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  On 7/11/2017 at 2:03 PM, mickeymen said:


Thanks for the answer. Yes that's quite right, I was confused by this. But I still can not understand why this is necessary? If the AI in the player's squad does not have Stamina, can this improve AI somehow? In addition to the fact that we do not have fair gameplay in relation to the all opponents (because all opponents have stamina) , it only allows all members of the player's squad to run far ahead. (if player is not commander)  There are no more advantages. 


I already explained why. And here's a little secret, may sound selfish but I don't care:

While I do my best to listen to feedback and suggestions for development of this mod, the ultimate reason I continue to work on this is because I need it and I use it, exactly with the default settings as released.


  1 hour ago, mickeymen said:


In the settings of - Stamina system of AI in player`s group, users has a three settings - Disable, Enable, No Changes.I can not understand the difference between - "Enable" and "No Changes" ?  Before, I tried to activate a stamina in the player's squad using only the - "Enable" option, but it did not work. But today I used also the check-box "Owervrite Mission" and noticed that the stamina appeared in the player's squad!  Please explain how your settings work?  What is the difference between "Enable" and "No Changes"?  And for what exactly is used - "Owervrite Mission"?

Also my humble opinion is this: if you make use of the stamina in the default player squad, then it would be more logical.


So in settings you have: "Stamina system on AI in player's group" with three options:


- disabled = stamina disabled for AI in player's group

- enabled = stamina enabled for AI in player's group

- no change = stamina not changed ever, untouched


  1 hour ago, mickeymen said:


AI in the player squad, will always fall behind (if player is commander), even with the stamina turned off. This problem annoyed me with the release of 2013, but as seems to me, the reason is different. AI will lag behind the commander, usually only when he switched to a danger mode. Probably in this way, the BIS implement the caution in artificial intelligence. Before, I created numerous reports and suggestions on feedback, but of course AI almost interests developers. They are as always busy with the next DLC. 


Not always. When I had this issue, I'd team-switch to the AI unit that fell behind and find him barely breathing due to it's inability to manage stamina. I'd (me, the player group leader) go a lot faster with stamina enabled and a carrying lot more gear. It was super annoying to me and having stamina off on my AI team-mates completely fixed this issue.

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  On 7/11/2017 at 3:19 PM, Robalo said:

I already explained why. And here's a little secret, may sound selfish but I don't care:

While I do my best to listen to feedback and suggestions for development of this mod, the ultimate reason I continue to work on this is because I need it and I use it, exactly with the default settings as released.

Yes, you are the master of your mod and I can not argue with you) Thank you, the question is resolved


  On 7/11/2017 at 3:19 PM, Robalo said:

- enabled = stamina enabled for AI in player's group

- no change = stamina not changed ever, untouched


Sorry, but judging by your words


enabled == no change 


I do not see any differences.You said -stamina enabled for AI in player's group, But you not said - stamina enabled ONLY for AI in the player's group. Since in both settings the stamina is present in the AI of player's squad, this seems to be the same.


  On 7/11/2017 at 3:19 PM, Robalo said:

When I had this issue, I'd team-switch to the AI unit that fell behind and find him barely breathing due to it's inability to manage stamina. I'd (me, the player group leader) go a lot faster with stamina enabled and a carrying lot more gear. It was super annoying to me and having stamina off on my AI team-mates completely fixed this issue.


I understand your reason. Probably you are not interested in my question about disabling FSM, but it's your right. Thanks


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  On 7/10/2017 at 4:01 PM, Alwarren said:


I *think* it might be AI reaction to grenades and other heavy-caliber fire. AFAIR (I peeked into your code at one point in an attempt to find out what is happening) you "upscale" hearing of heavier ordnance .

The only way for AI to break a HOLD waypoint AFAIK is gaining enough knowledge of an enemy, and thus if they "hear" the grenades they might gain enough knowledge for the team leader to order them to engage.


