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ARMA 2: OA Beta build 125548 - Steam Mp Lobby (1.63 build, Steam only)

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Thank you... hint for you! use "start" like I do, then the black cmd screen disappears. Yeah, I have recovered it, ArmA works again.. but still there are so many script errors. I've stripped out all the fancy mods, for demonstration and it still has script errors en masse.

start /b "" /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oa.exe"  "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=@CBA_CO;@Dayz" -nosplash -nologs -showScriptErrors -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

Do you have latest DayZ vanilla from SIX? Please try above command line, that would be very nice. Do you get script errors with DayZ?

---------- Post added at 17:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:46 ----------

Yeah, whatever mission I start, it'll always have a lot of script errors. As if the variable scope is not right. Has BI messed with variable scope lately? I could play without -showScriptErrors, but I have no trust that missions will work as expected.


---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

I started ArmA 2 OA (non beta) without a mod line, only flag was -showscripterrors. In ArmA I had to manually disable all mods that it automatically loaded, then restarted. No mods loaded at all. Even in the shipped OA missions, script errors.

Then I added "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca" because I am not sure about if that stuff must be loaded. Same problem. Script errors.

Best is to close eyes and never use -showscripterrors I guess?

Edited by tortuosit

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Thank you... hint for you! use "start" like I do, then the black cmd screen disappears.

I do use start and it disappears again?

Do you have latest DayZ vanilla from SIX? Please try above command line, that would be very nice. Do you get script errors with DayZ?

Well, I am a DayZ-Dev, so yes. But we do not have any scriptErrors in the 1.8.1 release. We're always running it with -showScriptErrors to test various stuff.

Please do tell which errors you're getting as well as what you're doing when you're getting them. An extract of your .rpt will do (preferably in a PM - as there is no need to clutter the Forum).

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I thought the way you use "start" (same if you don't use it) there would be a cmd window in the background while ArmA runs.

Anyway. Thank you... too late. I started Steam as Admin and went through BAF/PMC/ACR reinstall plus Steam check for file integrity. Now ArmA2 does not start up any more. psshader error message. Seems like I will once have to go through rescueing all mods and reinstall all Arma 2 components completely. I remember it is very fragile.

EDIT: Doing it. Moved all mods, userconfig, missions, ... reinstalling from Steam. ArgArgArg, forgot to save the mpmissions. However...

Edited by tortuosit

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I thought the way you use "start" (same if you don't use it) there would be a cmd window in the background while ArmA runs.

Anyway. Thank you... too late. I started Steam as Admin and went through BAF/PMC/ACR reinstall plus Steam check for file integrity. Now ArmA2 does not start up any more. psshader error message. Seems like I will once have to go through rescueing all mods and reinstall all Arma 2 components completely. I remember it is very fragile.

EDIT: Doing it. Moved all mods, userconfig, missions, ... reinstalling from Steam. ArgArgArg, forgot to save the mpmissions. However...

All you have to do, really, is this:

  • Install ARMA 2
  • Run it
  • Install ARMA 2: OA
  • Run it
  • Copy the folder "Addons" from ARMA 2 to "Common" in "ARMA 2 OA"
  • Done

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Better symlink/junction a2\addons to oa\addons

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All you have to do, really, is this:

  • Install ARMA 2
  • Run it
  • Install ARMA 2: OA
  • Run it
  • Copy the folder "Addons" from ARMA 2 to "Common" in "ARMA 2 OA"
  • Done

kichilron, sure we need to copy Addons from ARMA 2 into Common subdir of ARMA 2 OA? as its originally located in the root dir of ARMA 2 i just copied it into the root dir of ARMA 2 OA

is there an additional startup parameter (-mod=Common) required, for the game to locate the files in Common subdir?

you might add, if one has also BAF or PMC or both, you also need to install the addon and run it once afterwards in order to finally let the setup move the files into their correct location within your installation dir and apply some updates on first run.

ps. whatever the correct method might be, i assume this needs to be done for client and server installations as well ...

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OMG please, dont copy anything ...


Example: "-mod=D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;"

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No of course I do not copy (SSDs here), I always use ntfs links, have even built it in as a command in my totalcmd... And its better than how I did before (using mod=<fullpathtoarma2dir...>) because of getting rid of the path with spaces.

I'll install via Steam, all including BAF/PMC/ACR, then run Steam as Admin and start every single one (I know then installers start), and I'll see how it will work...

path2arma, common, ca, expansion, beta\expansion, cba, cba_a2, cba_co, -mod=, -beta=,

I tell you: never change a running ArmA 2 system.

Edited by tortuosit

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OMG please, dont copy anything ...


Example: "-mod=D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;"

Care to elaborate why not?

