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  1. Today I went to play some Arma 3 and discovered that I could barely move my tank's turret. I don't know if this is a result of the last update. Movement is very slow and choppy, almost like trying to play with a broken mouse. The rest of the movements are fine, like looking around, aiming my own firearm, etc. I've tried different turrets, from tanks, to remote weapon stations, to turrets on gunships, to static MGs. All are showing the same problem. I've tried unloading all mods and DLC, and verifying the game files through Steam. The problem is still present. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Update: I've been doing some more testing. I've found that applying 50% or more mouse smoothing solves the issue. Turning up mouse smoothing every time I board a vehicle isn't very practical, so I'll keep looking for other solutions. Update: It appears the problem shows up at very high framerates (>200). I found that I was only experiencing the issue in the VR map.
  2. Good Day Devs! despite the sunset of the Arma3 life span, I still hope that the game can be improved in the following patches. I would like to talk about countermeasures that are useless vs AT-Missiles. I often ask these questions: 1.What for in the Arma3 there are vehicles countermeasures ? Is this only protection from not Guided rockets (like RPG-7, like RPG-42 etc), while against Guided AT-missiles it should be useless ? 2. What for in the Arma3 have a signal of an approaching AT-missile (inside land vehicles) ? In order for the player to understand that he will die in several seconds? If countermeasures don't work against it, then the signal doesn't make sense Still I have no answers... When an opponent launches a guided AT-missile into a player's vehicle (APC, Tank), the player hears a shrill warning (beep), but why he hears it is unclear - the player will always be destroyed together with vehicle. AT-Missile approaching - At this point, the player can only make the following actions:. a) The player can release one smoke (from two available) b) The player can release smoke (from two available) and change his position (move). c) A player may release two smoke (!more his vehicle not have). d) The player can release two smoke (!more his vehicle not have) and change his position (move) And this is all that is possible in Arma3 and all 4 options will lead to the inevitable death of the player and his vehicle! Dear devs! if you read this, please explain - what is the point in the signal indicating the approaching AT-missile, If a player’s vehicle is not able to resist this threat? PS: I propose finally to set up counter measures in an adequate way. If in Arma3 there is no active vehicles protection, then the vehicle must be able to withstand enemy AT-missiles, and the number of smoke screens must be > 2. Today, armored vehicle survival is very low.
  3. ABOUT Disclaimer: There are some minor issues with handling in the current version such as speed going over water and AI having trouble driving. These have been fixed in the dev branch with the new tank Physx, will update after the patch comes out. The Mephisto is a state of the art fighting vehicle developed by the United States in tandem with some members of the EU. It prioritizes speed, flexibility, and firepower over traditional protection. With a cruising speed of 60kph and a top speed of 110kph it can easily pass over terrain inaccessible to traditional armored vehicles. It is armed with a high velocity 75mm auto-loading cannon situated in an unmanned turret. It can fire both AP and deadly neutron shells effective against most targets. Instead of a traditional co-axial machine gun, Mephisto comes equipped with a lethal microwave emitter. Its armor protection is not nearly as good as a traditional MBT, more akin to an IFV. However it makes up for this with a powerful active protection system that can be manually activated to intercept ATGMs and AT rockets for a short time. It can be found under Nato / Tanks Camo can be changed in the virtual garage (Arid, Forest, Snow, Experimental) DOWNLOAD
  4. Hi all, Want to play with a "One man tank"? Here is a little script for "World of tank" aficionados. Works on all tanks in game, as far as you can jump into the driver's seat. Usage: you're driver until you move the mouse, pointing cannon at cursor direction. Driver is always in 3rd person. Then, you're gunner but you can use your keys to continue driving the tank. - in external view, you'll be back at driver's seat if no waypoint (see further) and no turret movement for 10 seconds. - in gunner view, you stay as gunner role and continue to drive. - if in gunner (or external) view and right click (Temporary zoom) on landscape, you create a temporary waypoint where the tank goes as far as you don't touch any of the driver's keys. Driver's keys will delete this waypoint when strike. Hints to know: - when driving from gunner's seat, avoid maintaining the forward key when you need to turn. release all, strike left(/right), maintain if you want; As soon as the direction is good, release left(/right) key, strike forward key. The tank will start to sway a little around the desired direction but will go where you want. Remember release all keys to make change. - there is no rear clutch while in gunner, just because Arma's engine prefers a 180° turn instead of a 10 meter rear drive... So, I disabled the backward key in gunner. Other stuffs: There are 2 parameters O/1 for displaying: - tank icon, in order to have a clear view of the direction of the tank when you are in gunner view. Gun is always up, of course. - little radar displaying other vehicles in game, along with knowledge of these units. Now, the function. Just add it into init.sqf or initPlayer.sqf, or any script which run for player: MGI_1ManTank = { params [["_icon",1,[0]],["_radar",1,[0]]]; if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; MGI_iTk = _icon; MGI_rdrTk = _radar; MGI_timerTurreting = 0; MGI_timerStopping = 0; MGI_icon_tk = ""; coef_ratioTK = (getResolution select 4)/ 1.77778; coef_uiSpaceTK = 0.55/(getResolution select 5); MGI_keysMovingTk = ["carForward","Turbo","carSlowForward","carBack","carLeft","carRight"] apply {actionkeys _x select 0}; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", " if (_this select 0 isKindOf 'tank') then { MGI_icon_tk = getText (configFile >> 'cfgVehicles' >> typeof (_this select 0) >> 'icon'); if ((_this select 3) == 'GetInDriver' and count crew (_this select 0) > 0) then { _units = crew (_this select 0); {unassignVehicle _x} forEach _units; _units allowGetIn false }; if ((_this select 3) in ['GetInGunner','GetInCommander','GetInTurret']) exitWith { hint parseText ('<t>Jump in driver'+""'""+'s seat<t/>'); true}; if ((_this select 3) in ['MoveToGunner','MoveToCommander','MoveToTurret'] && !