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The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

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added m2 sawn- off for SOG / SF / LRP units



Desperately seeking a hand animator... see below!



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Hollywood stole our idea!





kong - check

vietnam war - check

dinosaurs - check

zombies - check?

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ok starting to do a little work again on the vehicles


todays triumphs:

- m113 muzzle flashes now rotate correctly (added correct animsources)

- mk18 handle animation now working properly on both m113 and m113a1 (was missing axes, anims and had bone inheritance issues)

- fixed gunner hatch inheritance on the the m113_m60 so it now rotates with gunner (broken inheritance during weapon overhaul)

- mk18 burst fire (6 roundfast crank) now plays correct sound, and at realistic slower speed of 120rpm

- fixed missing sound files for smoke and lume shells


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Not sure if this has been asked before, but what do you guys reckon of expanding on the ROK stuff? I'd imagine its a far ways off if at all :)

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it is on the agenda

i'm a big fan of korea, having sparred a lot in the past with an 18 stone korean tae kwon do blackbelt (olympic team recruit back in the day) - he was a formidable opponent in the dojo, and a great asset in the university competition team i formed in 1992.

big respect to our korean brothers. they kicked ass in vietnam.


i will draw up a basic ORBAT and check our inventory against it to see how feasible it is for echo.


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todays triumphs:



- all 3 xm706 commando APC's now have correct A3 muzzle flashes with rotating animations



- final M113 (m106 mortar carrier) has working and rotating muzzleflash on m2


Type 55 / BTR40 improvements:

- fire geo rvmats updated - they now spark properly, and armor values will be used from those, added glass hitpoints which tinkle when shot

- hitpoints updated - added full set

- added missing parts to geometry (like recoilless rifle pintle/posts)

- fixed missing/ broken wheel proxies in BTR152s

- fixed empty sections that were spamming build errors

- all muzzle flashes now rotate and are A3 models

- fixed broken proxy causing triangular shadow bug

- fixed incorrect autocenter values - result being some placed vehicles in pre-made missions may need to be dropped to ground in editor.

- massively reduced model.cfg and config.cpp size by making use of blanket inheritances

- checked rpt logs and removed all issues reported


thanks to UK_Apollo and xkj3 for their help today


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todays triumphs:


Type 63 rebuild progress:
- completely rebuilt geo lods
- added animated hatches for all crew, and rear hatches
- fixed turret ring annd gun animations
- added rotating muzzle flash
- replaced wheel animations
- added a lot to config
- added physx
- added fire geo rvmats (for hit fx)
- rebuilt hitpoints


fix commander turret
driver out view
gunner in view
add FFV

hollow out rear cabin hatch points

revisit sounds

make it actually drive!


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ECHO Roadmap:


We really need more help converting models to high standards for Arma 3 including:

- texture work

- config and model porting and upgrading (adding weapons to helis etc)

- making new models - especially new buildings and foliage

- map making

- campaign work

- A3 weapon sounds work

- bug testing and fixing


Donations for new models are also a great benefit - please send me a PM.


This is a list of potential content for ECHO, based on current material stocks we have:





Type 63


M35 + variants

2 new jeeps
Centurion Tank



6 new primary weapons:

- AKM and variants

- MAT49

- StG44

- Model 1912
- M2 carbine inc. sawn-off

- Springfield M1903

5 new pistols
- S&W model 10

- Colt Lawman 357

- S&W .38 special

- Nagant 1895 (inc. suppressor)

- TT33


- various ammo models

- mk82 snakeeye
- russian helmet
- LRP pack



new logic for bayonets and melee combat
new radio module / sounds

Jets DLC feature integration for aircraft systems




Doung (completed) by Razorback

Khe Sanh (almost completed) by Londo

Song Cu (completed) by Jones

Dak To (ported) by Showmaker

Mekong Delta (ported) by Showmaker

unnamed map by Bludski

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Todays triumphs:


making progress with the M37 truck
- updated cargo and driver proxies
- updated lights, brake lights, rear lights
- animated dampers and wheels, inc damage models
- windscreen glass breaks
- added new cockpit dials that work, and light up at night, inc new compass
- added new rvmats for fire geo (wood, tyre, glass, metalplate)
- animated doors and handles
- animated windscreen wipers
- completely rebuilt geo and shadow
- fixed clan sign
- updated hitpoints
- added physX
- animated steering wheel