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Warning bad English :)

Care to elaborate why not?

Every Mod has the same Structure:



|-something other

The Foldername isn't fixed with @. It can named "@modname" or only "modname".

Is no Path in -mod given, it use the same Mainfolder as exe.

Has the mod an Path given (Example: "-mod=D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;") binding the Game the addonsfolder (if its exist) in giving Path.

Thats why you don't Copy the Addonsfolder from ArmA 2 2 ArmA 2 OA.

Funfact: With Quotes (") you can use Spaces ( ) in Path.


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- Installed all again, started Steam as Admin, started ArmA and OA (and OA triggered installation of BAF/PMC/ACR - nice);

- deleted both ArmA 2 user folders in "My Documents";

- Started/finished vanilla Arma and OA

- Symlinked a2\addons to oa\addons

- Started OA from Steam (normal user context), no mods loaded, and with -skipIntro -nosplash -showScriptErrors -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

Again undefined Variables already in BIS missions. Every BIS mission already at briefing I see undefined variables. I guess missions are seriously broken not only here, but everybody plays ArmA 3 or does not use "show script errors". I have no more idea. This way I cannot play ArmA2 because with that amount of undef. vars, I do not trust the missions to run properly.

I think the source of evil is that "ca" thing. Often I see "bis_fnc_init".


EDIT: Tried with symlinked "addons" from Arma2 dir and without, tried with explicitely loading "-mod=common" and without, and both, with BAF/PMC/ACR and without ... variable errors all around.

I can't believe this doesn't happen to you as well. E.g. "Bear rising" mission. Script errors at briefing when you start Arma with -showscripterrors

Edited by tortuosit

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The Foldername isn't fixed with @. It can named "@modname" or only "modname".

Is no Path in -mod given, it use the same Mainfolder as exe.

I don't understand how that is related. Why would I bother having to include the A2-AddOns as a mod-Path if I could just copy over the Assets? It's just more work everytime. I know how the Mod-Pathing works, but this doesn't change anything about the fact I can just copy everything over to be used, so I don't have to use the mod-param at all.

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copy: tons of wasted bytes

symlink: few bytes (best way IMO)

-mod=<path> few bytes

(Steam/BI) installers should symlink IMO and don't leave it to the user. However, it does all not help in my case. Script errors. Tons.

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If get ArmA 2 an Update are your copied Folder not actual. Related enough?

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If get ArmA 2 an Update are your copied Folder not actual. Related enough?

When was the last time ARMA 2 got an update?

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ok guys, i'm in the dayzmod boat, so don't care about arma2 or updates to arma2 at all.

the only thing i'm interested is how to finally merge the two installations. so far there were four solutions posted:

  • add "arma2" to the -mod parameter
  • use mklink to create directory link
  • copy arma2\addons to arma2oa\addons
  • copy arma2\addons into arma2oa\common

question is only regarding options 3 and 4:

option 3: will arma2oa find and use the newly created addons directory holding arma2 files, without any further action?

option 4: copy arma2\addons into arma2oa\common will overwrite some files already located in arma2oa/common! this will result in using arma2 versions of some files instead of the arma2oa versions already located in arma2oa/common! sure this is the way to go?

sorry for insisting here, but there are a lot of threads all over the forums questioning how to merge this and i found no solid answer so far ...

ps. it was all so easy back in the times before we were forced to move onto steam!

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I take it you have all seen the launch files BIS deployed with ArmA 2 OA on Steam a lo0o0o0ong time ago?

_runA2CO.cmd or _runA2CO_beta.cmd ring any bells?

they were written to set up the ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 OA paths for A2CO mode.

Here's the content of _runA2CO.cmd



For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B)

IF NOT DEFINED _ARMA2PATH (GOTO v32_path_a2) ELSE (GOTO v64_path_a2oa)


For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%C In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%D)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%J)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%K IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2PATH=%%L)



For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F)



For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%G In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do set (_ARMA2OAPATH=%%H)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%M IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%N)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%O IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') DO (SET _ARMA2OAPATH=%%P)




For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%Q In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve\Steam" /v "InstallPath"') Do (set _STEAMPATH=%%R)



For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%S In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam" /v "InstallPath"') Do (set _STEAMPATH=%%T)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%U IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve\Steam" /v "InstallPath"') DO (SET _STEAMPATH=%%V)



FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%W IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Valve\Steam" /v "InstallPath"') DO (SET _STEAMPATH=%%X)



"%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca"



exit /B 0


exit /B 1


exit /B 2


exit /B 3

I'm not saying they are the best solution, but they are often overlooked. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but at least it probably died having more fun.

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It appears as if 1.63.125548 exe will be installed if either "Opt out of all beta programs" OR "-Beta" options are selected in Steam. Can anyone confirm this?