(player getVariable ['gunning',false])) exitWith { hint parseText ('<t>Only driver'+""'""+'s seat available<t/>'); true}; } "]; _MGI_EHTank = ["MGI_TK","onEachFrame", { coef_zoomTK = ([0.5,0.5] distance worldToScreen positionCameraToWorld [0,10,10])* (getResolution select 5); _veh = vehicle player; if (inputAction "zoomTemp" == 1 && {!isnil "MGI_agent"}) then { MGI_destTk = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; if (isnil "MGI_signTkDest") then { MGI_agent setDestination [MGI_destTk, 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_destTk set [2,2]; MGI_signTkDest = "Sign_Arrow_Large_F" createvehicle MGI_destTk }; }; if (!isnil "MGI_signTkDest" && {MGI_destTk isEqualTo [0,0,0] or (player distanceSqr MGI_destTk < 100) or driver _veh == player}) then { deleteVehicle MGI_signTkDest; MGI_signTkDest = nil}; if (!(_veh isKindOf "tank") && !isNil "MGI_agent") exitWith { deleteVehicle MGI_agent; MGI_agent = nil; if (!isnil "MGI_keysDriving") then {(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["keyDown",MGI_keysDriving]; MGI_keysDriving = nil}; if (!isnil "MGI_keysDrivingUp") then {(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["keyUp",MGI_keysDrivingUp]; MGI_keysDrivingUp = nil}; }; if (player == driver _veh) then { {_veh lockTurret [_x,true]} forEach allTurrets _veh; if (cameraView != "external" && _veh isKindOf "tank") then {player switchcamera "external"} } else { if (player == gunner _veh && diag_tickTime > MGI_timerTurreting + 10 && (cameraView == "external" && isnil "MGI_signTkDest")) then { player action ["MoveToDriver", _veh]; player setVariable ["gunning",false]; if !(isnil "MGI_agent") then {deleteVehicle MGI_agent; MGI_agent = nil;{_veh lockTurret [_x,true]} forEach allTurrets _veh}; }; }; if (isnil "MGI_keysDriving") then { MGI_keysDriving = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " private _handled = false; if (!isnil 'MGI_agent') then { MGI_timerStopping = diag_tickTime; _veh = vehicle player; call { if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 4) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [-30,10,0], 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 5) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [30,10,0], 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 1) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [0,100,0], 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_agent setSpeedMode 'FULL'; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 2) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [0,30,0], 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_agent setSpeedMode 'LIMITED'; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 0) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [0,100,0], 'VEHICLE PLANNED', true]; MGI_agent setSpeedMode 'NORMAL'; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; if ((_this select 1) == MGI_keysMovingTk select 3) exitWith { MGI_agent setDestination [_veh modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0], 'DoNotPlan', true]; MGI_destTk = [0,0,0]; _handled = true }; }; }; _handled "]; MGI_keysDrivingUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", " if (!isnil 'MGI_agent' && diag_tickTime > MGI_timerStopping + 3 && (MGI_destTk isEqualTo [0,0,0])) then { MGI_agent setDestination [vehicle player modelToWorldVisual [0,0,0], 'DoNotPlan', true] }; "]; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; _MGI_DrawRadar = addMissionEventHandler ["draw3D",{ if (cameraView == "gunner" && vehicle player isKindOf "tank") then { _veh = vehicle player; _aTurret = Deg (_veh AnimationPhase "mainturret"); if (MGI_iTk == 1) then { _tkIconPos = positionCameraToWorld [0,-370/coef_zoomTK,1000]; _damageTK = [2*(damage _veh),2 - 2 * (damage _veh),0.3,0.5]; drawIcon3D [MGI_icon_tk, _damageTK,_tkIconPos, 2, 2, - _aTurret, "", 1, 0.05, "TahomaB"]; }; if (MGI_rdrTk == 1) then { for "_i" from 0 to 350 step 10 do { _posdiam = positionCameraToWorld [(sin _i) * 110 * coef_ratioTK / coef_zoomTK,(-370+ ((cos _i) * 110)) / coef_zoomTK,1000]; drawIcon3D ["A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\squadRadar\SquadRadarOtherGroupUnit_ca.paa", [0.7,1,0.3,0.8], _posdiam, 0.4, 0.4, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"]; }; if (!isnil "MGI_signTkDest") then { _dirS = (((_veh) getRelDir MGI_destTK) + _aTurret) mod 360; _d2S = ((player distanceSqr MGI_destTK) min 10^6) max 10^4; _xx = 100 - ((10^6-_d2S)/19800); _posWpt = positionCameraToWorld [(sin _dirS) * _xx * coef_ratioTK / coef_zoomTK,(-370+ ((cos _dirS) * _xx)) / coef_zoomTK,1000]; drawIcon3D ["A3\ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\Cursors\hc_move_gs.paa", [1,1,0.5,1], _posWpt, 0.5, 0.5, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"]; }; _allvehicles = vehicles select {alive _x && !(_x isKindOf "WeaponHolderSimulated") && side _x != civilian}; _enyVehs = _allvehicles select {side _x getFriend side player < 0.6}; _frdVehs = _allvehicles - _enyVehs; if ( count (_enyVehs + _frdVehs) > 0) then { private ["_icon","_color"]; { if (_x isKindOf "air") then { _icon = "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\tacticalDisplay\targetAirTexture_gs.paa" } else { _icon = "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\tacticalDisplay\targetTexture_gs.paa" }; _dir = ((_veh) getRelDir _x) + _aTurret; _d2 = ((player distanceSqr _x) min 10^6) max 10^4; _dd = 100 - ((10^6 - _d2)/19800); _posVeh = positionCameraToWorld [(sin _dir) * _dd * coef_ratioTK / coef_zoomTK,(-370+ ((cos _dir) * _dd)) / coef_zoomTK,1000]; call { if (_x in _frdVehs) exitWith { _kwn = player knowsAbout _x; _color = if (_kwn < 1.5) then [{[0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3]},{[0.3,0.8,0.9,0.8]}]; }; _kwn = playerSide knowsAbout _x; _color = [0.3 max (_kwn/2),((0.3 max (_kwn/2)) min (2 - (0.3 max (_kwn/2)))) max 0.3,0.3,0.3 + (0.5*_kwn/4)]; }; drawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _posVeh, 0.5, 0.5, 0, "", 1, 0.05, "PuristaMedium"]; } forEach (_allvehicles - [_veh]); }; }; }; }]; _MGI_mousingGunner = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["mouseMoving", { _veh = vehicle player; if (_veh isKindOf "tank") then { player setVariable ["gunning",true]; if (gunner _veh != player) then {player action ["MoveToTurret",_veh,[0]]}; MGI_timerTurreting = diag_tickTime; if (isnil "MGI_agent") then { MGI_agent = createAgent ["B_Soldier_VR_F", getpos _veh, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; MGI_agent moveInDriver _veh; MGI_agent setBehaviour "COMBAT"; MGI_agent setSpeedMode "FULL"; }; }; }]; }; Then call this function with desired parameters: [1,1] call MGI_1ManTank; // 1 = enable tank icon, 1 = enable radar EDITED : You'll find below, a lighter version (with no radar and no destination on marker). This light version is also updated & improved in MGI Advanced Modules. Hope you'll have fun! Pierre MGI
