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  1. Drop uniform, vest and backpack not showing in Inventory - Ground list the Uniform, vest and backpack are not showing in the Inventory - Ground List. to view the Uniform or Vest or Backpack in inventory, you need to target it specifically. need help. comparison: if you equip the Uniform, vest , backpack from the dead, then drop them on the ground, all of them will show in the Inventory -Ground List. //target dead body _dude = cursorTarget; _ibox = "GroundWeaponHolder"; sleep .5; //drop uniform, vest, backpack on ground //UNIFORM ================================================================================= //get units container type you want to drop _uniformcontainer = uniform _dude; if (!(_uniformcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_uniformcontainer")) then { //create a weaponHolder at the units position //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _uniformholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.1, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _uniformholder disableCollisionWith _dude; //_uniformholder setPos [(getPos _uniformholder select 0),(getPos _uniformholder select 1),0.01]; //_uniformholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder //add it to the holder _uniformholder addItemCargoGlobal [_uniformcontainer, 1]; //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container _uniformdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _uniformholder) select 0) select 1); //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems { //add each one to the reference _uniformdroppedContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1]; }forEach (uniformItems _dude); //remove the unit container removeUniform _dude; }; sleep .5; //Vest======================================================================================= //get units container type you want to drop _vestcontainer = vest _dude; if (!(_vestcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_vestcontainer")) then { //create a weaponHolder at the units position //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vestholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.2, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vestholder disableCollisionWith _dude; //_vestholder setPos [(getPos _vestholder select 0),(getPos _vestholder select 1),0.02]; //_vestholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder //add it to the holder _vestholder addItemCargoGlobal [_vestcontainer, 1]; //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container _vestdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _vestholder) select 0) select 1); //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems { //add each one to the reference _vestdroppedContainer addItemCargoGlobal [_x, 1]; }forEach (vestItems _dude); //remove the unit container removevest _dude; }; sleep .5; //backpack======================================================================================= //get units container type you want to drop _backpackcontainer = backpack _dude; if (!(_backpackcontainer isEqualTo "") || !(isNil "_backpackcontainer")) then { //create a weaponHolder at the units position //_holder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL _dudenewPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _backpackholder = createVehicle [_ibox, _dude modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.3, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _backpackholder disableCollisionWith _dude; //_backpackholder setPos [(getPos _backpackholder select 0),(getPos _backpackholder select 1),0.03]; //_backpackholder setDir round(random 360); // random direction of weapon holder //add it to the holder _backpackholder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_backpackcontainer, 1]; //use everyContianer on the holder to get a reference to the container _backpackdroppedContainer = (((everyContainer _backpackholder) select 0) select 1); //iterate through units container e.g uniformItems { //add each one to the reference _backpackdroppedContainer addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1]; }forEach (backpackItems _dude); //remove the unit container removebackpack _dude; }; ==== ==== Thank you to OP, Orig Code from
