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Marine Expeditionary Force Mod

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I went ahead and fixed the really annoying iteminfo and weaponslotsinfo errors and released an update.



-Fixed ItemInfo Error

-Fixed WeaponSlotsInfo

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As of 1.68, you may not see any weapons from the mod in VA except for the Lee Enfield and M1014. The weapon's aren't broken, they are still there just not accessible in VA. A fix is inbound for this but it will probably be a few days. In the meantime, you can add the weapon you want to use to a unit's init with this addWeapon "classname";

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New Update, v2.6.4 is out and will fix the compatibility with VA as of 1.68. Weapons now show again in VA. Cheers!


DL link on first page is updated.

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Hi All,

Thanks Mattastic.


I have been using this mod for a while, and really like it.


I use it mainly for the kits and weapons, particularly the USMC M136 AT4. Since it is now reloadable instead of one use.

Great for a lighter AT system since I use ALiVE and ACE3 AI as team members in my server. I also use CUP units for the US marines, and Russian adversaries.


But, recently, after one of the updates of ARMA 3, using the USMC M136 AT4 causes rubber arms extending perhaps 20 feet into the air.

Playing both in the editor and on the server, and both for players and AI.


Has anyone else had this (immersion breaking) problem?



Any ideas?

Is there a fix?



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I'm aware of it. I came across it like a week ago when going through the mod to see if anything was broken. It's an animation issue and I have dealt with it before. I'm going to try and do an update sometime next month to fix that, the missing m110 in Arsenal, and a couple other things. Sorry I can't get to it sooner but I have a full plate atm.


One thing you could try if you want and know how to do is depbo the mef_M136 folder, open the config file, and comment out line 98 containing the handAnims array. Then save and repack the pbo without binarizing. This will allow the weapon to utilize the animations associated with its parent A3 vanilla weapon class. May result in some minor misplaced hands when holding the weapon but should get rid of the tree limb arms.


For those that want to fix the missing M110 in VA, you can add it to a box or unit manually with the classname of the weapon or depbo mef_m110 and add "scope = 2;" to the config file. Save and repack also.


Best I can offer at the moment for those two major bugs.

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hello, please if there are future updates planned, could you include the new usmc vehicles like the aav and the himars?


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