  5. Hi, Does anyone know how to force animations for tracks on a tank? I want tanks to follow the road in a mission, and I belive this can be done by attaching it to a car with attachto (it appears to work anyway). However, the tracks does not move, so it looks silly. I know that a way to force a tank to move along roads is to make the leader invisible, and use setpos along the road (30-40 meters at a time) and make the tank follow, but this makes for a very sluggish ride. Anyone who has any ideas (preferably a seasoned scripter or developer)?
  6. Hello I have a problem with the tank countermeasures... Indeed I play a lot of Warlords and I usually take a tank and two crewmen with me. The problem is that when I get lock by a missile, my IA is not "screen-smoking" + the keyboard shortcut for countermeasures doesn't work when I drive the tank, I have to go to the captain's seat and only there I can activate them, but the missile has time to hit me every time... How can I force my capitain to activate them while being on the driver seat ?
  7. Also known as Commander Designate, modern tanks and APCs allow the commander to take control of the turret to quickly snap to a target, rather than having to describe where the gunner needs to look. Arma doesn't allow for this by default This mods allows a commander to temporarily override their gunner to snap to a target. This feature is enabled for all vehicles by default, see the documentation section for how to disable it for certain vehicles. FEATURES: - Allows a commander to force the turret of their vehicle to look a certain way - Works for AI, Players or Empty vehicles - Fully signed - Works for modded vehicles - Config-based disable - CBA Keybind (Default ALT+T) Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&amp;id=2569680970
  8. The Stridsvagn 103 (STRV 103), also known as the S-Tank, was a Swedish post-war main battle tank. It was known for its unconventional design: it was turretless with a fixed gun traversed by engaging the tracks and elevated by adjusting the hull suspension. While turretless armoured fighting vehicles are usually classified as assault guns or tank destroyers, despite its unique gun laying process the Strv 103 is considered a tank because its designated combat role matched those of other tanks within contemporary Swedish doctrine. It is the only tank of any kind since World War II to dispense with a turret. The Strv 103 was designed and manufactured in Sweden. It was developed in the 1950s and was the first main battle tank to use a turbine engine. The result was a very low-profile design with an emphasis on survivability and heightened crew protection level. Strv 103s formed a major portion of the Swedish armoured forces from the 1960s to part of the 1990s, when, along with the Centurions, it was replaced with the Stridsvagn 121 and the Stridsvagn 122. Introduction The mod in question is a 1960s Swedish Main Battle Tank with a unique design. No turret and a fixed gun. Madness you say? Indeed. This tank was designed with defensive operations in mind, following Swedish army doctrine. Its unique design allowed a lower profile tank that was capable of digging itself into a hull down position (note the Fold-able bulldozer) to hold off against its enemy. Keep in mind that in the 1960's most tanks had no form of stabilizer as they do today, so the conventional tank had to stop to fire, so this left the 103 with no disadvantage to other tanks of its time and that is also the reason it was scrapped in 1997 replaced with a Swedish variant of the Leopard 2A5. Tank in Arma 3 Crew spot WIP. The 103 was crewed by 3, A driver/gunner, a commander, and a systems operator. All 3 members could drive the tank (Systems operator only in reverse). No loader as the 103 had an AutoLoader with a 4 second reload time. The tank was powered by two engines, a diesel for slow cruising and maneuvering the tank in aiming, and by a Caterpillar turbine, it was the first use of a turbine engine in a production tank. It armament Consisted of Bofors 105 mm L74 rifled gun with 50 rounds, its Secondary armament's were 2 fixed 7.62 mm KSP 58 (swedish FN MAG) machine guns 1 anti-aircraft 7.62 mm KSP 58 machine gun. An interesting point to note is that the tank is fired and aimed by the driver, but the commander also had the option to do this. An interesting point to note is that the tank is fired and aimed by the driver, but the commander also had the option to do this too, it was possible to operate the 103 by one person. Now on to the suspension, since the gun was fixed the whole tank had to move to aim at something, it did this by engaging the tracks and elevating by adjusting the hull suspension. Here is a video of it in action: http://youtu.be/HUPfnAbFlfU?t=116 Since my discovery of this tank, its has led to me actually wanting to see it in Arma 3 and I thought Id share the progress, I will have a working version in a few day's and I will want to test it, so tell me if your interested. Misc: More ingame photos: http://imgur.com/a/ilt5o Some extra reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stridsvagn_103 Credits: Burnes Armories: For all the heavy lifting and helping me add my dream tank into Arma 3. Without him none of this would be possible. you can check his other works here or his youtube Arsenalen - The Swedish tank museum and there wonderful staff for allowing me access to the tank and not commenting on my girlish giggles. you can check them out here: http://arsenalen.se/en/ Bohemia for making Arma 3 - The best and most painful game I have ever played ;) and the positive Arma Community as a whole Download: (note: this is a WIP mod) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0o9Eoipy1GjMHJZNDNoNFJ0S0U . Do not upload this mod outside of Biforums without express written permission from me, the only exception to this is www.Armaholic.com I will not ever give permission for this modification to be hosted on ANY life modification servers.