  2. Hi all, I'm frequently scripting around BI modules overriding. I scripted some "multiple bombs" + "napalm" CAS for thus who knows MGI tactical pack addon. Today, I'd like to share a little script if you would like to drop a car (any vehicle) instead of a crate. Place a BI support module (virtual drop). It should work also with a real support. Not tested. Name it. Don't forget the BI support requester, sync modules as usual. In the BI module, write all vehicle types you want (helicopter classes existing in your cfgVehicles); In my example, as I'm fond of UNSUNG: ["uns_ach47_m200","uns_ch47_m60_army"] and this remark: the APEX V44 Blackfish ("B_T_VTOL_01_armed_F") is a plane but you can use it for faster drop! add what you want in the crate init, for example, I like to signal the crate with smoke/flare and add virtual arsenal on it: [_this,{ _this addAction ["<t color='#ffff11'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal},nil,10,false,true,"", ""]} ] remoteExec ["call"]; _flare = if (sunOrMoon <0.5) then [{"F_20mm_Yellow"},{"smokeShellYellow"}]; _fumi = _flare createvehicle getPosATL _this; _fumi attachTo [_this,[0,0,-2]]; Remark: this code is for standard drop of a crate, but will be overridden with vehicle code. add a simple calling code in the Vehicle init of the module (here vehicle is the helicopter, not the parcel!): _this spawn MGI_fnc_dropVeh with the following remark: I use to compile sqf in init.sqf: MGI_fnc_dropVeh = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "MGI_fnc_dropVeh.sqf"; (You can also directly execVM it, writing _this execVM "MGI_fnc_dropVeh.sqf" in vehicle init of the module). Now, the sqf code: MGI_fnc_dropVeh.sqf: Last version 03rd/08/18 _veh = _this; if !(_veh isKindOf "uns_ach47_m200") exitWith {}; comment "choose the helicopter class you want for car drop, the other ones will drop simple crates."; _home = getpos _this; _grpVeh = group _veh; sleep 3; _currentwpt = [_grpVeh, currentWaypoint _grpVeh]; _currentwptPos = waypointPosition _currentwpt; _currentwptdesc = waypointDescription _currentwpt; deleteWaypoint _currentwpt; _wpt = _grpVeh addWaypoint [_currentwptPos,0]; _wpt setWaypointDescription _currentwptdesc; _wpt setWaypointStatements ["TRUE", " if (isServer) then { [this, this getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_supportRunCoords', 'B_Parachute_02_F', 'B_MRAP_01_hmg_f', this getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_selectedModule'] spawn { _pilot = _this select 0; _wpPos = _this select 1; _chuteType = _this select 2; _crateType = _this select 3; _crateCode = compile ""[_this,{_this addAction ['Arsenal',{['Open',true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal},nil,10,false,true,'', '']}] remoteExec ['call']; _flare = if (sunOrMoon <0.5) then [{'F_20mm_Yellow'},{'smokeShellYellow'}]; _fumi = _flare createvehicle getPosATL _this; _fumi attachTo [_this,[0,0,-2]]""; comment 'optional remove the _crateCode line if you dont want an arsenal'; _oldDist = _pilot distance _wpPos; while {_oldDist >= _pilot distance _wpPos} do { _oldDist = _pilot distance _wpPos; sleep 0.1 }; _pilot setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_supporting', FALSE]; _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [position _pilot select 0, position _pilot select 1, (position _pilot select 2) - 50]; _crate = createVehicle [_crateType, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE']; vehicle _pilot setVariable ['MGI_crate',_crate,true]; _crate call _crateCode; comment 'to be removed also, if the _crateCode line is removed above.'; _crate attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0]]; waitUntil {position _crate select 2 < 3 || isNull _chute}; detach _crate; _chute setVelocity [0,5,0]; vehicle _pilot setVariable ['MGI_crate',nil,true]; }; }; "]; _grpVeh setCurrentWaypoint _wpt; _wp2 = _grpVeh addWaypoint [_home, 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "Move"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["TRUE", "vehicle this land 'LAND'"]; _veh land "none"; waitUntil {!isnil {_veh getVariable "MGI_crate"}}; sleep 60; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _veh; deleteVehicle _veh; Hope you'll have fun with that. An adapted version is now included in the MGI advanced Modules addon.
