DnA 5162 Posted June 9, 2017 09-06-2017EXE rev. 142002 (game) No new Launcher Size: ~837 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: The picture for "Escape from Malden" displayed in the DLC browser was incorrect Fixed: Some HMDs were visible when turning to the sides Added: Dynamic Loadout MFD information for the Neophron and Xi'an aircraft Added: A laser designator indicator for the Xi'an and Blackfish crews Tweaked: Reduced intensity for the Flora / Fauna / Wind layers in environmental sounds (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/145599-audio-tweaking-dev-branch/?do=findComment&comment=3197303) Tweaked: Defining a module function as "" no longer triggers an error message Tweaked: The overview picture of the Combat Patrol game type has been changed Tweaked: Flight models of the Black Wasp and Shikra aircraft ENGINE Fixed: vectorWorldToModel did not work as expected Tweaked: Improved addForce and addTorque reliability 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 12, 2017 12-06-2017 EXE rev. 142021 (game) EXE rev. 142024 (launcher) Size: ~3.1 GB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Added: Map symbols to several more objects Added: Vehicle turret indicators to the remaining ground vehicles Tweaked: Some structures were reconfigured (audio-wise) Added: Audio-related memory points for certain structures Tweaked: Garage icons for several vehicles ENGINE Added: A new allAirports script command Fixed: The airportSide script command was behaving incorrectly 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 13, 2017 13-06-2017 EXE rev. 142036 (game) EXE rev. 142036 (launcher) Size: ~1 GB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Added: Image for Combat Patrol in the DLC Browser Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_vectorDirAndUpRelative and BIS_fnc_weaponDirectionRelative functions are now optimized Fixed: Several localization glitches (e.g. the Splendid Camera) Fixed: The tutorial about scenario attributes contained an incorrect item Tweaked: The Revive option on units is now disabled if Revive is disabled or non-existent Added: Overview images for the Combat Patrol Tanoa and Stratis variants ENGINE No EXE change for today 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 14, 2017 14-06-2017 EXE rev. 142048 (game) EXE rev. 142048 (launcher) Size: ~746 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: The Field Manual image of the Combat Patrol mode was incorrect Tweaked: Focus of the Malden world scenes was improved Tweaked: Tides are removed from the official terrains as several issues weren't addressed yet. We plan to address those issues in the future and bring back the tides as soon as they are solved. Added: A waypoint indicator to the HUD of the A-164 ENGINE Fixed: A crash connected to multiplayer 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 15, 2017 15-06-2017 EXE rev. 142063 (game) EXE rev. 142063 (launcher) Size: ~320 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: The Patrol game mode was missing the Malden DLC icon Fixed: It was too difficult to shoot through the ruins of Church 02 Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_initVehicles function now skips the change of mass when used with a simple object Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass function will now exit if the vehicle is a simple object Fixed: The "scriptName" parameter of the BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass function was incorrect Fixed: The pilots of the WY-55 can now lock ASRAAM missiles Tweaked: Pilots of the Wipeout, Buzzard and Neophron were changed to Fighter Pilots (no parachute, pistol only) ENGINE No EXE changes for today 13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 16, 2017 16-06-2017 EXE rev. 142078 (game) EXE rev. 142078 (launcher) Size: ~297 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Added: Variants of the in-game whiteboard, sleeved map and paper map (for Tanoa and Malden) Fixed: Incorrect spawning position of the Marid APC in Showcase Combined Arms ENGINE Added: New "ptsPerSquareRoadSimple", "ptsPerSquareMainRoad", and "ptsPerSquareMainRoadSimple" terrain config parameters Fixed: Crash when adjusting the zeroing Fixed: Disabling destruction effects using the setDamage command did not work properly in the multiplayer environment Fixed: Crash connected to the setUnitLoadout script command Eden Editor Fixed: Loading a scenario with Simple Objects would cause issues in some cases 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 19, 2017 19-06-2017 EXE rev. 142108 (game) EXE rev. 142108 (launcher) Size: ~580 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: Unarmed variants of the LSVs no longer display weapon info in the IGUI Fixed: The grenade launcher of the AK12 would be open at incorrect moments Fixed: Brake lights on the Tempest trucks were not working correctly Fixed: The occluder of the Tent Hangar was inverted ENGINE No EXE changes for today 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 20, 2017 20-06-2017 No update today due