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[IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Duala for A3

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@icebreakr I know you mentioned you had another savannah-style African themed map in the early process, similar to Isla Duala.


Have you planned the size of that one yet?  Will it be similar in size to Isla Duala?

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autigergrad: Map is named Rowalla, Sierra Leone. It is made in cooperation with dear friend Bushlurker that sadly passed away... it is ~16x16km.

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Hello everyone

Gentlemen, someone here would have the topographic image in high resolution of this island ...


I've tried using the topograph command and exportnogrid in windows 10 but I did not succeed ...


I already looked in google, however I find only the image of the old map of Duala and not the new version ...


Thanks in advance to whoever gets this file.



PS: Sorry for the english, the google translator was used

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  On 8/19/2017 at 1:42 AM, icebreakr said:

autigergrad: Map is named Rowalla, Sierra Leone. It is made in cooperation with dear friend Bushlurker that sadly passed away... it is ~16x16km.

@icebreakr   Really looking forward to this.  Isla Duala really holds a special place in my heart re: ARMA maps.  I love the savannah style African setting.  Excited to see what you have in store!

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Good news: I got a permission from Berghoff to continue his legacy and update the vegetation in the package. If anyone has a good knowledge how to fix textures and foremost shaders, please contact me. Thank you!

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topden: I'll check what I can do in the next update. Thanks.


In the other news...


I would like to announce to my loyal fans of my Armaverse work that I've launched a Patreon Website in order to speed up the process of terrain making for Arma 3. Any modest donation will be greatly appreciated and I'll be able to invest a lot more of my time into the upcoming projects such as: Isla Balkania, Rowalla Sierra Leone, Jade Groove, Tonal Reloaded, Keystone USA etc. All of these are WIP (Work In Progress) but I need to invest a lot of my time in order that you'll see and play on them soon. And hopefully I get a helping hand or two in the process if Patreon thing goes well. Thank you! https://www.patreon.com/icebreakr

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@topden I also reported this problem almost year ago, but it seems he (icebreakr) sadly do not care about it. My community refused to use this map because of that :P


  On 12/18/2016 at 6:10 PM, keeway said:

Hello, here comes small report in connecting with mbg_african_structures.



Hope you can fix this one


  On 1/23/2017 at 2:14 PM, icebreakr said:

Keeway, I'll replace the building with the one from CUP and test it out tonight. Ok?


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  On 10/25/2017 at 3:31 PM, keeway said:

@topden I also reported this problem almost year ago, but it seems he (icebreakr) sadly do not care about it. My community refused to use this map because of that :P



"It seems..."


Bad attitude, once again.  Ever stop to think that the author may have one of a thousand other things on his plate, Real Life, etc. etc. etc.? 


Oh but please do continue to criticize the author in a passive-aggressive fashion!  I'm sure that will give him the right motivation to continue to offer content - for free.  As a mod maker myself, I live for those moments.  Really makes me want to do more for the community!

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And here comes SJW, love you guys. I would not blame "real life issues", but rather choosing priorities by icebreakr. The author prefers to add an extra island to the entire map than to fix/change one building, and that is just sad.

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keeway, it has come to my attention that CUP fixed the building you requested and it will come with the new update of CUP?



Sadly, I'm not a guy that is able to fix BIS/original models... have too many other projects on my hand.

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@icebreakr Quick question. Sorry to bug you. I’m noticing that the hanger doors on the south western most base on the central island now have the hanger doors closed by default. 


Would this be a CUP or platform issue? If not, and it’s something you control, would you consider opening the doors by default if possible in the event you update the map again?

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@HeroesandvillainsOS Don't forget the new module BI added I think it is listed under "environment". 
If you drop it on a building you can select which doors etc are open/closed (also if the building can take damage or not) it's super useful!

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  On 12/5/2017 at 7:41 PM, JD Wang said:

@HeroesandvillainsOS Don't forget the new module BI added I think it is listed under "environment". 
If you drop it on a building you can select which doors etc are open/closed (also if the building can take damage or not) it's super useful!

Oh yeah. Lol forgot about that. Thanks. 


