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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Thanks TPW, I will verify file copy and run that in debug console after work.  Obviously some sort of mishap on my part... seems to be a thing for me lately hah.


I seem to be on a roll this week with derp moves.  I had used "+local mods" from the launcher for some reason to point at a TPW folder ( like probably a year ago) so as I dropped in your newer @TPW mods folders into their correct steam/common... folder... yea they didnt do crap because I was using one from somewhere else hahaa!  So now it works obviously 0_o  it's like Christmas but better!

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TPW MODS 20180525: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7kjlxtdftldpy3n/TPW_MODS_20180525.zip




  • [CORE 1.57, SOAP 1.33] Added Porquerolles to region lists.
  • [SOAP 1.33] Added additional forest ambience: creaking trees, small animals rustling leaves and undergrowth, twigs snapping etc.
  • [ZOMBIES 1.03] Updated to work with Max Joiners Zombies v1.0 (will not work with earlier releases), for smoother zombie animations and improved performance. No longer supports civilian zombies, only Max Joiner zombies. Zombies will spawn in nearby buildings as well as outdoor areas.

Alright gents?


The main focus of this update was to get TPW ZOMBIES working with Max Joiner's recently released Zombies v1.0. Max's overhaul of the animation stuff massively improved performance and smoothness of zombie movement, but also killed my TPW ZOMBIES implementation. So I've rewritten to take advantage of the new zombie animation, and the result is a better all round ambient zombie system. The only fly in the ointment is that due to the way the anim configs work now, I'm unable to apply zombie behaviours to other civs. On the plus side, I have made it so that you can select either male+female Max  zombies, or male only, in keeping with Arma3's embarrassing male only policy....



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I am wondering about drag on Arma with the number of mods we use. When I play COOP our thinking is that the fewer mods the better. So,....in order to trim the mods my idea was to just take, for this post I will use TPW Fog as an example. I unPBO'ed TPW and took the tpw_fog.sqf added it to the mission, then I added this


0 = [250,10,1,0,0,1,1,0] execvm "tpw_fog.sqf"; where 250 = radius around player to give units foggy breath (m). 10 = delay until functions start (sec), 1 = foggy breath, 1 = ground fog, 1 = rain fog, 1 = heat haze , 1 = snow, 1 = mist fx


...to the Init.sqf of the mission.


Here's where it gets a bit strange. My buddy says he can see the fogbreath on both of us but I (server) cannot. He also runs TPW as a mod because he uses the hud. This makes me think he can see the fogbreath because he's running the whole mod but that sorta defeats the purpose if I to have to run it.


Your thoughts?


Edit: Maybe the line of code needs to be in a different file?


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Geeze, my previous post didn't show until I hit "save" on this one


Admin: remove this one.

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  On 5/25/2018 at 11:21 AM, tpw said:
  • [SOAP 1.33] Added additional forest ambience: creaking trees, small animals rustling leaves and undergrowth, twigs snapping etc.


Nice to see some theHunter: Call of the Wild influences creeping into TPW MOD.  :f:

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  On 5/28/2018 at 4:34 PM, EO said:


Nice to see some theHunter: Call of the Wild influences creeping into TPW MOD.  :f:

You’d better believe it mate. The audio design of that game is beyond sublime. 

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  On 5/28/2018 at 1:32 PM, pvt. partz said:

I am wondering about drag on Arma with the number of mods we use. When I play COOP our thinking is that the fewer mods the better. So,....in order to trim the mods my idea was to just take, for this post I will use TPW Fog as an example. I unPBO'ed TPW and took the tpw_fog.sqf added it to the mission, then I added this


0 = [250,10,1,0,0,1,1,0] execvm "tpw_fog.sqf"; where 250 = radius around player to give units foggy breath (m). 10 = delay until functions start (sec), 1 = foggy breath, 1 = ground fog, 1 = rain fog, 1 = heat haze , 1 = snow, 1 = mist fx


...to the Init.sqf of the mission.


Here's where it gets a bit strange. My buddy says he can see the fogbreath on both of us but I (server) cannot. He also runs TPW as a mod because he uses the hud. This makes me think he can see the fogbreath because he's running the whole mod but that sorta defeats the purpose if I to have to run it.


