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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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@miasdad, maybe you have a little bug/mod conflict going on somewhere, I've just tested a mission of mine on Winter 2035 using CBA, Ravage, TPW Animals (mod version) and my own A3 Animals Module Extended.

All animals spawn and move as intended in both the Editor and exported Scenarios....I'm sorry It's not be a solution/fix to your problem, I'm just pointing out it's not a reproducible bug on my end.  


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  On 9/29/2018 at 5:44 AM, EO said:

@miasdad, maybe you have a little bug/mod conflict going on somewhere, I've just tested a mission of mine on Winter 2035 using CBA, Ravage, TPW Animals (mod version) and my own A3 Animals Module Extended.

All animals spawn and move as intended in both the Editor and exported Scenarios....I'm sorry It's not be a solution/fix to your problem, I'm just pointing out it's not a reproducible bug on my end.  


I appreciate that ,EO.Conflict had occurred to me but for the life of me can't imagine which one causing it.Regardless,I'm just glad it wasn't the terrain.Thanks,bro.You've been a great help!

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Found the culprit and its unbelievable!On a snow terrain you surely would like to see some snow,right?Well,after disabling 90% of my mods and the animals still didn't spawn I decided to look at the environment(had snow on my missions). I disabled the snow and lo & behold animals came back.

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Hi miasdad. I only recently fired up winter 2035 and they’re impressive and atmospheric maps, which I’ve added to my tpw mods climate lists (as arctic weather). By default these maps replace rain with snow. And also by default tpw animals don’t spawn if it’s raining. Hence your problem!


I’ll be releasing an update later today which will allow snow on winter 2035 maps via tpw fog, independent of rain.

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TPW MODS 20180930: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ee2ieqc6qghvhl/TPW_MODS_20180930.zip



  • [BOATS 1.40, CARS 1.62] Persian drivers/passengers in civilian clothing on mideast and central asian maps , if not using CUP civs or equivalent.
  • [CORE 1.63, FOG 1.68, RAINFX 1.19, SOAP 1.39] Added Vis, Trava, Pianosa, Winter 2035 Altis and Winter 2035 Stratis.
  • [PARK 1.25] Reduced incidence of unenterable (!alive) parked cars. Removed IDAP UGVs from parked vehicles list.
  • [ZOMBIES 1.04] Fixed parked car despawning to work with TPW PARK 1.24+.

Enjoy (or not)!

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  On 9/30/2018 at 1:35 AM, tpw said:

TPW MODS 20180930: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ee2ieqc6qghvhl/TPW_MODS_20180930.zip



  • [BOATS 1.40, CARS 1.62] Persian drivers/passengers in civilian clothing on mideast and central asian maps , if not using CUP civs or equivalent.
  • [CORE 1.63, FOG 1.68, RAINFX 1.19, SOAP 1.39] Added Vis, Trava, Pianosa, Winter 2035 Altis and Winter 2035 Stratis.
  • [PARK 1.25] Reduced incidence of unenterable (!alive) parked cars. Removed IDAP UGVs from parked vehicles list.
  • [ZOMBIES 1.04] Fixed parked car despawning to work with TPW PARK 1.24+.


Enjoy (or not)!

Thanks,friend.Much obliged

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Hey Ive had trouble getting custom faction to work. I am trying to use RHS and IRAQI-Syrian cinflict, unable to get any of these units or vehicles to spawn. I am aware that some of the classnames in tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[], and the enemies and vehicles are incomplete. I saw somewhere to try just the base of the name ie,    rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_medic changed to  rhsusf_army_ocp_arb or something rhsusf_army. I wasn't sure what needs to be there. The classnames I used were from the editor read by hovering over spawned unit .




