask a question, it's not really a good image for the community to answering like that and this kind of attitude is what we just can dislike in a real community.



The thing is that exactly the same question is asked on a daily basis and most of them were answered already.


But I can give a definite answer to his question, if you like: No!


Why no? Because we already began with improving textures. Actually we had improved textures in every update. People just seem to ignore it. No idea why. because we are not updating all textures at once? Or maybe they just don't compare A2 vehicles directly with CUP vehicles?


Here are entries from the changelogs that are texture related:

* CUP_Creatures_People_Military_CDF - Added tri-color mountain, tri-color desert and tri-color forest infantry groups to CDF and UNO
* CUP_Creatures_People_Military_SLA - added several camo variants for both RACS and SLA soldiers
* CUP_Creatures_People_Military_SLA - added several groups for RACS and SLA using new soldier camos
* CUP_Creatures_People_Military_USMC - Added Binkowski's USMC (courtesy of Binkowski, Sabre and Johannes) (4x2 uniforms, 18x2 headgear, 15 SPC vests)
* CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia - Textures for eye hole balaclava
Added RACS Woodland uniform.
Added RACS Special Lennard inspired camo.
Added plain olive and tan RACS PASGT helmets.
2 New cap designs (TrackIR, Make Arma Great Again)
New British Armed Forces uniforms, equipment and units in three flavours (Woodland, Desert and MTP)
, removed placeholders.
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_ChallengerII - 9 camo variants for the Challenger II (woodland, 2-color-woodland, desert, two-color-desert, winter, 2-color-winter, ctrg sand, ctrg tropical, NATO tan)
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_ChallengerII - Damage and destruct materials to Challenger II (fixed T1645)
* CUP_WaterVehicles_LHD - added missing paa texture in LHD
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_BRDM2 - added CSAT Tropical variant for BRDM-2
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_Octavia - Added several color variants
* CUP_AirVehicles_A10 - Added texture and animations for Garage/Vehicle customization
* CUP_AirVehicles_AH1Z - Added texture and animations for Garage/Vehicle customization
* CUP_AirVehicles_AH6 - Added texture and animations for Garage/Vehicle customization
* CUP_AirVehicles_AV8B - Added texture and animations for Garage/Vehicle customization
* CUP_Airvehicles_KA52 - improved HUD glass material on Ka-52
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_BMP3 - tweaked BMP-3 rvmats
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - Changed the woodland colors and retouched textures on all of the M1 Abrams variants
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - Changed woodland color palette on M1 Abrams and LAV-25
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - improved textures and materials on M1 Abrams
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - more improvements to M1 Abrams textures
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - new textures for M1A1 Abrams for NATO (Pacific)
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - some targeting improvements on many ground vehicles part1
* CUP_TrackedVehicles_m1_abrams - tweaked rotation of M1 Abrams wheels to make it look more natural
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_BTR60 - replaced CDF BTR-60 texture with an improved one, minor tweaks to BTR-60 RVMATs
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_LAV25 - improved LAV25 materials
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_LAV25 - Retextured LAV 25
* CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ural - improved reflectors angles on both Ural and UAZ, fixes T1634

And I skipped a lot of entries. So asking "Just a curious question after every thing is ported will you guy work on improving the quality of the textures or leave it as is ?" is jsut ignoring the work of the people that are actually working on improving the textures in CUP.


Not the question is the problem, but the fact that it is basing on an uninformed and half-cocked assumption that CUP is not working on textures. A simple look in the changelog would have answered the question, same as just scrolling through this thread or using the boards search function.


And going just a few pages back in this thread and everyone can see the awesome work Taro and krogui are putting into new high res textures (some of them are in 1.8 already).

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Great work guys, the sheer amount of content is staggering!

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You know, there is many different kind of players here, and the others are Gamers.


The players just search for mods, don't really try them before asking anything, especially for the fact of CUP mods thare are really large files, so, asking questions is the best way to have informations.


The changelogs are oftenly really long and many of these players can eventually don't know or don't understand the changelogs. Yeah, I know, but many people oftenly asking what is a changelog when I give them the advice to read it.


And for the threads, there is so many differents subjects in one page that we just can't read all the 178 pages (actually) just to see if we speak about texture improvement. And oftenly, useless subjects.


On the other side, I can understand how a modder can feel to answering to the same question again and again, and modders wants us to be tolerant and understand how they feel in this situation, but who asked to modders to be tolerant to understand how a new member or a player that are not familiar enought with specific aspects of the forum or the mod tools can feel to searching about some informations but don't know how to get it. All of us here have already have this period when we started, and there is some nice members at this time to help us. There is new members and players every days, and so, there must be helping members every day too.


After that, it's just my vision of a community. Nothing is never acquired, and this community is the better example of that.


So, if a new member come and ask a question, I think we just have to answering him nicely instead of using bad ironic formulation, it's just the best way to give a bad feeling about this community.


But that's true, even if they are new, they need to start to take the habit to search and read before asking some questions that can be easily solved before asking again and again. But hey, actually, it's not like this question has been asked in each pages.


