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Gambit Royale FDF Edition

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That's awesome, tom3kb! Thanks for finding it. This is the code I use:

"mrkSite1" setMarkerAlpha 0;
"mrkSite2" setMarkerAlpha 0;
"mrkSite3" setMarkerAlpha 0;
"mrkSite4" setMarkerAlpha 0;

It's in the init, but it was late in the script. I moved it up early and now the markers don't show.

Also, Turbulence is bugged. I already fixed it earlier this evening, and I was telling nettrucker to use separate stringtables in each mission. What happened is that I combined all of them into one super stringtable (like how BIS does) and when I changed the last objective in that mission, I never updated the campaign version, so it's all wrong in the release, but fixed in the upcoming patch.

Well we have super lightning storm, so I'm shutting down the pc ;)

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Just an update, I am still working on patch 2.01. I have already made a number of changes and fixes, and found a few others to implement. Some of the changes already made include more variation in how it can end based on player timing and actions, new voice overs, many more weapons added to the briefing and ammo boxes (including optional BAF and ACR weapons), an extended C130 sequence for mission 8 that requires the player to initiate the jump with light and sound added, and much more. I expect to release this by the end of the week.

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I am happy to announce the first (and hopefully only) patch for Gambit FDF v2.01. I have updated the first post on page 1 with the new link, the change log, and a video that contains some campaign highlights. Thanks everyone for your help and support!

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HI AZCoder

gonna check it out this evening when I'm home.

Thanks for the new version.


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I like it much better with the more extensive weapon selection now, thx! And Frostbite works fine now, although the writhe-in-the-snow injury animation on the enemies is a little annoying (intentional?). Gratitude has a little hiccup though (didn't notice it the first playthrough because I took the chopper, "suicidal" sounded too tempting^^): The russians at the border are hostile towards me, which doesn't make sense in a gameplay perspective, instead of a cheering "привет!", I was greeted with lead. I saw your trick to have the FDF shoot at me and at the same time not start fights at the border, but maybe you should do it the other way around: set independent friendly to bluefor and then subordinate all the russian forces to a 0% bluefor squad leader, except the player. And when you are at it, maybe make a small gate in the border fortifications, Mr Uber-Speznaz really doesn't like to get wet in these freezing conditions^^

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Mr Uber-Speznaz really doesn't like to get wet in these freezing conditions^^


:) :o :D ;)

You idea of a small gate at the border seems like a good idea, but I don't recall seeing a road leading up to that point.

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Thanks for the replay.

No gates, it's a fortified border because the Russians have this little chunk of land on a small island that's a military base, so no trade goes across and they don't want Finnish saboteurs sneaking over.

The border guards have no clue who this guy is running around them. Denmark's a Chernarussian national freelancing for the GRU.

Having said that, they really shot at you!? I know they point their rifles at you, which is what I want, but I have never been shot by them.

That's just crazy.

Maybe you have an addon that modifies AI decision making?


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Ah ok, then you trust the darkness so that they don't shoot because they can't see you. Indeed, I was running the two addons from here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136304-Tpwc-ai-suppression probably the second one is making them a little more trigger-happy ;) Nevermind, I just shot them, after all I'm technically bluefor, so they don't count as friendly fire. Don't need witnesses anyway suspect.gif

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You see? You're getting into character, that's something he would do ;)

Oh yeah, Frostbite is the one mission where the enemy is sync'd to the first aid modules, which means they can heal each other, that's why they writhe in the snow just like any member of the player's team.

Edited by AZCoder

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played it through now completely for the second time. Infiltrator is much better, this time I actually saw the secondary objectives^^ I "found" a Hind, did a half-assed repair on it and did all the secondary and half of the primary obj with it, landed again and blew it up.

This time I could also play through Turbulence completely and noticed I had missed quite something the first time. By the way, I think enemies tend to sink into structures (the tower and the other smaller building opposite of it in the yard) so that you can't see them anymore at all, maybe that had hindered me the first time. An AI teammate managed to shoot the last guy here, I never saw him however, just got shot from inside a wall somewhere.

The end is also more realistic with the chopper now instead of dying as a hero (or is it triggered by killing denmark as some kind of reward?)

I'm just wondering, in the outro, shouldn't that flyby be a

? Or did you try and 4 planes in formation didn't work out properly? Actually, I didn't need a funeral at all because noone under my command died :P

Overall, great campaign! Not really difficult missions, more like an interactive movie.

