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COOP 8 Bravo Two Zero

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Who Dares Wins

Mission name: Bravo Two Zero

Map: Takistan

Date/Time: Jan.22.1991 0620

Weather: Random.


BLUFOR: 8(Patrol Bravo Two Zero).

OPFOR: TK Army/Militia.


In January 1991, during the prelude to the Coalition ground invasion of Iraq, B Squadron 22 SAS were stationed at a forward operating base in Saudi Arabia. The Squadron provided a number of long-range, similarly tasked teams deep into Iraq including three eight man patrols; Bravo One Zero, Bravo Two Zero and Bravo Three Zero. Asher lists one of the three patrols as Bravo One Niner, though it is not clear whether this is one of the same three listed by Ryan. This mission refers to the Bravo Two Zero patrol.


In January 1991, during the prelude to the Coalition ground invasion of Iraq, B Squadron 22 SAS were stationed at a forward operating base in Saudi Arabia. The Squadron provided a number of long-range, similarly tasked teams deep into Iraq including three eight man patrols; Bravo One Zero, Bravo Two Zero and Bravo Three Zero. Asher lists one of the three patrols as Bravo One Niner, though it is not clear whether this is one of the same three listed by Ryan. This mission refers to the Bravo Two Zero patrol.

On the night of 22/23 January, the patrol were transported into Iraqi airspace by an RAF Chinook helicopter, along with Bravo One Zero and their Land Rover 110 vehicles. Unlike Bravo One Zero, the patrol had decided not to take vehicles. According to McNab's account, the patrol walked 20 km (12 mi) during the first night to the proposed location of the observation post. However, both Ryan's and Coburn's accounts put the distance at 2 km (1.2 mi). Eye-witness accounts of Bedouin tribesmen, and Asher's re-creation support the Ryan/Coburn estimate of 2 km (1.2 mi). Whilst Ryan states the patrol was intentionally dropped only 2 km (1.2 mi) from the observation post because of heavy pack weights, Coburn's account suggests that the patrol was dropped closer than intended to the observation post, due to a navigational error made by the Royal Air Force. This could account for the differences in the patrol members' estimates.

According to both Ryan and McNab, the weight of their equipment required the patrol to 'shuttle' the equipment to the observation post. Four members would walk approximately 300 m, then drop their Bergens and wait. The next four would move up and drop their Bergens, then the first four would return for their jerry cans of water and bring them back to the group, followed by the second four doing the same. In this manner, each member of the patrol covered three times the distance from the drop off to the observation post.

Soon after the patrol landed on Iraqi soil, Lane discovered that they had communication problems and could not receive messages on the patrol's radio. McNab later claimed that the patrol had been issued with incorrect radio frequencies;Ratcliffe lays the blame for the faulty radios on McNab as, being the patrol commander, it was his job to make sure the patrol's equipment was working.

Bravo Two Zero

Andy McNab

In hands: M16A2/M203

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke shells.

2 Hand grenades.

8 HE M203.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchels

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Grenade.

2 WP Grenade.

2 Hand Grenade.

4 HE M203.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.




Map tools.



Chris Ryan

In hands: M16A2/M203

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Shells.

2 Hand grenades.

8 HE M203.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchels

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Grenade.

2 WP Grenade.

2 Hand Grenade.

4 HE M203.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.





Bob Consiglio

In hands: M249

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

3 200rnd belts(One of them has tracing bullets)

2 Smoke shells.

2 Hand Grenades.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 Sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchel.


3 200rnd belts.

2 Smoke shells.

2 WP grenades.

2 Hand grenades.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.






Steve «Legs» Lane

In hands: M16A2/M203

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Shells.

2 Hand grenades.

8 HE M203.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchels

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Grenade.

2 WP Grenade.

2 Hand Grenade.

4 HE M203.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.





Vincent Phillips

In hands: M16A2/M203

Private weapon: L9A1

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Shells.