- added working mirrors


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AN-2 Colt

original port by [DUST] Sabre

tweaked by me



- 12 man transport (+2 crew)

- 10 man transport (+2 crew + 2 FFV)

- unusual CAS version with S5 rockets, 60mm mortar bombs and twin afasenev 50 cals, obscured country decals (number 665 based on the one shot down by CIA with an uzi)

- bomber version with 6x FAB100 and twin afasenev 50 cals  (used widely on the Plain of Jars in Laos, and in Cambodia)


- working door

- new aged decals

- working clan logo

- able to throw grenades, smoke and flares out the door

- 4 parachutes on board




transport version



bomber version



665 covert CAS version





wthout any pics of how this worked in reality, i added mortar shells to 2 new rails on the belly



real plane for comparison




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todays triumphs:


AG-1G cobra

changed crew proxies to A3 ones (trying to get hand to follow stick, and feet on pedals - currently fails)
added pedals, collective and stick animations (modified cockpit interior) - currently only stick works in game (all do in buldozer)
fixed HUD/eye position for pilot - normal crosshair is slightly above the HUD aimpoint, but the HUD cross now matches perfectly where the rockets impact, so im leaving it like that. gunner sits lower so no more looking at the back of his helmet.
fixed door selections and animated handles
tidied up properties
added missing geo to rocketpods


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just making a quick appeal for help - if anyone has experience porting units from arma 2... or making from scratch... we could use a hand to make some new PAVN pilots like these two:



now the leather jacket and black boots already exists in arma 2 samples:




and the russian pilot helmet too (looks something like what is seen here)



we have the tan trousers in our NVA units



so the pilot on the right is a frankenstein job - need to assemble him from the parts

however the second pilot flight suit needs making from scratch... any takers out there willing to pitch in?


I'm importing a whole air force of vehicles for them...


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decided to have a go myself...

hope to post screenies soon

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this is how far i got

- furry hands - check

- helmet in ass - check

- holster shadows on belt - check


looking promising though!

Razorback to the rescue... I feel like mickey mouse with all the brooms going mental, just as the sorceror gets home...


more pics once he's finished.




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I`d rather have the furry hands than someone`s helmet in my ass.


Definitely getting there though :)

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the osprey books i bought also show us correct dress for PAVN crewmen

we have just imported the black russian crew hat, added a commander version with goggles, and we're bringing together the green 68 uniform and the daccong sandals we had. no more cdf camo tank crews!






oh and we just bought this model as it was a key weapon missing from our inventory - thanks to imager6 for the donation that facilitated this purchase.


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some pics of the rescued M37b 3/4 ton Dodge truck


it CLEARLY needs a reskin - any budding texture artists please make yourselves known!


we had to debin this, as the original is lost in the mists of time.

what you see is the first pass at it - see below for some dev ideas...


working physx, lights, exhausts, dynamic crew animations, hitpoints and damage/destruct anims



working mirrors and windshield wipers, new animated dashboard dials and fuel warning light (thanks pook!)



animated doors and door handles, crew move about, and keep their weapons to hand



working brake lights, tail lights, beams, flare and smoke throw options, and new driver model, with field cap.




so what is next for this oldster?


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adding fuel can for refueling and spare tyre for repairing broken wheels





adding tools on the rear like this



adding decals for variation like this



adding a new model guntruck like this



and this



and ARVN version like this





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so this is what the artillerymen should look like (complete with surplus russian SSH-40 helmet)



so Howells is making us the helmet


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new PAVN crew

- split PAVN air crew from Transport/ Armor crew

- added parachutes to jet pilots

- new wearable gogggles

- new black crew hats and crew hats w/ goggles

- renamed everything in displayname PAVN (not NVA)

- artillerymen / AA crews to follow once we have that russian helmet

- jet pilot flight suits needs work







Heli crew



Tank crew



Truck crew


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