  3. GF Drop Loot Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Drop Loot Script , Enemies , will drop items or add to their inventory , when killed , configurable . You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Drop Loot Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included in the description.ext and initPlayerLocal.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: The Loot is configurable Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.0 Code optimization, added configurable items inside uniforms, added setting options and small additions inside the script, changed the name of all the scripts , starting now with GF . Version 1.0 - first release Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=39889 Armaholic download GF Drop Loot script
  4. Does it work in multiplayer? Yes, MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer. What does this script/function do? This script requests a standard vehicle (unarmed) airdrop for moving purposes on player position. If there is enough space on the airdrop plane, it parachutes 2 vehicles. Supported factions and vehicles BLUFOR NATO (Blackfish NATO Apex Expansion, this place can only fit 1 Hunter or 2 Prowlers as unarmed vehicles) BLU_F BLU_T_F BLU_W_F → 1 Hunter or 2 Prowlers (random) BLUFOR RHS FACTIONS (cargo comes in a C-130 of RHS USAF mod) rhs_faction_usarmy_d rhs_faction_usmc_d rhs_faction_usarmy_wd rhs_faction_usmc_wd → 2 Unarmed Humvee INDEPENDENT (Blackfish NATO Apex Expansion) IND_F IND_E_F → 1 Strider OPFOR CSAT (Y-32 Xi'an Apex Expansion, this plane it only fits one vehicle) OPF_F OPF_T_F OPF_R_F → 1 Qilin (unarmed) OPFOR RHS FACTIONS (cargo comes in a Blackfish NATO Apex Expansion as there is no RHS AFRF plane for cargo (Y-32 Xi'an did not fit GAZ vehicle)) rhs_faction_msv rhs_faction_vdv → 1 GAZ (unarmed, green) How do I call the script? [player] execVM "vehicleDrop.sqf"; vehicleDrop.sqf //Uncomment following if used as function //_unit = param[0]; //Uncomment following if used as script _unit = _this select 0; _unitPos = position _unit; _randomTransportPos = [[_unitPos select 0, _unitPos select 1, 800], 3000, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _sideUnit = side _unit; _factionUnit = faction _unit; _vehicleType = 0; _transportType = "B_T_VTOL_01_vehicle_F"; switch(_factionUnit) do { //Vanilla units case "BLU_F": { _vehicleType = ["B_MRAP_01_F","B_LSV_01_unarmed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; }; case "BLU_T_F"; case "BLU_W_F": { _vehicleType = ["B_T_MRAP_01_F","B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; }; case "OPF_F": { _vehicleType = "O_LSV_02_unarmed_F"; _transportType = "O_T_VTOL_02_vehicle_dynamicLoadout_F"; }; case "OPF_T_F"; case "OPF_R_F": { _vehicleType = "O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F"; _transportType = "O_T_VTOL_02_vehicle_dynamicLoadout_F"; }; case "IND_F ": { _vehicleType = "I_MRAP_03_F"; }; case "IND_E_F": { _vehicleType = "I_E_Van_02_vehicle_F"; }; //RHS units case "rhs_faction_usarmy_d"; case "rhs_faction_usmc_d": { _vehicleType = "rhsusf_m1043_d"; _transportType = "RHS_C130J_Cargo"; }; case "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd"; case "rhs_faction_usmc_wd": { _vehicleType = "rhsusf_m1043_w"; _transportType = "RHS_C130J_Cargo"; }; case "rhs_faction_msv"; case "rhs_faction_vdv": { _vehicleType = "rhs_tigr_msv"; }; }; //Creating transport for cargo drop _transportArray = [_randomTransportPos, random 360, _transportType, _sideUnit] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _transportVeh = _transportArray select 0; _transportGrp = _transportArray select 2; //Support call _unit sideChat format["Crossroad this is %1 requesting vehicle drop at grid %2. Over.", name _unit, mapGridPosition _unitPos]; sleep 5; [_sideUnit, "HQ"] sideChat format["Solid copy %1, Buzzard it's 1 click out. ETA 1 minute.", name _unit]; //Spawning cargo and loading _cargoVehicle = _vehicleType createVehicle [0,0,1000]; _transportVeh setVehicleCargo _cargoVehicle; _cargoVehicle2 = _vehicleType createVehicle [20,20,1000]; if ((_transportVeh canVehicleCargo _cargoVehicle2) select 1) then { _transportVeh setVehicleCargo _cargoVehicle2; } else { deleteVehicle _cargoVehicle2; }; //Setting waypoints _waypoint = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_unitPos, 0]; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "NOCHANGE"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointStatements ["_transportVeh flyInHeight 200",""]; //Go to drop zone _transportGrp setCurrentWaypoint [_transportGrp, 0]; waitUntil { (_transportVeh distance _unitPos) < 200 }; //Drop cargo _transportVeh sideChat "Buzzard is making