  9. SSAAPS - Sarogahtyps Simple Arena Active Protection System Full Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible. Arma 3 script which simulates the russian Arena system which is an Active Protection System (APS) for tanks. Basically the russian Arena system lifts an explosive charge upto some meters above the tank. There it explodes and directs a few hundred shrapnels in a cone to the ground. If the countermeasure is successfull then the incoming threat is hit by some shrapnels of the cone. The script spawns some bullets above the tank which create the shrapnel cone. Then the incoming threat gets (hopefully) directed to ground. GitHub - Branch GitHub - wiki GitHub - Issue Tracker GitHub - Download GitHub - Direct File Download Dropbox - Download (temporary disabled) Installation (short story) - copy "functions" folder in your missions root folder - integrate cfgFunctions from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you secured your missions remote execution then integrate CfgRemoteExec from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you don't have a description.ext then you can just copy the given one into your missions root folder - apply the script with this line to any vehicle: [tank_1] spawn saro_fnc_arena_start; to stop the script on that vehicle just do this on any part of your mission: tank_1 setVariable ["saro_arena_active", false, true]; to adjust the behavior of the sysem you should take a look into fn_arena_start.sqf I do not recommend to adjust more parameters than skill and reload time. Full installation documentation will follow within the next days/weeks/months 😉 The Download contains an Example mission as .pbo and as unpacked Folder. brand-new shiny trailer video: version 1.0 video: Please tell me all thoughts you have in this thread. Issues and wishes can also reported on GitHub - Issue Tracker Changelog v1.10 - added simulation of the charge container which lifts up, explodes and sends shrapnels to threat - added ability to get threats exploding mid-air instead of smashing to ground only - added parameter to adjust protection skill of the system v1.01 - hot fix - new vanilla example mission created. the old one was mod depended. v 1.0 - initial release
  10. I want to continue my work on my PzH2000 but i just cant fix the error "Cannot generate ST - Coordinates". I already triangulated everything and did everything i found online but i just cant fix it. Maybe someone can look at the p3d and help me with it, just ask for it Pic of it
  11. Two things I love? Single Player games and the Hind D. As great as those missiles are, the nose mounted cannon is completely off limits to a single player like me 😞 Do you fine people think it's possible for me to write a script that enables the mouse to control the gun and camera while the player character sits in the pilot seat and flies with WASD? I can actually fire the gun as the pilot using BIS_fnc_fire: [assignedVehicle player, "GI-2"] call BIS_fnc_fire; It's just a matter of getting the gun track the mouse! How do I do this? Basically I want to bring the way a single player and AI crew control a tank to helicopters such as the hind D. Is this possible? Can we change the helicopters roles so the gunner seat is classed as a commander seat maybe? (left right foward stop forward 😉)
  12. Hello world. I'm glad to share my project for Arma 3, I have been working on it a few months and i think is time to make it official. The mod is aimed to cover some units and equipment currently in service -and some in current development- with the Argentine Army. Vehicles: TAM Family: TAM 2C ** TAM VCTP (Armored IFV) TAM VCPC (Mobile Command ) TAM VCRT (Recovery) VCA Palmaria (155mm Artillery ) TAM VC AMUN (Supply) LVC CP30 Agrale Marrua M10/M20 HMMWV Variants Polaris MRZR-4 Ford F-350 TSCR (Comms) --------- Static objects: Tents (inc.variants) Ammo Boxes MANPADS RBS-70 Skyguard M /FCS Oerlikon GDF-002 AA CALIV 105mm ** CITER 155mm CARDES (Disposable demining tool ) ** UAV: MALE VIGIA-2A ** -------------------------------------------------------------- There's so much to do, and this are my first steps on modeling and texturing, a good way to improve my skills 🙂 I'm not will made a 100% accurate version of vehicles and objects. The mod is set on year 2035. Some equipment gonna be upgraded on that timeline. [All content are subject to change without notice. ] More updates soon! Forgive my bad English .-
  13. Hi, I would like to make the tank mentioned above more durable against rounds fired from the other tanks, for example the T100. Is there any way to do it? Are there any scripts reducing the damage of shells fired from T100 or other tanks? Does anybody know some scripts increasing MBT 52 health/armour?
