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bad benson

Enhanced Movement

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Enhanced Movement


This mod allows you you jump, climb and improves interaction with bulding doors and vehicles (seat selection.









BETA release trailer








Enhanced Movement - BETA 


DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CPBSUGX4M6Q8S 




- use this at your own risk (obviously...) 

- this update will not fix (potentially break) old broken savegames 




BI forums: 



- one context sensitive key to: 
--> jump 
--> climb on/over and step onto obstacles 

- one context sensitive key to: 
--> open doors/hatches and perform any close by actions 
--> climb ladders 
--> access the gear of any object (vehicles, ammoboxes, etc.) 
--> get quickly into prioritized vehicle seats
--> vehicle seat menu 


after installing the addon simply go ingame and press ESC. there will be a small menu that will allow you to bind your keys and adjust your settings. for a short demonstration see the video above. 

KNOWN ISSUES (please read this before reporting things) 

- some objects make you float (this has to be fixed by BI insdie the models) 

- some windows or general places are not climbable (again..this has to be fixed by BI inside the models) 

- clipping resulting in floating/clipping and generally unpleasing visuals 


- improved animations 


- various people i learned from over the years especially Einherj. the rest. you know who you are. thx! 
- thx Columdrum for the action code example 
- Apache7 for helping me sort some binarize problems and general rtm things 
- Macser for his awesome Blender rig that inspired me to make my own in max (coming soon) 
- Mikero for his great tools that simply work and do the job properly 
- LordPrimate for temporary signature solution
- BI for this amazing and weird ass game series that i hate and love at the same time 
- dedmen for optimisations tips

all beta testers and especially... 

Apache (indepth MP testing) 
Einherj (indepth MP testing) 
Deuce (indepth SP testing) 
Corporal_Lib (indepth SP testing) 
SerJames (indepth mod compatibility testing) 


modification of the contents of this addon requires the author's (that would be me) permission.

the contents of this addon are not allowed for any type of commercial use. that includes derivatives of it. 

that includes using this as part of game modes/servers that have donation systems that are tied to ingame content as reward for donations, even if that content is not this addon specifically. this means the use of this is only allowed in a 100% free context. that obviously excludes normal servers that accept donations without ingame content perks. 

the use of contents of this addon (if permission was granted) is not allowed outside of arma games. that includes "very similar military simulators based on the RV engine".




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Very nice! :)


- "user key 1" climbing/jumping

- "user key 2" interaction

iBuild uses the same custom keys.. could you either add a userconfig or change it to for example keys 9 and 10, so the mods can be used alongside each other?

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  Bad Benson said:

future plans:

- better key binding system (coming soon)

mirror for non steam version inbound...stand by (first post updated)

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Fantastic work BB, i can imagine this project is a head-f**k, but you've done an awesome job.

My opinion is BI should have given MANW applicants more time to polish their gems!

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  evil-organ said:
Fantastic work BB, i can imagine this project is a head-f**k, but you've done an awesome job.

My opinion is BI should have given MANW applicants more time to polish their gems!

thx for the kind words but, nah. i was involved in a very awesome different project which was priority number one until it was 100% finished. i just rushed this one out after we were done just because...so i took old experimental code and literally rushed this in 2 days. not BI's fault at all.

thx Foxhound. first post updated.

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Wow - can't wait to try it out - Good work and many thanks

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New mod 0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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This is looking great from the video, and the movement possibilities seem really improved. However some of these maneuvers would be a lot slower and harder to perform with full military gear. Maybe include so the animation would simply play slower the more gear you carry?

Keep up the great job.

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Yeah, can't wait to try it !!! Thanks for releasing it ;)

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My first climb over a wall using this mod was awesome, awesome, awesome. Like you said though its alpha so unless you want testing reports or working with other mods I'll let it be. Thanks for the fun.

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Excellent job man. I got a friend who has been waiting for something like this because he plays Project Reality a lot and so he's been waiting for the day Arma would have it. Thanks a lot.

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NVM i can't reproduce those bugs :*(

---------- Post added at 00:42 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

Found the bug,

if player try to reach some where player can't reach (like 8ft tall wall)

it happen nothing and since there player can't do Enhanced movement at all before he respawn in dedicated server

it usally happen with JBAD's structure where zeus place it.


or a2 takistan buildings

Edited by kgino1045

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  Strick said:
My first climb over a wall using this mod was awesome, awesome, awesome. Like you said though its alpha so unless you want testing reports or working with other mods I'll let it be. Thanks for the fun.

of course i want bug reports. before you report however please read the known issues section. i'm working on damage prevention tomorrow. should get rid of most surprising deaths :D

and i just updated on steam to fix the double jump that made it possible to fly when jumping from high places.

  kgino1045 said:
Found the bug,

if player try to reach some where player can't reach (like 8ft tall wall)

it happen nothing and since there player can't do Enhanced movement at all before he respawn in dedicated server

it usally happen with JBAD's structure where zeus place it.

yea. i'm already tracking that one down. seems to happen more in MP than in SP. gonna have to test more. it shouldn't be related to the type of building though since i'm just scanning the area. not doign anything with class names. thx for your report.

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IM at a loss for words.This is what is really needed to transform the feel of the game.Really nice.

Your talented man il tell ya what,i NEVER expected to see these movements in arma3.

Please please please consider adding an animation iv once saw in arma 2.It is an animation(mainly for third person) to lean aggainst cover and peak out(blind fire).Think gears of war,ghost recon etc.

Not only would it look good.it would be so very useful as the AI can mow the player down quite easy without using certain mods.Imagine,moving to cover,holding a key to "hug" the wall,veihicle etc,and pressing and holding the same key again to lean out and fire.Or not pressing the key again,just pressing fire button to blind fire.

