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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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  On 10/10/2018 at 11:15 AM, tpw said:

Yep, for a military simulator it's absolutely !@#$ed how poor the ragdolling is. You can lecture me all you want about how I should be able to solve the issue if I wanted to, but the answer is if I could I would have 5 bloody years ago. As far as I know it's simply not possible to turn off ragdolling (for whatever reasons BIS decided not to allow meaningful access to this feature), or if it is, it's so well obfuscated that no-one has been able to find it. I've tried work arounds such as adding 10000kg of mass to killed units, but they don't work. The only thing that comes close is hiding killed prone units before they somersault, and replacing the unit with an identical "pre-killed" unit. But that just looks crap in a different way. I'll continue looking into this, but I make absolutely no promises. 


  On 10/18/2018 at 1:52 AM, tpw said:
  • [FALL 1.67] Reduced incidence and severity of prone units cartwheeling when killed.



Today I played Arma with last version TPW and I was pleasantly surprised. I have not seen a single flight of a dead body from prone.
It seems to me that you fixed something and now there is no such problem in general. I would not want to make a mistake, I hope with the help of TPW we will no longer see the cardboard soldiers flying into space!


Have you increased body weight when it is prone? or what have you done in the latest version?
Thank you so much, you saved my eyes from five years of bleeding!

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  On 10/21/2018 at 7:34 PM, mickeymen said:


Today I played Arma with last version TPW and I was pleasantly surprised. I have not seen a single flight of a dead body from prone.
It seems to me that you fixed something and now there is no such problem in general. I would not want to make a mistake, I hope with the help of TPW we will no longer see the cardboard soldiers flying into space!


Have you increased body weight when it is prone? or what have you done in the latest version?
Thank you so much, you saved my eyes from five years of bleeding!


Just a little additional information.
For several days I continued my tests with TPW. Yet I have seen several times that a dead body flies up from the prone, but the height of the bouncing is much less than it does in vanilla and it happens much less often than in vanilla.  My observations - TPW have approximatelly 1-1.5 meters in bouncing height, while in vanilla bouncing can have a height of 3-4 meters and sometimes even higher.

Thus, TPW your mod has an undoubted positive effect on this problem,  if this possible, please try to improve this moment until any bouncing will be completely neutralised. Think about what may have an effect on the problem.


PS: Please note!  I don't use - FALL in my tests and I don’t know which else module can be responsible for influencing this problem, but this influence definitely exists!

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TPW MODS 20181103: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1vqfemppfwf5b1/TPW_MODS_20181103.zip




  • [ANIMALS 1.46 ] Frog noises near ponds and other areas with reeds. Additional insect ambience in dense vegetation.
  • [COMPRESS 1.00] *NEW MOD* Simulates compression of loud audio by muting nearby gunfire. 
  • [SOAP 1.42] Adjusted Azan sample volume to prevent clipping & breaking up on playback.

Gday all


Anyone who has followed TPW MODS for any length of time knows I'm all about increasing the ambience of the A3 experience, particularly through sound. Sound enables me to simulate the presence of things that A3 can't provide, to deepen the immersion. I've been spending a lot of time on Anizay and Diyala lately, and those two maps do an incredible job with the visual immersion side of things, especially regarding the use of pond objects to overcome the default A3 drought experience. I thought I'd add a bit to this by simulating croaking frogs near reedy ponds and waterways, and additional insect ambience in densely vegetated  area such as ponds and crops. I don't want to toot my own horn but the experience is really awesome, it's fantastic traipsing through a hot dusty central asian or mesopotamian environment and coming across a cool verdant pond oasis with a gentle chorus of frogs and insects. I've taken to turning up the volume to experience it better, but unfortunately that leads to ringing ears when a nearby squadmate starts shooting. You can of course turn the volume down but then the ambience suffers. It'd be great if the engine provided some kind of volume normalisation or compression to limit  the relative loudness of nearby gunshots, but it doesn't. So I've implemented the next best thing with TPW COMPRESS, which briefly mutes the volume when the player or nearby units fire their weapons. Works pretty well for an initial release, and you can play with the parameters to get the desired balance, just like a real instrument compressor pedal.  I realise that this can drastically change the sonic landscape of a military simulator, so TPW COMPRESS is disabled by default. I'd be interested in your feedback.


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Dunno if this means anything.  It doesn't affect game play, so, FYI:





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  On 11/3/2018 at 6:44 PM, badanov said:

Dunno if this means anything.  It doesn't affect game play, so, FYI:





Thanks mate. Which map?

