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[IceBreakr/IBIS] Island Panthera for A3

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Step 1: buy developer beer

Step 2: ask for updates

Step 2 maybe ignored without step 1 as developer will have to go get beer themselves which is more fun then reconfiguring, packing, testing, failing, re-configuring, repack, testing, reseaching, go get another beer,re-configure, repack, test, distribute and then get more things to fix. _Pay=0;

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if (_pay == 0) exitWith {hint format ["I can't release an update because I have been too busy answering %1 'are we there yet' posts",count areWeThereYet];};


if (toUpper(typeOf _pay) != "BEER") then {

     _release = _pushBack;

} else {

     _release = _imminent;


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I got back home today and I'll look at 1.60. What bothers me they removed or renamed some vegetation textures too...

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That's annoying. I re-indexed your map for Alive. Something tells me your going to be making some changes by next release. At least I know how to index now. Thank-you for all your hard work.

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  On 6/16/2016 at 7:04 PM, ArmaFiend said:

That's annoying. I re-indexed your map for Alive. Something tells me your going to be making some changes by next release. At least I know how to index now. Thank-you for all your hard work.

Still a black sky and no cloud bug right? I don't think much would change thay you'd have to re-index the map though.

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Grr... should I remove lakes? Terrible with new lighting & fog....

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  On 6/21/2016 at 11:31 PM, icebreakr said:


Grr... should I remove lakes? Terrible with new lighting & fog....

Might be easiest thing to do :(

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  On 6/21/2016 at 11:31 PM, icebreakr said:



Grr... should I remove lakes? Terrible with new lighting & fog....


What ever will make things easier for you man.

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Ok, v3.6 is here. Please test it and tell me how the new post 1.60 lighting & skies work.


Download available at my website.

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I just don't know why BIS won't help us with lakes !  It can't be THAT hard.

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the map looks very beautiful good work
at the airports I have small bar fault found




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Awesome Terrain Builder destroyed object placement once again. So tired of these pos tools...

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  On 6/22/2016 at 8:02 PM, icebreakr said:

Awesome Terrain Builder destroyed object placement once again. So tired of this pos tools...

Sorry man. Map looks great though. Your updates to the lighting and texture is awesome!

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I'm getting multiple errors listed, most seem to be CUP related.


CUP_ibr_plants was the first, followed by others if you try to load the map.


Also, there seems to be no 3D grass. It's all flat.


Will provide screens when I get a chance.

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Had a look around the map last night, I'd always known about it but had never downloaded it before. Boy have I been missing out. 

It's a great map, and looks amazing with the new lighting.

Really looking forward to your other maps getting the same treatment.


Keep up the excellent work 

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  On 6/22/2016 at 9:49 PM, ss9 said:

It looks pretty funny.  Also, the runways (at least not the long diagonal one on the east side) aren't smooth.  Is this on purpose?


FYI, it's up on Steam.  Is this you?


Yes, its a makeshift runway used by smugglers.


Yes, I'm putting my maps on Steam WS. Does it work, because dunno what is the correct procedure to add folders.

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Hey IceBreakr, great to see your outstanding maps being updated, thou this v3.5 of Panthera may have some misconfig on the plants addon, it throws me an dependacy error requesting "CUP_ibr_plants.pbo" but on CUP Terrains folder there is a "CUP_terrains_ibr_plants.pbo"


Had to revert to v3.35 cus this error would break my saved games (black skies for a while again =X)


EDIT: I´m on APEX Sneak Peak branch, and using the latest CUP_terrains Complete (1.10)


Cheers and keep up the great work!

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Ok wierd... I'm using Terrains Core & Terrains Maps via PlayWithSix. No errors?

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