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Swedish Forces Pack: 0.7.4 (Updated 27th of May)

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Minor patch 0.7.4

Due to a specific game involving the Hkp16 and Tgb 16 we wanted to address some bugs and decided to release a new patch a head of that.


More insignias for "marines", (Amf 1, 2. Amfbat Anselm)
Fordonsmina 13 (Like a very very large claymore)


Hkp 16 (Blackhawk) rotors artifact.
JAS 39, fixed collision lights
Tgb 16 Ksp 58 (Fixed sound for gunner)
Tgb 16, AI are now more trigger happy and will shoot at it.

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Awesome work. Nothing short of splendid.

As of version SVN REVISION: 13982 - not sure which version number that is, sorry - the BV206 getting hit by a bullet seems to throw a config bin error, but not always. Maybe some element inside it getting penetrated, idk idk.


I'm a big fan of all the vehicles, as any Norwegian would be. Strv 103 and BV206 look especially good. But they also seem to have a more saturated colour palette than the rest; the Leo and Ikv look almost sunbleached standing next to them.

Btw, can I get permissions to retexture the BV206 in order to add some Norwegian effects? Maybe even by getting access to a PSD of yours? Tall order, I know, but a man can dream. \o/

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STRV103 rules and brings back good memories:don11:


Awesome work all around granQ and Co!


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A little teaser from Rosö, the island we been working on.

Also, it been very quiet from us but we have decided to shortly (2-3 weeks perhaps) to release a patch. 

Main focus is to fix some errors as always, but also add more support for magazine wells (In short, you can put a magazine from RHS/CUP into a SFP weapon and it will be visible!) and also release the Pbv302.


Stay tuned 😛

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This mod looks very impressive (in particular, the idea of breaking down equipment into different eras).

So do you have any missions that showcase it?

In particular COOP missions?

Set during the Cold War?

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New patch!

Includes a lot of fixes and general improvements, including magwells support.


New vehicle is the Pbv 302 (APC).


Pbv 302

The Pbv 302 has wide tracks and a high power-to-weight ratio, and has exceptionally good off-road mobility, and the low ground pressure enables it to operate over summer bog and winter snow. It is powered by a Volvo 10-liter, 270 hp diesel engine. The vehicle is fully amphibious with little preparation by the crew. It is fitted with a 20 mm Hispano-Suiza type 804 cannon.


The vehicle, which weighs 14 tonnes, has a crew of three (commander, driver and a gunner) and carries a squad of eight troops. The infantry squad is able to fight through two large roof hatches.

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  On 3/18/2019 at 1:07 PM, domokun said:

This mod looks very impressive (in particular, the idea of breaking down equipment into different eras).

So do you have any missions that showcase it?

In particular COOP missions?

Set during the Cold War?


I would like to add some cold war (and more modern) coops, but always lack of OPFOR if not using RHS or CUP. Personally I like both but wanted to avoid bundle missions that requires additional addons.. we see what happens.

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  On 4/17/2019 at 6:11 PM, granQ said:


I would like to add some cold war (and more modern) coops, but always lack of OPFOR if not using RHS or CUP. Personally I like both but wanted to avoid bundle missions that requires additional addons.. we see what happens.

While I admire your artistic integrity, I think it's fair to say that, over the past few years, CUP and RHS have become standards in this community thanks to their unwavering commitment to quality, realism and breadth.

So keep things simple for yourselves.

Also, any chance that we might see some Swedish voice acting?

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Hey, I really appreciate all the work you have done for sfp and ffp. However, I have Noticed that the bicycle does not have any animations anymore. Have you been aware of that or is it something that cannot be fixed anymore?


the other thing that I would like to bring up is the tanks’ Speed and acceleration. To my eye, they seem to be very, almost too quick how they pick up speed, compared to vanilla Tanks. I have tried to add mass to tanks but they still have a tremendous acceleration speeds. Is There any tricks I could try to make them slower by my self or have you considered or tried to make them slower? I don’t know if this is something that others feel to be addressed but I wanted to give my Feedback nevertheless. The last thing about tanks I want cry out loud here is that There are no jsrs integration with tanks like There are with your firearms (at least What I know). The jsrs’ leopard Sounds amazing and I wish from bottom of my heart that you guys would intergate that sound with your sfp and ffp leopards.


i have spoken. All the best and thank you for the new ffp spring update. It was truely amazing.



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  On 4/23/2019 at 12:10 PM, Jacali said:

Hey, I really appreciate all the work you have done for sfp and ffp. However, I have Noticed that the bicycle does not have any animations anymore. Have you been aware of that or is it something that cannot be fixed anymore?


the other thing that I would like to bring up is the tanks’ Speed and acceleration. To my eye, they seem to be very, almost too quick how they pick up speed, compared to vanilla Tanks. I have tried to add mass to tanks but they still have a tremendous acceleration speeds. Is There any tricks I could try to make them slower by my self or have you considered or tried to make them slower? I don’t know if this is something that others feel to be addressed but I wanted to give my Feedback nevertheless. The last thing about tanks I want cry out loud here is that There are no jsrs integration with tanks like There are with your firearms (at least What I know). The jsrs’ leopard Sounds amazing and I wish from bottom of my heart that you guys would intergate that sound with your sfp and ffp leopards.


i have spoken. All the best and thank you for the new ffp spring update. It was truely amazing.