to internal communication channel issues 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 21, 2017 21-06-2017 EXE rev. 142168 (game) EXE rev. 142168 (launcher) Size: ~690 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: The Malden DLC artwork for the DLC Browser was updated to the final version (Shift+P) Added: The Malden DLC description in the DLC Browser now leads to a correct address (https://malden.arma3.com), which will go live with the DLC release Added: Radio voice-overs to Combat Patrol Fixed: Shadows were clipping on the Gryphon's nozzle Tweaked: The helicopter 3rd person view was returned to a fixed chase spot without smoothing and pitch following (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/204694-helicopter-camera/) Tweaked: The availability of the debug console can now be configured using the CfgDebugConsole class Added: The task 'description' property can be now defined as a formatted array in the CfgTaskDescriptions class Tweaked: The debug console can now be configured with the "enableDebugConsole" root mod parameter Tweaked: Flight model of the Gryphon plane (inc. fixed stall and better rudder authority) Tweaked: Flight model of the Shikra plane (it should now have improved stability and more correct AoA behavior) Tweaked: Flight model of the Sentinel UCAV (better stability, less maneuverability) Tweaked: Flight model of the Buzzard plane (slightly more power, stability and fun) Tweaked: The default FOV in helicopters was increased to 0.9 Fixed: An aircraft zoom-in bug for some mods (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/204980-helicopter-fov-changes-on-airspeed-exceeds/) Tweaked: Flight model of the Black Wasp II plane (it should be more stable and more correct AoA behavior) ENGINE Added: extCameraParams[] = {-1} to force the old external camera behavior Tweaked: The diagnostics executable should now crash earlier in case of invalid memory addressing. Please report all crashes, especially when the "Forced crash: array access out of range" message appears in the RPT file. We hope to use fixes of such crashes to make Arma 3 more stable in the long run, but need these more drastic measures to track them more effectively. Eden Editor Fixed: Potential crash when using a mod filter on an empty tree Fixed: Config warning when using a mod filter on an empty object tree 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 22, 2017 22-06-2017 EXE rev. 142183 (game) EXE rev. 142183 (launcher) Size: ~669 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: Min/max FOV in Jets DLC aircraft is now consistent with the rest of the game ENGINE Tweaked: The shotShell, shotSubmunitions, and shotGrenade ammo simulation types now work also on pylons Tweaked: The shotIlluminating ammo simulation type now works also on airplanes Added: A new "muzzleImpulseFactor" magazine parameter (range 0 - 1 to tweak the recoil force on vehicles) Added: A new "CfgSoundEnvironToControlers" core class to have better control over connecting vehicle sounds to surfaces Eden Editor Added: Support for navigating the Open Scenario dialog just by keyboard Tweaked: The Open dialog now filters out folders without any mission files 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 23, 2017 23-06-2017 EXE rev. 142190 (game) EXE rev. 142190 (launcher) Size: ~63 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA No data changes for today ENGINE Fixed: Some IK hand animations in cockpits could appear to be lagging 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DnA 5162 Posted June 26, 2017 26-06-2017EXE rev. 142202 (game) EXE rev. 142202 (launcher) Size: ~64 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA No data changes today ENGINE Tweaked: Updated log messages relating to null objects or groups passed to remoteExec as arguments Tweaked: Renamed "CfgSoundEnvironToControlers" to "CfgSoundEnvironToControllers" 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 27, 2017 27-06-2017 EXE rev. 142227 (game) EXE rev. 142219 (launcher) Size: ~677 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: The durability of fighter jets was improved Tweaked: Slightly reduced the maneuverability, damage and countermeasure resistance of MR missiles Tweaked: The distance of the MR missile proximity fuse was increased Tweaked: The intensity of Flora, Fauna, and Wind sound layers was adjusted (Stratis, Altis and Malden) Fixed: The durability of the Brick Bungalow was too low Tweaked: The AMRAAM missiles were replaced by ASRAAMs in the Wipeout AA loadout Tweaked: Pilots of the Wipeout, Buzzard and Neophron are now Fighter Pilots (no parachute, pistol only) Tweaked: The collision shape of characters when crawling to the sides was improved Tweaked: A parachute is no longer required in Showcase Fixed Wings due to the new ejection seat feature Tweaked: VR blocks can now be also retextured using procedural textures along with material changing Fixed: The SDAR fire geometry material could stop 0.50 cal bullets (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24497) Tweaked: The weight of the Vehicle