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thanks foxhound as always :)


in other news, i finally took on High Command support in the planning tablet. Still some work to do but since you can't sync the player to a spawned module on a dedicated server, I just wrote my own damn thing that takes over unless the player is synced via the editor.


This is going to allow mouneuverability for disbanded units. You will be able to build your own support groups and move them independently while you and your squad stay focused on the small picture.

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OK,I seen the High Command Converter features ,that looks very useful-but we need the get the Get in vehicle features soon.And a way to set the altitude on the fly.Needed much on flat ground.Not much cover there....maybe a menu item to Entrench position ,comming in ACE 3 soon.

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Would it be possible by any chance to add selecting all units, just by opening 3D menu? Basically, if no unit is selected when entering 3D menu, the entire team gets selected automatically? It would speed things up a bit. Also, considering how often I open the 3D menu and give an order without selecting anyone, it would stop me looking bad in front of my AI subordinates too :D

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A +1 for that....I think my Ai is Really Tired of me by now....would be a great addition to a Great mod!

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  On 3/2/2016 at 9:30 PM, teddymosart1 said:

OK,I seen the High Command Converter features ,that looks very useful-but we need the get the Get in vehicle features soon.And a way to set the altitude on the fly.Needed much on flat ground.Not much cover there....maybe a menu item to Entrench position ,comming in ACE 3 soon.

The vehicle boarding thingy is more complex than you may think because it's not just the functionality but also the visualization. It's not a priority right now but it's moving up the list more and more. Altitude on the fly looks better, my WIP has a much better right click context menu that includes these controls.


"Entrench" ... I am excited to see what the ACE team is cooking. I can detect it and add a right click functionality to the "take cover" function that works only if ACE is detected. Feel free to inform me once that function is out!


  On 3/2/2016 at 10:15 PM, gwynbleidd said:

Would it be possible by any chance to add selecting all units, just by opening 3D menu? Basically, if no unit is selected when entering 3D menu, the entire team gets selected automatically?

That's a great idea sir. And pouf - it's in there. Thanks!


Update is due soon, High command is working better and better -  it's easy to underestimate the impact of this. It's so much better if you maintain control over disbanded groups! Also there's that new right click context menu in planning mode, and last but not least i finally took on WP-loops :)

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  On 2/29/2016 at 11:34 PM, mad_cheese said:

 [...]High Command support in the planning tablet[...]


This is going to allow mouneuverability for disbanded units. You will be able to build your own support groups and move them independently while you and your squad stay focused on the small picture.


I'm in the process of soliciting the help of my meme-lord friend in acquiring a spicy meme with which to express my irrational excitement at the potential future inclusion of such a feature.


EDIT: after a productive consultation, we have arrived at a clear winner.



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Thanks a lot mad_cheese for this awesome mod.


I can't understand why, but C2_Shift and C2_Alt modifier seem not working for me.

For example I can't change formation and stance exept by using tab radial menu


CTRL+SHIFT+RMB and  CTRL+ALT+RMB (Forward Pell and Aussie Peel) are working good


C2 configuration seems ti be ok too

any suggestion ?

Edited by Windblow

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is it compatible with bCombat (infantry ai mod)?

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  On 3/4/2016 at 9:10 PM, Windblow said:

I can't understand why, but C2_Shift and C2_Alt modifier seem not working for me.

For example I can't change formation and stance exept by using tab radial menu

Sorry for not getting back earlier. I am not sure how to fix it but you are 100% right - the peel function is hardcoded to the CTRL key, C2_Shift and -Alt are customizable. Could you try to rebind them to something else and see if it works? Maybe bind them back to Shift and CTRL after. I really hope that will help.


  On 3/7/2016 at 7:25 PM, lokju said:

is it compatible with bCombat (infantry ai mod)?


No idea! Basically, it should. I assume that AI mods would not interfere with units that are controlled by the player, at least not anything movement related - I may be wrong but this would seem counter intuitive. I'd lose my shit if an addon started making decisions for me, I haven't tried bCombat but ASR for example had no clashes with C2 as I could not see any impact on my group's AI, but very much impact on full AI groups (as would be expected).. If it's only suppression, courage, skill, aimshake etc then it will be compatible.


ps: I am very excited about the update, it has more things in it that I've been craving for a long time :D

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Hey Mad_Cheese! Fantastic work on this. Would it be possible to add a UNSTUCK button to C2 for when AI get stuck in a building or object (Unless there already is one I don't know about)? I have seen it in other mods such as SAMO  and Drongos Command Enhancement and it would help make C2 the full package. 

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  On 3/11/2016 at 7:44 PM, taydeer said:

Hey Mad_Cheese! Fantastic work on this. Would it be possible to add a UNSTUCK button to C2 for when AI get stuck in a building or object (Unless there already is one I don't know about)? I have seen it in other mods such as SAMO  and Drongos Command Enhancement and it would help make C2 the full package.

good call mate, forgot about that one again. on the topic of "unstucking", everybody feel free to give me your preference, but keep in mind that it can not present the player with a possible exploit, ie just setpos-ing the units to an empty position is not really an option since you could use that to bunny-teleport units under fire etc. At the moment I'm leaning towards gradually setposing the unit in mini increments towards an empty position with a walking animation...

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  On 3/12/2016 at 1:34 PM, mad_cheese said:

good call mate, forgot about that one again. on the topic of "unstucking", everybody feel free to give me your preference, but keep in mind that it can not present the player with a possible exploit, ie just setpos-ing the units to an empty position is not really an option since you could use that to bunny-teleport units under fire etc. At the moment I'm leaning towards gradually setposing the unit in mini increments towards an empty position with a walking animation...


