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Helicopter Transportation Script [RC 1]

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Bob, have considered releasing this as an addon, so that it could be used in every mission?

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Any update there bob_gneu? Love the simplicity of this script, but desperately need it working in MP.

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I implemented this script in my multiplayer mission and ran into the same script errors and issues that are listed in this thread so I re-wrote it.

I'm not going to support it directly here in this thread but I will release it to you.

1. Download here and copy 'scripts' to your mission's root folder

2. In your mission init.sqf add the following line:

[] execVM "scripts\transport\init.sqf";

3. If you have a vehicle respawn script add the following line in it once the new vehicle is created:

[[[[_unit]],"scripts\transport\classify.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

Thats pretty much it. This version also has the ability to lift ammoboxes, the object names are listed in scripts\transport\init.sqf at line 31 and they are classified in scripts\transport\classify.sqf below line 50.

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Very cool. Thanks Jman.

I get a _x is unitialised error in the current dev build. Removing the ammo boxes fixed it for me for the moment.

The only thing I would add is adding the line marked with --> to transportcheck.sqf so that the heli has to be higher than the vehicle to attach. It also prevents the Attach Cargo message from flickering on when the engine is running.

if (_targetClassification <= _classification

--> && getPosATL _vehicle select 2 > 5

&& abs(_target distance _vehicle ) <= g_transport_distance_cap * g_transport_forgiveness_multiplier

&& abs(speed _target - speed _vehicle ) <= g_transport_speed_difference_cap * g_transport_forgiveness_multiplier

) then

Another need change I might make in my version would be to cause the dropped vehicle to be destroyed if dropped higher than some altitude and faster than some speed. Maybe 30 meters and 80kmh. Unless a parachute is added to the vehicle. :-)

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thx1137, I'm not seeing that flickering action issue you describe unless I add your suggested getPosATL line.

Anyway, I have fixed an issue where the evh was getting applied to all passengers who entered the helo which resulted in the pilot loosing the ability to detach and I have also added a parachute and smoke to the detached object.

Same link as previous post above.

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Jman;2517308']thx1137' date=' I'm not seeing that flickering action issue you describe unless I add your suggested getPosATL line.


It looks to me that when the heli is spooled up it is close to lift off and that caused the flickering, not much weight on the skids. It isn't a biggy but another reason I like the line is that the vehicle won't be below the ground and looking a bit odd to clan members if I attach it at 5 meters plus :-)

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add the following to init.sqf if using Jmans version with vehicle respawn module instead of a respawn script

LIFT_RESPAWN = {[[[[_this]],"scripts\transport\classify.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;};

and in the "expression" field of the module in the editor

(_this select 0) spawn LIFT_RESPAWN;

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I thought one of the Altis updates made this possible within the game, without adding an extra script. Am I mistaken?

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Hey guys, it´s some kind of "late" for this question but:

How do i use scripts in Arma 3? I run a listen (private) server with some mods like dynamic universal war system and i wanted to use this script but i don´t get it working. I copied the script stuff into the mission folder but it´s not enabled?

Please help me and thanks if you will.

Best Regards

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