  14. Hey. Some thoughts that have poked me... With the reception interiors of armored vehicles , it seems to me, that time comes for a useful update, which can greatly improve the gameplay of Arma3. Today, (v1.80) inside the vehicles AI or the player does not have the ability to treat themselves, despite the fact that majority vehicles abound with medications. This fact looks, at least strange, if not more. It seems to me that adding the ability to heal itself inside vehicles would be a perfect addition for Tanks DLC, since interiors can now allow the addition of self-healing animation inside vehicles. I think this feature is simply necessary for all passengers. On the positions of Driver / Gunner / Commander this may be a matter for discussion. Here's how I see the details. if vehicle has medicaments, then: 1. On the passanger places the player or AI must be able to handle a wound. The AI always should do it independently (if he is injured and is inside) 2. With the reception of armor interiors, self-medication inside the vehicle must have the treat-animation in the sitting position. (one anim for all sitting) 3. If the AI leaves the vehicle and this AI not have a first aid package, then it should always take a nominal first aid package (one) with them. 4. The quality of the self- treatment inside the vehicle can have a different coefficient of recovery and can differ from self-treatment outside the vehicle (more or less effectively depending on the position and situation) @BIS, please think about these details. This can significantly improve the upcoming Tank DLC and the entire Arma platform as a whole
  15. REA [Redeploying Engage and Annex] 🔹 Very Friendly Community - 8 Units, One Objective a week. 🔹 We teach Newcomers how to play all the time. 🔹 Current map: Clafghan. 🔹 Current enemy: Taliban. 🔹 Next map: Lingor. 🔹 Next enemy: Russians. 🔹 No attendance required, but always helpful. 🔹 15+ Player Operations and growing. REQUIREMENTS Working mic is HIGHLY recommended Must be able to speak, understand, and type in English. Must be willing to contribute to the unit. Whether it's helping staff or showing up for ops, we like it when our members are a little more hands on. WHAT WE OFFER A friendly community of like-minded individuals who are teammates on the field and friends off of it. An environment where Quality of members is more focused on than Quantity. We like it when a lot of members join our operations, but do not like it when members start ruining the fun of everyone else. DIVISIONS/ROLES 164th Infantry Company - The main attacking force of REA. Typically composed of those that have a thirst for action. 62nd Force Recon Company - Secondary attacking force of REA, also specializes in Recon, and works closely with the 164th. 10th Mountain Division - Main Recon unit, typically located on mountain sides, not sky-lining. Primarily keeps over watch for other divisions. Can consist of a few Snipers/Spotters. 82nd Para Infantry - Airborne Unit, Focuses on jumping out of aircraft near combat areas/behind enemy lines via. C-130 or CH-47. Able to survive using limited resources. 300th Menewa Waya - A special unit that specializes in CQB, commonly clearing buildings and extracting subjects and/or hostages. 16th Air Cav - Specializes in anything air related. Redeployment, insertion/extraction, gun runs and more. 9th Armored Division - This division specializes with anything armored, aka tanks. 195th Artillery Detachment - This division supports from the ground, whether it be self-propelled artillery vehicles, or via. ground mortars. SCHEDULE ➤ SUNDAY: Post-op training ➤ MONDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ TUESDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ WEDNESDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ THURSDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ FRIDAY: Recruiting/Pre-op training ➤ SATURDAY: Main Op 4:30pm EST If Saturday is unavailable, then it will be pushed to Sunday. INTERESTED? If you are interested in joining us or coming in for a chat, please join our discord or our teamspeak. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mT7mJ3y TeamSpeak IP:
  16. After a 14 year break from releasing an addon, I'm giving it a new shot. Helping fill out the British armed forces faction with the CVRT Scimitar and Scorpion. Light tanks designed and deployed in the 60s/70s, the CVRT range is an interesting anomaly in the history of armoured vehicles: light, fast and roadworthy. Scorpion had a 76mm gun, Scimitar the 30mm rarden cannon. Scimitar is being replaced by Ajax/Scout SV and RWMIK over the next couple years and Scorpion dissapeared in the 90s, but these still seem like the perfect class of vehicle for the armaverse: Not totally impervious and steamroll capable like Challenger 2, but more than handy in an infantry support role or zipping around Altis as formation recce. Planning to cover different variations from its timeline, but probably will hold off on Scimitar 2 (a UOR that mated Scimitar turret with Samson APC hull to add more IED protection and ECM gubbins) unless I get around to making CVRT Samson to the level of detail it deserves. Similarly, not gonna bother with CVRT Sabre (Fox armoured car turret on the CVRT hull). On the cards: different hidden selections, camo options, markings and potentially some OPFOR faction variations for Scorpion in particular - it got shipped around the world. Progress on variations: Early cold war era Scorpion with wading screens and old style engine deck. Perfect for Germany, Norway, defending the homeland and the Falklands deployment. Mid life gulf war era Scimitar with IR plates, storage and other gubbins slapped on in the attempt to fit into the harsh desert environ and keeping up with the combined arms battle space. Late life uparmoured Scimitar. A diesel engine upgrade and Thermal Imaging extended the lifespan and capability of the tank far into our recent incursions in the middle east. Bar armour and ECM will also be an option.
