major_desync 137 Posted January 25, 2015 (183 kB)Gorgona v1.51by Major Desync Description: Gorgona is a small island located in the Ligurian Sea, 37 km off the west coast of Italy and 35 km north of the island of Capraia. Inhabited and fortified since ancient times, it is now home to an agricultural penal colony, housing 50 prisoners, including those convicted of murder and other violent crimes, as well as Mafiosi. The prisoners work the island's farms, moving freely around the island by day tending crops and livestock, returning to the prison buildings before the evening curfew. In the history of the prison, only one prisoner has escaped, though it is not known if he survived the long swim to the mainland. (Source: Wikipedia) Though based on the real island of Gorgona, this terrain differs somewhat from the actual island. Firstly, the terrain is larger - measuring 3.7 km from north to south, and 2.6 km from east to west (compared to 2.1 km and 1.6 km respectively for the real island). Secondly, the terrain is a lot less steep than the real island. Finally, while the terrain's buildings and roads are based on the real thing, I've taken a lot of liberties to produce some interesting locations for Arma3. Gorgona's size, topography, ground cover, and locations make it perfect for small-unit infantry actions and stealth missions with an emphasis on close-quarter combat.Features: Terrain dimensions: 4.1 km x 4.1km Terrain area: 16.2 sq. km Island dimensions: approx 3.7 km x approx 2.6 km Land area: approx. 6.5 sq km. Heightmap resolution: 4 m/pixel Elevation range: -50 m to 230 m Approx 112,000 objects Hilly, heavily forested terrain, with large olive plantations, and rocky shorelines. 1 main village, with several surrounding farms and compounds. Locations: Prison, junk yard, port, helipad, cemetery, castle, radome installation, military camp, research station.Screengrabs. by 12reviewman. Changelog:Beta v1.0: Released.Beta v1.1: Released.Changelog: Fixed: Keypoint text colour more legible Added: Seabed texture, clutter, rock outcroppings (and a surprise or two). Added: Several small ruins and a small comm compound to wooded areas Added: Secondary entrance to Military camp, plus several new lights to camp and radome. Added: Security fence, gates, new lights to Helipad.Beta v1.2: ReleasedChangelog: Fixed: Smoothed and widened several lethal gullies around the coastline (some are now good clandestine landing spots!). Fixed: Several misplaced objects (tree bin by prison wall, street lamp in town building and others) Fixed: Ground clipping through floor of several buildings. Added: Randomisation of orientation of most trees and bushes to give a more natural look (Thank you to Jakerod and his excellent Atlas terrain tutorial for the pro-tip!) Added: Box pier to harbour area. Added: Pier ladders to square water tanks to allow entry and escape. Added: Break in fence around Helipad. Thanks to Granis, Zonker3210, TokyoIndia, Gav and Jakerod for their feedback for improving the map in this versionBeta v1.3 ReleasedChangelog: FIXED: Buildings and markers not appearing on editor and in-game map. FIXED: Crash on exiting Arma 3 after previewing Gorgona in the editor. FIXED: Intermittent issue with activation of environmental lights on first load in to editor or missions. (It seems these issues were due to incompatibilities between new type 60 p3ds introduced in recent Arma 3 updates and BIS Binarize. Beta v1.3 uses type 58 p3ds, which apparently fixes these bugs, but may cause other unforeseen issues.) Thanks to Mikero for his latest Tools update for making this fix possible (and to Twelvecaliber for the tip). Beta v1.4 Released Changelog: ADDED: A few minor cosmetic tweaks to road paths (near Gorgona Scalo) and to the pier at the harbour in Gorgona Scalo. ADDED : Short road segments to gated compounds to allow AI to path through gates better (hopefully). ADDED: any changes to objects introduced in the latest (post-Nexus) version of Mikero's Arma3p.Beta v1.41 (Hotfix for 1.60) Released. Changelog: TWEAKED: Config and surface textures updated to 1.60 standards. This fixes the 1.60 Black Sky bug. ADDED: Some clutter objects around the helipad. REMOVED: Target range objects from the military base. Unfortunately these were crashing MakePbo for some reason. Thanks to james2464 and Makhno for the necessary know-how. v1.50 Released Changelog: Visual optimisation - Making Gorgona Splendid Again. ADDED: Green grass texture plus clutter. ADDED: Three large olive groves on the previously bare slopes on the east side of the island. ADDED: Miscellaneous trees and bushes to blend better with new, darker sat image. ADDED: Functioning or new lights to various locations, inc Gorgona Scalo, the prison and the military base. TWEAKED: Config lighting settings. TWEAKED: Sat image and mask image - there are some changes to the