TPW_MODS.hpp ......


tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 1; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {0}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default 
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {0}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default 
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {0}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default 
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {rhsusf_army_,rhsusf_army,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_rifleman,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_medic,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_autorifleman,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_maaws,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_marksmen,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_grenadier,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_squadleader,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_rifleman,rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_rifleman}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {rhsusf_CGRCAT1A2_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1237_M2_usmc_d,RHS_M2A3_BUSKIII,rhsusf_m1a2sep1tuskiid_usarmy,rhsusf_CGRCAT1A2_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1237_M2_usmc_d,RHS_M2A3_BUSKIII,rhsusf_CGRCAT1A2_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1237_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_CGRCAT1A2_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_M1220_M153_M2_usmc_d,rhsusf_CGRCAT1A2_M2_usmc_d}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {isc_is,isc_is_o,isc_is_rifleman_,isc_is_rifleman_o,isc_is_team_leader_o,isc_is_at_o,isc_is_Sapper_o,isc_is_Sniper_o,isc_is_squad_leader_o,isc_is_autorifleman_o,isc_is_grenadier_o,isc_is_rifleman_o,isc_is_team_leader_o}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {isc_is_gaz66_zu23_o,isc_is_Ural_ZU23_o,isc_is_offroad_M2_o,isc_is_pickup_PK_cup_o,isc_is_BMP1P_cup_o,isc_is_offroad_M2_o,isc_is_pickup_PK_cup_o,isc_is_offroad_M2_o,isc_is_pickup_PK_cup_o}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {rhsusf_f22}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {RHS_AH64D}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {B_T_UAV_03_dynamicLoadout_F,CUP_B_USMC_DYN_MQ9,B_UAV_5_F}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV



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  On 10/2/2018 at 8:35 AM, justokin said:

Hey Ive had trouble getting custom faction to work. I am trying to use RHS and IRAQI-Syrian cinflict, unable to get any of these units or vehicles to spawn. I am aware that some of the classnames in tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[], and the enemies and vehicles are incomplete. I saw somewhere to try just the base of the name ie,    rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_medic changed to  rhsusf_army_ocp_arb or something rhsusf_army. I wasn't sure what needs to be there. The classnames I used were from the editor read by hovering over spawned unit .



Hi mate. 


Your main problem is that you haven't actually put the strings as strings (ie you need to put quotes around them otherwise the game will think they're variables). 


And you are right, the base of the name will do, the script will match anything containing that base. 


So, with all that, the following should work:


tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {"rhsusf_army_ocp_arb_"};

tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {"rhsusf_"};

tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {"isc_is_"};

tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {"isc_is_"};


Let me know how you go.


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Hey mate,


i am not totally up-to-date on the changes you made to tpw mods during the past six months or so, and if you have implemented something already and disrecard this post. Would you consider changing the spawning behaviour for ocean animals like the shark mod to be more random and a good deal less often and in less numbers? I kinda feel right now its a bit like a shark infestation is going on :) I think if you could somehow reuse your aircraft code where you can adjust the min/max times between shark spawns and set a min/max number of simultaneous sharks, with both settings chosen randomly within the min/max bounds...this would allow for a more realistic ocean environment! You think the random aircraft code can be used for this?

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  On 10/4/2018 at 8:04 AM, xon2 said:

Hey mate,


i am not totally up-to-date on the changes you made to tpw mods during the past six months or so, and if you have implemented something already and disrecard this post. Would you consider changing the spawning behaviour for ocean animals like the shark mod to be more random and a good deal less often and in less numbers? I kinda feel right now its a bit like a shark infestation is going on :) I think if you could somehow reuse your aircraft code where you can adjust the min/max times between shark spawns and set a min/max number of simultaneous sharks, with both settings chosen randomly within the min/max bounds...this would allow for a more realistic ocean environment! You think the random aircraft code can be used for this?

No worries xon2, I'll look into it.

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thanks man. Looking forward to it. Take your time.

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  On 8/22/2018 at 8:53 PM, mickeymen said:


One question -  are you able to work on the vanilla hit-reaction problems?

When a ai-soldier is in prone and he gets a deadly bullet, he sometimes flies up a few meters! 

Flying bugs happen for 5 years already and it seems to me that the BIS will never fix it. 
Are you able to neutralize this problem with the help of TPW?  It would be nice if TPW mod would fix this bug by default (regardless of the functions used)


Hi TPW! 


Perhaps you did not see my question of August 22.

My eyes bleed, when I see dead paper-bodies fly into the air from prone. Such a spectacle spoils the Arma3 gaming experience.