  17. T-62 in ArmA 3. Finally. Totally not a clickbait "Trust me... i'm a dolphin" © Some splendid gameplay Some splendid reveiw Yeah, so: as all of you know, unfortunately there is no such a cool & beautiful tank in Arma 3 that is called T-62. So I tried to make one. Buuut ... you see - because lack of knowledge in modding, weak computer specifications, lack of time & comprehensible tutorials ... and so on, I didn't able to finish such a difficult project for a newbie like me. But! At least I made some "decoration". Obviously you do not need such crap, and you'd like to see some playible vehicle. Oh well, me too...me too... Anyway, I hope I managed do something before RHS and CUP (not so high quality tho). As you see a standart T-55 model from Arma 2 was used. Just corrected a little in 3D max and then few days in O2... omg. Hope RHS CUP and/or other modders would make some awesome T62, and finish the job to the end, unlike me. And if you after all would like to test it out (very unlikely), you'll find it in requisite\facilities\village (simply write 62 in searchbox). Yes Arma thinks that it is a building, lol. Link given below. That's all folks. Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_aX5yhs9Alqw0OfDDw5ecrZeLDNjSLM/view?usp=sharing
  18. M2 Slammer Firepower Upgrade Project Current version: v6.1 Hello, I have created a little config mod with adds a new tanks based on the M2A4 Slammer tank for BLUFOR. It's my first mod like that so not everything works perfectly, so if you have any suggestions how to fix, or improve, certain elements, feel free to weight in. It was done mostly to figure out how to properly edit the config files. THIS MOD DOES NOT CONTAIN NEW MODELS (sadly) [FLUFF] NATO found the existing M2A1 firepower to be lacking. To fix this issue the "Firepower Upgrade Conversion Kit" has been developed for the M2A4 Slammer with was already upgraded with the TUSK (although M2A4 only had 105mm main gun). Along with the improved armor of the M2A4 variant, the additional firepower of the M2A6 is something to be respected. It can still carry troops as well, making it a unique jack-of-all-trades armored fighting vehicle. However, recent high intensity conflicts have shown that a highly trained and motivated enemy, as opposed to usual goat pushers NATO likes to stomp on, can withstand suppression from .50cal MG's. To rectify this, two further modifications to the M2 Slammer has been designed, based on the successful M2A6 Firepower Upgrade; the M2A7 and M2A8. For both, the gunner's 12.7mm coaxial machine gun has been replaced with 20mm autocannon, with has much bigger shock & terror impact on the infantry. The "Designated Infantry Combat Killer" variant, the M2A7, sees commander with 20mm Grenade Machine Gun instead of usual .50cal. The 20mm GMG have been proven useful in dealing with the infantry in cover. The M2A8 is a slight variation of the M2A7. Not happy with decreasing the long range engagement capabilities of the commander's weapon system in M2A7, the NATO engineers came up with the idea of mounting and "Advanced Suppression System", in a form of an 20mm autocannon, for commander's use. While the cannon lacks some of the splash damage 20mm grenades had, it allows for a long range engagements, retains most of the shock value, and can serve as an anti-air weapon. [/FLUFF] Features 4 new Slammer variants: M2A6, M2A7, M2A8 and M2A9 The main features of M2A6 Slammer Firepower Upgrade:new standalone tank for BLUFOR (just for compatibility's sake), the M2A6 improved armor of the M2A4 variant M2A6 can still carry troops enhanced optics for both, commander and the gunner. 2 new extra zoom levels and the commander gets an additional ultra wide default zoom (old one is still included) FLIR modes changed to black and white 120mm main gun ability for main gun and gunner's MG to lock onto ground targets (MG can lock onto air targets as well) with impact point calculation and automatic range and leading correction for moving targets 12.7mm coaxial machine gun for the gunner (Ma Deuce still got it) with 3x500rnd magazine with ability to lock onto air and ground target, impact point calculation and automatic leading for moving targets commander's MG now has impact point calculation ability to launch guided anti-tank and anti-air missiles, in both wire guided as well as fire-and-forget modes commander has a fully functional laser designator available for designating targets for other M2A6's, aircraft and such commander can fire 82mm mortar rounds, 8 shells in total AI gunner, once locked onto laser designated target, keeps following it allowing for guiding really tricky shots as a commander the M2A6 AI crew is aware of laser designated targets and will engage them, meaning UAV or infantry designation for the M2A6 is possible improved the engine power so the tank is more nippy and feels better to drive The main features of M2A7 Slammer Firepower Upgrade Cannons Infantry Terrorizer:further firepower enhancement of the M2A6 all of the advanced M2A6 features (laser designator, CCIP, 82mm mortar, etc.) 12.7mm coaxial MG has been replaced with a 20mm autocannon commander's MG has been replaced with 20mm Grenade Machine Gun The main features of M2A8 Slammer Firepower Upgrade Cannons Advanced Suppression:further firepower enhancement of the M2A6 all of the advanced M2A6 features (laser designator, CCIP, 82mm mortar, etc.) 12.7mm coaxial MG for both commander and the gunner have been replaced with a 20mm autocannons The main features of M2A9 Slammer Firepower Upgrade 140:further firepower enhancement of the M2A8 most of the advanced M2A9 features (laser designator, CCIP, etc.) commander loses his mortar no passenger capacity in exchange for more ammo new 140mm main gun with ammo: APFSDS, HE and FAE. The new gun can still fire missiles new 140mm main gun has a 4 shots autoloader with 5.5s delay between each shot and 20s magazine reload time new 140mm ammo: a thermobaric rounds (140mm FAE). They have pretty low damage, but they have huge splash radius less nippy then the other variants due to added weight of the bigger gun and ammunition (it just doesn't get the improved engine other variants got, it behaves like vanilla M2A4) Classnames B_MBT_01_FU_F - M2A6 classname B_MBT_01_FUC_IT_F - M2A7 classname B_MBT_01_FUC_AS_F - M2A8 classname cannon_120mmFU - new gun classname cannon_140mmFU - new 140mm gun classname mortar_82mmFU - commander's mortar classname HMG_127_FU_Hull - gunner's machine gun classname HMG_127_FU_Commander - commander's machine gun classname 20mm_cannon_FU_Hull - M2A7 & M2A8 gunner's autocannon classname GMG_20mm_FU_Commander - M2A7 commander's grenade machine gun classname 20mm_cannon_FU_Commander - M2A8 commander's autocannon classname ultra_Wide - new, additional, minimal zoom level for commander extra_zoom1 - extra zoom classname extra_zoom2 - new additional maximum zoom classname Sh_140mm_APFSDS - 140mm APFSDS shell classname Sh_140mm_HE - 140mm HE shell classname Sh_140mm_HET - 140mm FAE (thermobaric) shell classname 4Rnd_140mm_HE_shells - 4 round magazine of the 140mm HE shells classname 4Rnd_140mm_APFSDS_shells - 4 round magazine of the 140mm APFSDS shells classname 4Rnd_140mm_HET_shells - 4 round magazine of the 140mm FAE shells classname Known Issues 1. I have created a new gun based on vanilla 120mm, the classname is "cannon_120mmFU", its rather important as some script might require the gun classname to function properly (smart tanks for example). Also the model of the M2A4 is unchanged, meaning the gun still has 105 model, but it's not really all that noticeable. 