distribution and extent of the different surface textures. TWEAKED: Texture PAAs - to better match updated sat image. Stony PAA swapped for soil PAA. TWEAKED: Clutter on dry grass textures. TWEAKED: All non-concrete roads changed to dirt trails. Thanks to t800a and Cype_Revenge for visual optimisation hints and tips. v1.51 released Changelog: FIXED: Ingame map grid is no longer divided into two large-scale grid squares. Thanks to Makhno for the pro-tip. Known Issues: None currently. Licence: This addon is released under the Arma Public Licence Share Alike (APL-SA) licenceCredits & Thanks: CAPTNCAPS (teamproskill) and FSF for their incredibly helpful tutorials. Bushlurker, M!lkman, Jakerod and the many others who offer help and advice in the Arma 3 Terrain forums. Mikero for his invaluable and amazing tools Gav, Sam, and Geks for alpha testing. Contributors to this thread for posting issues and feedback. BIS for making the Arma series in the first placeDownload:ArmaholicPlay with SixSteam Workshop 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted January 25, 2015 Hopefully we'll get a mirror that isn't Steam Workshop. Looks like I map I'd be interested to try out but Valve can suck it if they think I'm downloading from the Workshop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted January 25, 2015 Armaholic and Play With Six mirrors to follow...don't worry! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Richie 330 Posted January 25, 2015 That's a very snazzy looking map, pure eye candy scrolling through the screens :) Really nice work, I'll explore when the links are up, thank you Major_Desync Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sonsalt6 105 Posted January 25, 2015 New mod v0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: @Major_Desync; You are now able to manage your own promo pages of your content on our web platform and publish new content yourself. To do so, please hit 'this is me' button on the page while logged in and follow the quick and safe claim procedure to get connected to your work. For now you can send new content or releases our way by using any filesharing service and add your notification at Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killshot 5 Posted January 25, 2015 Looks really promising and lovely made! Looking forward to explore the areas. Thanks for sharing your work. Btw. Major_Desync - probably the best (most accuarate) name in Arma community :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vernei 12 Posted January 25, 2015 Wow, really good terrain mate. Very high quality and high attention to detail. I would certainly put this on par with Bornholm, Imrali and Wake Island. Very high attention to detail. I'm glad you took liberties with the terrain and buildings to make it more Arma-friendly. Its more important to make a terrain that's *fun* to play than 100% real-world accurate. You seem to have done exactly that. I'm looking to make this into a spec-ops mission. Especially with extremely limited beaching areas for access from the water, this would make a great map for stealth missions. And how in the world did you keep this to only 75mb in size! Wow. Bravo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 40 Posted January 25, 2015 (edited) Jackal326 said: Hopefully we'll get a mirror that isn't Steam Workshop. Looks like I map I'd be interested to try out but Valve can suck it if they think I'm downloading from the Workshop. Um, what's wrong with the Workshop? I have only had good experiences with it. The Arma community needs a centralized place for mods and whatnot that isn't buggy, resource heavy, and crashing 30% of the time on startup like PWS does. --- Also, Gorgona is amazing. I posted a comment in your Steam Workshop page. Edited January 25, 2015 by 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pundra 8 Posted January 25, 2015 Jackal326 said: Hopefully we'll get a mirror that isn't Steam Workshop. Looks like I map I'd be interested to try out but Valve can suck it if they think I'm downloading from the Workshop. I'd love to read whatever ridiculous reason you could come up with for not downloading a mod from the steam workshop. Please delight us all with an explanation for this post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted January 26, 2015 Pundra said: I'd love to read whatever ridiculous reason you could come up with for not downloading a mod from the steam workshop. Please delight us all with an explanation for this post. I prefer to have control over what addons I have installed, or rather, what version my addons are. Auto-updating is the main reason I avoid the workshop, not that I need to justify myself to you. Back on topic, I just got around to trying the terrain and really liked it, good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panimala 25 Posted January 26, 2015 Great island. Small in megabyte size, well optimized yet good looking with its pretty sat map. Only downside is that the forests may feel a bit bland once you're in them. Looking forward to seeing more from you. