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I've heard that this pack includes IMI Galil. Is this correct?

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Now that I can slowly actually move on:




This is a shotgun of the MCR given that I'm slowly actually finding shotguns useful in close combat. For now the bipod coding and proxy are disabled (I may do the same with the AA-12) but otherwise setup much like the AR version of the MCR.

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One of my pals was asking about the Kiowa Warrior the other night on comms. I remember you saying it went to someone else, but I can't remember who you had said it was. Can you refresh an old mind please?


Also, nice work in the front office of the UH-60 pack. Thanks for all of your hard work!!!



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I haven't forgotten about it, just trying to tell a bunch of people that I'm not some underworld kingpin...


Realistically the Kiowa isn't forgotten, just haven't gotten to it yet.

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Oh??? I thought you had passed it off to someone else. My mistake, I must have misread. Disregard, we'll go back to waiting patiently!!



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Yes and no. I had sent it to Shockley for the UNSUNG mod, where they were looking for an early model Kiowa. Since the aircraft wasn't completed I figured if I give them the source model (cleared by ADuke of course) for their use, the only "fee" was at least texturing the cockpit and such as I didn't have the proper textures to do so. I have to get a hold of them again and get it from them, as it's been a minute anyway.

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New Download Link:






- Fixed the SF45 3rd person model, now sits correctly on the barrel when mounted
- Bulldogs now have Suppressor capability.

- Added MCR-S

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hey bruh I'm still waiting on ingame dolphins with laser shooters! :p haha

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Still having trouble finding a decent model :D

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New Download Link:







UH-60 RC23
- Wheels now function in both Standard and AFM settings, with extensive config help from Beachead from the 17BCT milsum unit. People use the Ghost Hawk xml and if it still does not work I'll upload with the GhostHawk version to get things rolling so to speak.
- MH-80 now has a pilot HUD and programmable countermeasures system.
- Civilian S-94s all have white wheels
- Removed the "no entry.config.bin/Burst" message when placing the Raven PMC version via Zeus.
- Fixed the various -60 models, no more floating dials when flying (Exception being the -60L, needs some more TLC)


For the Future:


Gun Pack

- Been trying to kill a "no entry config.bin\Muzzleflash issue.

- More versions of the Titan-D, mainly camo versions with the new Apex DLC.

- I have tried to implement a "G28" based on the BIS SPAR-17, but so far no luck for some reason. When I get more results I'll post more info.



- ACE3 repair menu implementation. Since I don't use the mod I need to take some time and work the coding so if you have ACE3 you can repair my helos, etc.

- Other things such as an ESSS UH-92

- Any other things.



- Haven't forgotten, as it seems like my investigation into my supposed nefarious life will hopefully go away.

- Once I get the heads up from Shockley and able to make a small mod, get out at least the basic unarmed scout version. Armed versions later on.

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Just saw pics of the blackhawk pack on the armaholic feed and

DUDE! A ducted bi-rotor Blackhawk! That is the most awesome individual vehicle I have seen for this game ever! Thank you for that brilliant idea!

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Hey there, just wanted to share a few missing files from the latest UH pack in case you missed em. Doesn't seem to affect much either way: 


In File P:\uh-60\model.cfg: Trailing , in multiple (18) arrays

Missing File Summary
ej_MH60L.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\glass.rvmat
ej_MH60L.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\minigun.rvmat
ej_MH60L.p3d : \ \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60L.p3d : \  \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60L.p3d : \ \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\gunner.p3d
ej_MH60M.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\optics_shine.rvmat
ej_MH60MDAP16H.p3d : \uh-60\misc\agm114hellfire.p3d
ej_MH60MDAP4.p3d : \uh-60\data\agm114hellfire_metal.rvmat
ej_MH60MDAP4.p3d : \p:\uh-60\misc\weapons\agm114\agm114hellfire.p3d
ej_MH60S.p3d : \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60SI3.p3d : \uh-60\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat
ej_MH92.p3d : \ad_helos\data\ch47_monitory.rvmat
ej_MH92DAP.p3d : \3\data_f\penetration\armour_plate.rvmat
S92Wreck.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\uh60m_fuselage_destruct.rvmat
ej_FlareGun.p3d : \uh-60\data\revolver.rvmat
ej_FlareGun.p3d : \uh-60\data\revolver_handle.rvmat


All return: p3d error Premature EOF

Missing Files:
Warning: P:\uh-60_c\NVG\config.cpp Line 84: \uh-60\data\uniforms\mcam_co.paa
Warning: P:\uh-60_c\UH60\config.cpp Line 2217: PATHTOEF(medical,UI\icons\medical_cross.paa)
Nice work on the mod, love it :)

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Thanks Foxhound!


