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MAP FSF Dariyah Released

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I'm pleased to present a new map : FSF Dariyah.

As you can see in the Screenshots and the Video, it's a Desert theme terrain.

There are no roads at the time, but maybe it'll stay this way as I'm quite fond of off-road vehicle patrols of the kind the LRDG used to do.

Also, you’ll notice the vegetation is quite dense for the desert, but given the AI’s inability to fight in open terrain, it’s necessary for gameplay purposes.

Off course, all this is very early work and there's room for improvement in many aspects of the map.





V04 :

Corrections for patch 1.60

Changelog :
config redone (important changes in the lighting configuration)
Some trees' height adjusted.
Lamps replaced by A3 models.

Download :

Dependencies :
CUP Terrains

Credits & Thanks:
ZeroG for his wonderful addon, without which creating this island would not have been possible.
Shezan74 for worldTools.
Many others who provided meaningfull information through many forums.

Edited by makhno
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Congratulations on your release, and thank you for a brand new playground!:icon_dj:

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I'm going to take a better look at this later, but right now it looks pretty awesome, nice job!

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Dude. Dude! DUDE!

I just had an awesome idea for asymmetrical TvT and was looking for an interesting desert map to play hit and run on. This is just amazing! You released this at just the right moment! Congrats on the release and thank you!

No howling monkey/camels this time? :p

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Absolutely fantastic map Makhno, I don't think you could make a shit map even if you tried. Thanks very much for all your hard work.

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It seems like all F.S.F's map night time lights are so bright

Seriously it's too bright in night, are you guys insist this or is this another B.I.'s untouchable work thing?

Here some comparison with Altis night light



both are 4 flare in sky

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We use N'Ziwasogo and it seemed dark at first actually. I set the date to a full moon and set the overcast to 30-40 and it was perfect.

Edit: Oops, lights didn't seem too bright for us either way.

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I haven't tested with that many flares, but I don't think it would look like that. I will try when I'm home.

Is it your brightness/gamma settings maybe?

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I never noticed things realy weird, but we seldom use flares.

Can you launch the MAP without A3MP (there will be no buildings, but apart from that it will work) and post the results ?

I remember a guy had a problem with the stars in N'ziwasogo, and it was an outdated A3MP issue if i remember correctly.

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  Makhno said:
I never noticed things realy weird, but we seldom use flares.

Can you launch the MAP without A3MP (there will be no buildings, but apart from that it will work) and post the results ?

I remember a guy had a problem with the stars in N'ziwasogo, and it was an outdated A3MP issue if i remember correctly.

I'm in latest A3MP, I'll check at night anyway.

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  Makhno said:
I never noticed things realy weird, but we seldom use flares.

Can you launch the MAP without A3MP (there will be no buildings, but apart from that it will work) and post the results ?

I remember a guy had a problem with the stars in N'ziwasogo, and it was an outdated A3MP issue if i remember correctly.

That guy might have been me...

Anyway, I concur that the night lighting is a bit awry with FSF maps. If you use a gun flashlight it is as bright as a floodlight. Car headlights are extremely bright. I've got a couple of scripts that spawn house lighting and street lighting and they are excessively bright too.


I tried running Dariyah with and without A3MP and the lighting is the same in both cases.

The actual night sky looks great, nice and black with nicely visible stars and moon, it's just the dynamic lights that are the problem.

Edited by tpw

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I'll try to copy the parameters from the last version of altis (the config i use dates back to 2013, and maybe there has been adjustments made since then).

kgino1045 and Tpw, your video card is Nvidia or ATI ?

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Nvidia GTX 570.

Thanks for looking into this Makhno.

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Hi you want to make some more map? Well if yes please let my suggestion that such a mix between desert and sea views something like kuwait or israel? A and you will add streets and roads on this map? would be good for without streets or roads not to put the vehicle patrols with "alive", maybe at least dirt roads to guide trains between cities.

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Will you guys keep updating this new map and fixing textures and progressing or will you begin a new project?

It looks glorious and GOL will make use! Thanks for putting in the effort for us to play such a brilliant map.

Textures from above are bit clean but other than that from the ground, looks great, and the the towns are proper tight towns with lots of CQB!

Good job!

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Awe, C'mon!

Its so nice out that its summer. There goes my next two weeks!!


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Its a very nice map overall but I noticed a couple of faults and improvements you could implement:

1) The airbases is a little bare, maybe a little fencing and security might be needed

2) The compass bearings for the approach on the South West runways are wrong, they should be 27 from East to West and 09 from West to East, I am yet to check to East Airfield

3) The areas with bushes look quite nice but there are areas with nothing but orange in certain areas (I'm pretty sure you are working on that:))

I know that the runway might be impossible to change but it bugs me a little right now (sorry:()

Other than that the map looks really nice and I wish you all the best!!

Edited by Jonathan0434

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Awesome map, perfect for a "SCI-FI"" movie location haha, fantastic work. :cool:

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