the drop. Code is purple, Good luck guys."; _transportVeh setVehicleCargo objNull; _transportVeh setVehicleCargo objNull; //Go away _waypoint2 = _transportGrp addWaypoint [[0,0,1000], 1]; _waypoint2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _waypoint2 setWaypointCombatMode "NOCHANGE"; _waypoint2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _waypoint2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint2 setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _transportGrp setCurrentWaypoint [_transportGrp, 1]; waitUntil { (getPosATL _cargoVehicle) select 2 < 10 }; Signal = "SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _cargoVehicle; Signal = "SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle position _cargoVehicle2; sleep 30; //Cleanup {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (crew _transportVeh) + [_transportVeh];
  5. Hello, I would like know how i can detect when a player drop an item for delete it. I have try with "addEventHandler Put" but the return of item is type string and DeleteVehicle use type object.. Thank you! (Sorry for my bad english)
  6. DraikaGaming

    Ps4 cloud error lost drop

    Hello, following the problem of your servers I lost a drop in gold, a cave troll and vinyl. Are you going to do something about these problems? As well as the game time I lost?
  7. crimson_hawk_moth

    Ridiculous Frame Drops

    Good day everyone, the following are my specs: CPU: i7-7700k GPU: EVGA RTX 2080 FTW3 RAM: 32gb 3200Mhz. On initial start-ups in the editor, everything runs relatively smoothly, but after a few minutes into gameplay, the game has trouble loading and rendering basic items (trees, rocks, building, etc...) and the game drops to about 2-10 frames per second. Once this happens, the game does not recover, and nor does it crash. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I've tried figuring out how to turn raytracing on/off but i don't see an option to do either. Sincerely, Crimson Hawk Moth
  8. Ok guys so I have a blackfish named blackfish and inside this blackfish It's got an ATV in the back and I got a trigger set. So when this blackfish flies through the trigger it will eject the ATV as long as I am literally ON it. If I leave the vehicle empty the blackfish will not eject it. Inside the trigger activation : blackfish setVehicleCargo objNull; Anybody messed with this and managed to get it to drop empty vehicle cargo?
  9. I found this script on BIS forums. It works beautifully until the vehicle, in this case a V44 Blackfish, has dropped its vehicle. It circles the drop off point. It drops the vehicle but does not return to the original spawn point of the Virtual support module and despawn. No scripting experience sorry to say. However this is exactly what I need so if someone has a fix it would be appreciated. _veh = _this; if !(_veh isKindOf "uns_ach47_m200") exitWith {}; // choose the helicopter class you want for car drop, the other ones will drop crates. _grpVeh = group _veh; sleep 3; _currentwpt = [_grpVeh, currentWaypoint _grpVeh]; _currentwptPos = waypointPosition _currentwpt; _currentwptdesc = waypointDescription _currentwpt; deleteWaypoint _currentwpt; _wpt = _grpVeh addWaypoint [_currentwptPos,0]; _wpt setWaypointDescription _currentwptdesc; _wpt setWaypointStatements ["TRUE", " if (isServer) then { [this, this getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_supportRunCoords', 'B_Parachute_02_F', 'uns_xm706e2', this getVariable 'BIS_SUPP_selectedModule'] spawn { _pilot = _this select 0; _wpPos = _this select 1; _chuteType = _this select 2; _crateType = _this select 3; _crateCode = compile ""[_this,{_this addAction ['Arsenal',{['Open',true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal},nil,10,false,true,'', '']}] remoteExec ['call']; _flare = if (sunOrMoon <0.5) then [{'F_20mm_Yellow'},{'smokeShellYellow'}]; _fumi = _flare createvehicle getPosATL _this; _fumi attachTo [_this,[0,0,-2]]""; _oldDist = _pilot distance _wpPos; while {_oldDist >= _pilot distance _wpPos} do { _oldDist = _pilot distance _wpPos; sleep 0.1 }; _pilot setVariable ['BIS_SUPP_supporting', FALSE]; _chute = createVehicle [_chuteType, [100, 100, 200], [], 0, 'FLY']; _chute setPos [position _pilot select 0, position _pilot select 1, (position _pilot select 2) - 50]; _crate = createVehicle [_crateType, position _chute, [], 0, 'NONE']; _crate call _crateCode; _crate attachTo [_chute, [0, 0, 0]]; waitUntil {position _crate select 2 < 0.5 || isNull _chute}; detach _crate; _chute setVelocity [0,5,0]; }; }; "]; _grpVeh setCurrentWaypoint _wpt; _veh land "none";
  10. spikester184@gmail.com

    FPS drop after update. Exile mod.