Your thoughts?


Edit: Maybe the line of code needs to be in a different file?


Hey what happened to your old MASH profile pic?


So, many  of my mods are going to give you problems if you try to run them server side. Most of them spawn various things, and nearly of them only spawn local to the machine running the scripts. The behaviour you’re seeing with fog is due to that. Fog has the additional issue of slightly randomised climate, which will be slightly different on every machine. Lastly, you don’t need to dePbo my mods, I pack script versions into the zip.

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  On 5/28/2018 at 9:27 PM, tpw said:

Hey what happened to your old MASH profile pic?

Ha, I still love old Frank. IMO, one of, if not the best sitcom character. As I get older I look back on my life and realize we are all ridiculously self conscious and want to be bigger than we are, and usually fail the harder we try. He portrayed that perfectly.

And Sam?,....well he's the little guy and get outa his way!


Anyway, so you're saying just turn on what I want in TPW and don't worry 'bout a thing?



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  On 5/28/2018 at 10:16 PM, pvt. partz said:

Anyway, so you're saying just turn on what I want in TPW and don't worry 'bout a thing?

That's what I do!

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I was wondering if it's possible to blacklist some of the vehicles that appear with tpw_cars? Right now, I often see HEMTTs and Humvees spawning which, depending on the type of the mission, could be immersion breaking. It would be nice if there was the option to have just civilian vehicles or military ones as well.


Other than that, this mod keeps on getting better and better.

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  On 5/17/2018 at 5:59 PM, tortuosit said:

OK, now this is probably a stupid question. I have loaded tpw_mods and configured the config file in userconfig in a minimal way.


Let's say now I want to add a battlefield, or zombies. I was thinking I could just add the example code to the debug field...



0 = [5,2,6,3,4,1,500,2000,1,1,1,[0,1,etc],[0,1,etc],[0,1,etc],30,["str1",etc],["str2",etc],["str3",etc],["str4,etc"],["str5",etc],["str6",etc],["cas_string",etc],["chs_string",etc],["uav_string",etc],["enemy_cas_string",etc],["enemy_chs_string",etc],["enemy_uav_string",etc],["resist_cas_string",etc],["resist_chs_string",etc],["resist_uav_string",etc],300] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf";



To answer my own question: Not the script inside the pbo has to be accessed (does not work, not sure, why), but the one in the outside file system. "[...] execvm \@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_skirmish.sqf".  Needs that special command line flag, whose name I forgot now.

The brackets starting with [0,1,etc] should be filled with meaningful args or can be empty, TPW sets dafault values then.


For me, the userconfig file is too monolithic. I keep things minimal there and love to dynamically turn on functionality per script call. Which I mostly do via editor logic modules or debug console in mission. Well it's all about SP here.


TPW, I guess you wrote no code for stopping scripts + despawn, right? Just asking.


Will test the zombies script soon, but already read some code. I've seen in tpw_zombies_fnc_behaviour you always add random damage. Could you include random misses, i.e. no damage added? Also, maybe you may expose zombie strength/delivered max. damage as arguments for the script call...

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This is not a showstopper, so be advised


In Beketov, motorboats are in the Treshka River, which ordinarily would not be a problem, except the river is a series of sandbars and fords.  


I was wondering would it be possible to limit their appearance, such as limiting the type of boat, or make a map based limitation for landlocked map.


Also, I am not familiar with the habits of wolf packs, but do they roam in open areas and do their howling?  I begin my missions near an abandoned church, and the first thing I hear are the wolves.  

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  On 5/29/2018 at 10:40 AM, arma131 said:

I was wondering if it's possible to blacklist some of the vehicles that appear with tpw_cars? Right now, I often see HEMTTs and Humvees spawning which, depending on the type of the mission, could be immersion breaking. It would be nice if there was the option to have just civilian vehicles or military ones as well.


Other than that, this mod keeps on getting better and better.

Hmm, you shouldn't be seeing this. By default the system spawns vanilla vehicles and will spawn additional civ vehicles if you have mods such as CUP vehicles installed

tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

Try removing one or more of the strings from tpw_car_include and see if that helps. I might need to refine these to further excluded military stuff.


