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N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

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I pushed a small update 2 days ago to allow AI to auto land at the airport without crashing into the trees:



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This is awesome thank you!

Just curious was your plan to just replace the vegetation or do you have more plans for the map going forward?

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  On 5/11/2020 at 2:18 AM, JD Wang said:

This is awesome thank you!

Just curious was your plan to just replace the vegetation or do you have more plans for the map going forward?


Thank you for your kind words.


Honestly, less than 2 week ago I had no P drive, never ran Terrain Builder and Buldozer so my plan was just to see if I was able to refresh this wonderful map to better graphics. Thanks to @1para{god-father} I was able to properly install all the tools and release this V2.


I've since then corrected the runaway approach to make it more usable. I'll probably switch the sand bunkers to the green ones (Makhno agreed it would be better) but besides that I'm not sure I want to modify the map more than that. It's not mine but Makhno's one, and I'm not sure I'll be able to get the skills to do more than what I've already done. 🙂 


@JD Wang do you have any suggestion of modifications ?


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I just pushed a small update to fix a mistake I did at the start of the project, resulting in having grass on sand and dirt area (like the runaway).

I took this opportunity to correct the key directory structure to Arma standards (ie named "Keys").


Sorry again for that.

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It seems like every instance of the barracks building is missing from the new version. Just started testing our new ALiVE mission last night and noticed a bunch of floating soldiers. Turns out when I check the old version of the map everywhere they were floating there was supposed to be a barracks.
Taken some screen shots so you can see what I mean 

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Houston, we have a problem !! 🙂 


@JD Wang I just check the files I received and there's no such barracks. So I started getting them from the lastest public version from Makhno and reimport them.

To my surprise, it was not just the barracks that were missing but in fact some parts of the map are different.




On the top, the original version with 2 barracks.

On the bottom, the version I released.

You'll easily noticed that there's another building instead of the 2 barracks, there's some addional trees but also, in the background, you'll see a bg hotel that is not there in the top picture.


Conclusion: I'm working on an slightly older version of the map.


What I'll do:

I don't plan to do an exact match on 4 millions + objects. I'll readd the barracks ( i_barracks_v2_f) when it's easy. I'll butcher some trees and buildings if necessary but I will not go in too much details.


What's already in dev version:

- sand bunkers converted to the jungle ones

- removal of trees that are on the roads (they were most probably already fixed in the original version)

- lower ambient sound at night

- improved texture for the dirt road (Thx to @tpw )


I'll release a new version when those barracks will be readded and I'll have completed the "trees in the road" cleanup.


After that, and thanks again to TPW, I'll probably work on a redux version where I'll take more liberty with object placement. But don't hold your breath on that 😉 

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Cool thanks for looking into that. My guys are looking forward to the fixed version, once it's reindexed for ALiVE we can start this campaign.
In the meantime I think playing on Kujari as KSK german forces fighting ISIS will have to suffice 🙂

Thanks again for all your work here.

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New version available:


v 2.2:
- sand bunkers converted to the jungle ones
- removal of trees that were on the roads
- lower ambient sound at night
- improved texture for the dirt road (Thx to tpw )
- Tanoan lightning: this is a separate pbo. If you don't like it, you can delete it.
- most barracks are back : the project files I received where not 100% identical to the latest Makhno version. I re-added 36 barracks but I can garantee that the building in this version is not 100% identical to the original version.


Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2084904847


I hope you'll enjoy it ! 😉 

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New version available:


v 2.3:
- fix: rain sound that was missing
- upgraded clutter (thx to tpw): this is a separate pbo (tpw_nziwasogo). If you don't like it, you can delete it.
- no update of the map pbo so there's no impact on ALIVE, if already indexed.


Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2084904847

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