    Hello, I recently started playing the Exile mod for Arma 3. I was having no issues and getting around 60-70 fps in game. After the recent update I am only getting around 20 fps in game. I haven't changed any settings so I assume that it was because of the update. I was told by the admins of the server that it was something to do with the recent update and that there would be a fix released for it soon. I was wondering if anyone had anymore information on the problem and if there is or will be a fix? Im running the game on windows 10. Thanks for any help,
  11. MambaSix Drag [beta] I was looking for a slightly more realistic way to drag objects such as fortifications, ammo boxes, and other objects around the battlefield, so I sat down one Saturday afternoon working on a method and this is what it has evolved into. After the copy/paste of a few files, and one simple initialization call, you should be able to drag objects around on the battlefield in a more realistic manner. Dropbox DL: MB6_Drag_v0.90beta.7z Current Version: 0.90beta Usage: Installation Instructions: Known Issues: Features Planned (Hopefully): Changelog: Credits: Cigar0 - Initial concept, which I have since greatly bastardized :P
  12. Is anyone else having trouble with collapsing the search function in the object type tab in the attributes window? I'm running several mods but none that alter the editor, so I doubt that's the issue here. Whenever I open attributes of a vehicle the drop down list of the search function in the object type tabe overlaps the other function, and it won't go away so I can't acces them.
  13. Hi everyone! Little weird behaviour for support modules: A simple work, but very hard to do: how to synchronize / desync the support(s) modules along with conditions? Say for instance: get the support modules if you reach a trigger area, loose these supports if out of the area? for each player ! Yes, I know, you're saying use synchronizeObjectsAdd and synchronizeObjectsRemove. Let an "open" (no) sync on editor, normally between player/playable unit and the module requester, then sync/desync on demand the player and the module requester. At ease! And you'll right for SP,... for the 1st instance! But continue tests. sync/desync/sync/desync... Right? Now, consider this in MP, JIP. These commands are supposed to be AG EG, and they are! But what for if the modules FSMs and scripts (a bunch of them!) are not "updated" with the sync state? I never had the intended behaviors for players in MP. The player on host PC (if not dedicated) loose the supports after the 2nd sync, The other ones have disabled supports (grayed in menu, even if no sync?!,) and/or duplication of supports. 3 artillery modules, 2 drops in icons menu... regardless of the rounds limitations which is another problem). I think there is something to do with (supports) modules "on demand" synchronization, because it could be fine to add/remove these supports along with scripts, and for units (players) we want.
  14. Hello, I've got a problem, opening and testing my mission (tested in V1.54, editor 2D, several hundred of subscribers with no problem), downloadable here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=607086669 I remarked it's now impossible to have all supports. Artillery still works, supply drop and CAS (non virtual) lead to grayed assets when called. This occur in all modes: preview SP, MP from Eden. I must precise, these supports are synchronized when player(s) grab a backpack radio. Anyway, this worked well in 2D editor. I backup my mission.sqm in order to re-open it in 2D editor, everything works fine... ARMA3 V 1.56 seems OK but not Eden (problem with sqm for recognition of linked items or something like that). Please, don't remove 2D editor prior to consolidate Eden. This editor is really a great work with youth lacks. Thanks Pierre MGI