It's really hard to determine, and we have conducted "clean-room" experiments where behavior was fine. It might be that they accumulate knowledge over time or that they gain it from what the SIDE knows, I am really not sure, but I do think that they gain konwledge of enemies even when they are pretty far away (> 1km)

Robalo, did you get the chance to investigate this possibility? This happens a lot, and doesn't happen without ASR AI. Could you please have a look?

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  On 7/12/2017 at 11:57 AM, Variable said:

Robalo, did you get the chance to investigate this possibility? This happens a lot, and doesn't happen without ASR AI. Could you please have a look?


Yes and I have some tweaks of ammo config on the way which reduce hearing range of grenades and other high-caliber guns, as well as the range of hearing passing bullets. Another minor update with this soon.

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Great AI mod, thanks Robalo! I don't know if this has already been asked/answered, but is there a list somewhere of which unit types by AI category? For example, snipers are snipers, but which troops are SF1, SF2, etc. In the editor I see some units have the ASR icon beside them, while others do not.... 


Also, my understanding is that by default ASR completely overwrites the default skill settings in all missions, for ALL units? (assuming override is checked in the ASR settings.)


As an example, if I'm playing Dynamic Recon Ops SP, and I set my units to be "recon" type, they use the SF2 skill levels?



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Grenade spam and accuracy seems to be solved in the latest version! However, groups are still breaking up. Doesn't seem like this issue was improved.

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  On 7/12/2017 at 11:58 PM, k0zm3k said:

Great AI mod, thanks Robalo! I don't know if this has already been asked/answered, but is there a list somewhere of which unit types by AI category? For example, snipers are snipers, but which troops are SF1, SF2, etc. In the editor I see some units have the ASR icon beside them, while others do not.... 


You can check the skill setting in config explorer or in the source: https://github.com/robalo/mods/blob/master/asr_ai3/addons/cfgvehicles/CfgVehicles.hpp

There is no complete list, skill level may be inherited based on how unit classes are configured.


  On 7/13/2017 at 2:58 AM, k0zm3k said:

Also, my understanding is that by default ASR completely overwrites the default skill settings in all missions, for ALL units? (assuming override is checked in the ASR settings.)


Pretty much, more exactly it changes aiming, spotting, courage and commanding skills.


  On 7/13/2017 at 2:58 AM, k0zm3k said:

As an example, if I'm playing Dynamic Recon Ops SP, and I set my units to be "recon" type, they use the SF2 skill levels?



It depends what unit types are used when you set "recon".


  On 7/13/2017 at 10:06 PM, Variable said:

Grenade spam and accuracy seems to be solved in the latest version! However, groups are still breaking up. Doesn't seem like this issue was improved.


Version 1.1.3 is up:

- (mod) hearing range of passing bullets, grenade and hi-caliber hits decreased
- (mod) fix AI preference for using binocs in close battles
- (mod) disable leader sending units to attack on groups of less than 6


Have fun!

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Excellent! I'll provide feedback after our coop night on Sunday.

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tested just now , AI units still fears to march forward even if theres a combat 2kms away i have tested with motorized units and mechanized both elements refuse to get in combat and help their mates on the front line just because they heard a gunfight and some explosions , tried to push a weapons team the moved 5 meters forward and heard the firefight then they start looking to cover while the fight is morethan 1800m away! 

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  On 7/14/2017 at 6:17 PM, cpt.ghost said:

tested just now , AI units still fears to march forward even if theres a combat 2kms away i have tested with motorized units and mechanized both elements refuse to get in combat and help their mates on the front line just because they heard a gunfight and some explosions , tried to push a weapons team the moved 5 meters forward and heard the firefight then they start looking to cover while the fight is morethan 1800m away! 


Sorry but this tells me pretty much nothing and sounds nothing like what I see in my tests.

I don't know if you're expecting the mod to magically make something happen for you or if it's preventing your scenario's flow from working as designed.