A few weeks ago, these doors were always open by default (it’s where I set up my supplies in my base) so my best non-educated guess is the platform update changed this (maybe this is what that error in the editor means?). I’m guessing them being closed is undesired, especially considering there is no scroll wheel option to open them at all, but yeah, assuming this can’t be fixed the new module is a good option. I appreciate you reminding me if it’s existence.

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Isla Duala v3.9 is out with new enhanced graphics settings. All of my released islands were updated to v3.9, they look even more realistic now. Thanks to CUP Team devs (especially you, Taro) for all the help! 


Downloads available at:



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Loaded it up for a quick look before heading into work, nice! Nights are definitely darker. Thank you for your hard work updating this!

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  On 1/12/2018 at 12:27 PM, icebreakr said:

All of my released islands were updated to v3.9, they look even more realistic now.

Hey @icebreakr ..good job!!

ps:..no love for Lingor?

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Lingor is coming later today. I've had a bit of a problem with upload... I'm back home now.

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Still my favorite map in ARMA.  I'm a massive fan of African Conflict scenarios and this one is tops for creating that environment.


Looking forward to Rowella in the future too.

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Thanks man. Sadly Patreon is still away from my goals... can't afford to invest more time. Hopefully that will change soon and new maps will be released.

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Hey. Do you plan to change the vegetation on the map of isla duala, Panthera and Lingor on vanilla from Tanoa?
Honestly, the CUP-vegetation are already cutting their eyes. You added houses from Tanoa, it turned out perfectly. Maybe it's time to cut out the CUP stuff from the maps? Or at least refresh palm trees and other landscapes?If these islands had Tanoa's trees, prices would not be there!

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Fun map to play on and one of the few available that are good enough for African missions.


The only problem is the African Foliage. On many of the trees, most notably the palm trees, half of the tree is its normal texture while the other half is the texture darkened to such an extent that it appears jet black from a distance. It's not just a problem with Isla Duala, but also with any map that uses BRG foliage including N'Ziwasogo (or however you spell it) and Ia Drang. Converting the trees to APEX would not be a good idea because APEX foliage is native to the south Pacific, not Africa.


I have tried opening the BRG African Foliage .pbo to see if there was something I could tweak and experiment with in order to fix this problem. Now I think I might know what the problem is, but it is unfortunately in the one area of Arma modding that I have no experience in whatsoever: modeling. My hypothesis is that the tree's textures are being applied to it incorrectly because of an error inside the .p3d files of the trees. This error could stem from attempting to mirror the model's texture to save memory and failing (hence its undeniably perfect "halfness"), or simply that the texture, as applied to the model, is misaligned with that model.


I am posting this in the hope that someone far more experienced than me can take up this issue for the cause of the community, whether that be IceBreakr, the UNSUNG team or someone else, in order to bring so many maps to their full glory. For someone with experience with .p3d files and the programs used to manipulate them I'd say that it would take less than a day to complete, possibly even less than an hour.

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I have permission from Berghoff to alter the trees, but sadly no knowledge on how to make the fixes...

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  On 3/21/2018 at 10:10 PM, topden said:

Hey. Do you plan to change the vegetation on the map of isla duala, Panthera and Lingor on vanilla from Tanoa?
Honestly, the CUP-vegetation are already cutting their eyes. You added houses from Tanoa, it turned out perfectly. Maybe it's time to cut out the CUP stuff from the maps? Or at least refresh palm trees and other landscapes?If these islands had Tanoa's trees, prices would not be there!


I've been to Africa and Asia and the plants are totally different. Tanoa assets looks perfect to make maps from southern China all the way down to the SE Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines + everything in between) but the African foliage or trees look different. Actually, Berghoff did a REALLY good job of getting the feel of the trees. I have photos to compare from the "bush" if you wish but it is spot on. The only thing I would like to see are MORE polygons to detail it out but that would add a performance hit. Lets not go into an African wild life pack because I would totally pay for that... lions, panthers, hyenas, jackals, leopards, elephants, big boa snakes, etc...


I think perhaps a community foliage pack that upgrades regional plants to Apex quality would be a better option. This way we can just load the mod to increase the details for existing maps through config replacements.


I mean, we to admit, Apex is really BIS BEST asset pack yet. They really went all out and I can understand people wanting to upgrade maps to that quality because it does stick out.



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