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Veteran mod (VTN) - announcement and WIP

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  On 9/19/2017 at 8:11 PM, flexgrip said:

Is there anywhere we can find documentation on this mod? I've looked on your website, in the readme files and I'm starting to actually depbo the files just to figure out what's going on. For instance... 

1. What are the User Action keys bound to?

2. How do we put earplugs in?

3. How do we use the medical system? (Pale skin == ?)

4. How do we use the advanced grenade throwing?

5. Are there any clackers for explosives or is it just the vanilla explosives? 



I have so many questions. If you could even point me in the right direction, I wouldn't mind making manuals or PDF's.


Id just like details of what the mod actually consists off, units, vehicles, weapons etc... i went to the website but it has no info at all, im curious but dont feel the desire to download

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  On 9/19/2017 at 9:20 PM, katipo66 said:


Id just like details of what the mod actually consists off, units, vehicles, weapons etc... i went to the website but it has no info at all, im curious but dont feel the desire to download

Download it and test it... the worst possible outcome is having to delete it.

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  On 9/20/2017 at 2:46 PM, jacobs said:

Download it and test it... the worst possible outcome is having to delete it.


no thanks,  was only curious... just trying to communicate to devs that a bit of info could help their cause..

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VERSION 0.4.5 BUILD 3310



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ARMA3SYNC autoconfig url






This addon allows to Community Base Addons and VTN work together properly.


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  On 9/20/2017 at 11:48 PM, DAP said:




VERSION 0.4.5 BUILD 3310



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ARMA3SYNC autoconfig url






This addon allows to Community Base Addons and VTN work together properly.



Thanks for the release... But please... give us some documentation. How do we use earplugs? What cfgs do we need to make a custom faction work with VTN? Love your work so far :)

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  On 9/20/2017 at 11:51 PM, flexgrip said:


How do we use earplugs?

Right now it's just useless accessory. When all functions for them will finished, then they will be "turned on".

  On 9/20/2017 at 11:51 PM, flexgrip said:

What cfgs do we need to make a custom faction work with VTN?

There is no any special requirements for units or factions. Only for their gear. Here is simple template for bulletproof vest with ammo pouches:

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  On 9/21/2017 at 1:35 AM, DAP said:

Right now it's just useless accessory. When all functions for them will finished, then they will be "turned on".

There is no any special requirements for units or factions. Only for their gear. Here is simple template for bulletproof vest with ammo pouches:

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Thank you thank you thank you... sooo much. I'm going to make a shit load of factions for this.

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  On 9/21/2017 at 1:35 AM, DAP said:

Right now it's just useless accessory. When all functions for them will finished, then they will be "turned on".

There is no any special requirements for units or factions. Only for their gear. Here is simple template for bulletproof vest with ammo pouches:

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Also, does VETERAN add eventHandlers for damage at all? I would like to keep players from going down on the first shot. Since we can't use ACE with your med system, we don't have a prevent instant death option. Wondering if you have any ideas on how we could prevent death using the VETERAN mod. If not, I'll get to scripting I guess. 


I looked through the _core_ pbo's in VETERAN and didn't see much regarding the HandleDamage event handler.

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Actually, I finally found the sqf inside the vtn_wounds.pbo. Trying to read through it all now. I noticed godmode :)


Any quick tricks on getting "prevent instant death" working?

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Is it possible to disable the "no zoom" function in game? Or change the key-bind for shouldering your weapon? These are two issues Ive noticed with the mod, especially since Arma doesn't render things very well when you dont do the zoom.

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  On 9/22/2017 at 1:37 AM, PredatorXXIX said:

Is it possible to disable the "no zoom" function in game? Or change the key-bind for shouldering your weapon? These are two issues Ive noticed with the mod, especially since Arma doesn't render things very well when you dont do the zoom.


Dude made a mod to fix the zoom thing. What do you mean "shouldering"? Does VTN have a button to "shoulder" your weapon other than the normal arma right-click?

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  On 9/22/2017 at 2:12 AM, PredatorXXIX said:

When you press " ` " it puts your gun on your back. I like the mod other than those two things



Weird, ` doesn't do that for me. Are you sure you don't have a different mod that does that?

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  On 9/22/2017 at 1:37 AM, PredatorXXIX said:

Is it possible to disable the "no zoom" function in game? Or change the key-bind for shouldering your weapon? These are two issues Ive noticed with the mod, especially since Arma doesn't render things very well when you dont do the zoom.


Are any of your custom user action keys bound to `?

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Shouldering your weapon is UserAction 20 if I recall properly (I did miss this action since Ofp). Rock–paper–scissors is UserAction 5.


Excellent mod by the way :)

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is it possible to include the weapons as objects in the eden editor to create weapon armorys and that kind of stuff. Would be pretty awesome if u could include that little but awesome feature. :-)

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Is there a license for this?


All I want to do is extend the medical system to keep people from being instantly killed. So they have a chance at being revived. I've looked through the scripts in the pbo. Looks like I could modify them. But I don't want to make anybody angry. If there's an easier way, please let me know.

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Hey guys, I've been following VTN since ArmA 2 and always enjoyed your work.


Just wanted to say; I discovered that when you shoot people who are inside vehicles, it always results in either an insta kill or them being critically wounded (Unconscious, heavy bleeding, pale skin etc). Bullet proof vests do not seem to work when inside a vehicle either, as far as I can tell. Also the IBA vest doesn't seem to offer any protection. Would be great to see this fixed. Cheers!

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