It could help if you'd provide the test mission and describe the issue a bit better. BTW 2 km is outside the range of any config or script feature of the mod.

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  On 7/14/2017 at 6:49 PM, Robalo said:


Sorry but this tells me pretty much nothing and sounds nothing like what I see in my tests.

I don't know if you're expecting the mod to magically make something happen for you or if it's preventing your scenario's flow from working as designed.

It could help if you'd provide the test mission and describe the issue a bit better. BTW 2 km is outside all the range of any config or script feature of the mod.


i use 3den and make simple quick mission with zeus and RHS units only , and here is what i did to test


opened up zeus then placed 2 defending US marines squads on the west edge of GARVIA village near the main altis Airport , placed 3 russian squads infront of us forces 700-800 away and sent them to attack the village and as the us forces began to lose its positions i placed 2 mechanized US squads and sent them to support the battle when these 2 mechs arrived exactly at 200m away from the entrance of GARVIA they stopped and disembarked their bradlyes and began to hit the floor watching the main road while their mates got their as$es handed to them because the russians were outnumbering , did the same with motorized units got the same results and yes i have ASR_RHS installed , i might need to do more tests under different conditions and see

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  On 6/28/2017 at 3:53 PM, mickeymen said:

@Robalo I like how the AI uses grenades and UGL in the ASR AI mod. It's just Christmas for the player!

In vanilla AI, grenade attacks was almost not noticeable, but in your mod the AI is more dangerous, thanks to this feature, but I would like to ask you.


Could you make it so, that the AI also used the launchers against infantry (Anti-Personnel munition)?


Of course I mean Anti-Personnel missiles/rockets in the game. I haven't seen this feature before in any AI mod. I not undersand why, It's hard to do? It would be great to see how the AI is attacking enemy infantry with Anti-Personnel missiles or rockets (by means RPG-42, Titian-Launchers ). At least then the AI would not be around, this is a useless burden in their backpacks...


Also AI gunners do not use Anti-Personnel munition, while in tanks, but however this issue is secondary.



Also I'd like to know What settings you use for the of AI in the game settings? I use skills - 0.85 and precision - 0.55 and I noticed that with your mod, AI-enemies shooting at me get into me, much less often. What are your tips in the those settings?




I'll let myself ask you one more time.

thanks for answers...

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  On 6/28/2017 at 3:53 PM, mickeymen said:

@Robalo I like how the AI uses grenades and UGL in the ASR AI mod. It's just Christmas for the player!

In vanilla AI, grenade attacks was almost not noticeable, but in your mod the AI is more dangerous, thanks to this feature, but I would like to ask you.


Could you make it so, that the AI also used the launchers against infantry (Anti-Personnel munition)?


Of course I mean Anti-Personnel missiles/rockets in the game. I haven't seen this feature before in any AI mod. I not undersand why, It's hard to do? It would be great to see how the AI is attacking enemy infantry with Anti-Personnel missiles or rockets (by means RPG-42, Titian-Launchers ). At least then the AI would not be around, this is a useless burden in their backpacks...


Also AI gunners do not use Anti-Personnel munition, while in tanks, but however this issue is secondary.


They use them happily but the issue is when weapon is loaded with another type of ammo, they do not know how to switch. This is something for BIS to fix, I'm sure there is a ticket for it already in their tracker.


  On 6/28/2017 at 3:53 PM, mickeymen said:


Also I'd like to know What settings you use for the of AI in the game settings? I use skills - 0.85 and precision - 0.55 and I noticed that with your mod, AI-enemies shooting at me get into me, much less often. What are your tips in the those settings?




I find settings of 0.7 for skill and 0.3 for precision to be working best for me.

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  On 7/18/2017 at 12:15 PM, Robalo said:


They use them happily but the issue is when weapon is loaded with another type of ammo, they do not know how to switch.



