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{AAG} - Amphibious Assault Group

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Hello, let me start out by introducing myself, in-game people know me as Giorox and i'm the leader and founder of the group AAG.

AAG is not a clan per say, but we are more of a group of people who get together to play on opportune times. We look for mature (we say mature, but that doesn't mean age), yet laid-back members who are willing to come together to play Arma 2/OA and even Arma 3 either in Coop or PVP/TVT modes.

AAG is not an old clan, being established in the beginnings of 2012 though we are willing to grow and mature as a community. (:

Now you might be wondering, what does AAG stand for or even mean? AAG is our abbreviation for Amphibious Assault Group. Though the name might seem like something super serious and tactical, we are more laid back and aren't as rigid. We are of course tactical and professional on some things as those are really fun, but we also play with Arma's engine which allows us to do many a goofy things aswell ^-^

IF you like what you reads or just want to join, then just send us an application via our website http://aagace.enjin.com/home or get on our TS and we will be in touch provided we get all the necessary information. ^-^

A few requirements:

Must be 14+ years old (only exception are members in before this change)

Have a mic

Have Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA (legitimate copy)

Attend training and missions every so often. (atleast once every 2 weeks)

Be able to make our time-schedule, we base it off GMT.

Be active. (If you intend on joining and then not showing up you need not apply)

See you all soon.

Edited by Giorox

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