Thanks for the image album Chairborne, it's really helpful, maybe it be can directly linked to the first post, that can avoid this question to be asked again after looking at the first post, and in that condition, there is not really any other excuses to anyone else asking that again, like we said, a picture mean thousand words. Even with the FB pages and the website, visibly, they need to have visual support here too.


Concerning the mod, it's great to see that it growing and evolve really in the good way.


Thanks to the team for that !

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You say potatoe...


Agree with Neo 100%.  People need to read the farking changelog and assume that they aren't hiding extra updates anywhere else.


"RTFM" and don't be one of those "next-next-finish" kind of people.  Search button?  Nope, not going to use it.  If that sounds harsh, it comes from repeating the same song-and-dance over the course of YEARS of modding.  So yeah.  Jaded?  Perhaps.


On the flip side, the CUP statement is pretty basic - "import all data from A2".  I can't recall if there is a "teaser" or "possible items" list.  Of course it is all volunteer so documentation is always being chased after.

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You say potatoe...


It's your impression, right, but with this kind of impression, I really understand why this community is more and more badly commented by new and many old users.


Tolerance is really not the main word here, and it's one of the better element that each community need.


There is new members every day, and when each of you just started, you've all been happy to find others to answering you, and now, you just considering that everybody has the same abilities. Maybe you forget that, but that's not my problem, it's surely a reason why there is so many discussion here and there on internet asking for bad reactions from members.


I have the proof here and now.


Really pathetic, but hey, that's the way the world rules now. Not surprised.



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Well if you think we are all taking this a bit too seriously... I agree 100%  Its all about a GAME for fucks sake anyway  LOL


However I won't apologize for agreeing with the correction of the noob's misguided question.  Being a noob doesn't automatically disqualify you from understanding the ability to find information for yourself (search function anyone?) and that's what I am prattling on about.  That's a "victim society" mindset and I disagree with it.  All this is IMO part of why a good part of the "old guard" community left long ago.  Right about when all the noob sauce was getting spread thick due to DayZ and "life" stuff.


However if you feel the need to pontificate further please let's do it in PM and keep this discussion on-topic.

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Please add ability to sit on cannon. It is going to be SPLENDID :)

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  On 11/15/2016 at 6:57 PM, keeway said:

Please add ability to sit on cannon. It is going to be SPLENDID :)


We need a rideable Nuke :)

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  On 11/15/2016 at 5:13 PM, Ghost_Warden said:

it's really helpful, maybe it be can directly linked to the first post, that can avoid this question to be asked again after looking at the first post


In an ideal world, there would be an FAQ with this kind of information. Sadly, the maintenance of such a thing is, in itself, already quite some task, and sort of unattainable right now since most of us are busy doing the actual porting work, or the myriad of other tasks that come up. Getting a release out alone was some three days worth of work, with packing RC's, testing them, and repacking new ones. 


Which is why it is our hope that people would check the thread for that information.


Looking for "texture improvement" got me to a post were I answered the same question already, whether there is a drive to improve some of the textures, and my reply was in the line of what Neo said, mostly "We're already doing this". Obviously, this does affect only a tiny amount of content right now, but we hope to both improve models and textures over time. Sadly, "time" is the limiting factor.

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So a couple small things



I noticed the hand placement on the M4+Acog is kinda messed up. THe hand is too far forward and it kinda clips






Also the challenger 2 is using the reticle from the abrams. It should have its own reticle which is a circle with a smaller circle in it, like this






Obviously pretty small things considering what you guys just put out








Also random question, the T72 and the T90 have the extra fuel tanks attached on the back. Do they usually have these on when they are in battle? It seems like a liability to catch fire. 

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Approx. file size changes:


CUP Units -> 1.6GB to 1.9GB

CUP Vehicles - > 4.2GB to 4.5GB

CUP Weapons -> remains at 1.9GB

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I noticed that the LHD is ***ked after the update. Anyone else having the same issues? For me the elevators aren´t spawning properly and the 2 small gates for the workshop are stretched across the top of the LHD.  

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awesome update guys! love the new British Challenger 2 tank, and also the new FROG uniforms! . just a curious question of mine, will the ION PMC uniforms be implemented at a later time?

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Great Cupdate, thanks for all the hard work you guys have put in :)

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  On 11/15/2016 at 10:53 PM, HazardousJay said:

awesome update guys! love the new British Challenger 2 tank, and also the new FROG uniforms! . just a curious question of mine, will the ION PMC uniforms be implemented at a later time?

Yes, they are slowly adding factions in. Just this update they added CDF in with some fantastic updates to the A2 Uniforms and gear.




Fantastic update guys, great work with the CDF stuff and improving the textures.

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  On 11/15/2016 at 10:53 PM, HazardousJay said:

awesome update guys! love the new British Challenger 2 tank, and also the new FROG uniforms! . just a curious question of mine, will the ION PMC uniforms be implemented at a later time?

I'll probably replace them with new models I made for my own pack. The original PMC models have the usual baked in vests, and since I already did some PMC units replacing them is easier.

With luck they're in the next cupdate

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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