However, they do not look happy. I've equipped AI-soldiers (Missile Specialist) only with Anti-Personnel Missiles in virtual Arsenal and exported into the editor:




Thus, each of the AI-soldiers, was armed only with Anti-Personnel Missiles, but as you can see, none of them even tried to use it!  Anyone can repeat this experiment.


In the following example, I used AT-soldiers who were equipped only with RPG-42 HE Rockets.

In the case with RPG-42 everything is a little better, because AI, still tries to use the launchers. However, the accuracy of his shooting, is very low:



It's very likely that when an AI shoots from an RPG-42, he takes aim directly to the enemy's head, but not to the ground near to the target. Also in the case of the RPG-42, the AI fluctuates and often changes its weapon from the carbine to launcher and again to the carbine several times. This looks not good. In both examples, I used the high skill level of the AI (>80%)


I really don't like this fact in the Arma3 and I am too tired to create a tickets on the feedback tracker, because It hurts me to look at it since release 2013. Looks like nobody is interested in this issue. I would totally like to see the more dangerous opponents, that can usefully uses anti-infantry munitions.


@Robalo, if you can not improve the situation as a whole, then please try at least to teach AI to be more precise, when they uses RPG-42 against infantry. Because you managed to do this in the case of UGL.




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theres no way robalo can do this through scripts or FSMs , in later arma versions ( 1.40 and later if im not wrong ) the AI used their AT weapons against infantry during battles but BI did something that missed the whole formula ... now the AI use their ATs if they run out of ammo ( when AI soldier have less than 3 mags he will think about using his AT very seriously ) BI must do something about their AI modders did everything to fix BI mess ... 

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Hello Robalo, thank you for your mod, it is bluffing realism.
However, we have some difficulty solving some problem, you might be able to help us.

1) AI throws grenades instead of just shooting in close combat. As you can see in this video at the time 2:06:00: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/160139881 

We are looking for a way to configure this. Is it possible ?

2) We place units in guard positions and these leave them very (too) quickly from the first fight. Even if the fight takes place in the front post located 500 meters higher. Can we give priority to the waypoint in some cases?


Two projects are in progress with your ASR AI3 mod. You may be able to take a look at it to see if everything seems coherent at the level of the configuration. Thank you very much. (look setupAI.sqf)





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2) We place units in guard positions and these leave them very (too) quickly from the first fight. Even if the fight takes place in the front post located 500 meters higher. Can we give priority to the waypoint in some cases?

for soldiers leaving positions you need to reduce the support distance in ASR AI setting ( i set them to 0 )

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Can verify that units no longer leave their HOLD waypoints. Thanks Robalo!

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  On 7/20/2017 at 8:09 PM, cpt.ghost said:

for soldiers leaving positions you need to reduce the support distance in ASR AI setting ( i set them to 0 )


Thanks for this useful information. I, too, suffered from the fact that AI left its waypoints. As seems to me that such principle of support (distance setting in the mod) is not the best solution for AI mod. At least it would be well to see the opportunity to configure each mission (but not all game in general), for example, by placing the ASR-AI module in the editor (Just like the ACE3 mod does it)

Also, if @Robalo will used AI-support not only in the settings of distance, but also taking into account the current waypoint of support AI(which support-AI currently has), then it would be much better! Thus, the AI that will support allies, should take into account the self current waypoint. For example, as it seems to me, the AI-support could be implemented only if the AI-supporters have waypoints - DESTROY, SEEK AND DESTROY, SUPPORT, GUARD.  Other wayspoints mean finding a particular point on the map. This means that the AI should not leave its destination.