Hi, feedback is always appreciated. 


I wasn't aware of the bike, will look into, since I don't play arma3 anymore, released things that stops working normally goes unnoticed by me.

Regarding the tanks speed.. yes it is annoying, and I never got it to truly work beside "guess work". We also have so many of them there is a lot to cover, but I think the pbv302 (the new APC) is pretty good.

Pending when I have time, I will look into it. JSRS sounds, I will tip Dahlgren that done our JSRS support for weapons, perhaps we can add for vehicles as well.

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Thanks for the quick reply. I get that armor configs can be pain in the ass, I'm not a great coder/scripter myself so I wouldn't know. But I know that this is a hobby for all of us and it requires a tremendous amount of time to fix even smallest things in this game so I would completely understand that if you don't have all the time in this world to update configs on each vehicle etc. That being said, it's a bit sad feeling seeing community leaving arma behind, although I have done that myself as well in someway at least. I actually took about a 6mo break from arma but decided to come back after I saw that you had published ffp spring update. The former XA-203 and modern AMV had very nice handlings and acceleration speeds, I'll give you that. 


Keep up the good work if you still plan to update this mod in the future. This mod has given many tools to mission creation for the past couple of years.



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The lastly added vehicles are absolutley well done, moddel and texturewise. I love the handmade paint for the winterversion of the APC, very impressive work. Are you planning to update, bit by bit, the other vehicles, to bring them to the same quality as the last ones?


Thank you for your work!

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  On 4/27/2019 at 10:53 AM, carlosxx said:

The lastly added vehicles are absolutley well done, moddel and texturewise. I love the handmade paint for the winterversion of the APC, very impressive work. Are you planning to update, bit by bit, the other vehicles, to bring them to the same quality as the last ones?


Thank you for your work!


yes, more or less thats the plan. Why we also for some vehicles have decided to remove them if no replacement seems to be "near".

For next patch there hopefully will be many new models that will bring up the quality of esp the soldiers.

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  On 4/28/2019 at 6:35 PM, granQ said:


yes, more or less thats the plan. Why we also for some vehicles have decided to remove them if no replacement seems to be "near".

For next patch there hopefully will be many new models that will bring up the quality of esp the soldiers.

Wonderful news indeed. I checked out your discord, and i can´t await the new gear!


Thank you!

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Today is the Swedish National Day! To celebrate we have this morning released our newest patch on Steam.


I will try post a video tomorrow that show case how to use the new Rbbil 15 in a good way, but for AI use the idea is to use the new custom waypoints.


Rbbil 15 (Guard)

This waypoint is the easiest to use, just place one near the coast and the AI will drive to the location, deploy and it will fire on any enemy ships that within range (range is 8000 meters!)


Rbbil 15 (Deploy)

Will drive to the location and then deploy, can be used for deploying Rbbil 15 in a static pose but also a requirement to use before the Target waypoint.

If you want to define the launching (for instance having 3 launchers at the same time) then put a trigger to this waypoint and not to the Target one.


Rbbil 15 (Target)

Possible usage for both targets (ships) and ground location. This is an excellent choice for mission triggers/cut scenes etc.



Added the Rbbil 15 (Coastal Missile truck)
New models and additions: AT tank mines (strvm5 & Strvm6), handgrenades (Shgr 56 and Shgr 2000)

* Migrate ACE disposable to CBA disposable for SFP AT Launchers
* Commander of Pbv302 is now commanding the vehicle.
* Ksp 58: Belt jumped around during fire after magazine proxy update.
* Psg90: Adjusted AI fire modes, recoil/handling, SLAP ammo airFriction, suppressed sound, particles, improved bolt animation. (sfp_config + sfp_psg90)
* Fixes on script error on HMS Norrköping

and some other undocumented fixes and tweaks


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In case you wondered what the Rbbil 15 is:



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This mod is still wonderful even if more than just a few things not working well. One of them is Norrkoping's RBS-15 missile so I wonder if there are some details about the proper way to lunch them. This is the problem:

- selecting a target in a radius of 6km (from the weapon officer position - using an additional map with radius and lunch type selector) and firing works fine but the missile hits the ground when gets full speed (about 50m from the ship). I tried to "slow down" it by using the camera adjust speed option from the extended debug console and it starts to fly normally if acctime is set to 0.20 - 0.30. So my question is am I doing something wrong with the target acquiring process or something else or it is just a known problem with this ship? Thanks, guys


Maybe to change the fly speed of missile in pbo files and pack it back again? But which one?

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Hi! I would love to try this mod, but the links are broken. Can anybody send me the mod files? Thank you so much.

edit: I've found it on steam workshop. Sorry guys


Edited by Siropregno

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