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Jalalabad, Afghanistan---By M1lkm8n and Smokedog

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Where is the massive hype everybody?! Awesome news dude, glad to hear from you (two)!

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Cheers Buckfast I've been away but not out the loop, i see you have been busy well done mate.

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This is awesome news!!

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We're both pretty hyped up. After taking some time for personal matters it feels really good to be back at it again. In addition to the already released models we have a list of models that we are currently rigging for game use smokedog made as well as a bunch of Opx2 models that fit the terrain as well giving a bunch of new things to play with hehe.  

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Nice to se you back guys.



Let us know if you need help with enything



RSM Loop

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-Guys you don't know me . . .  ,

but i want to really thank you very much for all your work these years !  :thumb:

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Searched this topic (for 'CUP') and it didn't appear the subject had been done to death already so, would it be politic to ask the million dollar question; is there any plan to square the duplication of content between CUP and JBAD?

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  On 1/20/2019 at 7:56 PM, Defunkt said:

Searched this topic (for 'CUP') and it didn't appear the subject had been done to death already so, would it be politic to ask the million dollar question; is there any plan to square the duplication of content between CUP and JBAD?

We started created Jbad before cup existed.  We have donated all of the standard A2 models to CUP however since many of our A2 models are changed and tweaked we are keeping jbad completely standalone. 

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quick peek at some of the stuff we've been working on.



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looking good!


Will the Murals (0:06) have hiddenselections? Would be awesome to create custom murals for campaigns and stuff like that

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  On 1/22/2019 at 12:54 PM, kerozen said:

looking good!


Will the Murals (0:06) have hiddenselections? Would be awesome to create custom murals for campaigns and stuff like that


Thats a very good idea. I will add hidden selections to them today!


-hidden selections have been added and documentation will be included in the next update. 

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yes would be an idea to do the jbad shop signs the same so would make more options to have more stores 


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Good to see you both back and hard at it. Looking forward to seeing it all progress.

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  On 1/25/2019 at 12:26 PM, Flax said:

Good to see you both back and hard at it. Looking forward to seeing it all progress.

cheers mate how you been 


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Update me and M1lk have been bang on it all week I only have  about 10 fields left to go through this 15 km long green zone hope to be done by tonight once I get the the updated models I will smash out the hundreds of compounds and add the detail over the next 2 weeks, I am lucky enough to have loads of free time as I only need to work 2 hours a day so I can give it my full attention till it is completed.


We have been talking about producing some maps similar to the bi ones which will be purchasable for a small donation both digital and paper print if the interest is there, what would make this slightly different from stock maps is there will be a map for each faction adding intel for each side to use which can be used to great effect.


Bluefor will get an intel pack with rough locations of possible caches, opfor local government buildings, suspected ied factory, possible HVT locations, drug labs, and such for some of the feature spots we have put in in adding this vast heavily populated green zone 


Taliban will get all the information needed for best ambush locations, ied kill zones, cache locations, cave locations  and all faction facilities to use as you please these maps and an insurgent hand book will be advantageous for insurgency and alive type player on player missions. you need to know your enemy and the ground you fight on intel is key on this one



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Here's some more work on a few of the new custom buildings being created. This one one of the shops.



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Weekly update M1lkman has been making more shops for the city with the models he finished last week they look great on the terrain he has amassed a large object library all functioning locks doors and breakable glass.


With the weather being shit it gave me 100 hours free in the week to crack on with the green zone the fields are done tree lines and hedgerows are in, with the new gates and entrances I have I've started placing hundreds of compounds down through the main strip.


I'm probably 90% done on the compounds just leaving the detail and features to go in which I hope to have complete in 2 weeks if time permits, I have pushed it day after day to get this huge project up and moving again in 3 week's I have managed to populate more than I had previously over months of placing objects by hand we have topped over 1million objects to achieve the dense fields of this region. 





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So excited to see such an awesome map be brought back to life with such a passion, though if I may ask are there going to be any dry riverbeds or irrigation ditches? Just a curiosity of mine but I digress glad to see this coming along so well, keep up the great work and can't wait to see it go live when the time comes. 

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Yes it's all dry at the moment once we have fixed our water tiles we intend to have rivers and ditches, these models were worked on a long time ago now water is working in A3 it can progress again.

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