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  On 11/3/2018 at 11:42 PM, badanov said:

Winter Chernarus

Cool. Found and fixed the problem. I'll push out an update shortly.

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Now that we're talking about cool, can you add a thing that allows you to choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit temps?

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  On 11/4/2018 at 3:23 AM, badanov said:

Now that we're talking about cool, can you add a thing that allows you to choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit temps?

Done. You'll be able top toggle metric/imperial temperature using ctrl-alt-f, will release update in a few days.

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TPW MODS https://www.dropbox.com/s/b26x3umg119jw2r/TPW_MODS_20181117.zip



  • [CORE 1.66, SOAP 1.43] Added Montella to region lists.
  • [FOG 1.72] Improved heat haze effects. Dustdevils on treeless areas of hot desert / middle eastern / central asian maps. 
  • [HUD 1.71] American players can now select temperature display in Fahrenheit using ctrl + alt + f.
  • [SOAP 1.43] Fixed errors for maps not on the SOAP list. Added additional winter maps.  Improved traffic ambience.

Another earth shattering collection of changes!

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Wow.  I took some time away from ARMA3 and now I'm jumping back in.  I LOVE all the new sounds and features of TPW.  I have a suggestion though.   In TPW Combat, would it be possible to separate the "spawn vehicles" from the "spawn troops"?  That way, you could better control the amount/level of ambient combat by having more or less troops, or more or less armored vehicles.  Different missions might require different levels of ambient combat.  So, some missions you might want to start with TPW combat only spawning in troops and no vehicles.  Other missions might have enough troops in the default mission, but you need some extra armored vehicles.  I'm thinking of play balance here.  Just a suggestion.  As always, take it or leave it!  :-)

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Since Christmas is coming I will tell santa tpw my secret wish... (not so secret after this!)


I wish TPW scripts were independent from eachother and/or a mod.


If some scripts depend on other scripts they must be merged and have their features activatable via a config script just like ALIAS or George Floros do on their scripts.


So for example if TPW Supress requires TPW Fall and TPW Duck they must be merged into a single "TPW AiBehaviour.sqf" and inside that sqf have options such as:


TPWSupress_Enabled = true

TPWFall_Enabled = true

TPWDuck_Enabled = false

// All the rest of the parameters etc


Each of these script releases must have all their related sounds or other dependencies with them instead on relying on a separate mod file/executable .bat file. 


Once this is done all us modders should unite to make each script fully multiplayer compatible. 


That is my wish for this and every other Christmas! Ever! :drinking2:


Anyways, keep up the incredible work TPW! 

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  On 6/24/2018 at 1:40 AM, tpw said:

Hi mate


The issue is that TPW SKIRMISH only uses "car" class vehicles, by design. Armoured stuff has a different class (tank).


Try changing the script as below: 


tpw_skirmish_fnc_cartypes =
    private ["_str","_cfg","_side"];
    _str = (_this select 0) splitstring "*";
    if (count _str == 1) then {_str = _str + _str};
    _side = _this select 1;
    _carlist = [];
    _cfg = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
    for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfg) -1) do 
        if (isClass ((_cfg select _i) ) ) then 
            _cfgName = configName (_cfg select _i);
            if ( ((_cfgName isKindOf "car") || (_cfgName isKindOf "tank"))&& {getNumber ((_cfg select _i) >> "scope") == 2} && {[_str select 0,str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString} && {[_str select 1,str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString} && {!(["civ",str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString)}) then 
                _carlist  pushback _cfgname;




ok ive tried this but still only mrap spawns. Anyway, can you do an alternative version of skirmish mode which include spawn for all vehicles (trucks, apc, tanks, boats, static weapons etc) and all types of one vehicle categorie (means, your skirmish mode only spawns the hunter from the car categorie, while all the others are left out) ?

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Good day TPW.


I have a small issue regarding TPW BLEEDOUT.


Today (TPW MODS v20181117) when a player character begins to lose blood, there are no visual indicators of his condition. 

He may lose 10% of blood or 60% or even more, but there will be no any simulation to understand the condition of the player’s character. For this reason, often sudden death from blood loss can be an surprise for the player.

If this possible, please try adding some visual effects that will make the player aware that his character’s condition is deteriorating and that he may die.

for example, those effects can be — blurred vision with red halo or ever-increasing blur might with darkening vision - can be good indicators for progressive blood loss. If this can be realized, then the player will understand the state of his character (light blood loss, medium blood loss or heavy blood loss)


Thank you

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Here in the last couple of updates I've noticed all of the spawned vehicles from *Park* are locked?That is,you can enter them but you can't drive them?

