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How to Teleport script??

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Why not doing setPos all the time and ride on the cannonball ?


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Why not doing setPos all the time and ride on the cannonball ?



attachTo works nicely too for those wild rides.

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Fugg, I have all this down, right code on ingame objects, and a correct teleport.sqf and I get all the correct options ingame, yet once I select them nothing happens


this addAction ["Teleport - Savage","teleport.sqf",["Savage"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Vandergrift","teleport.sqf",["Vandergrift"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Sarge","teleport.sqf",["Sarge"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Runway End","teleport.sqf",["End"]];
_dest = (_this select 3) select 0;
_dir = random 359;
player SetPos [(getPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)];
Thats my teleport.sqf
I have this on all my ingame objects that im using as a teleport item
this addAction ["Teleport - Savage","teleport.sqf",["Savage"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Vandergrift","teleport.sqf",["Vandergrift"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Sarge","teleport.sqf",["Sarge"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Runway End","teleport.sqf",["End"]];


EX. Lets say your at savage, and want to go to vandergrift, the object your teleporting from have this in its INT


this addAction ["Teleport - Savage","teleport.sqf",["Savage"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Vandergrift","teleport.sqf",["Vandergrift"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Sarge","teleport.sqf",["Sarge"]];
this addAction ["Teleport - Runway End","teleport.sqf",["End"]];
I have the Savage crossed out so you dont get the option to tele to your own POS.
Thats how I have it setup, now do you guys know why it aint working? Very much apriciated, Thanks

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On 2015-10-01 at 10:54 PM, Von Quest said:

Note: if just using Editor/Preview. You can hold LAlt when left-click mouse to teleport as well.

Even years later, this is still very useful.

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Does anyone have the code for producing that LAlt+Left Click teleport option in multiplayer for admins?

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I know this is an old topic. I already use the below teleport script:


// this addAction ["Teleport -destinationName","teleport.sqf",[objectName]];


// Get the destination.

_dest = (_this select 3) select 0;


// Get a random direction

_dir = random 359;


// Move the person a few meters away from the destination (in the direction of _dir)

player SetPos [(getPos _dest select 0)-10*sin(_dir),(getPos _dest select 1)-10*cos(_dir)];


But, I am trying to understand it better. In the above line for (// Get the destination) i have a question for those who have a better understanding of the script language.

Say for example I am using an empty marker on the map. I make the variable name in the marker hq. Using the addAction script line above in a flagpole, i make the [objectName] hq.

I know that this sends the argument hq to the teleport.sqf script.

In the     _dest = (_this select 3) select 0;     line, I would like to understand better what is happening here. _this represents the passed argument of hq i take it. But it is the select functions that are confusing me.

The (select 3) select 0  I understand that select is pulling in array elements. I just don't understand the 3 and then 0. What is actually happening here which then becomes _dest?


Thanks for any clarity anyone can provide.

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this addAction 
	"Teleport -destinationName",


A script called by addAction in this way has an array of parameters passed to it by default:


params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"];

The old way of writing this would be:


private ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"];

_target = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_actionId = _this select 2;
_arguments = _this select 3;



private _target = _this select 0;
private _caller = _this select 1;
private _actionId = _this select 2;
private _arguments = _this select 3;


Those params are:

  • target: Object - the object which the action is assigned to
  • caller: Object - the unit that activated the action
  • actionID: Number - activated action's ID (same as addAction's return value)
  • arguments: Anything - arguments given to the script if you are using the extended syntax


The fourth element "_arguments" is the relevant one. 


In sqf, arrays are zero-indexed, so an array with four elements will be indexed as 0,1,2,3. You can see in the second and third examples above where they are declared as such.


[objectName] is an array of arguments to be sent to the script, which is then accessed via _arguments (also known as _this select 3).



_dest = (_this select 3) select 0;

_dest is being defined as whatever is held in _arguments. _arguments is itself an array (it's whatever you put in [objectName] in the addAction), so we need to select an element from it. Since it only has one element, we'll use that.


Hence (_this select 3) select 0.


A cleaner way of writing it would be:


params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"];

private _dest = _arguments#0;  // "#" is another way to write "select" that runs slightly faster
private _dir = random 359;
_caller setPos [(getPos _dest#0)-10*sin(_dir),(getPos _dest#1)-10*cos(_dir)];


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arguments in addAction don't have any interest if you can use global variables or marker names. It's fine for passing local variables from a scope to the addAction, inside a script.

In other word, don't use argument if marker's name / object's name is already defined by a string  / global variable.

Furthermore, it's also possible to set a variable on the caller or the target  (player setVariable ["someThing", _toBePassed]),  then use it inside addAction (in accordance with locality here).

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Wow... thanks for that.. I've been searching for that information for quite a while.

Thank you ... it is already more clear to me now.

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