Is this expected, or should "Opt out" install vanilla, non-beta 1.63, which I thought was 1.63.125402?

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_runA2CO.cmd or _runA2CO_beta.cmd ring any bells?

I'm aware of those and use derivates. But the whole magic there is just around finding out paths.

After all, problem not solved. I'm convinced nobody sees them, because they all play without -showscripterrors.

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 ----------

ok guys, i'm in the dayzmod boat, so don't care about arma2 or updates to arma2 at all.

With -showscripterrors on connecting to first best vanilla DayZ server:


---------- Post added at 12:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 ----------

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Anyone else getting stuck on "wait for host" when trying to host and join a server running this latest Arma patch, and when exiting you get this in .rpt log:

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1021693620): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

Latest beta patch is installed on both client and server

Nothing happens at all when trying to join, works without problem with earlier versions of the Arma patch when ran from beta folder..

start up part of the .bat:

start arma2oaserver.exe -mod=@DayZ;@Hive

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Anyone else getting stuck on "wait for host" when trying to host and join a server running this latest Arma patch, and when exiting you get this in .rpt log:

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1021693620): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

Latest beta patch is installed on both client and server

Nothing happens at all when trying to join, works without problem with earlier versions of the Arma patch when ran from beta folder..

start up part of the .bat:

start arma2oaserver.exe -mod=@DayZ;@Hive

I've been running this beta since it came out and have not seen that error ever. Running on both my server and client.

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I've been running this beta since it came out and have not seen that error ever. Running on both my server and client.

Yeah thats whats so weird, I notice others are running this version so thought I'd check if anyone else is getting that error.

All works fine with other patches etc, but with newer 1.63 I get that..

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With -showscripterrors on connecting to first best vanilla DayZ server:

That is something that was fixed in DayZ Mod 1.8.2 as soon as it releases - it has to do with the fact that BIS-function has a wrong sanity-check

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I've had major issues last night trying to update my dayz servers to this latest steam patch.

In the spoiler is a conversation i had last night in the Arma2 script makers skype channel.

It is believed to be some code ported from A3 causing the problems.

Has anyone else had their servers starting up and not taking the startup parameters and apply them?

Also seemed like i was getting ghost processes when trying to shutdown the dedi server console...

So after 6 hours of pulling my hair out and almost going into a depression by despair,

i reverted all affected servers back to the broken 112555 patch and everything is working again in the very same setup.

I can reproduce this problem time after time (100%)

I have 2 dedicated servers:

Box1: SSD drive so servers share the arma2OA installation and have separate config folders with mission and server pbo's

Box2: HDD drive so servers have separate arma2OA installations, epoch servers updated fine only overwatch has the same issue as all servers on Box1 have.

If anyone from BIS wants to remote into my servers if need be you can contact me on our teamspeak:

or on skype: dieuwer.descheemaecker or email: dieuwer@gmail.com

Nickname used: Soul

[0:29:01] Soul: has anyone ever had this problem?

[0:29:02] Soul: http://prntscr.com/46cspb

[0:29:21] Soul: its not listening to the specified port in my bat file

[0:30:07] Soul: (:|

[0:30:38] marceldevries89: that usually means that the port is already in use

[0:34:39] Soul: funny thing is when i look in my taks manager its only started once

[0:34:58] Soul: but when i close my dedi server console the exe is still showing in the task manager (worry)

[0:35:55] marceldevries89: yeah that's the HiveExt.dll from DayZ being weird

[0:36:07] torndeco: extensions can keep the process alive

[0:37:15] Soul: i just updated to 125548 and all this started to happen to about 65% of my servers

[0:37:45] Soul: i'm gona lose some hair over this

[0:38:05] marceldevries89: there should be a new DayZ Mod version coming out soon(ish) which might or might not fix it

[0:38:24] marceldevries89: not sure if there are changes to the dll

[0:38:41] marceldevries89: nope

[0:45:53] marceldevries89: as a workaround

[0:46:15] marceldevries89: uncomment

SeparateConsole = true

in HiveExt.ini

[0:46:34] marceldevries89: and close the server by closing the cmd prompt thing instead of the a2oa server console

[0:47:10] Soul: i have them set to SeparateConsole = false

[0:47:14] Soul: would that be bad?

[0:47:20] marceldevries89: set it to true

[0:47:31 | 0:47:43 bewerkt] marceldevries89: they must've backported something from A3 that causes this because we're having the same issue with A3

[0:48:32] Soul: bad thing is its not loading anything

[0:48:47] Soul: it seems like its not taking the parameters at all

[0:49:01] Soul: and when i execute the bat file a second time it works but on a higher port number

[0:49:21] marceldevries89: well make sure that all processes are stopped before you start it?