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  On 12/13/2018 at 3:40 AM, miasdad said:

Here in the last couple of updates I've noticed all of the spawned vehicles from *Park* are locked?That is,you can enter them but you can't drive them?


I used the last few versions, along with the current version now, and I haven't seen this problem occur.  Do you have another mod that might add the "locked doors" feature??  Are there any mods you updated and/or changed from when the TPW park vehicles were not "locked"??

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  On 12/14/2018 at 10:58 PM, heyvern69 said:


I used the last few versions, along with the current version now, and I haven't seen this problem occur.  Do you have another mod that might add the "locked doors" feature??  Are there any mods you updated and/or changed from when the TPW park vehicles were not "locked"??

Working on that now.Yet after disabling all mods except for CBA & TPW vanilla vehicles won't even move.

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Hi everyone. Sorry for the radio silence for the last few weeks, had a very hectic and stressful time at work and ran out of enthusiasm for everything. I'm finally on holidays for a few weeks and should hopefully be able to relax and address the various issues you've raised lately. Thanks for your patience!

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  On 12/4/2018 at 11:30 AM, mickeymen said:

Good day TPW.


I have a small issue regarding TPW BLEEDOUT.


Today (TPW MODS v20181117) when a player character begins to lose blood, there are no visual indicators of his condition. 

He may lose 10% of blood or 60% or even more, but there will be no any simulation to understand the condition of the player’s character. For this reason, often sudden death from blood loss can be an surprise for the player.

If this possible, please try adding some visual effects that will make the player aware that his character’s condition is deteriorating and that he may die.

for example, those effects can be — blurred vision with red halo or ever-increasing blur might with darkening vision - can be good indicators for progressive blood loss. If this can be realized, then the player will understand the state of his character (light blood loss, medium blood loss or heavy blood loss)


Thank you


You can use ACE3 with this mod and turn OFF bleeding and falling. This will give you the injured effects you want. It is what I did and the rest of the functions work great.

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  On 12/15/2018 at 8:37 AM, miasdad said:

Working on that now.Yet after disabling all mods except for CBA & TPW vanilla vehicles won't even move.


I know this might sound pathetic, because it's the equivalent of saying "have you tried turning it off & turning it on again", but . . . have you tried disabling & deleting TPW mods, then re-downloading and re-installing a fresh copy of TPW?  It might be worth a try.

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Welcome back TPW.  Earlier, I had this suggestion:


"Would it be possible to separate the "spawn vehicles" from the "spawn troops"?  That way, you could better control the amount/level of ambient combat by having more or less troops, or more or less armored vehicles.  Different missions might require different levels of ambient combat.  So, some missions you might want to start with TPW combat only spawning in troops and no vehicles.  Other missions might have enough troops in the default mission, but you need some extra armored vehicles.  I'm thinking of play balance here.  Just a suggestion."

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  On 12/18/2018 at 2:08 AM, heyvern69 said:


I know this might sound pathetic, because it's the equivalent of saying "have you tried turning it off & turning it on again", but . . . have you tried disabling & deleting TPW mods, then re-downloading and re-installing a fresh copy of TPW?  It might be worth a try.

Not really,it's among the first steps I take when troubleshooting mod problems;but yea tried it.Narrowed the problem down to mostly military/cpl civi vehicles.I use Vcom AI in my missions and they're scripted to steal parked vehicles which they drive off in.The very ones I'm unable to start.That's what really confounded me.

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  On 12/17/2018 at 12:21 PM, Valken said:


You can use ACE3 with this mod and turn OFF bleeding and falling. This will give you the injured effects with you want. It is what I did and the rest of the functions work great.

Yes it will give me these effects and at the same time partically will kill my AI in a single player (no command to medic, endless medicine packs etc)

for this reason, I do not use medicine and some other modules from ACE3.

I would like something similar ACE simulation to be implemented in TPW

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  On 12/18/2018 at 12:40 PM, mickeymen said:

Yes it will give me these effects and at the same time partically will kill my AI in a single player (no command to medic, endless medicine packs etc)

for this reason, I do not use medicine and some other modules from ACE3.

I would like something similar ACE simulation to be implemented in TPW


In the OPTIONS settings for ACE Medical, you can DISABLE from BASIC or ADVANCED medical model (thus using basic ARMA) and ENABLE REVIVE for both AI and player. This will give you what you are asking for. Try it.

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