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[eods] explosive ordnance disposal suite

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Is there a way to add Duke Antennas etc? The RHS vehicles has them as well as quite a few mods. 

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i am unable to group the EOD Arm module with the IED items on the arma 3 editor.


Also any way to have random IEDS spawn one or two IEDs instead of a cluster of them.

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Is there any work going on with this mod at the moment?


I really like the "random IED with trigger man" idea, but at the moment it looks like while you can select the class of trigger man, you can't select the class of vehicles it uses. So that means if you run a mission which doesn't use any vanilla vehicles, this mod becomes very hard to use, as any vanilla vehicles on the map will have been spawned by the modules, which means players are definitely going to be more cautious and check them out.


Is there any way around this?  

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  On 1/17/2017 at 5:30 AM, JD Wang said:

Is there any work going on with this mod at the moment?


I really like the "random IED with trigger man" idea, but at the moment it looks like while you can select the class of trigger man, you can't select the class of vehicles it uses. So that means if you run a mission which doesn't use any vanilla vehicles, this mod becomes very hard to use, as any vanilla vehicles on the map will have been spawned by the modules, which means players are definitely going to be more cautious and check them out.


Is there any way around this?  

Mod has some serious potential but has unfortunately been remarkably broken for a long time.

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Since Katie has released this mod, aka EODS as Open Source, I was thinking about uploading it to GitHub where we, as community could try to fix it. (just like TFAR for example).

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So we created this github repository - https://github.com/tenondra/eods . My friend has already made some fixes to APOBS, so it no longer corrupts your mission while having spawned vanilla static HMG's..  you can try it, we will add / fix more, (in the future, I don't have any time for that during summer unfortunately).. feel free to contribute by reporting problems or creating a pull requests of your own fixes (I will always check them first).

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I've created a Discord room, to make communication with us easier.. I'm almost always available on Discord, so feel free to discuss, ask, help or whatever you find relevant to talk about here.. https://discord.gg/VKByGMW 

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I hope some more people get in on this. The EOD mod has so much unfulfilled potential.

I was actually playing around with it last night trying to see if I could use if for a mission I'm working on. All I really want from it is ACE interactable IEDs, dickers/triggermen, and the jammer backpack.


Problem is the IED's (at least in the version I had) aren't detected by the ACE mine detector, and the custom interaction would be so much better if it was done with ACE interaction.


If I had any coding skill at all I'd be on this 100% 
ARMA is really lacking in the IED/EOD department so it's awesome to see someone take this up. Good luck, I'll be checking here and discord regularly.



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It sounds like this is a dead mod unfortunately. While I may not be much help in the modding department I have some questions to ask somebody familiar with this mod. I want to know what works and what is broken so I can decide if I can even use it (even just in part) in a fun op with my Milsim unit. Thanks to anybody who is still here haha.

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  On 8/13/2017 at 9:03 PM, Brebera said:

I've created a Discord room, to make communication with us easier.. I'm almost always available on Discord, so feel free to discuss, ask, help or whatever you find relevant to talk about here.. https://discord.gg/VKByGMW 

The discord link has expired, are you still planning to try to work with the mod because if so the recent arma 3 update has completely broken the Talon and IED spawning.

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Well this sucks.  I am disappointed to see this has become abandon ware.  I agree with JD, HUGE potential with this.  


Too bad she had quit modding for Arma 3.  Wish this could have been finished, or at least been maintained and kept up to date, since it looks like a lot of the work was done.

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I requested a merge with the repo Brebera put out as ive fixed a bunch of issues regarding the mod.

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Any chance of getting this mod in 2021?
I tried to download it but the link does not work, I really like the mod from what I was seeing.

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Ver2.0 thread is just a few down from this one, unless I 'm missing something?

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