[0:57:27] Torndeco: I notice that same issue while making an extension...

Arma process wouldnt die if extension didnt exit properly.

I fixed it in the extension code though (on arma3)

I would just try to wait x amount of time & force kill the arma process. taskkill /f

(not a nice way todo it though, either that or try to fix the extension)

[1:11:34] Soul: been doing that the whole time

[1:11:43] Soul: making shure its all closed doesnt make a difference

[1:22:14] Marcel de Vries: I vaguely remember me having the same problem where it wouldn't read the parameters properly but I've got no clue what it was

[1:22:40] Marcel de Vries: maybe post the line that you use to start the server in here

[1:35:26] Soul: http://pastebin.com/pmeK3feV

[1:35:39] Soul: im running multiple dayz servers of 1 arma installation

[1:37:02] Soul: the epoch servers are running fine for some reason

[1:37:16] Soul: its just official hive/realityhive and overwatch that aint working

[1:38:35] Soul: i notice all dayz 1.8.1 running lower patches

[1:38:45] Soul: and epoch or overpoch servers running the latest patch

[1:38:51] Soul: there must be a reason for this

[1:39:55] Skaronator: DayZ 1.8.1 is compatible with the latest a2 version

[1:40:43] Marcel de Vries: [1:40] Skaronator:

<<< DayZ 1.8.1 is compatible with the latest a2 versionincompatible is probably what you're trying to say :P

[1:41:18] Marcel de Vries: pretty sure we did some fixes for a2oa ~1.63

[1:41:19] Skaronator: I though carl has fixed all issues with it

[1:41:38] Marcel de Vries: yeah in 1.8.2 as far as I know

[1:41:39] Skaronator: yeah he did

[1:41:39] Soul: could it have to do with the fact that the epoch hive is compiled inthe latest .net packages?

[1:41:46] Soul: and official in the older one

[1:41:51] Marcel de Vries: which is, as you know, a pain to release :P

[1:42:00] Skaronator: :P

[1:42:25] Marcel de Vries: Soul, it's not using .net

[1:42:42] Soul: i mean the redistributables

[1:43:12 | 1:43:17 bewerkt] Marcel de Vries: I doubt that the compiler version used has effect on all this

[1:52:36] Soul: i've just put 1 server back on 112555

[1:52:37] Soul: guess what

[1:52:40] Soul: its all working

[1:52:41] Soul: as is

[1:53:17] Marcel de Vries: yeah, it's something that's coming from A3

[1:53:45] Torndeco: I would assume newer version is nicer and waits for dll to exit fully... older version might just kill the dll outright

[1:53:45] Marcel de Vries: is my best bet at least

[1:54:34] Soul: 1 thing i certain

[1:54:40] Soul: epoch hive works on this new patch

[1:55:12] Soul: the real problem is in the dayz hive and the new patch aint helping

[1:55:30] Marcel de Vries: well I guess epoch is maintaining their own dll

[1:55:35] Soul: they are

[1:55:55] Soul: vbawol recompiled it inthe 2012 redistributables a few months back

[1:56:00] Soul: dayz hive is still in the older version

[1:56:16] Skaronator: you can compile the dayz hive with 2012 when you want ;)

[1:56:25] Soul: like i know how xD

[1:56:37] Skaronator: :P

[1:56:40] Skaronator: https://github.com/DayZMod/Hive-Binaries

[1:56:52] Torndeco: i doubt its the compiler... i use vc2010sp1 for arma3 extension

[1:56:58] Soul: i can do php/xhtml/xml/sqf at most

[1:58:14] Torndeco: i would check out epoch deconstructor versus dayz deconstructor (if they are based off similar code)

[1:58:37] Skaronator: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZhiveEpoch

[2:05:40] Marcel de Vries: they seem fairly identical

[2:06:53] Marcel de Vries: I passed it on, nothing else I can do really :P

[2:08:03] Soul: well for now i reverted all my work of the last 5 hours

[2:08:36] Soul: the only thing i dont like about it is the large downtime xD

[2:16:59] Soul: on second note

[2:17:13] Soul: could it be that sharing steam dll's with multiple servers can cause this?

[2:18:31] Soul: i have a folder called "DayZServers" wich contains the A2CO installation with all the dll's and the new steam dll's

[2:18:44] Soul: then a folder in there called "UK431" wich contains all the server setups

[2:18:54] Soul: with their mission folders and configs and restart bats etc

[2:19:08] Soul: all those servers are using the same A2 installation and steam dll's

[2:19:26] Soul: they do have their own hive.dll mission folders and whatnot

[2:23:06] Marcel de Vries: shouldn't matter

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