2 Hand grenades.

8 HE M203.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchels

6 STANAG(2 of them with tracing bullets)

2 Smoke Grenade.

2 WP Grenade.

2 Hand Grenade.

4 HE M203.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.





Ian «Dinger» Pring

In hands: M249

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

3 200rnd belts(One of them has tracing bullets)

2 Smoke shells.

2 Hand Grenades.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 Sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchel.


3 200rnd belts.

2 Smoke shells.

2 WP grenades.

2 Hand grenades.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.






Malcolm «Stan» McGowan

In hands: M249

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

3 200rnd belts(One of them has tracing bullets)

2 Smoke shells.

2 Hand Grenades.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 Sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchel.


3 200rnd belts.

2 Smoke shells.

2 WP grenades.

2 Hand grenades.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.





Night vision goggles

Mike «Mark the Kiwi» Coburn

In hands: M249

On back: M72A2

In pockets:

3 200rnd belts(One of them has tracing bullets)

2 Smoke shells.

2 Hand Grenades.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Bandage.


4 Sand bags.

1 IR Strobe.

2 Satchel.


3 200rnd belts.

2 Smoke shells.

2 WP grenades.

2 Hand grenades.

2 Large Bandage.

2 Morphine.

2 Epinephrene.

2 Claymore.

2 BBetty.









*Damage Fiber-Optic cable.

*Eliminate repair team(they'll come to cable damaged location).

*Destroy SCUD Lauchers(3).


After that patrol can leave sector to the west, to Syrian border.


To the south, to Saudi Arabia border.


But remember: you can leave sector whenever you want.


It's recommended to play on Expert difficulty.

It means no group markers, no 3rd person and etc.

There's no respawn in this mission, so if you're dead - so be it(in game of course) :)

!ATTENTION! Mission is based on real Bravo Two Zero, except OPFOR and place :)


- Bravo Two Zero Co-08 (@)

Armaholic mirror:

- Bravo Two Zero Co-08 (@)



ACE(Last version)

ARMA2 British Armed Forces(Optional)

ACRE(Optional) - for more realism.


V 1.01:

+Added new OPFOR areas.

+Zu-23-2 added on strategic heights.

+Maximized the quantity Is increased and the structure opfor in different zones is changed.

+Added civil transport.

+Changed entrance system of repair group (now it occupies only 2-7 minutes, depending on a place of damage of a cable).

+Fixed a bug with loss of contents of backpacks (it is still checked since I wasn't possible manage it 2nd time).

+Fixed the message on cable destruction (there was a delay 1 minute).

+Deleted ACE Stamina module which didn't allow to use the weapon on a back.

+Minor changes to the civilian module.

+Patrols added.

+Picture is changed.

+Added the description and a picture at a mission choice.

+Briefing changes.

+Hided DAC markers on the commander of group.

+Hided DAC Zones markers.

+Fixed a bug where, instead of equipment in a backpack there were medicines.

+Minor changes.


+Fully reworked OPFOR respawn system.

+Created safe zones, i.e. now bots won't be respawn directly before players in the middle of desert.

+AI brain is changed.

+Western border is changed, now is possible to leave sector to the west only 3 ways.

+Equipment of SAS backpacks is altered, there will be no problems with their contents.

+OPFOR don't have maps(need to be tested).

+Created posts on roads.

+Minor changes to time of the day and weather randomization.

+Fixed display of date of events.

+Start time 0620, instead of random.

+Fixed markers and their names.

+Minor changes to briefing.


+English version.


Mission Author: animalshadow | 7th I.D. Bayonet

Big thanks to following people:

For this great game: Bohemia Interactive Studio

For main idea and beta testing : Marbod | 7th I.D. Bayonet

For dynamic weather script: bakzz | Kill'n'Desotroy

For beta testing:

TITAN | 7th I.D. Bayonet

viking | 7th I.D. Bayonet

Vitboss | 7th I.D. Bayonet

Padre | Kill'n'Desotroy

Ezhov | Kill'n'Desotroy

Ruff | Kill'n'Desotroy

And all of those who helped me with this mission :).

Edited by animalshadow

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But they didnt look like the village people types in your pic.

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What do you mean - "Village people"?

If you meant faces, so they are custom, cause I don't think there are any real photos of B-2-0.

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I know your concept sees it as before but is it conceivable for you to change the mission gameplay that it is possible to complete the mission in round about 2 hours?

The ideas and implementation looks great but the gameplay self is nearly impossible. The reason is the time. You have to walk until the first target location nearly 3/4 hours and than you need luck to find the 1st scud relative quick. Second problem is the weigth of my gear. I start with 46kg! So i cant walk by the way over hole Takistan. First thing i have do is to throw away my ACRE radio - for what i need a PR-C119 in this mission???

My suggestions:

- shorter way to first target area

- smaller areas for the scuds

And another idea: is it possible to add sat cam for the group leader?

But all around it looks like a good mission. I love the idea.



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I'm glad that you loved main idea :)

Maybe a have to write something like a start-up guide or something like that, cause:

1.Gear: I was trying to give all what B-2-0 really had and I know that's weight is high, so recommendation is to drop all gear what you think is not suitable for you.

Our squad at start drops all that gear, so we all have about 20-25 kg, that's OK for fast and long movement.

2.Time before first contact:

I recommend to move to the closest town or village to take transport, that what our squad usually do :) That's simplifies your tasks :)

3.PRC-119 is on Andy McNab's back only cause he really had one.

But we used it later to communicate with each other when we stole enemy car.

4. It's not necessary to complete all objective, just 1 is ok, after that you can leave area.

You can do what you want, I mean: You have task, you have gear and everything is up to you.

For our squad it takes about 2-3 hours to complete this mission.

Sorry, but sat cam is not possible :(

Main idea is to keep it as close as it possible to real situation B-2-0 had.

Edited by animalshadow

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Its a good mission, I like the somewhat realistic approach.

If in future missions you could drop out ACE (don't like it that much), it would be

much appreciated!

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Thank you for this mission, animalshadow. The realistic approach with ACE, ACRE, and heavy loads, carefully placed road blocks, patrols etc. makes this a really outstanding mission.

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I have to agree, very good mission. ACE really is needed to make the realistic approach work.

The only thing i would say is 12 M16 magazines total (belt kit and bergen) is a bit too few for a realistic loadout. A standard belt kit (PLCE) would carry 8 magazines and that's with only 2 per pouch and taking into account only 4 mag pouches.

Bear in mind as much ammo as possible is usually stuffed in, its conceivable they could have carried at least 8/12 mags in the belt kit alone (Standard PLCE ammo pouches can get 3 mags in each at a squeeze) being SAS they probably would have had some kind of mixed PLCE/72 Pattern webbing which would be able to hold more as the ammo pouches on the 72 webbing were designed for the SLR mags. Plus then whatever number you could get into your bergen. Obviously with the ArmA ammo slots, i would say have 8/10 mags in the belt kit leaving a couple of spare slots for grenades. Then a additional 10/12 mags in your bergen.

Its all well and good avoiding contact, but if you do get cornered you really need the weight of fire, without running out of ammo at the first hurdle.

Just a thought.....

The only other thing i would look at is the possibilty of filling the "bunkers" that are on the map near the MSR with men. These are sandbag sangars that are part of the map.

Anyway, still to complete the mission.... We just got cornered by a couple of BMP's which made short work of us after being caught in the open (you gotta love DAC).

Oh and before i forget, is the resistance side set to OPFOR friendly within DAC? This should enable the civi's to give your position away to the OPFOR troops.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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Thanks ;)

Sorry, but without ACE it's not possible, cause they can give:

*Wounding system.

*One use launchers.

*Huge arsenal of weapons.

*Weight and etc.


Thanks ;)


It was a part of your job too ;)

Thanks for helping.

Shadow.D. ^BOB^,

Thanks ;)

I'll think about M16 magazins.

I'll keep in mind your thoughts about bunkers, thanks.

Yeah BMPs can give a lot of troubles in the open ground.

Thanks for info about friendly sides within DAC, i'll do it in 1.04 version.

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