Mate please think about it.No mods have come close to that kind of thing execpt this one.I know zooloo had something like that,but it 1st person only,and i found it buggy to be honest.After seeing this video of your mod,im sure you could do it:)

I hope its something you might consider at some point.

Thanks for this great addition to arma3;)

Also,just out of curiousity,how long did it take you to make this up to this point?

Edited by redarmy

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Further testing.....The climb mechanic stops working after a few walls.Fatigue related?

Anyway,let fatigue ease,tried again,still didnt work.

Door opening is fine so far.

Iv disabled AGM,the modules that would interfere,not using stance adjust mod so im not sure why this is happening,all the time might add.

If its up to alpha scratch for others,im betting a mod somewhere does not play nice.But im at a loss as to what to remove first.

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  redarmy said:
IM at a loss for words.This is what is really needed to transform the feel of the game.Really nice.

Your talented man il tell ya what,i NEVER expected to see these movements in arma3.

Please please please consider adding an animation iv once saw in arma 2.It is an animation(mainly for third person) to lean aggainst cover and peak out(blind fire).Think gears of war,ghost recon etc.

Also,just out of curiousity,how long did it take you to make this up to this point?

thx for the kind words.

at this point sticky cover mechanic stuff is not planned. not a fan of it anyways in general. although i like the idea of blind fire in general. i might do something with that at a later point. maybe in a different addon. right now i want to focus on stabilizing this, improving the animations and adding cooperative climbing. still in the design phase for the latter. but i already have an idea how to make the players control it without it getting clunky or getting overlap of functions. but first i want to add a separate key binding menu for my mod so it can work better with all these other button based addons.

about the amount of time it took.

people might think, looking at my first video, that it actually took me this long just to make this. that's not the case actually. i took a very long break from it and was on and off over a long period of time. mainly due to getting involved in other projects and thus the lack of time to make this really work.

however. the biggest chunk of time was eaten by just the research to find out how to make this work best while having it look ok at aleast. let me tell you. if it wasn't for visuals on could literally make it in one day or less. just making a script that gets you places and also plays and anim is very easy.

it gets complicated when you want to have somewhat smooth transitions between anims and also have it interact with the environment properly. arma does not have any type of procedural (changable via script) movement in its animation system. so as always a giant hack was in order ;)

  redarmy said:
Further testing.....The climb mechanic stops working after a few walls.Fatigue related?

Anyway,let fatigue ease,tried again,still didnt work.

Door opening is fine so far.

Iv disabled AGM,the modules that would interfere,not using stance adjust mod so im not sure why this is happening,all the time might add.

If its up to alpha scratch for others,im betting a mod somewhere does not play nice.But im at a loss as to what to remove first.

yea i'm tracking this on down at the moment. it's not caused by other mods.

please tell me. did it happen in MP or SP? also. not sure if i put it in the readme but so far the system is limited to when your fatigue is under 60%. maybe i should change that to 100%. makes a little more sense since the anims seem to procedurally slow down anyways.

this is a temporary solution for now to calm down the realism crowd. that being said. i will make it more complex than that but the last thing i want is limit it too much. this is supposed to make you feel more agile and free and not drag you down and cause more clunk and frustration like overdone fatigue, sway and general animation and collision madness.

EDIT: i actually just decided to remove the limit for now so i can get more precise bug reports. going to change it 100% fatigue. this means you should immediately be able to do stuff again once you rested a bit. however. keep in mind that all animations will fatigue you by default. so there is a still a big prenalty since you might be able to jump but not aim at all :D

Edited by Bad Benson

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  Bad Benson said:
thx for the kind words.

at this point sticky cover mechanic stuff is not planned. not a fan of it anyways in general. although i like the idea of blind fire in general. i might do something with that at a later point. maybe in a different addon. right now i want to focus on stabilizing this, improving the animations and adding cooperative climbing. still in the design phase for the latter. but i already have an idea how to make the players control it without it getting clunky or getting overlap of functions. but first i want to add a separate key binding menu for my mod so it can work better with all these other button based addons.

about the amount of time it took.

people might think, looking at my first video, that it actually took me this long just to make this. that's not the case actually. i took a very long break from it and was on and off over a long period of time. mainly due to getting involved in other projects and thus the lack of time to make this really work.

however. the biggest chunk of time was eaten by just the research to find out how to make this work best while having it look ok at aleast. let me tell you. if it wasn't for visuals on could literally make it in one day or less. just making a script that gets you places and also plays and anim is very easy.

it gets complicated when you want to have somewhat smooth transitions between anims and also have it interact with the environment properly. arma does not have any type of procedural (changable via script) movement in its animation system. so as always a giant hack was in order ;)

yea i'm tracking this on down at the moment. it's not caused by other mods.

please tell me. did it happen in MP or SP? also. not sure if i put it in the readme but so far the system is limited to when your fatigue is under 60%. maybe i should change that to 100%. makes a little more sense since the anims seem to procedurally slow down anyways.

this is a temporary solution for now to calm down the realism crowd. that being said. i will make it more complex than that but the last thing i want is limit it too much. this is supposed to make you feel more agile and free and not drag you down and cause more clunk and frustration like overdone fatigue, sway and general animation and collision madness.

I would suggest a middle ground for realism and useability.Perhaps a penalty fo an injured soldier?It would add something to actually being injured in this game.

Thanks for the info of how you put her together.Im still testing it now.Yeah the readme has 60% info included.

New bug:When this mods enabled,changing views from first to third,or vice versa,ejects me from a veihicle.Hahaha i didnt know what hit me when it happened;)

This is tested in SP by the way,modded and unmodded units/vehicles.

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