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Is there a way to show your group members as a different colour like Orange?

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  On 5/10/2016 at 3:07 AM, mdcclxxvi said:



it should require just 2-3 lines of code in the right places. are you using the latest version? will PM you the code tweaks and line numbers to insert them on.


Yes, i'm using the latest version 2.2.0. Thank you mdcclxxvi, I really appreciate the script and your support !!

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  On 5/10/2016 at 4:40 AM, ozdeadmeat said:

Is there a way to show your group members as a different colour like Orange?


yep, should be doable.


here are the necessary tweaks to do that.


create a new line 289 and insert this line:

if ((group _u) isEqualTo (group player)) then {_c set [0,RED];_c set [1,GREEN]; _c set [2,BLUE];};

so it would look like this:

_c set [3,_a];
if ((group _u) isEqualTo (group player)) then {_c set [0,RED];_c set [1,GREEN]; _c set [2,BLUE];};
if (_ms > 0.80) then {

and then do the same, create a new line 302. insert the same code. so it would look like this:

_c set [3,0];
if ((group _u) isEqualTo (group player)) then {_c set [0,RED];_c set [1,GREEN]; _c set [2,BLUE];};

replace the RED, GREEN, BLUE with the corresponding RGB color you want.


For example RGB of the orange used for wounded soldiers:

if ((group _u) isEqualTo (group player)) then {_c set [0,1];_c set [1,0.41]; _c set [2,0];};

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Hi QS,


I have a question regarding the GPS. The markers will flicker in the GPS. I noticed the same refresh flickering when you zoom all the way out on the map. Although I don't know if they are related.


I've looked at the iconUpdatePulseDelay value. But to no avail. Also tried using the master switch _QS_ST_gps_enableUnitIcons to false. But doesn't seem to do anything.


Anything else I can look at deeper in the code? I am not a scripter, so not sure where else to go.


Everything runs great, just the refresh flicker is very annoying on the GPS. When I use the military symbols module, and turn off QS_icons, it doesn't flicker on the GPS.


Thanks for any help!

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I tried to join the server in your signature to check out the issue, dont have the right mods unfortunately.


If you know of any other servers running this script, can you try joining one of them and see if they are experiencing this flicker?

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Also I think we will have to schedule an update for this system.


Will focus on:


- Support for new BI revive/lifestate

- Support for new BI unit traits

- Addon/mod support instead of just script.

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Change log


- [ADDED] Support for new BI Revive and improved Unconsciousness state.

- [TWEAKED] Optimized handling of UAV evaluations.


Decided not to (yet) support the new unit traits system until we find a smooth way to do it.


The config section was not changed, it should be safe to paste/replace the config section with your current one, if you are using 2.2.0 version.

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New mod v2.3.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Quiksilver , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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To learn more, follow this guide.

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Is there a way to configure this to track certain AI groups, and not show the rest? I'm creating an ALiVE mission with an American special operations force (BLUFOR) deployed in Lingor assisting the Colombian Army (also BLUFOR) and I only want to show the special operations units on the map. Is that possible?

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  On 12/4/2016 at 4:52 AM, DEV614 said:

Is there a way to configure this to track certain AI groups, and not show the rest? I'm creating an ALiVE mission with an American special operations force (BLUFOR) deployed in Lingor assisting the Colombian Army (also BLUFOR) and I only want to show the special operations units on the map. Is that possible?


not by default no


it is possible to edit to achieve this result though

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  On 12/4/2016 at 3:04 PM, fn_Quiksilver said:

not by default no


it is possible to edit to achieve this result though

I'll try to dig through your post and some config files, see if I can figure it out. Or if you're not too busy, could you PM me and point me in the right direction?

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  On 12/4/2016 at 5:20 PM, DEV614 said:

I'll try to dig through your post and some config files, see if I can figure it out. Or if you're not too busy, could you PM me and point me in the right direction?


Of course I can help


I have more time next week though.


How are you identifying the units/groups you want to draw?

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I have a company of Special Forces groups, as following:


ODB 3210 - HQ Element

ODA 3211 - Mortar Element
ODA 3212 - Assault Element
ODA 3213 - HMG Element

ODA 3214 - SFOD-A Team (Recon Group)

ODA 3215 - SFOD-A Team (Recon Group)

ODA 3216 - SFOD-A Team (Recon Group)


each group's callsign corresponds to the list above and each team leader has a variable name corresponding to the group name (odb3210, oda3211, oda3212, etc). The faction name for the special operations group is "USASF". The second faction, which I do not want to show on the map, is the National Army of Colombia (faction name: "NAC"). The special operations group has been pre-placed in the editor, whereas the Colombian faction is spawned in dynamically using ALiVE, and both factions are on side WEST.


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im interested with this,


how do i change the range?  cuz it scan the whole map.

i only want units name tag that is visible by me


actually, i only want the display name tag on MAP,

is there a way to disable all other functions?


and, how to change the zoom to display the names,
name tag will only display when zoomed in.



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I can't seem to get this to work. I'm playin an ALiVE mission with only AI, and I just want to display BLUFOR (West only) AI groups with their group name on the map, and if possible, I'd like to be able to click the group and see who's in it. Could somebody help me with the config setup?


After editing the config for a few hours and after a bunch of trial and errors, I cannot get AI unit group names to appear on the map. When the mission first starts and the AI units are spawning in, it shows their group name for a second before a darker icon replaces the previous one with the name, removing the group name altogether in the process. It tracks the groups fine and I'm able to click on the group and check how many members/roles/unit names, but no group name. When I disable showing the group names in the config but keep the "click information" on, the group name does not show in the "click information" either, as the config states.

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Did I miss something? In the Armaholic page it mentions:

Download the example mission, open the .pbo and copy the relevant files to your own mission...
Read the accompanying documentation file to learn more.

However, the download only provides a sqf file.

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  On 4/15/2017 at 2:18 PM, anfo said:

Did I miss something? In the Armaholic page it mentions:

Download the example mission, open the .pbo and copy the relevant files to your own mission...
Read the accompanying documentation file to learn more.

However, the download only provides a sqf file.


the example mission is from a much earlier version, the current ones are just the script itself. There is an assumption that you know how to copy a SQF file to your mission and initialize it

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  On 4/16/2017 at 1:39 AM, fn_Quiksilver said:

There is an assumption that you know how to copy a SQF file to your mission and initialize it


Assumptions make an "ass" out of "u" and "me" :f:

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I have no editing permissions on armaholic, if there's some inaccurate info on that website, you can contact them via http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=contact


There is an Instructions tab in the original post of this thread (which i can maintain/edit/revise), with accurate instructions (last edit to the original post was Oct 2016).


Also there was probably ~40 hrs of time to create this system, I get nothing for publishing it, please do not call me an ass :)

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  On 4/16/2017 at 3:06 AM, fn_Quiksilver said:

please do not call me an ass :)


Relax mate, it's just a saying.

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Script updated to A3 1.70 compatibility.


Main tweak was restoring GPS component due to BIS changing GPS display.

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I'm trying this script on my server but It doesn't seem to work until a player dies then he can see the map icons.


I'm calling the script form the init.sqf


Any suggestions?


Or is this not meant for servers?


Thank you.

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