All this has been going on for 5 years,  it proves that Bohemia Interactive is not able to fix it or no want do it.


I know that you are working on the hit reactions.

Please Tell me, how can you totally neutralize these ugly flights of dead bodies?

Is it possible in TPW or not?


When I use TPW, I still see these glitches, but this happens much less frequently than in the vanilla game. So, as seems to me all the same, you are able to influence it. Please let us know your thoughts on



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  On 10/5/2018 at 2:26 PM, mickeymen said:


Hi TPW! 


Perhaps you did not see my question of August 22.

My eyes bleed, when I see dead paper-bodies fly into the air from prone. Such a spectacle spoils the Arma3 gaming experience.

All this has been going on for 5 years,  it proves that Bohemia Interactive is not able to fix it or no want do it.


I know that you are working on the hit reactions.

Please Tell me, how can you totally neutralize these ugly flights of dead bodies?

Is it possible in TPW or not?


When I use TPW, I still see these glitches, but this happens much less frequently than in the vanilla game. So, as seems to me all the same, you are able to influence it. Please let us know your thoughts on




Apparently the killed prone units flying into the air is a byproduct of some aspect of ragdolling. Personally I have no idea how to fix it and any improvements due to TPW MODS are entirely accidental :)


Have you tried Incon Effects Mod? Apparently this mod greatly reduces the flying ragdoll behaviour.

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TPW MODS 20181006: https://www.dropbox.com/s/19d1ry9i4od9ofv/TPW_MODS_20181006.zip


[ANIMALS 1.45] Decreased shark density.
[CORE 1.64, FOG 1.70, SOAP 1.40] Added additional Rosche buildings. Added Rosche to region lists. Added German soundpack for Rosche and other German maps. 
[PARK 1.26] Adjusted parking positions to better cope with narrower roads. 

Wie gehts? Back with another update, this time largely centered around Rosche, a sublime new north German map which I demand you install this instant. As someone who's had the great pleasure of spending a bit of time in this area of the world, it's a real delight to be able to head back there virtually. It's been an even greater pleasure being able to flesh the region out sonically by expanding SOAP to include a new German sound pack. This contains the usual mix of crowd and individual conversational sounds (male/female, young/old), and a mix of traditional and contemporary music all extensively processed to sound like it's emanating from inside buildings. I know there's lots of Arma players of the German persuasion, so I hope the sounds aren't too jarring. If they are, just go outside and listen to the real bloody thing (or better still, record it and send it to me)!  TPW SOAP has been retooled to accommodate the new sounds, and will automatically switch to German sounds for Rosche, Celle and Taunus. If you have other German maps you'd like added to this list, please let me know. 


OK, back to Saxony for yours truly. Auf wiedersehen!


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  On 10/5/2018 at 10:21 PM, tpw said:


Apparently the killed prone units flying into the air is a byproduct of some aspect of ragdolling. Personally I have no idea how to fix it and any improvements due to TPW MODS are entirely accidental :)


Hello and thanks for the reply.
Yes, I also assume that the problem happens precisely because of the bad configuration of the ragdoll. Even if the influence of TPW is accidental, it seems to me that you can solve this problem, If you wish. 

You can finally disable ragdoll for units that are in prone. Let ragdoll work only for standing and crouched units!

You can not do it? I don’t know, maybe you don’t care about this problem as much as I do, but if you solve this, then TPW will definitely be even better.


  On 10/5/2018 at 10:21 PM, tpw said:

Have you tried Incon Effects Mod? Apparently this mod greatly reduces the flying ragdoll behaviour.


Of course I used it. Even a few versions, unfortunately it does not solve the problem.

I continued to see flying corpses (I mean death in the prone position)


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  On 10/6/2018 at 3:01 PM, mickeymen said:


Hello and thanks for the reply.
Yes, I also assume that the problem happens precisely because of the bad configuration of the ragdoll. Even if the influence of TPW is accidental, it seems to me that you can solve this problem, If you wish

You can finally disable ragdoll for units that are in prone. Let ragdoll work only for standing and crouched units!

You can not do it? I don’t know, maybe you don’t care about this problem as much as I do, but if you solve this, then TPW will definitely be even better.