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  On 7/20/2017 at 8:09 PM, cpt.ghost said:

for soldiers leaving positions you need to reduce the support distance in ASR AI setting ( i set them to 0 )


  On 7/22/2017 at 9:15 AM, mickeymen said:


Thanks for this useful information. I, too, suffered from the fact that AI left its waypoints. As seems to me that such principle of support (distance setting in the mod) is not the best solution for AI mod. At least it would be well to see the opportunity to configure each mission (but not all game in general), for example, by placing the ASR-AI module in the editor (Just like the ACE3 mod does it)

Also, if @Robalo will used AI-support not only in the settings of distance, but also taking into account the current waypoint of support AI(which support-AI currently has), then it would be much better! Thus, the AI that will support allies, should take into account the self current waypoint. For example, as it seems to me, the AI-support could be implemented only if the AI-supporters have waypoints - DESTROY, SEEK AND DESTROY, SUPPORT, GUARD.  Other wayspoints mean finding a particular point on the map. This means that the AI should not leave its destination.


There is no support distance anywhere in settings so I think you guys are in the wrong thread and giving feedback for another mod.

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 I think you guys are in the wrong thread and giving feedback for another mod.

@Robalo, We are talking about your mod and the problem at which AI leaves its waypoints! Why he does it is not clear...


when cpt.ghost said this: 



for soldiers leaving positions you need to reduce the support distance in ASR AI setting ( i set them to 0 )



I reduced this settings in the ASR -  radio report max range - 700m. Then what do these settings mean?


So what do you think about it? This is possible?

  On 7/22/2017 at 9:15 AM, mickeymen said:

Thus, the AI that will support allies, should take into account the self current waypoint. For example, as it seems to me, the AI-support could be implemented only if the AI-supporters have waypoints - DESTROY, SEEK AND DESTROY, SUPPORT, GUARD.  Other wayspoints mean finding a particular point on the map. This means that the AI should not leave its destination.


As it seems to me, AI should not leave its waypoints and run to the other end of the map to fight, when this AI has specific destinations


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Radio report does not imply groups moving in to support. Again, there is no such option "support distance" - perhaps Pooter's fork have that, I don't know. Also, this mod does not mess with any waypoints doesn't remove nor add any,

Please make sure you're testing issues with CBA and ASR AI only when reporting issues here.

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  On 7/22/2017 at 10:07 AM, Robalo said:

Please make sure you're testing issues with CBA and ASR AI only when reporting issues here.

There is no need for this, since I use ASR AI & CBA3. @Robalo, I want only to say, that for me, the ASR mod is a great AI-mod, but it has problems with ignoring waypoints for AI. It seems very strange to me that you do not understand what I'm talking about, because not only I telling about this problem. Also, I described the problem above several times


  On 7/22/2017 at 10:00 AM, mickeymen said:

So what do you think about it? This is possible?


I also noticed that you are not very fond of answering questions. :don16: Well, I have no right to force you ...

Thanks for your mod anyway

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  On 7/22/2017 at 1:16 PM, mickeymen said:

There is no need for this, since I use ASR mod & CBA3. @Robalo, I want only to say, that for me, the ASR mod is a great AI-mod, but it has problems with ignoring waypoints for AI. It seems very strange to me that you do not understand what I'm talking about, because for the third time I am telling you (in detail) about this problem.


I also noticed that you are not very fond of answering questions. :don16: Well, I have no right to force you ...

Thanks for your mod anyway

With all due respect, he's answering plenty of questions, perhaps the answers are not to your liking ?  you're quite thron when it comes to getting your own personal point across, whilst ignoring the effort the creator is putting in, without a doubt it's the best AI addon available, as you have rightly said, but you're pushing the creator to cater towards your personal objectives, not his.

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I just try to explain the ASR AI problem (with ignoring waypoints)  more clearly. 


@Robalo please image this situation:




When the BLUFOR squad will enter battle contact with the OPFOR squad, all single OPFOR snipers will leave their current waypoints and will go to support the allied OPFOR squad. Please note, snipers have cycled waypoints - LOITER or MOVE. Thus they should not leave their waypoints (because they are cycled) Only a special waypoint should force these AI leave their place! But in the ASR, the AI will ignore this, he will leave his destination and rush to support/


PS: I use only ASR mod, not other AI mods


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