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RDS A2 Civilian Pack

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  On 3/1/2018 at 3:27 PM, reyhard said:

Redistribution of new packs (with flashlights and other things) is not allowed since its new content that I specifically created for that pack.


yarp that makes sense, it was jus the arma 2 stuff i was looking for as i'm interested in how it gets ported, maybe i can learn myself something while i'm snowed off work ;)


EDIT: yeah its all in the MLOD link on OP here, maybe its just the links on armaholic description need updated

Edited by lordfrith
oh here it is

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  On 3/1/2018 at 2:42 PM, reyhard said:

reuploads are not allowed but if you want to pack your own addon using samples that are available on armaholic then go ahead


Well I'm a retard. I was refering to these addons; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24958

and http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24909

In those two pages there are two non binarized files. Are those two legal to use in a non commercial faction? No Arma Life. As you may notice I'm a total newbie to this and I want to do it right from the start. =) Credit is where credit is due.

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  On 3/1/2018 at 10:05 PM, slampemil said:


Well I'm a retard. I was refering to these addons; http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24958

and http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24909

In those two pages there are two non binarized files. Are those two legal to use in a non commercial faction? No Arma Life. As you may notice I'm a total newbie to this and I want to do it right from the start. =) Credit is where credit is due.

why dont you go download the arma 2 sample files?

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  On 3/1/2018 at 10:05 PM, slampemil said:


In those two pages there are two non binarized files. Are those two legal to use in a non commercial faction? No Arma Life. As you may notice I'm a total newbie to this and I want to do it right from the start. =) Credit is where credit is due.

yes, all samples/MLODs that I published are free to use in whatever way you want (ofc with credits)

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  On 3/1/2018 at 11:50 PM, crazy mike said:

why dont you go download the arma 2 sample files?


Well. I've never thought of that honestly because I thought it would be alot of work and I literally suck at this. I'm just trying to make a faction using ALive Orbat. So I'm sorry for stupid questions. =)
But I will look into the Arma 2 shit! Thanks for the tip!

  On 3/2/2018 at 8:15 AM, reyhard said:

yes, all samples/MLODs that I published are free to use in whatever way you want (ofc with credits)


Ah thanks mate! Ofcourse credit is where credit is due!

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Getting some crazy levels of rpt spam from this, some of the cars cause frame drops down to 1fps when the mission starts, and it causes a kernal crash that hard locks systems when run in conjunction with bludskis PKL map, if you could find the time to have a squizz it would be appreciated.

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Is there any chance you might add a hiddenSelection to the militia car?


As the 3 other ladas are retexturable I thought it might just be missed accidentally.

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Hey @reyhard there seems to be a new weird bug since the Arma 2.0 update. When I put an empty Vaz Militia on the map in the editor, everything is fine until I save the mission. After that it adds custom attributes which activate the light on the roof. This is not 100% of the time, but I tested in vanilla and when it didn't work, I just add something to the militia, such as a variable name, or open the trunk. In one case, both the light and siren sound came on next time I previewed the mission. Sometimes the headlights come on too. I've been using your mod for years now and never seen this behavior, so I'm pretty sure it's from the 2.0 update. Just wanted to let you know! Thanks.


BTW, from a mission making perspective, I can do something like this to counteract the blue light:

[this] spawn { sleep 2; [_this select 0,0] spawn rds_fnc_syrena; };

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@AZCoder thanks for notice! I think whole package needs updating and I will take a look what can be done 😉

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Any way to open bus doors with script? I've tried and no luck

this animateSource ["Doors_1",1]; this animateSource ["Doors_2",1]; this animateSource ["Doors_3",1];


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  On 12/11/2020 at 4:13 PM, danny96 said:

Any way to open bus doors with script? I've tried and no luck

this animateSource ["Doors_1",1]; this animateSource ["Doors_2",1]; this animateSource ["Doors_3",1];



You need to use animateDoor.
The name of the doors are; "doors_1","doors_2","doors_3".


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It's random update time!


+ Added new Sound Set configuration for all vehicles
+ Added civilian presence module unit variants (not plugged in yet) - they have scope=1!
^ Tweaked siren sound script - it's utilizing Sound Sets now
^ Added animated chains to bikes & motorcycles
^ Tweaked suspension config of all vehicles
^ Tweaked bike pedals script
^ Added new fire geometry to civilians
^ Added ability to pack mountain bike so it can be carried on your back
^ Added config preloading - better Zeus compatibility
^ Added postInit to vehicles & character randomization which should result in better MP synchronization
^ Added mirrors bounding boxes to improve their performance
^ Switched character voices to vanilla russian language
@ Fixed bicycle & motorbikes physics
- Removed obsolete fuel leak script


Available only at Steam Workshop

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Wow... Great to hear that this awesome mod is still didn't lose an attention!

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Aaand there is another small update - main highlight of this release is modified version of Civilian Presence module which supports modded factions.

1.41 Release

+ Added RDS variants of Civilian Presence modules - it can be expanded with extra faction by adding new entry to RDS_CivilianPresence_Presets class
+ Added Polish civilian faction
^ Added Zeus placeable uniforms & items
@ Fixed MMT backpack position
@ Fixed some alpha sorting issues in VAZ-2103 interior
@ Fixed UniformItem class location

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Just wanted to pass along that my error log gets spammed with this error when the TT650 is in play.


23:24:05 Sound: Error: File: rds\rds_a2port_civ\data\sounds\motorcycles\ext\ext-tt650-high-2.wss not found !!!


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