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Eastern Libya declares autonomy

The Slave Trader Tribes don't wanna share their new califat with the rest of the robber gang.

This rebel scum is a bunch of subhuman garbage.

Warning: Dead people. But because this is a Game Forum in that very same games are about killing people, you shouldn't be wonderd by anything you see.

Dead Kadafi fighters paraded on the streets of Misrata - LINK REMOVED - Explicit Content

This is very similar to what americans were shocked to see from mogandishu after the Black Hawk crash. A bunch of savages drag around dead bodies. This animal acting disrespectfull treatment of the dead body of an US Pilot traumatized the American Public, but now it seams to be okay because Al Quaida is officaly an US Ally again.

As i sad it before, when Operation Bay of Pigs 2.0 was just starting, these fucks should get slaughterd to a man. Damn i have such a bad feeling about this century.

Edited by Max Power

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Eastern Libya declares autonomy

The Slave Trader Tribes don't wanna share their new califat with the rest of the robber gang.

This rebel scum is a bunch of subhuman garbage.

Warning: Dead people. But because this is a Game Forum in that very same games are about killing people, you shouldn't be wonderd by anything you see.

Video= Dead Kadafi fighters paraded on the streets of Misrata, bloody chunk of meat displayed like a game trophy[/url]

This is very similar to what americans were shocked to see from mogandishu after the Black Hawk crash. A bunch of savages drag around dead bodies. This animal acting disrespectfull treatment of the dead body of an US Pilot traumatized the American Public, but now it seams to be okay because Al Quaida is officaly an US Ally again.

As i sad it before, when Operation Bay of Pigs 2.0 was just starting, these fucks should get slaughterd to a man. Damn i have such a bad feeling about this century.

This is totally disgusting. Calling these rebels - animals would be an insult to good animals. These people are the scum of the earth, XXI century barbarians.Colonel Kaddafi was too soft for these bastards, this was his mistake, he was too soft ...

Meanwhile in Tunisia.

Self-appointed Islamic religious police granted legal status in Tunisia http://barnabasfund.org/US/News/News-analysis/Self-appointed-Islamic-religious-police-granted-legal-status-in-Tunisia.html http://www.stonegateinstitute.org/2644/tunisia-religious-police http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/03/05/tunisia-religion-idINDEE8240H420120305

Women in "un-Islamic" dress have reportedly been attacked in Tunisia

In a revealing indication of the Association’s stance, its head, Adel Almi, said to the Tunisian radio station Mosaїque FM:

Women without a veil deserve to burn in hell.

Tunisia moves down the inclined plane back to the stone age. The last thing I would see is Tunisian women humiliated only because of their dress style. When I was in Tunisia I was quite pleased seeing many Tunisian woman and girls wearing clothes and make-up normally, they appearance was both fresh and classic without obvious provocations like short mini dresses, some of them wear silky colourful hijabs really trendy looking ones, but mostly because of windy weather or direct sunlight. I was thinking to myself, If only in our countries all women had such a class...When older ladies and widows preferred wear dark chadors. I really can't believe such actions are taken against them, I really feel sorry for them all :( :(

This country was radical free, mostly because the most dangerous bearded maniacs were clocked up and separated from civilized society. Now they set free so they can infect other people minds with their sick and stone aged ideas. Tunisia is going 30yr backwards.

Edited by Sudayev

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Warning: Dead people.

I feel like we have been through this before, Dosenmais. I believe Franze has given you a warning already for explicit content in a Libya related thread. And now you're receiving an infraction for it. The default infraction for explicit content is 5 infraction points for 90 days. I hope you use your time away from the forums effectively, and come back more aware of what is acceptible to post on this forum.

§19) Videos/Movies

No Video/movies, either posted or linked to shall contain any of the following.

Porn, real killing, mutilations, wounds, carnage, and other disgusting/explicit footage. If something offensive is being shown in cartoon form it shall be treated as if the imagery were real and not simply cartoon. This also includes team killing or anything glorifying deliberate and or anti-social behaviour on any Public or Private server.

Edited by Max Power

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This is totally disgusting. Calling these rebels - animals would be an insult to good animals. These people are the scum of the earth, XXI century barbarians.Colonel Kaddafi was too soft for these bastards, this was his mistake, he was too soft ...

I can't believe my eyes that this is written here!

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Is this XXI century, where youngsters are being stoned and humiliated only because of their appearance ?

Stoned to death for being an emo: NINETY Iraqi students killed for having 'strange hair and tight clothes'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2112960/90-students-Iraq-stoned-death-having-Emo-hair-tight-clothes.html#ixzz1onlQGM8f

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Hey, but they say Iraqi people suffered much more oppression during the reign of Saddam Hussein...

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Hey, but they say Iraqi people suffered much more oppression during the reign of Saddam Hussein...

It takes more than individuals to ruin a country. It requires religion, ignorance and fear of anything new.

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Sorry I disagree, there has been no freedom in Libya for decades. Now there is some, there will need to be a period of readjustment. These armed militias will continue and worse things will happen until they learn to trust a new government and work together. I think it's worth it. People who travel to dictatorships and enjoy the fruits of the suffering of millions of people are more than a little strange. Only someone who didn't experience day to day oppression or suffer personally could think that was ok.

enlighten yourself a little bit, man:


http://www.voltairenet.org/Libia-y-Gadafi-la-verdad-que-se (video with english subtitles)


---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

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By reading nonsense from 1 site on the internet? I'm from Africa and I know the OAU perspective - "No to Democracy". The SA government have links with some very shady people and only last month the Deputy Prime Minister and his wife were caught breaking international sanctions for personal profit. Their support for Gadaffi was no surprise to me.

