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[Terrain] G.O.S Kalu Khan 2.0

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Who's ready for a trek in the beautifull mountains of G.O.S Kalu Khan (V2) ?

In this endless outdoor playground, you'll find steep mountains with cloud-covered peaks great for hiking, biking, and trying to not get killed by those guys here that just appeared over the next ridge.


Version 2.1 :

Corrections for patch 1.60


Version 2.0 Changes :


Completely redone the Vegetation.

Doubled Tree coverage.

Redone the Satelite image and surface mask.

Added many settlements

Extended and smoothed the roads network ( Now covers the whole map).

Added two airfields

Images :







Video :


Download :


Dependencies :
Cup Terrains
The buildings and other objects are Arma 2
I didn't add the A2 objects dependancies in the config, so you can still play without them, but you'll get no buildings.

Credits & Thanks:
Shezan74 for worldTools.
HOMJ whose RoadPainter saved many hours of road placement.
Many others who provided meaningfull information through many forums.


Author's website : http://www.clan-gos.fr

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Screens look awesome, been waiting for mountain terrain, thanks a lot!

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  PenguinInATuxedo said:
Look pretty nice, will give it a whirl when it's up on Pw6.

Wait for PW6 why.?!?!?.. I downloaded in less then 5 minutes and already have it up and runnning ..

Nice work Makhno, Thanks!!

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Yay, something other to play on! Looks great so far

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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nice island looks good only thing that is bugging me is to down load 5g of mod to use the island sucks for me then

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New mod v0.2 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Makhno;

Soon you will be able to manage the promo pages of your content on our web platform and publish new content yourself.

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It nets you a bunch of other BI islands too, plus support for most A2 community islands. Just bite the bullet with pw6 and don't look back.

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Makhno, don't you ever bloody sleep?!?!?

EDIT: Ok I've had an hour to play on it and all I can say is wow. If it's like this at 0.2 I can't wait to see 1.0! Great work as usual.

Edited by tpw

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Brilliant.. Really like it.. Very atmospheric.. And the A3 vegetation really looks in keeping. Very tasty !

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Yes, and the worst is that the "surface" is supposed to be the same here that on the other parts of the airfield, but sometimes this kind of problem happens ( i keep having those since i begun creating islands).

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Really nice map. I know it is still early WIP, but here are some suggestions:

- The mid range textures feature some brutal color changes and from the air, the ground looks weird because of that. They should be more uniform or the transition between greenish and brownish areas should be smoother.

- The grass and the ground have a color difference which is a bit too strong IMO

- I know I am almost the only one playing PvP ;), but a little Airfield on the North-East for symmetric warfare would be really cool ;).

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You could create a version of this map with Chernarus house to look like the Serbian.

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Any thoughts on where or what part of the world this is?

Wondering on how to role-play and what factions to use.

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I just assume it's somewhere in Central Asia and go from there.

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It's supposed to represent the mountains of western Afghanistan and eastern Pakistan ( so called Tribal areas)

Edited by Makhno

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  Makhno said:
It's supposed to represent the mountains of western Afghanistan and eastern Pakistan ( so called Tribal areas)

You mean eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan. Iran is the country on the west of Afghanistan and Pakistan on the east.

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It's supposed to loosely represent the mountains of eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan ( so called Tribal areas).

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