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  On 5/30/2018 at 3:37 AM, tortuosit said:

For me, the userconfig file is too monolithic. I keep things minimal there and love to dynamically turn on functionality per script call. Which I mostly do via editor logic modules or debug console in mission. Well it's all about SP here.


TPW, I guess you wrote no code for stopping scripts + despawn, right? Just asking.


Will test the zombies script soon, but already read some code. I've seen in tpw_zombies_fnc_behaviour you always add random damage. Could you include random misses, i.e. no damage added? Also, maybe you may expose zombie strength/delivered max. damage as arguments for the script call...

The "monolithic" userconfig is my design decision, which I don't apologise for. Scripts can't be stopped by handle, they'll just restart again (again, another design decision necessary for save games to work).

On the other hand, there's nothing stopping you from calling the individual scripts as required, which is how I normally run my mods, as it allows me the flexibility to edit them and simply restart a mission rather than restarting the game. I create a scripts directory in my main Arma install, and put all the TPW MODS scripts in there. 


I then create a script in there called tpw_init.sqf, which contains among other things a call to the MODS I want

if !(isclass (configfile/"CfgPatches"/"TPW_MODS")) then 
    0 = [["c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"],["IDAP"],5,22] execvm "\scripts\tpw_core.sqf";
    sleep 1;
    0 = [60,300,2,[100,250,500],0] execvm "\scripts\tpw_air.sqf";
    0 = [10,5,250,75,120] execvm "\scripts\tpw_animals.sqf";
    0 = [2,0.8,1,1,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_bleedout.sqf";

Then from either the debug console or the init field of the player I just add

0 = [] execvm "\scripts\tpw_init.sqf"


This way I can comment out any script I don't want running, and then restart a mission with the new settings.  

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  On 5/30/2018 at 3:45 AM, badanov said:

This is not a showstopper, so be advised


In Beketov, motorboats are in the Treshka River, which ordinarily would not be a problem, except the river is a series of sandbars and fords.  


I was wondering would it be possible to limit their appearance, such as limiting the type of boat, or make a map based limitation for landlocked map.


Also, I am not familiar with the habits of wolf packs, but do they roam in open areas and do their howling?  I begin my missions near an abandoned church, and the first thing I hear are the wolves.  


Re boats: I get your problem. To be honest it's basically easiest to just disable boats with tpw_boat_active=false in the console, trigger or init of the player.


Re wolves: Wolves will howl as long as you're far enough away from habitable buildings and it's late enough at night. Forest not required. I have added a line of code so that they'll no longer howl immediately if the conditions for them are met mission start.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 10:54 AM, tpw said:

This way I can comment out any script I don't want running, and then restart a mission with the new settings.  

Yeah, nice one and that's the advantage of using scripts outside the pbo scope...

So does your script call of tpw_core make loading of the mod obsolete at all? It's what I'm aiming at, but wasn't able to manage the dependencies.


Another workflow is, I script calls (and whatever code) in Eden, into a Logic and save them as custom compositions. I've got already my small library. Users could in theory share their custom compositions, currently it is too clunky (sharing files from the arma 3 profile folder). I've made a suggestion once here at BIS forum which led to nothing.


Re: monolithic approach, was no complaint, just whining ;) I know you decided for it and it has been discussed a few times.


Can you post your tpw_init.sqf, as this could be a useful template for us, because of the complex script calls, TIA!


Can HUD be started via a script command? It tells about undefined variables here: "_ctrl_vel" -  and I think it comes down to this code line "_display = uiNamespace getVariable "TPW_HUD_DISPLAY" - I don't understand much about those display things.


BUGS in tpw_zombies.sqf: a) Example command line on top misses the 5th argument b) Line 357/358 "tpw_civ_civarray"->"tpw_civ_array"

EDIT: Also tpw_houselights.sqf command line example misses an argument.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 10:43 AM, tpw said:

Hmm, you shouldn't be seeing this. By default the system spawns vanilla vehicles and will spawn additional civ vehicles if you have mods such as CUP vehicles installed

tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

Try removing one or more of the strings from tpw_car_include and see if that helps. I might need to refine these to further excluded military stuff.