2. For some reason the commander's weapons only get lead indicator when target is locked in by the gunner and for that target only. I think it's some engine limitation. 3. The AI likes to fire AT missiles first, so M2A6 only gets 2 AT missiles 4. Sorry, but this one is rather janky. I couldn't get the artillery computer working for the commander, it only worked for gunner and he didn't have the mortar available to him. You will need to eyeball it when firing. Also due to how turrets and such work, the mortar shell is fired from the commander's MG. 5. It's pretty random what weapon AI will use to fire at the laser marker, they like to fire AT at it. Also, they do not always spot the marker, so moving it around their field of view might get their attention. 6. With the new autocannons AI REALLY likes them for some reason, so far it may fire them at targets like APC's and such. If anyone knows how to limit that: drop an info. 7. The new CCIP has some issues with ACE, if you use the ACE FCS to range the target the CCIP will NOT be corrected for new range. This more of ACE issue with Arma 3 then with my mod, I'm sure it wil be fixed someday. Changelog v6.1 - current version * automatic leading and rage correction for the gunner returns * 140mm gun changed to be more like a World of Tanks autoloader: 4 shots in the magazine, 5.5s delay between shots, 20s magazine reload * lowered pitch on the 140mm firing sound to make it sound more powerful * added muzzle flash to 140mm (just artillery firing effect didn't have that for some reason) * added magazine reload sounds to 140mm * nerfed splash damage of the 140mm FAE (thermobaric) round, from 50m to 30m * changed ammo composition for the A9 with 140mm, now it has 4 round magazines with overall ammo count same as before, more or less * AT missile magazine to be bigger v6 * new variant the M2A9 with a new 140mm main gun. The new gun is bigger so commander lost his mortar in this variant and the passenger compartment was converted into ammo storage. The added weight makes the M2A9 slower then the other variants (it just doesn't get the improved engine other variants got, it behaves like vanilla M2A4). It still gets the 20mm autocannons as secondary guns * new 140mm gun gets new ammo as well with better stats then 120mm shells * new 140mm FAE shell. This thermobaric round has a low damage, but huge splash radius, ideal for taking out large groups of infantry * improved the engine on the M2A6, M2A7 and the M2A8. The tanks feels a bit more nippy especially on slight inclines. * lowered artillery charge of the commander's mortar to 30%. 50% made it shoot too far and it was hard to lob shells over close obstacles * removed the automatic leading correction for gunner. I discovered it could mess with your aim, the new lead indicator is shown instead, same as with commander v5 * new additional zoom levels for commander and the gunner. The commander also gets a new extra wide zoom level * FLIR modes for commander and the gunner changed to black and white * commander's mortar: reload time increased to 6 seconds (from 1.8), artillery charge dropped to 50% (from 70%) * 20mm cannons got another slight buff to RoF (still slower then 20mm GMG) * reduced magazine number for 20mm cannons and 20mm GMG, removed 1 magazine each v4.3 * fixed an issue in with commander's weapon systems were automatically corrected for targets aimed by the gunner. Now commander only gets target lead indicator, so he can fire at other targets without aim being messed up. v4.2 * fixed some of the 82 mortar issues: removed 2 firing modes so you only have 70% artillery charge, now you only need to press button once to change from mortar. Removed firing effect from the main gun * fixed AI sounds for 20mm cannons, now they are same as player's * 20mm cannons got a tiny RoF buff * decreased the amount of ammo for v4.1 * fixed the AI rate of fire and sounds for autocannons, hopefully without braking it in other ways v4 * two new variants for the Slammer, M2A7 and M2A8. Both now sport 20mm coaxial canon. The M2A7 is the infantry killer variant with 20mm GMG for the commander. The M2A8 has 20mm cannon for commander instead v3 * M2A6 now has it's own custom version of the .50's for both commander and the gunner. Both sport impact point prediction and gunner's MG can track air targets as well as automatically give lead to locked moving target. Those are custom in order to not create any possible compatibility issues * cleaned up config a bit v2 - fixed ballistic computer prediction, for now main gun can only lock onto ground targets, AA missiles work as they did v1 - initial release Download (Mediafire) Armaholic mirror Play withSIX mirror
  19. Hey guys, I am looking for a Script to be able to kill the crew of a tank by trowing a grenade inside of the tank trought the commanders hatch. Hope anyone can help me. Signed, Mathues
  20. I have problem with tank control. I want to use only 1 IR sight mode and switching it to normal sight quickely but I dont know how to assign certain mode when press 'N' key how to do that? switching 3mode to get I want is fcking pain sorry about my bad english skill
  21. I have been trying to fix the problem with not being able to switch off the coax in tanks to the main gun it works with ugvs but nothing else has worked everyone else has the same mods and it works just find for them. I have remapped the keybinding, reset the controls to defult but nothing has worked
  22. With Tanks DLC one of our priorities is to improve the feeling of driving a tank or any other tracked vehicle. Refine how the vehicles perform, handle or simply how enjoyable they are. What do the improvements consist of: updated PhysX libraries to 3.4 and switched wheel contact queries from raycast to sweep. We believe the precision and reliability of terrain traversal has improved quite significantly. On the other hand it's been a change that undoubtedly affects already released content. Especially the n-wheeled vehicles and tanks. Watch out for new issues with us, please. Report anything suspicious. And if your own mod got negatively affected by the update - get in touch with us asap ;) revisited physics configuration of individual vehicles, their engines, drivetrains and suspensions. Together with new config. properties and options. revisited sound configuration, with new samples and new approaches AI tank driving - AI driving feedback topic, following up on previous AI car driving refactoring player tank commanding changed to direct control over the vehicle (test) Most of these changes are WIP, to test things and get feedback from you!