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HellGhost Posted January 26, 2015 Hi, Don't know why, but crash the game when I Preview it. Actually, I can't get any feedback about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 26, 2015 Thanks for sending us the release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Gorgona v1.0 ================================================ We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted January 26, 2015 Jackal326 said: I prefer to have control over what addons I have installed, or rather, what version my addons are. Auto-updating is the main reason I avoid the workshop, not that I need to justify myself to you.Back on topic, I just got around to trying the terrain and really liked it, good work. I'm the same, i avoid the steam method altogether, prefer Armaholic. And also agree, nice island/terrain. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparfell_19 188 Posted January 26, 2015 Nice work, your terrain is a beauty and offer some very interesting places to play in. I hope you will add markers for buildings on the map. Just a comment : This place looks very very weird and unrealistic compared to the rest of the island : (444 kB) PS : And it looks like my game crashes when I quit the game after trying the map in the editor (no other mods launched) : RPT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted January 26, 2015 First – thank you all for your kind comments. Every hour of fun you get out of this map justifies every hour put into making it. Some replies: @Sonsalt6: Thank you for adding me! @Foxhound: Same to you. @killshot: ;D @Panimala: Fair point about the forests – I’ll think about spicing up the more isolated wooded areas with a few more ruins, and maybe a secondary com-mast compound, if appropriate. If all else fails though, I find an enemy fire-team or two spices up a stretch of forest plenty. ;P @HellGhost: Weird – haven’t seen that before. So it *might* be something in your set up. Have you tried going pure vanilla (no addons) and just activating @gorgona? It might also be something odd with the mod - for example, whatever is causing the crash on exit below. Thanks for the report - I'll see if it's something I can fix. @Sparfell_19: Crash on exit – I’ve noticed this too. I’m not sure what’s causing it, but will compare your RPT vs mine and see if anything obvious jumps out at me. Also – will add that to the known issues. Thanks for the report! On the research station – sometimes the real world is a little weird. ;) Yeah – it’s probably a water tank in reality, but reality is boring sometimes. ;P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavc 28 Posted January 26, 2015 Great Work Major_Desync. Kudos Gav Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HellGhost Posted January 26, 2015 I'll try tomorrow without any others mods. That's why I think as well, seeing that visibly, nobody else have crash, the issue should come from my side. Actually, not vanilla, I used three different shortcuts, one for Vanilla + some mods, but only for gameplay or sounds, so no hugh or content mods, another one with mods (so with new terrains) and the last one same as the second but with AiA. I'll test it tomorrow without any other mod. I have no error messages, the game just freeze, and when using Alt+Tab, an error message indicate that ArmA III stop functionning. I'll keep you informed if I find something. Thanks for your reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zonker3210 1 Posted January 27, 2015 Wow, you did a beautiful job on this! I got it from Armaholic (thanks for posting it there, btw!) and at first I thought the download failed..."63MB....what the heck?!" ;) I did a quick tour in the editor and I really loved the way you arranged some of those buildings to create inner courtyard areas. Many terrains feel sterile but from what I've seen thus far your Gorgona has some of the organic feel that makes a truly excellent map. In that respect it reminds me somewhat of the amazing maps created by Opteryx such as Afghan Village and, of course, his wonderful Avgani. (How the hell he managed to create something so awesome in the first ArmA game just boggles my mind! Sorry, back on topic...) One suggestion that I have is to add some more lights to certain areas. I think it's safe to expect that one would encounter a fair number of spotlights around certain spots. In particular, the military camp, prison buildings and radar/radio areas. Please don't add *too* many lights, though! Also, I notice your description here mentions a helipad but I didn't see one...?? I'd expect one at the military camp and perhaps another near that compound in the northeast portion of the island. (I can't recall the name but I think it was Villa Something-or-other...or in that vicinity, at least). I'll take another look later this week. Anyhow, thanks for creating this map and sharing it with the A3 community! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) @HellGhost - fingers crossed! @Zonker - thank you! To be compared to Opteryx is high praise (I'm really looking forward to his new ME buildings pack). Lights, like object clutter, are one of those Goldilocks things - too much and too little isn't good, but it's hard to know when you have it just right. I'll look at the camp and radome again (I had more lights in both and took them out), but, having tested a night mission in the prison, having a mix of light and dark there is good, I think. ;) Helipad - I need to increase the size and change the colour of the keypoint text so these features are easier to spot. The helipad is in a clearing on a wooded ridge two-thirds of the way down the east coast. That's the location on the real island, which is a bit weird, but I think it adds some interesting options for missions. It'd be a kind of lonely posting for a sentry team. I've thought about adding another pad to the base, but I didn't want to clutter it too much to allow mission makers to change it as they like (off the top of my head, I think you can drop a helipad marker in Zeus). I'm gonna think about that more though. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to give feedback, and enjoy! Edited January 27, 2015 by Major_Desync Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HellGhost Posted January 27, 2015 Issue solved, without doing anythinh. Maybe because the first time, I don't add the *.bisign file ? Actually, launching it don't cause any problem. Fingers crossed functionnal ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zonker3210 1 Posted January 28, 2015 HellGhost said: Issue solved, without doing anythinh.Maybe because the first time, I don't add the *.bisign file ?! Yep! Bisign files are definitely required for installation. You only need to add bikey files to your Keys folder if you're hosting a server. Major_Desync said: Lights, like object clutter, are one of those Goldilocks things - too much and too little isn't good, but it's hard to know when you have it just right.....{snip!}.....having tested a night mission in the prison, having a mix of light and dark there is good, I think. ;) I wholeheartedly agree! If memory serves, I didn't see *any* lights around some of the areas. I really need to do a more thorough exploration of the island, though. Thanks again for sharing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HellGhost Posted January 28, 2015 So, that's the issue, I know this and I always do without *.bikey (because online gaming in ArmA series is seriously bad since too many players used it like a stupid game) and I don't have time to join a team, and this time, don't know why, I probably do a mistake by taking the *.bisign for the *.bikey. So, just a mistake from my side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major_desync 137 Posted January 28, 2015 @HellGhost - glad to see you've got it running, hope it is worth the effort! :) @Zonker - Ah - that brings up an intermittent problem I've seen with lighting. Nearly all the lights I put in (except a couple of the really bright globe lights in the village) are on by default. BUT - I've sometimes noticed the first time I've loaded up a editor preview only the lights in a radius of my placed player character are on and the rest are off (even the red navigation lights on the comm towers). Loading up the preview the second time seems to fix this and all lights come on across the island. I've noticed it also in actual missions - first load in, no lights, second load in, lights. No idea what's causing it though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zonker3210 1 Posted February 1, 2015 While putting together a rough mission on Gorgona I've noticed two things... The military camp has one entrance/exit. Maybe that's intentional and a good idea, it just seems like a potential bottleneck to me. A relatively small force could keep the entire base locked into the walled area by blockading that one location. The big radar dome on the hill north of the camp is totally destroyed by only two rockets fired by a Pawnee. This may be a game bug/feature but it just seems really weird. I have to load up one of the stock A3 terrains to see if this is an issue for those as well. As for the helipad, now that I see where it is, I like it. Its remoteness gives me a few interesting ideas for various mission tasks and, contrary to my earlier comment, I'm not at all sure that you need to add another. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites