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Bush's Geotypical Microterrains (with source files).

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I have to stay man I love all these maps they are fun to play and defo nice to walk around.

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I dont know if anyone else is, but i am getting a noticable FPS drop on Faffindale. Its only on Faffindale though not on any other maps or any other BIS maps for that matter.

I cant see it being the objects because there arent that many placed.

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I notice this too, it seems to be the trees used on the map, well, that's where I get the significant drops.

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Afternoon guys!

Thanks once again to everyone for the kind comments - and mirrors!... takes the pressure of my crappy little mediafire account!... thanks to everyone concerned for that, and particularly Old Bear & Armed Assault Info for the excellent "summary" news post with all the terrains together!

I'm afraid I'm not in a position to do "requests" for terrains at the moment... no matter how tempting some of the suggestions have been! and, in fact, there are more heightmaps in this series which haven't made it past the heightmap stage as yet... perhaps some time in the future...

After tonights final installment I'll be posting all the development & source files for all these terrains over in the mapmakers section, along with a basic explanation on how to get them set up and working... so if you're tempted to mess with some terrain-making, watch out for that... sometime this coming week...

@ the Colonel & MrCash...

Thanks for this report guys... those are, of course, OA Trees - though not the Dreaded Blurry OA Trees... they're the immediate suspect regarding FPS I guess... though Faffindale actually has one of the most complex ground meshes of all these terrains... it isn't dramatic mountains or anything, but there's a lot of little ups & downs and fussiness across the landscape as a whole - much more than the other terrains...

I wonder if that complexity makes the same size/same cell size terrain perform differently from an identical, but less complex one???

Hmmm... something to ponder there I guess...

My biggest concern really with these terrains is that there might have been weird behaviour of some kind... texture flickering, 'invisible' chunks of ground, odd AI behaviour, etc...

As terrainmakers we have a few "tried & trusted" settings for terrains now which we know work nicely... these terrains are straying away from those "safe" settings a little, so the fact that a variety of people with different systems have tried these terrains and reported no significant core issues with the engines handling of these settings is very welcome information for more serious terrain makers planning or working on much more serious and properly dressed terrains than these little "portrait landscapes".

Next step would be to see how these settings behave on a larger, more "standard sized" 10kmx10km terrain... but that's for another time...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Time at last for the final destination on our little tour... somewhere to relax for a while and enjoy the weather and the scenery...


Lolo Nai'a (Crazy Dolphin) Archipelago, Hawaii.

5.12km x 5.12km Terrain

5m Ground Resolution

The Hawaiian Islands are at the southeastern end of a chain of volcanoes that began to form more than 70 million years ago. Many of these volcanoes formed islands that have subsided and eroded beneath sea level, and some of the old volcanoes probably never reached sea level. Each Hawaiian island is made of one or more volcanoes, which first erupted on the sea floor and only emerged above the ocean's surface after countless eruptions.

The islands owe their existence to a "hot spot" in the Earth's mantle that has changed location only slightly over the past 70 million years. This hot spot is located beneath the southeastern part of Hawaii.

Countless eruptions of lava fed by the hot spot built volcanoes that eventually grew above sea level to form islands. But the volcanoes didn't continue to erupt, because the seafloor on which they were built was continually moving northwestward across the hot spot at a rate of 7-9 cm per year. Eventually each volcano was torn away from the hot spot and carried northwestward, just as a conveyor belt moves material from one location to another. Such is the fate for the active volcanoes on the Big Island, though they will be replaced by new volcanoes, of which Lo`ihi is the newest and youngest...

Lolo Nai'a, on the other hand, is one of the oldest and most northwestward of the Hawaiian volcanic island chain. A small volcanic peak, at some point in the distant past this island literally "blew it's top", and the collapsed crater remnant, now much eroded, forms a typical volcanic archipelago grouping.

Heightmap 2D


The name Lolo Nai'a means "Crazy Dolphin" in Hawaiian, and is thought to derive from a traditional story about a dolphin who jumped over the moon...

Heightmap 3D


A fairly simple geology for this synthetic terrain... a "collapsed" volcanic caldera remnant with erosion on the exposed land surfaces plus some beach sand aggregation in suitable shallow areas.




A simple mix of Berghoff's superb vegetation placed via World Tools adds instant south sea islands atmosphere to this little terrain...


* ArmA2

* Berghoff's African Foliage *

Recommended Addons

For the final time, I recommend JTD Clear Horizons

The Final Culprits

BIS - For Arma 2 of course!

Berghoff - Industry Standard Tropical Foliage!

Tupolov - Map Intro Script (So simple even I could use it!)

Kronzky - Urban Patrol Script (Instant intelligent wandering AI)

Foxhound & Armaholic - Invaluable dev-space hosting!

JR Walker - I finally read the instructions!!

Shezan74 - World Tools!!!

Wolle - He went on holiday!