  23. 2nd Canadian Parachute Brigade The 2nd Canadian Parachute Brigade is a casual milsim unit based in Arma3, we strive to realistically yea fun World War 2 experience. We achieve this goal by providing our players with professional and high-quality environments for everyone's enjoyment. This unit does use many mods to improve our experience. What we are looking for We are looking for anyone who wants to have a fun time playing Arma, It does not matter if you are new to the game or played it for years. We will offer everything we have available for you. What is your schedule? We are operating on a weekly basis to keep our unit and members active. Every week we are scheduling 2 kinds of events. The first thing is the main Operations were we play our WW2 Campaign. We do also offer at least one training per week. We do not require any attendance. Timezone: GMT Thursday - Training 18:00 UTC +00:00 Friday - Operation 18:00 UTC +00:00 Saturday - Possible Main Operation 18:00 UTC +00:00 What roles are available for me? We have a broad range of roles that are available for all different types of personnel. These can be found below, and all roles are accessible after basic training. For Airborne Troops we offer: - Rifleman - Medic - Machine Gunner - Anti Tank Gunner - Radioman For Pilots we offer: -Pilot -Pilot Trainer For Tankers we offer: -Tank Commander -Gunner -Driver If you have experience or skills at commanding we offer the roles of: -Section Commander -Assistance Section Commander -Training Staff Special Offers If you live in an area outside of EU we do offer you to start a regional sub-unit to the 2nd Canadian Parachute Battalion. By this, you are able to control it your self while using our communities servers and Teamspeak. The only thing we require is that you are holding more or less one WW2 Event per week. I am interested, how can I sign up? If you feel our unit suits you just hop into our Discord and we will sort everything out for you! Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/DHubyDk Or visit our Website or steam group. Website: https://2ndparas.wixsite.com/website Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/2ndParachuteBattalion
  24. Explosive Drones Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) The enemy is even using suicide drones against us! Will even that be enough to stop us? 1.] Hypothesis: Malden. Every square inch we have fought for. Now CSAT is trying to get it all back! They have already conquered La Trinite and they are now attacking Le Pessagne. One of the reasons why we cannot stop them is due to a new tactic of theirs. That is the use of suicide drones… CSAT is equipping their Tayran AR-2 drones with explosives of all sorts and they crash them on our troops causing mayhem. Infantry, vehicles, friendly drones, civilians are all torn apart by their drones. Due to the size and flight height we cannot defeat the drones. Even when we shoot them at close range they blow up and cause distruction. So what do we do? We send you to destroy the drone construction facilities! What you have to do is head to La Trinite, find and destroy all of the drones stationed there. Doing so will sabotage their new tactic and let our troops reclaim all lost territory. 2.] Important details: a)When 2 players play the one should be the THE GROUP LEADER of the IGNORING TRAFFIC team while the other should be THE GROUP LEADER of the BOOM CANDLES team. b)This mission has low replayability. Once and if you manage to complete the mission successfully you might never play it again. c)To show the exact positions of the drone stashes on the map, the Group Leader of the Ignoring Traffic team has a FRIENDLY ASSISTANCE action in the laptop standing in front of him. d)You should NOT DISABLE AI units that are in your team. Those units should exist for your convenience. e)Respawn:Instant but no respawn for the tank 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Serious combat abilities and basic organizing skills. 3.2]Technical: Arma 3 Apex, CBA, ASR AI3 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: Two markers might not change color when the drone stashes are clear. 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.]Website SubLink: here 7.]Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-1/explosive_drones.malden.pbo?dl=1 Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great. If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits. Enjoy
  25. "Reunion 1983", SP East German tank company breaking trough the borderline in a large scale combined operation. Take the role of a tank company commander and lead the company of 12 vehicles with HighCommand system to reunite the Germany right now under the fair, socialist order, the collective regime of peace and love. Subscribe on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747514280 Key features: Feel the atmosphere of the Cold war gets realy hot, inspired by such movies as "Threads" (1984) and "Doctor Strangelove" (1964); Good old OFP-style intro and outro cutscenes, narrative brieffing and a voice action; Approximately 45-60 minutes of gameplay; Do not pay attention to the casualties, comrade commander! There is thousands of volunteers claiming in the place of each dead conscript! No mods at all, only an official "Global Mobilization" DLC. Be advised, this is a SINGLE player mission, the Steam probably marks it as a MP one because of use of the teamswitch. Also pay attention that this is a very large mission, so in some moments it can require additional system resources. If you like large-scaled single missions and wanna to see more, then take a second to rate "Reunion 1983" and add it to your favorites! Don't forget to subscribe also "The Iron Cowboy" - the large scale mission about the NATO tank company on Altis; And "The Iron Scimitar" - the similiar CSAT tank company action on Malden.