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The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

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and here she is:


The OH-6 Cayuse "LOACH" Light Observation Helicopter

grand-daddy of the Littlebird.


Model by BI

Edits and parts by Razorback, Eggbeast, hcpookie, CSJ and Vilas.


- several skins, random decals to follow

- 3 attack + scout and transport versions

- dual controls

- working cockpit animations

- throwable smoke, lumes and grenades

- custom music

- vietam era clutter


Transport version with 2 FFV seats



Scout version with rear bungee-mounted M60C





xm-8 40mm GL with 34 degrees of vertical traverse and 150 rounds of ammo, and rear M60



XM-27 minigun pod with 34 degrees of vertical traverse and 2000 rounds of ammo, and rear M60


Custom attack version with M134, M60 and 4x rockets



Working cockpit display with added compass, fuel gauge, fuel warning light, cabin lights and moveable searchlights





Correct navigation lights



Working cockpit stick, collective and pedal animations




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That looks fantastic. I have been longing for an Vietnam-era OH-6 in ArmA since I read Low Level Hell the first time. 

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the hard bit was making all that lot fit into one model.


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Oh yes. I like that one a lot. Everyone loves a littlebird, and now we have one just perfect for small fast insertions and support.


Nice work egg. Full of lovely little period clutter as usual :)

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Oh jesus I love the little bird! All those details and clutter.. finally period correct OH6.

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Razorback did the textures - they are great. i'd like to decal some of it, so we can have more options at some point.

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New tommy animated and optimised:

- fire selector,

- trigger,

- mag release,

- bolt,

- chambering rounds,

- diminishing rounds in mag (Seen through holes),

- safety goes on if you put the weapon over your shoulder.


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  On 3/8/2017 at 4:54 PM, Gilatar said:

That looks fantastic. I have been longing for an Vietnam-era OH-6 in ArmA since I read Low Level Hell the first time. 


oh man, i JUST finished Low Level Hell...gotta be one of THE best FAC type books I've ever read. Highly recommend this. You'll certainly get 'in the mood' to use the Loach...however to complete the pink team you'll need atleast 1 AH1 flying high to cover your butt!! :) 

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  On 3/4/2017 at 11:03 AM, eggbeast said:

if you play a moddable game, expect big downloads.


lol if the mod doesn't have huge downloads per patch/release, i start to question it. 

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some in-game shots of new weapons - thanks again to those who donated for these, Oddball-47 Ronin for the tommy and m1911 by Luchador and Finchy and Barden for the new EX-41:







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new UK vz.59 machine gun delivered to PAVN HQ today, complete with new handanim - i finally worked out how to rotate hands in only one axis!


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1. China lake launcher. It has no normal map or specular map?

2. Tommy gun. Is it original texture quality or it's your medium in-game settings? Will it have a specular map?

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Looks great :)

Sendt fra min SM-G925F med Tapatalk

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Looking forward to the new models and the loach specifically. However, the M1911A1 model is incorrect, when the slide comes back on the 1911 the recoil spring housing stays with it, not forward. And the curved bit on the back of the grip could come out a bit more, the magazine heel doesnt stick out on the bottom, and the small notch on the slide for the slide lock is missing, take a look at these pics for reference.

Image result for M1911 slide backImage result for M1911 slide back

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adjusted slide, hammer and magwell, thanks.

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new m67 nade on the left, compared with old model



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well at least the pin is in


first dawn patrol on Trung Si map...

what a great loadout


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This truly is my favorite ArmA3 mod at the moment, just wanted to point out one bug that has been driving me crazy lately.


- The sight alignment on the M79 is off. A simple test on flat ground can confirm this. Grenades go beyond the selected range.


I'll have to try the M203 and the other GLs.

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