Ammo Box was adjusted to make it able to be sling loaded by Mohawks and Ghosthawks Fixed: The probability of AI Skyfire fire modes at long distances was improved Tweaked: Rifles using caseless ammo do not eject (fake) empty cartridge models anymore Eden Editor Fixed: The position of the "Mirror" button in the pylons settings was incorrect Fixed: The DLC attribute in Eden Editor for no DLC was not properly localized ENGINE Fixed: Drones - Guided missiles and bombs from drones would not follow locked Laser targets (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/143930-general-discussion-dev-branch/?do=findComment&comment=3205668) Fixed: AI could take control over players while they were operating a drone in some cases Fixed: It was not possible to terminate an individual r2t source using the cameraEffect script command (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T81853) Added: A new selectRandomWeighted script command Eden Editor Added: An icon to the pylons settings to change the owner pilot / gunner of a weapon Fixed: There would be no foliage in a scenario if a user hid it in Eden Editor and launched the scenario in MP (https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/6hlsmi/no_foliage_in_mission_bug_rc_build/) 21 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 28, 2017 28-06-2017 EXE rev. 142239 (game) EXE rev. 142233 (launcher) Size: ~139 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Added: Carrier deck static props Added: Support for insignia materials Fixed: The check for an array value of the enableDebugConsole script command was missing Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_selectRandomWeighted function is now optimized Added: A new BIS_fnc_allTurrets function Eden Editor Added: The debug console is now available by default in Eden Editor's multiplayer preview and for the host only ENGINE No EXE changes for today 21 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 29, 2017 29-06-2017 EXE rev. 142244 (game) EXE rev. 142244 (launcher) Size: ~629 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: Some planes were falling through the carrier deck (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/206231-bug-report-uss-freedom/) Fixed: The nozzle shadow of the Gryphon plane was incorrect Tweaked: Jets are now using weapon relative CCIP calculations when locked onto other aircraft and using machineguns Tweaked: The fire rates of the GSh cannon and M61 minigun were increased Fixed: A string in Showcase Scuba was not localized Tweaked: Slightly lowered volumes for the Blackfoot Minigun and Slammer Coaxial weapons Eden Editor Fixed: An editor preview for the 'Bar gate (open)' was missing ENGINE Added: A new isUIContext script command 14 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted June 30, 2017 30-06-2017 No new game EXE EXE rev. 142254 (launcher) Size: ~1.4 GB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: Black Wasp, Shikra, Gryphon and Buzzard are now slightly more vulnerable to .50 cal weapons Tweaked: The tyre penetration material was replaced with rubber where appropriate Tweaked: The sound of wind in one of the Tanoa Main Menu world scenes was reduced Added: An ability to pre-fill the search field using a fourth (optional) parameter for the BIS_fnc_openFieldManual function Added: An optional third parameter for the BIS_fnc_VRSpawnEffect function to select a large effect size (0: regular / default - 1: large) Fixed: The BIS_fnc_moduleFriendlyFire function would not correctly attribute friendly fire caused via player-controlled unarmed drones (collisions) Fixed: Occlusion and obstruction sound for vehicle-mounted weapons was incorrect (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124559) Eden Editor Added: Eden Editor attributes to allow re-texturing Tablets, Photos and VR Billboards ENGINE No EXE changes for today 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 3, 2017 03-07-2017 EXE rev. 142267 (game) EXE rev. 142268 (launcher) Size: ~63 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA No data changes for today ENGINE Added: A new "viewDriverInExternal" parameter Fixed: Crash connected to the setUserMFDvalue script command Fixed: The cutObj script command did not support the "showInMap" parameter Added: A new "ispip" animation source 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 4, 2017 04-07-2017 EXE rev. 142285 (game) EXE rev. 142285 (launcher) Size: ~6.4 GB (depends on Apex ownership) KNOWN ISSUE The data of the whole game were repacked. Please report any related issues (missing textures and icons, pop-up errors, etc.) to the Feedback Tracker. Thanks! DATA Fixed: The "Environmental sound BattlefieldExplosions3 not found" pop up error Tweaked: Restored the experimental iteration of Mine Detection using the Custom Info Panel feature (unless your character automatically visually spots a mine, you’ll need to manually reveal it for type identification and to mark it for others - please direct feedback to https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/200468-jets-custom-panels-gps-camera-feeds/) Fixed: Script error when calling '["Preload"] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;' Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler, BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler and BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler functions are no longer supported Fixed: Occlusion and obstruction sound for static weapons and the MK20 rifle was incorrect (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124559) ENGINE Fixed: Server crash when deleting a vehicle in cargo (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T125844) Added: New "isTurret" and "isGun" parameters (removing problematic and hard-coded "HitTurret" & "HitGun" dependencies; "HitTurret" & "HitGun" still work as before) 15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 5, 2017 05-07-2017 There will be no update today due to a Czech national holiday. 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 5, 2017 06-07-2017 There will be no update today due to a Czech national holiday. 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted July 7, 2017 07-07-2017EXE rev. 142299 (game) EXE rev. 142295 (launcher) Size: ~137 MB (depends on Apex ownership)DATA Fixed: Many small localization tweaks and fixes Added: Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified languages Fixed: Titan & Signal Pistol had incorrect icons in the Field Manual Added: Animation Viewer can now be accessed from Eden Editor (Tools > Animation Viewer) Added: Splendid Camera can now be accessed from Eden Editor (Tools > Camera) Fixed: Alpha sorting on Pawnee Fixed: The command bar picture of the steerable parachute used an incorrect texture Fixed: Sentences which were using InLocation (e.g. "Move to point Alpha") were not used when the checked position was closer than 50 meters to the location Fixed: BIS_fnc_animType did not recognize Apan, Afds, Afal and Apar anim types Fixed: "Environmental sound WindFast not found" pop up error Added: Laser designator now shows a special cursor when designating is active ENGINE Added: New MFD source "targetHeight" Added: New scipt commands for info panels - infoPanelComponents, enableInfoPanelComponent, infoPanelComponentEnabled, setInfoPanel, infoPanels, showHUD (updated), shownHUD (updated) 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 10, 2017 10-07-2017 EXE rev. 142317 (game) EXE rev. 142318 (launcher) Size: ~626 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Added: An ability to change the MFD color using the setUserMFDvalue script command ENGINE Added: New "weaponHeading", "laserDist", "visionMode", and "flirMode" MFD sources Fixed: Multiple-launched manually guided missiles could get confused (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T126044) LAUNCHER Fixed: The banner notification about the signature list for the server not being available was not visible (many thanks to R3Vo: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/180024-official-arma-3-launcher-dev-branch/?do=findComment&comment=3209965) 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 11, 2017 11-07-2017 EXE rev. 142327 (game) EXE rev. 142327 (launcher) Size: ~88 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: The mass value of the 'b_leucaena_f' bush was reduced in order to deal less damage to vehicles Added: New icons for non-default camo variants of the MK20 rifle Tweaked: Icons of the TRG-20 now represent the current visual state ENGINE Added: A new clockhour24 animation source (it goes from 0 to 1 in 24h) LAUNCHER Fixed: A typo in the message for importing Steam mods from a list 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bis_iceman 7384 Posted July 12, 2017 12-07-2017 EXE rev. 142330 (game) EXE rev. 142330 (launcher) Size: ~179 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Fixed: Karts in the Zeus Karts Race scenarios could spawn incorrectly in some cases Fixed: The Tasks Manager could be opened during cutscenes ENGINE No EXE changes today 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pettka 694 Posted July 13, 2017 13-07-2017EXE rev. 142346 (game) EXE rev. 142346 (launcher) Size: ~256 MB (depends on Apex ownership) DATA Tweaked: Combat Patrol - weather & daytime presets are no longer forced for user-made scenarios Tweaked: Improved civilian base class event handler inheritance for better compatibility with community addons Added: Non-moving variants of wind turbines; you can find them in the editor as "Wind Turbine (Off)" and "Wind Turbine (Off, Camo)" Added: Light when firing launchers; also moved light and smoke effects from ammo to the weapon itself for NLAW and Titan Tweaked: The function that does the adjustments to vehicles through Garage is now spawned (this way it works properly also for simple objects) Added: The scenario description in the loading screen now stretches vertically up to the height of the overview image ENGINE Fixed: The commander's turret didn't work if the main turret was broken (it is properly independent on each other now) 18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites