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Damn, after playing MGS5 for +60 hours I now have an urge to fulton any containers I find in Arma or pluck bushes from the ground :sneaky:


With regards to the AI, after playing against it for many hours, I can definitely say it's very limited, probably intentionally to make the game easier for mainstream players. But being a stealth game, it does a few cool things as well. Like reacting to sound, and cones of vision, not to mention soldiers with NVG are better equipped to catching you in the dark. Arma could really use some CQC AI routines, in its current state you can't do stealth or use physical attacks against unsuspecting NPCs.

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0.39 changelog.

A few changes to the headbag model and a few clean ups in the configs and code.

Mod is signed.

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0.40 is here!


Short changelog.

New robe uniform.

New textures for the uniform.

Randomized numbers on the uniforms.

Three properly configured prisoner civilians.

Tons of fixes for materials for robe, headbag and eyepatch.

Config clean-ups etc.

All kudos goes to my friend Facel who made those beautiful models.







Download link.


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Hey RebelVG, after the last update (1.58 patch or this update on MGSV mod) the "only way out" ins´t working anymore.... I kinda miss it whenever playing ravage (or other zombie/survival scenarios where the "bullet to the own head" would be a honored way out of misery =P)


Cigars still working like a charm (so I can keep my Marlboro dude on doomsday as ever)



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  On 4/24/2016 at 10:44 PM, corporal_lib[br] said:

Hey RebelVG, after the last update (1.58 patch or this update on MGSV mod) the "only way out" ins´t working anymore.... I kinda miss it whenever playing ravage (or other zombie/survival scenarios where the "bullet to the own head" would be a honored way out of misery =P)


Cigars still working like a charm (so I can keep my Marlboro dude on doomsday as ever)



Does it provide any kind of error?

We played yesterday with it on our server, worked fine.

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Nope, just the option to commit suicide isn´t available on the equipment tab on ACE interaction wheel =/


I´ll investigate more (maybe a mod conflict that emerged with 1.58 patch) 


[EDIT] Yeah, it was a MP mission (using Ravage), when I´ve loaded a SP mission, the "only way out" was back on... must be some script conflict on MP envoirement =)



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  On 4/25/2016 at 4:15 AM, corporal_lib[br] said:

Nope, just the option to commit suicide isn´t available on the equipment tab on ACE interaction wheel =/


I´ll investigate more (maybe a mod conflict that emerged with 1.58 patch) 


[EDIT] Yeah, it was a MP mission (using Ravage), when I´ve loaded a SP mission, the "only way out" was back on... must be some script conflict on MP envoirement =)



No conflicts, it's just disabled for multiplayer by default.

There's more in the first post of the easy way out thread on how to enable it in multiplayer.

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So ive been interested in doing a metal gear solid type game campaign, kinda what you did but it is a story that takes place after thr events of mgs 5. I really could use someone with modding skills.

Ive wrote the story while i was building my pc for arma 3 and im good with the cinamatics, story line, and campaign creation i just need modded characters. Interested in collaborating with something like this?

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I was sure when i got done building my pc there would be tons of mgs mods. But there really isnt....

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Coming soon.

Model, textures and materials are by Facel.

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Hideo approves..... ^^



So good rebelvg, I can already picture a rain soaked prisoner extract mission. 

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New poncho (Model, textures and materials by Facel), located in the backpack section of the arsenal.
Editor previews for units.
Some config and rvmat fixes.


I encourage people to use steam workshop.



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  On 8/6/2016 at 2:20 AM, rebelvg said:




New poncho (Model, textures and materials by Facel), located in the backpack section of the arsenal.

Editor previews for units.

Some config and rvmat fixes.


I encourage people to use steam workshop.



Wow! This poncho looks amazing! I think, that's the thing we needed in Arma for ages! Btw, are these rifles gonna be included in next update (I know it's CUP, but maybe we'll see it?)? And yes, what about adding MK II Ruger and AN/PVS 7? These are already exists as mods, but it's better seeing it as one mod! Hope to see new updates! Good job on working and good luck!


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I friggin dig those ponchos; alternative versions configured as vests would be absolutely perfect. :wub:


By the way, any plans for snake's bionic arm? ^^

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Maybe a future update could include the blue prisoner robes?......


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I love new ponchos. These are just what tanoa needed in rainy nights.   :icon_dj:



Btw, I wish you made a scarf like snakes.



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