Intro Music -


Lolo Nai'a, Hawaii v0.1

Armaholic Mirror

ArmedAssault.info Mirror

Arma2Base.de Mirror

Also available on the Six Updater Network


Edited by Bushlurker

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Hey Bushlurker,

Nice to see you out and about in a not so lurking manner. Grats on the releases! And a secondary thanks for providing useful material to the community. Hope some guys/gals make use of it. :)

Haven't had a chance to check everything out yet, but looking forward to it here very soon!



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Hi-res ground meshes are a Good Thing for terrainmakers - you can do a lot more with a landscape when it's basically gridded in finer detail... even features as small as trenches become possible... (prowler.wolf ahead of the pack there, as usual )

*Bows* You give me too much credit.

The other alternative, of course, is to abandon the Real, or geoSpecific world, and make purely synthetic heightmaps at the required hi-res, using simulated geology to mimic the realworld with a geoTypical landscape...

I side with the alternative. Real-world based terrains do not allow the amount of freedom I require in designing a terrain and keeping symmetry and tactical scenarios in mind for the ultimate replayability. When you have artistic freedom in making a terrain, all sorts of possibilities open up for you.

2m and above terrains are excellent for themed islands with high detail terrain features where you want missions or scenarios to be played out in one area. So planning out a terrain in a 1kmx1km square has to take into account and use up every square meter.

Cities make great center pieces for urban combat and the outside areas can be filled with forest and trenches/hills. Or destroy the city and make a ruined stalingrad with a river in the middle of it. Of course with a 2m terrain it would not be hard to make something based on ww1. The possibilities are endless!

I would love to see some more high detailed terrains like this in the future. I'm excited for your release and can't wait to try it out. :)

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Intro Music -

This music.

This music has played in EVERY FRIGGIN' VACATION SLIDESHOW I have ever seen.

Its tune haunts my very nightmares, the ukelele like the screams of a thousand tortured banshees in my very soul. .____.

...nice island, though. Very pretty. Only gripe, which isn't really any fault of yours, is that my until-now-adequate graphics card has decided to start running like a dog every time it so much as senses Berghoff's foliage nearby.

Or... maybe I'm just imagining things. Doesn't really detract from the experience either way, so I can't complain all that much. Once again, very well done!

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Just installed three of your terrains, very impressed with the 'Flaffindale' Yorkshire dales terrain. Lots of training and even more walking done around similar types of rolling hill terrains. I don't understand computers much but hard work and good work stands out, these certainly stand out.

Great work Bushlurker and thanks for the terrains..

Just a thought, 'Wales', now that could really bring back memories..

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Holy sh*t! Awesome Hawaii terrain!

Add a village or 2 and make it a little bigger and we will never need arma 3 ;)

Awesome job

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I love Hawaii! Too bad I''m going to put some war on it! XD

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Thanks for doing these!, i havent had a chance to check out them all but just had a good blast in the armory on Lolo Naia and it performed very well.

Great idea, looking forward for more.

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Holy sh*t! Awesome Hawaii terrain!

Add a village or 2 and make it a little bigger and we will never need arma 3 ;)

Awesome job

use the Arrowhead town generator for instant town!

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Town generator, unfortunately, doesn't work very well on non-flat terrain. Sometimes you get very lucky, but often some buildings will be messed up on all kinds of levels, and lots of them will be non-enterable in terms of AI pathing.

Flat terrain and some nice play with parameters can make some interesting towns, though, but of course these islands are nothing but flat!

I really hope someday someone takes this concept for terrain-making and makes a full-scale island with it, making sure all buildings have flat terrain under them in order to avoid said issues.

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 class LoloNaia: Utes
 worldName = "Bush\LoloNai'a\LoloNai'a.wrp";

This one probably has the savegame error.

WRP file name must be class name. To have special characters as part of folder

or file names isn't a good idea in general. See also:


Other than that - thanks a lot for sharing Bushlurker :bounce3:

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Hi, the Lolo Nai'a, Hawaii v0.1 terrain works without problems on the ArmA2 v1.10; i don't know about the other ones. Let's C ya

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Only one config correction! I'm honoured... seriously...!

I'll take that to mean the rest of the configs are OK... that's deeply reassuring... Configs aren't exactly my strong point!

Thanks for pointing that one out... I've come across that problem before and should know better, of course...

I'll fix that before releasing the source files... cheers!


Actually, I just said "CO required for all" because I couldn't remember which assets were on which island... normal procedure nowadays for terrainmakers is to unpack their entire game onto the development P:\ drive - that includes everything of course... so when you come to actually making a terrain, it's quite easy to forget which part of the game that particular grass or tree came from... saying "CO required" is the easy cop-out...

Now I come to think about it... I'm fairly sure that only "Afghan Valley" and "Faffindale" actually use Arrowhead assets - they would definitely be "CO required" - the other three should work just fine with basic Arma 2...


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Yep your configs look good.

One aspect you could consider to modify is the ambient class.

Some people suggested to disable (some of) the animals and ambient sounds.

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