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skype group

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by talkink with Kju today, he told me a good (for me) idea.

What about creating a skype group with peoples that are actually involved in map making?

I've created a skype group. Users that have skype can send me a skype message (shezan74) to be included.


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I'm down. Will install things and whatnot here in a bit. Good idea, ;)


Skype: gnome_as

Edited by Gnome_AS

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Its a good idea, the only problem I see is that the discussions and more important, the conclusions wont be registered in the forum for others to see!

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Yes, and it's my intent to "export" to forum all relevant things that could be interesting for everyone, IF HAPPENS.

Skype is not another forum, but a "tea room" where exchanging small infos and suggestions related to specific projects and that could not be of interest for the masses.

Today i've worked all the day on fallujah, making some attempts with the help of Kju. Doing this in the forum will result in a permanent ban for both :)

The forum functions are still the same as now, and no one thought that is a forum replacement :)

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Good idea Shezan!

I've struggled thru the register & install process... Someone has already registered "bushlurker"... most annoying!... registered as "bushlurker.com" instead


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Sounds good, handy for those sessions in map making when your fingers turn bloody from bashing the keyboard, when all you have left is a comfy sofa, sane voice and a cup of coffee.


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Hi shezan74,

i have added you, can you invite me please:)



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wasnt there already one? There's the dev-heaven dev channel and also a modelers channel, i thought there was also island maker channel :s

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There is indeed an islandmakers skype channel - such as it is....

Not exactly leaping with conversation, thank god, or I'd never get any work done ;)... but you do see a few of the Top Guns like Ice, Old Bear, Shezan, etc dropping by now and then... occasionally even answering the odd non-dumb question...

If anybodys struggling to find the channel - add me "bushlurker.com" on Skype and I'll make sure you get added into the group...

PS - if your skype name is different from your usual name on these Forums, could you maybe mention the island makers group in your contact request - just so I know who you are


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