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I'm curious what the parent classes are for the vehicles and weapons. I have the static AT and AA guns in the stores in my MP wasteland server and without adding them to R3F logistics arrays, I can pick them up and load them into vehicles. Since they are not included in the array, I suspect they belong to a parent class that is. If you could provide the class hierarchy, that would be awesome.

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love using your packs, but I've seen people mentioning the issue with the wobbling for the Btr60, BRDM2, and some Hilux models since December 2014 and as late as the third page of this topic and am wondering if there is any plan to fix this bug? I wouldnt so much mind it if it didnt affect the vehicle's handling so dramatically and man does the BRDM2 hop from side to side at 50km. It's pretty game breaking for people who enjoy using those vehicles. Could you please find some time for this bug when you get the chance? thanks much, loving the work otherwise.


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I'm having an issue with the Static Artillery pieces, the m119 and D-30, they only rotate and have no elevation whatsoever....

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that's strange since I tested them in every situation : vanilla, RHS and CUP mods applied.

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Hi massi,


I've noticed a few of bugs with the vehicles so far:


1) The T-34-85Ms all spawn with the commander outside standing on the turret. This happens for groups and individuals.


2) The Armored Sections in the Mid East mod, 2 of the 3 spawned tanks are clipped into each other.


3) The Assault Motorized Section under Rebel Motorized Troop from the Africa mod, the BRDM and the GAZ spawn very close to each other when placed


I'll post any more I find.


Running latest ACE3, CBA and just your mods (Nato Vehicles, Nato Weapons, African, Altis, Mid East, Chernarus Units)

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Hi massi,


I've noticed a few of bugs with the vehicles so far:


1) The T-34-85Ms all spawn with the commander outside standing on the turret. This happens for groups and individuals.


2) The Armored Sections in the Mid East mod, 2 of the 3 spawned tanks are clipped into each other.


3) The Assault Motorized Section under Rebel Motorized Troop from the Africa mod, the BRDM and the GAZ spawn very close to each other when placed


I'll post any more I find.


Running latest ACE3, CBA and just your mods (Nato Vehicles, Nato Weapons, African, Altis, Mid East, Chernarus Units)

thanks for reporting, I'll look into it ;)

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Any plans to incorporate new vehicles? Your USMC mod lacks APCs and tanks, for example. All they've got are HMMVVs.

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Hi massi
The following backpacks with dissembled static weapons don't & won't appear in Arsenal, unless you go into Arsenal whilst already wearing the backpack.  Would be great if you could give them native Arsenal support, so players can equip themselves with something they intend to build later in the field.

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It could be me but the F-35 does not have an afterburner, could you look into this for me?


Much appreciated! Thanks for your mod :)

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by massi





I’m releasing an updated version of my NATO SF Spetsnaz vehicles, in this version I’ve added T90 tank, and fixed some issues.

You’ll find all the list of fixies in the following changelog.

Thanks a lot for all feedbacks and suggestions.



v 1.4  date 02/MAY/2016

- Added T90

- Fixed Mi17 pilot load point

- Added ACE 3 fast rope compatibility to choppers

- Added hidden selections to F35 and improved loadouts



No problems found so far.


Further Improvements.

- models and config



Reyhard: thanks a lot for giving permission to include his great Tanks (T55-T34-T72- ZSU), APC (BMP1-BMP2) and Static weapons, and thanks a lot for releasing the MLODs those were an invaluable source!


Sudden: thanks a lot for giving permission to include his great BTR60, BRDM2, Mi24 and Mi8 !


Aplion: thanks a lot for releasing all the MLODs of choppers (UH60, UH1Y, CH47) and wheeled vehicles (UAZ, LR, HMMVW) those were an invaluable source!


Olli:  Thanks a lot for giving permission to include his Great F35C!


BI:  for A1/A2/OA MLODS  those were an invaluable source!


Graeme:  New logos and graphics.


Thanks to all who helped on the forum solving issues!


Thanks a lot to all of them, since without them I would have never been able to release this pack!



Thanks a lot to BI for their great Arma 3 Alpha !


Thanks to all Arma community for great support !

Download Links:


STEAM Workshop:


BI forum thread:


Best Regards


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For me it throws up errors that weapons would be missing and it adds clothing and units to my game, wich as far as I think shouldn't be the case. I got it via pws.


Edit: And I only have the NATO SF & Spetsnaz Vehicles from your packs in my modlist.

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For me it throws up errors that weapons would be missing and it adds clothing and units to my game, wich as far as I think shouldn't be the case. I got it via pws.


Edit: And I only have the NATO SF & Spetsnaz Vehicles from your packs in my modlist.

this pack doesn't add any uniform or units and it has no requirements, probably there's someting wrong with your install, try a clean install since it is working fine and tested :)

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Anyone else getting this issue. Upon hitting the main menu of ARMA i get this error after updating my massi mods.




Just curious, i am currently trying different things. 


Also thanks for the update Massi, love the HD additions to some of the units

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Hi it seems that you're missing the latest version of the nato sf spetsnaz vehicle mod try to update and it should be fixed

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Thanks massi I will give that a try. Haves loved your work since back in the arma 2 days. Thanks for the continued effort and especially the HD units


Ok Update. I deleted the vehicle pack and redownloaded from scratch. That solved the F35 error i was getting,


 Now I am recieving this error No entry.... O_Mas_T90_OFP_01.scope


I am guessing maybe the same issue, so i am going to try and redownloading the vehicle pack again. i am pulling from PwS

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After upgrading our modset from using v 1.3 of NATO SF and RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ VEHICLES to v1.4 we get the error


"Addon 'mas_rus_spet' requires addon 'mas_weapons'"


Downgrading to 1.3 removed the error.


I can also add the NATO SF and RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ WEAPONS to get rid of it so I guess there is a dependency somehow between the two.


If I add both I get the same error as opsixdelta above here.


I've tried downgrading the mod and the upgrading again from PWS

And I've tried deleting the mod and download it again from PWS.



Just this mod: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OicAvhMgmMcUIzZFcybk44QmM/view?usp=sharing


Both this and weapons: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9OicAvhMgmMRmNWMDgxdWlCVXc/view?usp=sharing

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I'm not an expert in reading log files...so sorry

but from what I see the problem is not related to the "NATO SF Spetsnaz vehicle pack" or the "NATO SF Spetsnaz weapons pack", but it seems that somewhere you've installed or loaded into a mission the Russian Spetsnaz addon '"mas_rus_spet'" which is causing the requirement issue.


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Hmm might be something with the files uploaded to PlayWithSix


When I download the mod from the Armaholic page : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27652

it seem to work.


If I add the mod using PWS: https://withsix.com/p/arma-3/mods/lGZl5MqjckO0h8ildHEWxA/NATO-SF-and-RUSSIAN-SPETSNAZ-VEHICLES

I get the error seen earlier.


The PWS version is also about 600 MB larger than the on on Armaholic.

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Hmm are the wrong files / mod beeing uploaded to PWS ?

If I add the mod kecharles28 links to above I still get the error listed earlier, but if I have a look at the mod in Arma it is listed as:


While the one I downloaded manually is



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Hi. Can somebody tell me about rockets on UH1 venom? It's look like DAGR but they dont want to lock targets and pilot hud scope not working for them.

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