I removed all the strings from the config as suggested but unfortunately it still doesn't work. I got technicals and one BTR from OPFOR mod within minutes. I should specify that these were parked and not moving. Not sure if it makes a difference?

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  On 5/30/2018 at 3:50 PM, arma131 said:

I should specify that these were parked and not moving. Not sure if it makes a difference?


If they are parked then maybe you have TPW PARK activated too...

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For some reason TPW addon causes a massive RPT spam with stuff like this:

21:21:43 WARNING: Function 'name' - 10760d040# 239: c_tanoan1_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:43  - network id 0:0
21:21:43  - person 
21:21:43 WARNING: Function 'name' - 4d4a9700# 241: c_tanoan1_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:43  - network id 0:0
21:21:43  - person 
21:21:43 WARNING: Function 'name' - 4d4a9700# 241: c_tanoan1_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:43  - network id 0:0
21:21:43  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2d144c00# 243: c_tanoan1_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2d144c00# 243: c_tanoan1_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 696c9b00# 245: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 696c9b00# 245: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2b1f0f40# 247: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2b1f0f40# 247: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 341e05c0# 249: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 341e05c0# 249: c_man_casual_shorts_f.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c5540# 251: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c5540# 251: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 112b10b40# 253: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 112b10b40# 253: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 112b79a80# 255: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 112b79a80# 255: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c0b80# 257: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:44 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c0b80# 257: c_citizen1.p3d has no unit
21:21:44  - network id 0:0
21:21:44  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2ab94240# 259: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 2ab94240# 259: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c11c0# 261: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c11c0# 261: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 10760c780# 263: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 10760c780# 263: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c1300# 265: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1116c1300# 265: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 10760c7c0# 267: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 
21:21:45 WARNING: Function 'name' - 10760c7c0# 267: c_poloshirt.p3d has no unit
21:21:45  - network id 0:0
21:21:45  - person 

No idea why and how, but its tied to TPW. If I disable TPW addon there is no spam.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 10:58 AM, tpw said:


Re boats: I get your problem. To be honest it's basically easiest to just disable boats with tpw_boat_active=false in the console, trigger or init of the player.


Re wolves: Wolves will howl as long as you're far enough away from habitable buildings and it's late enough at night. Forest not required. I have added a line of code so that they'll no longer howl immediately if the conditions for them are met mission start.

Okie dokie


Edited:  That works. Thanks.

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Yo tpw.
I'm curious to know, will it be feasible to add any more terrestrial animals to the current tpw_animals lineup?
I've been digging around a bit, and it turns out that two dedicated animal mods for arma 3 did exist.


The first one hasn't been updated since 2015; it seems the author ran into permissions issues and has stopped posting since. And looking at the comments the mod is broken anyway.


This latter one is much more recent, but considering that the Steam workshop entry for the mod has been removed, this probably has permissions issues as well. This one works though, from what I've seen.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 4:10 PM, EO said:


If they are parked then maybe you have TPW PARK activated too...


Obviously yes, but I figured that the same pool of vehicles is being used for both Cars and Park?

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Thanks for the recent updates TPW! I've taken a break from Arma as I often do but I'm back again. I'm loving all the new ambience you've added like foxes, creaking woods and especially the wolf howls. Now all we need is for someone to make a wolf model with animations and add it in, that'd be terrifying fun!


Just a quick question, if I disable the ambient volume in the SOAP settings (the one that has people talking in houses and such) does that also disable the wolf howls and fox sounds? I know dog barks still play, and I'm sure the creaking trees and woods sounds are playing as well. I might not have heard the other two yet.


EDIT: Played a scenario that took place at night time, and the sounds are all playing. Oh my god was it creepy, it was like being in a actual forest! Nice job TPW!

Edited by ContheJon

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Man I love those car alarms going off in the middle of combat -adds to the absolute feeling of chaos. Would you consider giving an option for not allowing wounded soldiers effected by Bloodloss script to be setCaptive true? The problem is youll have a few enemy wounded soldiers on their backs writhing in pain but you cant command your allies to murder them -and they need murdering because they inevitably roll back to normal and shoot your squad in the back

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TPW, can you expose your tpw_init.sqf? Would make life easier... I am really interested in how you start tpw_hud with no mod loaded, but by script only. Because I fail there, error messages...

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