Of course I used it. Even a few versions, unfortunately it does not solve the problem.

I continued to see flying corpses (I mean death in the prone position)


Yep, for a military simulator it's absolutely !@#$ed how poor the ragdolling is. You can lecture me all you want about how I should be able to solve the issue if I wanted to, but the answer is if I could I would have 5 bloody years ago. As far as I know it's simply not possible to turn off ragdolling (for whatever reasons BIS decided not to allow meaningful access to this feature), or if it is, it's so well obfuscated that no-one has been able to find it. I've tried work arounds such as adding 10000kg of mass to killed units, but they don't work. The only thing that comes close is hiding killed prone units before they somersault, and replacing the unit with an identical "pre-killed" unit. But that just looks crap in a different way. I'll continue looking into this, but I make absolutely no promises. 

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OK so I think I have a reasonable workaround for the cartwheeling prone units when hit/killed - I just disable simulation for 0.25 sec when they're hit. They still occasionally flop around but I've seen no-one launched into the air. Will probably release this on the weekend.  

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TPW MODS 20181018: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pr08veq9nns30je/TPW_MODS_20181018.zip



  • [CORE 1.65, FOG 1.71,SOAP 1.41] Added Mogadishu, Anizay to region lists. Duststorm fx are now disabled during rain.
  • [FALL 1.67] Reduced incidence and severity of prone units cartwheeling when killed.
  • [PARK 1.27] Trucks and vans no longer excluded from parked vehicles.
  • [SOAP 1.41] Improved German EQ, reverb and sound balancing. Fixed issues with polyglot sounds not playing correctly. Improved sound levels between regions. Improved balance of kid sounds and house noise sounds.

I guess the weekend came early. Let me know how you get on with the prone units fixes. Remember, this is just an (imperfect) workaround because I can't do an engine level fix for the ridiculous ragdolling that A3 is infamous for. While I have your attention I would also like to take the time to extol the virtues of the incredible Anizay map by Temppa, which I've added support for. It's fantastic to finally see such an organic and immersive Central Asian map that uses modern A3 vegetation models which look like real trees and react properly with modern lighting. 

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First, this mod is greaaaat! it add many missing stuff to that great game !

Unfortunatly i got some bin.config problem.


When i aim the weapon i got :

No entry 'bin\config/cfgSounds/aim2.titles' (there is also aim3,4,5 etc...)


And when its raining i got like:

No entry 'bin\config/cfgSounds/rain_weapon_internal1.titles'


And it seem i dont have the helmet rain sound playing then.

I saw someone got the same problem, and you didnt know how to fix it but i just tell you then, hoping youll can fix it.


Thank you for this mod!



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  On 10/18/2018 at 11:34 AM, benouyt said:



First, this mod is greaaaat! it add many missing stuff to that great game !

Unfortunatly i got some bin.config problem.


When i aim the weapon i got :

No entry 'bin\config/cfgSounds/aim2.titles' (there is also aim3,4,5 etc...)


And when its raining i got like:

No entry 'bin\config/cfgSounds/rain_weapon_internal1.titles'


And it seem i dont have the helmet rain sound playing then.

I saw someone got the same problem, and you didnt know how to fix it but i just tell you then, hoping youll can fix it.


Thank you for this mod!



Shit, I thought I'd fixed that one.  Are you using the latest version of TPW MODS @benouyt?


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Yes, its the 20181018 version you just posted.


EDIT: actually, the sound fx seems to work even if there is the "no entry" message.



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  On 10/18/2018 at 12:37 PM, benouyt said:

Yes, its the 20181018 version you just posted.


EDIT: actually, the sound fx seems to work even if there is the "no entry" message.



OK mate I'll look into it again. In the mean time, if it pisses you off too much, you can disable weapon aiming sounds and raindrop sounds in the HPP.

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Thank you !


Noticed something too, i set the traffic sound to 0 and still get some ambient car sound in my game.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 9:11 AM, benouyt said:

Thank you !


Noticed something too, i set the traffic sound to 0 and still get some ambient car sound in my game.

Some of the ambient voice samples have a bit  of traffic background or beeping horns. 

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