I guess it depends if people want this for MP, SP, or both. If it's mostly for SP, maybe it could be a teleport thing that's disabled for MP.

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  On 3/12/2016 at 1:34 PM, mad_cheese said:

good call mate, forgot about that one again


 Are you referring to the "Fire on My Lead" command?



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  On 3/12/2016 at 6:42 PM, froggyluv said:

 Are you referring to the "Fire on My Lead" command?



i was not sir but double good looking because.. pouf! it's in there now. As far as the workarounds go, this one takes the cake. I have no idea why it works now, but it works.


edit: may i add: thanks for pushing me over and over, sometimes you have to see things to understand how nice they are. This was a great call everybody. Before I release, give me your 2cents:


in the fire on my lead command, would you prefer to disable autotargeting or keep it as a seperate option?


i think i'm ready for the update this week. wanted to release it since weeks now but I'm glad I got some bugs under control first because god forbid I could ever build something that's bug free from the start lolz.

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Adding High Command functionality, at least in my book, opens up powerful possibilities. Now, the player has the same tools to control on both squad and High-Command level through the same practical tablet device.


Waypoint loops and the improved right click context menu present further desperately needed features, the new features to the radial menu rounds off a nice new release.


D O W N L O A D:

S T E A M :


A R M A H O L I C :


W I T H S I X :


M E D I A F I R E :


More download options coming up :)




  • ADDED: HighCommand control page added to planning mode tablet. Waypoints can be moved and added on the fly.

    -> units can be disbanded to HighCommand and rejoined to group. Includes non disbanded HC-groups

  • ADDED: Custom HighCommand function added if player is not synced to HC-module. Functionality is very similar to default HighCommand (beta)
  • ADDED: Waypoint loops added to planning mode (beta). Replaces the old Sync-Function. Sync is now exclusively done through Go-Codes.
  • ADDED: New right click context menu in planning mode with more settings to adjust, interacts in real time.
  • ADDED: Planning Mode waypoints can now be deleted individually
  • ADDED: "FIRE ON MY LEAD" option added to ROE-Section of radial menu (selected units hold fire until player fires weapon)
  • ADDED: "UNSTUCK AI" added to Radial Menu: Resets unit, teleports unit/vehicle to empty position if no line of sight to enemy within 200m. (TAB + SHIFT + MB)
  • ADDED: Brain-Button on radial menu now resets stance and looking direction to "AUTO" (mini-macro)
  • TWEAKED: Disable AutoDanger now cancels target before disabling AutoDanger, this has an impact on behavior.
  • TWEAKED: Radial menu selects all units by default if selection was empty upon opening. Function Tweaked for convenient usage with TeamColors.
  • TWEAKED: "AUTOCOMBAT" is automatically disabled for Helicopter Waypoints (Planning Mode)
  • TWEAKED: Pilot's are excluded from re-enabling "AUTOCOMBAT" since it has no benefit to them
  • TWEAKED: Planning Mode Waypoint-Markers slightly bigger now for better interaction
  • TWEAKED: Disbanded HC groups can be joined back individually
  • TWEAKED: Target orders assigned via tablet will now be distributed over crew (if they have a turret)
  • FIXED: Re-joining units from reserve will no longer lose data of current planning session.
  • FIXED: Vehicle drivers would dismount on disband/rejoin/refresh
  • FIXED: Player's group would lose all knowledge of disband/rejoin/refresh
I hope you enjoy the new goodies!
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Great addon with the high command, now i can do company level action without the long wait time in zeus!. Just one question, can you make a reset stance on the high command squads. for some reason they get stuck on crouch if one of the waypoints have that and it makes it really slow. and having everyone on standing is a bit crazy. Any chance for a auto stance or re-stance for the separated squads would be greatly appreciated. Also this might be impossible to change the formation on these squads?!


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Just watched the new update video and wanted to say what a good job you do of them! Informative and entertaining B)


Very exciting update; thanks for sharing your hard work once again!

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About as complete an AI control mod anyone could ask for.


pm sent

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Hi mad_cheese, this is an awesome piece of work that I tried out yesterday. I did run into some real beginners stuff so a few questions below :)


For the tablet: Should it be possible to assign a unit to team Red from the tablet, or should they be in color-coded teams already before entering the tablet interface? I struggled a bit with the green vs. yellow font colour, so as a suggestion perhaps make it more visually apparent who is selected.


Another thing, I read the manual but couldn't quite figure out how to make the tablet interface be map-only; I saw from a video that you could hide the controls ?




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Thanks guys and thanks Foxhound & Kecharles for the mirrors!


You can select multiple units and then right click on a unit button. If the button links to a unit within the selection, all selected units will be affected. If the button links to a non selected unit, only that unit will be affected.

I may change the colors at some point, when things are solid enough to start tweaking the 'design' - the design is super amateur and I'd like to make it way more pretty at some point, when things are working (so probably never lol).

To toggle the controls, click on the "Fn" button on the actual hardcore of the tablet. the button next to it can be used to toggle the tracker.

  Edward3hou said:

Just one question, can you make a reset stance on the high command squads. for some reason they get stuck on crouch if one of the waypoints have that and it makes it really slow. and having everyone on standing is a bit crazy.

Makes sense! I put it on the to do list :]

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