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The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

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ok so we also have a CH-53 model in the works (courtesy of wld427 who donated it to us, originally made by sfc itzhak, who kindly allowed us to use it)


so im thinking we can have:
1. USMC CH53A sea stallion with 2x m60 on windows
2. USAF HH-53B with gau-2 miniguns on doors and ramp (and refuel probe)
3. USN RH53A with twin 50 cals on windows
4. USMC CH-53D pair of 50cals on windows and 50cal on ramp
5. ambulance version with 24 litters


any thoughts? and evidence of better layouts?


"Defensive armament systems for the H-53 series as used by the US Navy have no known designation, but generally comprise pintle mounts at "personnel or cargo doors or windows of the aircraft."[40] These mounts are usually equipped with either GAU-15/A, GAU-16/A, or GAU-18/A .50 caliber, or M60D 7.62 mm machine guns."


"HH-53B: The US Air Force regarded their Sikorsky S-61R/HH-3E "Jolly Green Giant" long-range combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopters favorably and was interested in the more capable S-65/CH-53A. In 1966, the USAF awarded a contract to Sikorsky for development of a CSAR variant of the CH-53A. The HH-53B, as it was designated, featured: Armament of three pintle-mounted General Electric GAU-2/A 7.62 mm (.308 in) six-barreled Gatling-type machine guns, with one in a forward hatch on each side of the fuselage and one mounted on the tail ramp, with the gunner secured with a harness."


clearly m60s



minigun on ramp in vietnam





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well we already have the mash H13 as well as the uh1H and ch47a ambulances.

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In order to continue producing this mod at a high level of quality and quantity for the Arma community

we are currently looking for the following people to boost our team productivity:

2 x model porters
- porting models from arma 2 to arma 3 (e.g. motorbike, bicycle, helicopter, tank)

- you need to have basic knowledge of Arma Tools (object builder)

- we can teach you the rest, you just need to be willing to follow our guidance.

- These posts allow people the ability to grow and develop their knowledge in model development.


2 x building artists

- high level of ability to make new scale models from scratch in whatever program you use

- uv mapping and texturing models

- we can import to p3d / rig / animate / and config

- The buildings are for a new urban map based in Hue 1968 that our world-builder artists are developing.

- Your creative input to that map would become legendary!


To be part of our team you will need

- about 6-10 hours a week for no pay, except being part of a supportive 14 year-old modding team

- open-minded and teamworking mind-set

- skype account for group-chat

- tortoise svn (we can teach you how to use that)


Interested? please send me a PM

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I think the recruiting will be failed. People are too lazy nowadays.  I saw how many people using this mod in multiplayer, spending a lot of time just playing but nobody likes to use this time to create something. When you asking why not - they telling they have no time!)) Or can't use 3d programs due to their slow computers (how you playing arma3 then?). 


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  On 2/27/2017 at 2:18 PM, Rayko said:

I think the recruiting will be failed. People are too lazy nowadays.  I saw how many people using this mod in multiplayer, spending a lot of time just playing but nobody likes to use this time to create something. When you asking why not - they telling they have no time!)) Or can't use 3d programs due to their slow computers (how you playing arma3 then?). 


Sorry i think this is the complete wrong attitude, there no need to be so negative. 

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  On 2/27/2017 at 2:42 PM, R0adki11 said:

Sorry i think is the complete wrong attitude, there no need to be so negative. 

My post isn't negative! It's just funny facts!))

No, i wish a crowd of newcomers to the team of this mod of cource! Yeah, you right we should hope!)) 

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  On 2/27/2017 at 2:48 PM, Rayko said:

My post isn't negative! It's just funny facts!))


So why don't you join the team and help out if you think others are too lazy? 


Modders do this on their spare time along side full time job, their families and other priorities. If they are "lazy" then so fucking be it.


Not having time is not the same as being lazy. That's just fucking life.  

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  On 2/27/2017 at 2:57 PM, slatts said:

Not having time is not the same as being lazy. That's just fucking life.  

But they have time to play!:f: And play a lot!))

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  On 2/27/2017 at 3:01 PM, Rayko said:

But they have time to play!:f: And play a lot!))


Like I said, if you care that much. Do it yourself.

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  On 2/27/2017 at 3:11 PM, slatts said:


Like I said, if you care that much. Do it yourself.

I'm doing. See my posts on previous page.))

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  On 2/27/2017 at 3:15 PM, Rayko said:

I'm doing. See my posts on previous page.))


Good, now shut up and get on with it. Stop being lazy

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  On 2/27/2017 at 3:17 PM, slatts said:


Good, now shut up and get on with it. Stop being lazy


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we're really keen to get someone with experience churning out buildings for Hue.

I asked Milkman ages ago but he was busy with his own projects dammit.


I would do it as it would be a fun project, but i have an enormous list of vehicles to work on, and i'm not very good at making stuff from scratch... I did make several call of duty maps including a complete dutch city zone, a french village, a rhine valley village and a seaside farm, all landscape and buildings (churches, barns, tunnels, bunkers, houses, factories) made by hand etc. but that was in a similar program to OB. i wouldn't have a clue how to use maya or 3ds max or blender... tried blender and 3ds max before - way too much of a steep learning curve.


without a buildings artist, our map will be developed with what we have i guess.

without model porting support, it will just take us a long time to finish the backlog of materials. i can't imagine how it feels working in CUP....


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Eggbeast I have PM'd you about helping out with making you some buildings :) 

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so yeah, it's a big project, we need people who can make street-signs, shop signs, railings, bridges, rubble piles, right up to citadel bastions, bridges and cathedrals.

so if anyone out there can lend a hand, it's gonna be an awesome battle in the end - a legendary map for the arma series.

we already have the satmap done, with the rivers and canals already in.


Razorback, Londo and maybe Icebreaker are gonna be working on the basic layouts and ground textures


we just need a lot of buildings and parts. I have imported a lot of stuff from takistan already, but if we could get some guys wh ocan just do the importing process on more of the takistan houses, i can help them with a process to follow, and guidance. it's a good way to learn your way around arma building models.

then we need texture people to retexture the buildings to vietnamese colonial colours and signs, add shutters and details etc


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we can today announce the addition of three amazing quality US personal weapons thanks to a kind donation from unsung fan and community member Oddball-47 Ronin, plus a bridge for the Hue map (See other thread for that).


Anyway, we think you'll agree that his donation was very well spent:


first, a zippo for you to burn down villages with:



next the staple weapon for US troops (made by Luchador) the Colt M1911 pistol
















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