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Meatys reskins + sources

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Instead of making several posts, i'll do an all-in-one post :)

Here are my reskins for the default arma3 units, there NOT ment to be 100% realistic or to represent any particular armed forces in the world (although the camo patterns have been/are being used). I also just want to say a HUGE thank you to Surpher for all his help.

Time for pictures!

Blufor units, in woodland and snow camo as well as some "all black" camo guys for those specop missions


(click for larger version)

Opfor units, in wooldand and snow camo as well as some "all black" camo guys for those specop missions


(click for larger version)

Indi forces, in woodland, snow and desert camo


(click for larger version)

Download links for the units




Classnames for everything is the respective classnames.txt file in the rar

And now the other part of all this, the sources and templates i used.

The source files are unbinarized and fully viewable. Uniforms,vests,helmets,backpacks are all included. Theres one for blufor, opfor and indi forces. Vehicle configs included as well.


The vehicle templates i used, these have ambient occlusion and cavity layers, there not perfect but its better than not having them :)


Its worth noting that currently theres a few hidden selections issues with the opfor units and independent forces, i'll update once these have been fixed on the stable branch.

Do what you like with em! Include em in mod packs, host them, rip em to pieces, dress em up in a tu-tu etc etc etc. I aint fussed :)

  • Thanks 1

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Great work Meatshield, downloading now :)

Btw... which snow map is this ? never seen one for A3...

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its thirsk winter, which works when you have the A3MP installed :)

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  Meatshield said:
its thirsk winter, which works when you have the A3MP installed :)

Thanks ^^ i will try it now

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v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:




@ Meatshield;

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Great work @ "Meatshield", but I miss the "Kuma -Tank".

Did you Forget "It" or is that intentional ?



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thats one of the indi hidden selection issues, as in it doesnt have it at all in the stable branch .. it'll be added when BI get around to fixing it :)

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Hello there

Will these replace the default skins in any way or are they "extra" units?



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Thank you, thank you, thank you :bounce3: psd´s vehicle templates :yay:

Have you got PSD´s air vehicles???

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These looks awesome mate! Thanks but, any chance you could sign them and provide .bikey? :)

Dirty Haz

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Hi Meat ,

I absolutely love the woodland skins but can you give them more armour ? the same as the vanilla rifleman? The new troops die in 1 shot to body armour

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The body armor protection is defined in the config with this line..

	class ItemInfo: ItemInfo
		uniformModel   = "\bink_usmc_a3\vest_b_gl.p3d"; /// what model does the vest use
		containerclass = "Supply140";
		mass = 80;
		armor = 40; /// what protection does the vest provide
		passThrough = 0.1; /// coef of damage passed to total damage

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Thanks for the reply.

I'm very new to all this . Is there any chance you can instruct me on where to go and what file to edit?

I would love them to have the CTRG Heavy Armoured plate.

I see the config file but where do I put it? I've tried changing armor to 80 and passthrough to 0.1 and put it in my user config folder as well as creating a new folder @Meaty_reskins_Blu and putting the config in there (in steamapps/common/arma3)

Still a no go :(

Many thanks

Edited by vampire613

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This mod looks really great, but are there any plans to make them zeus- compatible? It would be really nice

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Hi  Meatshield,


Loving your reskins, do you plan to update them one day ?


Would be very nice.

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