Enlighten yourself friend, the voltaire network is not to be taken seriously (just look at the voltaire front page lol):


Edited by PELHAM

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It takes more than individuals to ruin a country. It requires religion, ignorance and fear of anything new.
You think about the USA?

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I would check out forum rule 6 and remove that link. You can't link to videos like that here.

I don't know why but "west" media is sooo full of crap about Syria so I'm not going to believe anything from BBC about Syria unless there are some linked sources. Look at this: LINK REMOVED, I was joking about it in one of my previous posts. What's your opinion? Please reply to this. Because if you seriously believe that mortar grenade used IDCLIP to go through roof and killed 15 invisible peoples I think I don't have to discuss with you anymore.

I can and I'm still waiting fot the reply.

From "USA politics thread":

... There are 1000's of groups and activists all claiming to be acting for the common good and on my behalf. But they never bother asking for consent. So how do they know that the majority want what they want? Some people are so convinced by the correctness of their view and their actions that they never consider that many others might disagree ...

Hypocrite all the time...

Edited by Franze

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Why? Gadaffi wasn't in the habit of asking consent was he? The new government say they will hold elections. If they don't I will be against them to the same degree as I was with Gadaffi. The difference between the US and UK and Gadaffi's Libya is that in the US and UK people have the opportunity to campaign and ask. What surprises me is that they don't ask. So what legitimacy do they have?

(You really should check with a moderator before posting videos like that (rule 19). If you have well ok by me.)

Edited by PELHAM

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omg there still some people who really think that the nato campaign in libya was made to spread democracy and defend human rights? seriusly... you should check some other source instead of those pro-western networks.

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If they don't I will be against them to the same degree as I was with Gadaffi.

So, are you against KSA, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait?

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omg there still some people who really think that the nato campaign in libya was made to spread democracy and defend human rights? seriusly... you should check some other source instead of those pro-western networks.

I think this. You cannot dismiss those reasons entirely.

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Well the interim government has elections planned for this summer that will include multiple candidates and political parties. As is well known political parties were banned under Gadaffi so if all goes well The UN and NATO will have brought democracy where previously there wasn't any. Russia, unfortunately has lost another criminal ally. Do they have any that aren't wanted by, or are under investigation by the International Criminal Court?

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Well the interim government has elections planned for this summer that will include multiple candidates and political parties. As is well known political parties were banned under Gadaffi so if all goes well The UN and NATO will have brought democracy where previously there wasn't any. Russia, unfortunately has lost another criminal ally. Do they have any that aren't wanted by, or are under investigation by the International Criminal Court?

With all the armed factions still keeping heavy weapons, will be interesting to see what happen when the guy they support doesn't win a seat, Democracy at the end of a gun I'm guessing. lets see what happens.

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Little OT, news from Egypt.

Egypt’s National Council for Women (NCW) has appealed to the Islamist-dominated parliament not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife.


Sick and disgusting.

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the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife.

What the actual fuck...

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Who would know that Islam allows necrophilia acts among married couples :/

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Farewell...intercourse..farewell intercourse..farewell..


Well that reasoning is a pretty decrepit sense of morality, you're practicly raping a corpse, the person is dead, they cannot consent for one.

Edited by NodUnit

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Well that reasoning is a pretty decrepit sense of morality, you're practicly raping a corpse, the person is dead, they cannot consent for one.

I also hear they don't respond well to crisis counselling and have difficulty keeping appointments past the date of the funeral.

(With the troubles in Egypt you would think there would be more important things to discuss!!!)

Edited by PELHAM

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[...]not to approve two controversial laws on the minimum age of marriage and allowing a husband to have sex with his dead wife within six hours of her death


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Two interesting articles...(did copy only parts of it, so better read the full news reports)

"Life for most Libyans is worse than it was under Gaddafi"

The UK and US are removing some diplomatic staff from Libya amid political unrest throughout the country. Professor Mark Almond told RT that the spike in violence is mostly due to Libya's state of disorder - which has worsened since Gaddafi's overthrow.

The violence is largely to do with the country’s chaotic state, as well as a power struggle regarding who should control the country’s oil and gas industry.

After all, by bombing Libya, they helped to create a situation where armed groups came to power and certainly have local domination.


"Libya's future looks bleak as media focus turns elsewhere"

The second anniversary of Nato's intervention on the side of the Libyan rebels and against Muammar Gaddafi passed with scarcely a mention by foreign governments and media who were so concerned about the security and human rights of the Libyan people in 2011. This should be no surprise, since Libya today is visibly falling apart as a country and Libyans are at the mercy of militiamen who prey on those whom they formerly claimed to protect.

The situation shows every sign of getting worse rather than better. Outside Tripoli, the rule of the gunmen is even more absolute. This comes to the attention of the rest of the world only when there is a spectacular act of violence

Human Rights Watch last month produced a detailed report on the ethnic cleansing of the town of Tawergha where 40,000 people were forced out of their homes and subjected to "arbitrary detentions, torture, and killings".

This lack of interest is in sharp contrast to the wall-to-wall coverage of Libya during the war.

The fact that the overthrow of Gaddafi was achieved primarily by foreign intervention has profound consequences for Libyans today. It means that the insurgents, while claiming and believing that their victory was all their own work, have proved too weak to fill the vacuum left by the fall of Gaddafi's version of Arab nationalism. Without it there is little to counterbalance Islamic fundamentalism or tribalism.

National self-determination should be at the heart of any new order. But a problem for the Arab Spring revolts is that they have all been highly dependent on outside support. But, as what has happened in Iraq and Libya shows, foreign intervention is always self-interested


Edited by oxmox

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