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No, this F18 is just flying by. I don't know that any are actually based in the Puget Sound, but it was probably visiting McChord AFB on that day.

You just can't trust buildings, can you? Eating hapless AI.

The ending is based on timing. There are multiple ways it can go down, if you run too long you won't get a chopper, and it won't wait around all day for you to show up. Denmark is just bonus points if you manage to get him. I would be curious to know how many people get him, because I've only done it twice and I have inside information.

I am currently working on a standalone "bridge" mission that links one of the plots in this campaign to the next campaign. I expect it to be addon free at this time, and relatively low tech, it will reveal a bit more about what happened after the ChDKZ party cutscene in Gambit Royale.

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I dont get Denmark, wenn i was attacking his hideout i have info that he escped. Like in good movie ;) bad guy escaped and we can have 2nd part of movie.

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Do you have some sort of EasterEgg going in this CAMP of yours? I saw this is a few missions, and a guy like you would not make mistakes like this:

You've got a transport truck, the blue one native to OA stuck or placed either on the side of buildings or on the roof top. I'm I right on this? Your signature or something? I can't recall which missions.


Edited by Kommiekat

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I remember that in first Gambit Royale AZCoder add in cutscenes dancing units as easteregg. You can see them for very short time in some cutcenes.

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What, like this?


That was my previous avatar here on the forum for a long time.

I can't take credit, the Silvie module likes to spawn them like that. I don't know why.

There is dancing in this version of the campaign as well, but not as much. Check the roof tops in the intro to mission 7.

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A brief update. I will be releasing version 2.5 in a week or two. While developing Hoc Est Bellum and Dark Times, I decided to update the missions with some new techniques and functions that I've written recently. The biggest changes:

- AI Reactive and Responsive scripts that I developed for HEB were added to certain missions to make the enemy quicker to respond and not stand around like fools when being shot at

- An all brand new bonus intro mission set during Operation Desert Storm (1991), it's not terribly long, just some good straight up action

- Quesh-Kibrul replaces all of the Takistan maps

On the last one, I actually developed the entire campaign with Quesh Kibrul as of last May, but due to a couple weird problems and other reasons, I decided to use Takistan at the last minute. Version 2.5 restores the original QK missions, the original QK storyline, and yeah, I fixed the weird problems. There are many other changes which I will announce at release time.

I don't have a Dark Tides thread yet, but I've spent a lot of effort developing the opening cut scenes, and I'm really excited about them. The first two missions are developed and the rest of it will pick up pace.

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Glad you are still improving it! Looking forward to the new version.

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I just came across this and have been playing through it, now that I have some time to enjoy other peoples' Campaigns -- absolutely fantastic! Looking forward to the upcoming update and sequel Camp as well.

The missions are challenging but not impossible, nor too easy. Love the selection of weapons and the varied perspectives of different soldiers. The intros/outros manage to keep the story clear, and the story is interesting, immersive and so far a lot of fun to experience.

Very inspiring!

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Thanks, much appreciated guys. @h34dup: I also tossed in some radio sound effects since they worked so well in your campaign, by harvesting some youtube vids :cool:

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I have updated the first post with the release of v2.50 of Gambit Royale (the Director's Cut). Please see the change log for details.

Here are some notes about the missions:

M00 - the new intro mission (set in 1991) is intended to be relatively short, as is the ending itself. Also this mission ties into a comment made in the final mission of the campaign.

M02 - the Podagorsk mission uses my AI reactive script developed for Hoc Est Bellum, and I personally find it brutally difficult, but I'm a poor tactician. Let me know if it is too hard to survive, but I know some of you will think it's a walk in the park....

M09 - FDF on Quesh-Kibrul, I recommend to take your time on this, the AI team members can get confused about what path to take and get shot up real bad

M10 - careful use of the AC130 can make this mission much easier than otherwise, plus for those who like to explore, there is an abandoned tank that can be acquired from the enemy, but is in no way needed to complete the mission

M11 - this is much darker than the Zargabad final mission in v2.00


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Great news, I've been looking forward to this update. AZcoder, have you fixed the bug I encounter with the prisoner fleeing in mission 1 (now 2)?

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It should be. Normally the pow is in an animation loop, but somehow he broke out of it when you played it. Now he is simulation disabled until you get near him, then he's in the animation, so he should definitely be there. One thing worth noting is that the pow can and will walk through the castle wall, and that is tactically bad if any enemy are around.

Thanks everyone!

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