  On 8/19/2016 at 1:25 AM, kotaco said:


Hey there, just wanted to share a few missing files from the latest UH pack in case you missed em. Doesn't seem to affect much either way: 


In File P:\uh-60\model.cfg: Trailing , in multiple (18) arrays

Missing File Summary
ej_MH60L.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\glass.rvmat
ej_MH60L.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\minigun.rvmat
ej_MH60L.p3d : \ \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60L.p3d : \  \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60L.p3d : \ \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\gunner.p3d
ej_MH60M.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\optics_shine.rvmat
ej_MH60MDAP16H.p3d : \uh-60\misc\agm114hellfire.p3d
ej_MH60MDAP4.p3d : \uh-60\data\agm114hellfire_metal.rvmat
ej_MH60MDAP4.p3d : \p:\uh-60\misc\weapons\agm114\agm114hellfire.p3d
ej_MH60S.p3d : \a3\data_f\proxies\heli_light_02\cargo01.p3d
ej_MH60SI3.p3d : \uh-60\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat
ej_MH92.p3d : \ad_helos\data\ch47_monitory.rvmat
ej_MH92DAP.p3d : \3\data_f\penetration\armour_plate.rvmat
S92Wreck.p3d : \uh-60\data\mat\uh60m_fuselage_destruct.rvmat
ej_FlareGun.p3d : \uh-60\data\revolver.rvmat
ej_FlareGun.p3d : \uh-60\data\revolver_handle.rvmat


All return: p3d error Premature EOF

Missing Files:
Warning: P:\uh-60_c\NVG\config.cpp Line 84: \uh-60\data\uniforms\mcam_co.paa
Warning: P:\uh-60_c\UH60\config.cpp Line 2217: PATHTOEF(medical,UI\icons\medical_cross.paa)
Nice work on the mod, love it :)



Thanks man, I'll see what the deal is, but even A3 has issues with its own stuff but I'll look into it.



  On 8/18/2016 at 10:47 PM, corellian_storm said:

Just saw pics of the blackhawk pack on the armaholic feed and

DUDE! A ducted bi-rotor Blackhawk! That is the most awesome individual vehicle I have seen for this game ever! Thank you for that brilliant idea!


Quite frankly it is NOT my original idea. However I did like the SA-2 Samson from Avatar, and felt that I can bend the rules and not violate Intellectual Property issues and get something like that done. I like how it turned out myself though, and frankly I think looks pretty righteous anyway :)


BTW forrest thanks for ramming that Darter into my UH-80 on the 173rd server...

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Nice UH-60 pack EricJ, looking very interesting!


Do you have any plans to add the in-flight refuelling probe to the MH-60M?

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Personally that's one of the most requested and rejected features. Unless you're flying large circles in Altis the need for a removable refuel probe is something I just don't feel is necessary. However I do intend to implement it, just have to work on the mechanics.

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New Download Link:






- Bulldogs now have proper inventory icons when equipping a suppressor.

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Some more helo work:




I managed to reskin the Huron and make it into an "MH-67" that will pretty much just a cool looking CH-67. Nothing more than a HUD, and some SOAR specific gear loaded into it, and no IR suppression system either given the size of the helo. Also did a MEV UH-92:




Otherwise it's pretty much like the UH-60 version.

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Looks nice!

That avatar style Blackhawk is pretty sexy looking!

Great work mate

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Thanks man!


Took Wansec_6's suggestion while waiting for an orgmate to show up for a gaming session:








If you ask me it looks pretty righteous and just plain sick looking at least in Buldozer... Still not a bad idea. More than likely you'll see this in RC25 as once I figure out the repair functions for RC24 I'll upload and work on this some more.

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G'day Eric,


Glad to hear things are starting to work out for you. Good to see you back working on projects.


Thank you for taking the time to work on the tilt rotor Cobra. It looks great! What do you think of the idea of putting the mast mounted sight you created for the Kiowa on the new Cobra?


Looking forward to seeing where you take this new bird.


Thanks again.

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  On 8/20/2016 at 10:48 AM, wansec_6 said:

G'day Eric,


Glad to hear things are starting to work out for you. Good to see you back working on projects.


Thank you for taking the time to work on the tilt rotor Cobra. It looks great! What do you think of the idea of putting the mast mounted sight you created for the Kiowa on the new Cobra?


Looking forward to seeing where you take this new bird.


Thanks again.


I had actually had thought of it but more than likely not, but who knows... It would just kill the lines a bit too much.


  On 8/20/2016 at 5:01 AM, Mullan_360 said:

OMG yes! An avatar mod could become reality with enough work haha


A dedicated Avatar style mod is so far seemingly out of the question. Blue Harvest Interactive got shut down given that they did a Star Wars mod, and Avatar was a high selling movie as well. While it's not on the level of the franchise that Star Wars is, right now its just prudent to play it safe as far as what I do right now.

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Good to see your creativity has stepped up another notch!  Think the AH-1 looks mighty fine the way it is.  Some tweeks you might consider:  30mm gun change out for the 20mm.  If you really want to change the look perhaps a V-tail, however that is likely a huge PITA and not worth the effort.  Really looking forward to flying the guns soon.

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